Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Satan Knows That If He Can Enslave The Children, He Wins The Battle -- And The War!

The title of my article may sound pessimistic, but I'm simply facing a growing reality that can readily be proven...

It is plain for all to see what is happening on college campuses across the country: radical, Communist professors indoctrinating young minds, unable or unwilling to think for themselves.

But it gets worse...

It is before students reach college that this indoctrination begins, and not only at the high- or middle-school level.  Now, it is occurring at the kindergarten or even pre-school level!

There is a pre-school in Brooklyn, New York, that has already begun teaching children as young as four years old about racism and victimhood, plus transgender and "queer" rights.

The following are a few excerpts from an article in

"Rosy Clark, a white pre-K teacher, sent an email to parents and guardians on January 16 explaining that the lesson plans for 2020 would include Black Lives Matter materials, and focus on the Week Of Action in a pre-kindergarten class.

“This year, the week is Feb. 3-7. We are starting to talk about these ideas now, as we approach Martin Luther King Jr. Day [which was Jan. 20], and as we prepare to go into February, Black History Month.

Clark continued “I am lucky enough to work at this wonderful school where we strive to help our students understand the complex world around them and think critically about how they can participate in improving it. One of the ways I do that in my classroom is by exploring the 13 Principles of the Movement for Black Lives.

"Though Clark insists she will not discuss traumatizing topics such as police brutality, she will be teaching the doctrines of transgender and queer affirmation as well as feminist ideas such as the importance of gender diversity in the workplace.

"In an interview with Andrea Peyser of the New York Post, one father of a preschooler indicated that  “They [the school] say they’re trying to reduce racism and discrimination. To me, they’re perpetuating it, fomenting a sense of victimhood in 4-year-olds that would never consider on their own.”

You can read the full article at the following link: A tax-payer funded nursery school.

The moral depravity of such teachers is beyond belief; they are doing Satan's damned work, not Christ's saving work...

My advice to parents who have children in that pre-school: take your kids out and home-school or find a decent Christian -- or other private -- God-fearing school and protect and defend your child's immortal soul.

Pray for our country...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us..

Gene DeLalla

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