Sunday, February 23, 2020

"More" Russian Interference In Our Upcomng Presidential Election?

Here we go again...

If the past three-plus years of an orchestrated hoax of the Russians interfering in our presidential election wasn't enough, the brains over in the various intelligence agencies, are leaking classified info to the public to warn us of more interference!

If you believe that, then I have a bridge for sale on oceanfront property in Arizona... But hurry, this bridge is a very hot property and won't last long, so get your offers in pronto!

This utter stupidity will never end.   The Clinton News Network, a.k.a., CNN, and the New York Times -- a paper I wouldn't use to line the bottom of my bird cage, is spreading more lies and fake news.

Whether over the airwaves, or in newsprint, the Trump haters continue to make up stories about that wicked president of Russia, Vladimir Putin -- their characterization, not mine -- and his attempt to influence our electorate in voting for who, exactly?

Guess what?  The Leftist, biased, fake news is now attacking crazy Bernie Sanders, the Socialist/Communist senator from what used to be a pretty decent and down-to-earth state of Vermont.   Its very name: Vermont means Green Mountain, but has now turned deep, dark blue.

The reason for these attacks?   Because he has thrown the Demonrat party into a tizzy after taking the Nevada caucus by a landslide...

The DNC cannot let that happen, so look out for another back-stabbing grab of delegates from the Bernie camp to, who?   Your guess is as good as mine...

I digress...

Just who are the Russians supposed to be interfering for?

President Trump?   Or, Bernie Sanders?

The lunatics on the Left say both!  That's right, both!

Let's take a step back and regroup, and see what entity is doing the interference...

Is it the Russians; the Chinese; the North Koreans; the Israelis; the Mexicans; the Canadians; the Haitians?   I could list about another 100 or so countries, but I think you get the idea; try to nail down just who might be wanting to influence our 2020 presidential election.

I have a couple of theories...

It's not the Russians, but much more likely the heavy-handed influence peddlers, the Chinese Communists.

But I have another theory: the influence is not coming from the Russians nor from the Chinese, but from within our own country!


Who hacked the DNC servers the last time around?  Was it the Russians?  Yes, say the intelligence agencies and the mainstream media, and sadly, many conservative Republicans too.

No.  It wasn't from without the country; I repeat, it was from within our country.

There is plentiful evidence that the download speed of the DNC servers was far too slow to be hacked from outside the country, but about the right speed to download from within the country...

Remember Seth Rich, the young and upcoming Democrat working for the DNC?

He was found dead in D.C., slouched over a park bench.  The official cause: He was murdered.  He knew too much about the scandals and fraud of the Demonrats on those servers, and he was about to tell all, to relieve his conscience, that's why.

Just this past Friday, a whistleblower of the DHS, Philip Haney, was shot in the chest and killed.  The official police report: suicide.  If you believe that, it just so happens I have another bridge for sale...

Are the two connected in some way?  Of course, and so are many other supposed suicides that have taken out far too many decent folks that just couldn't take the corruption anymore and suffered the consequences of a bunch of power-hungry mobsters in the federal government...

One doesn't have to look to Russia for interfering in our elections, look within, and be shaken to the soul -- by the Deep State...

Pray earnestly for our country...

Viva Cristo Rey!   Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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