Saturday, February 15, 2020

The Absolute Insanity Of The Establishment Media...

Is there any doubt that what passes for the establishment media in this country has lost its collective mind?

The pure venom and malice directed toward anyone, and anything that supports, not only President Trump, but also directs its hate at anyone that fears God, and is, at the very least, conservative and pro-life is obvious for anyone who has eyes to see.  And when I say "pro-life," I simply mean a person or persons that know that a child in the womb is a gift from the Lord, the Creator of us all, and has the right to breathe air, not only that, but to give that child the ability to know, love and serve God in this life, and to be happy with Him in the next.

Those brutes that slaughter that tiny developing life in the womb, are serving, not God, but the demon; the devil; the father of lies: Satan.

The massive support given those anti-life miscreants -- "pro-choice," so-called, but not for the baby -- by the mainstream media is nothing short of diabolical.  But this is no surprise, as they are the useful idiots of the culture of death movement in this country, and anywhere else in the "civilized" Western world that twists life into death, by not only snuffing out that developing baby in the womb, but also supporting the bizarre and deadly sodomite agenda.

Yes, deadly to the body and to one's immortal soul...

It borders on being truly sick to see the continued attacks on what is left of the traditional Catholic movement in our country, as real Catholics are mocked and defamed at will in the movie industry as well as on TV or the Internet.

Real Catholics are getting little or no help from "pope" Francis.  In fact, the media is buttressed by the popes' criticism of those who attend the Traditional Latin Mass, and those who realize that all must become Catholic in order to attain the beatific vision at the end of their lives.  He actually condemned the attempt to convert non-Catholics, to the Catholic faith, as "serious sin"!!

The media eats this up!

The "Vatican" -- I use air quotes because just who or what is the Vatican these days? -- is now under almost complete control of Modernists and homosexuals, or at least those who are sympathetic to their abominable agenda

In reality, what we are dealing with is not the Catholic Church that has been handed down from the time of Christ and His Apostles, but something that is unrecognizable; a mere façade; something demonic, yet in the end, we know the outcome, and Christ's promise that the gates of hell will never prevail against His real Church.

But we also know that many are suffering because they -- we -- are holding fast to the truth of our unique Catholic faith.  So let the trials and tribulations continue as the martyrs of the past were strengthened with the knowledge that God was in their corner,

Regardless of the continued attacks by the Leftist media, the truth will eventually win out, and the forces of evil crushed under the heal of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of our Lord, Jesus Christ...

Pray for our country...

Viva Cristo Rey!!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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