Tuesday, February 11, 2020

The Resumes Of The Democratic Candidates...

Do you value life, especially pre-born life developing in the womb?

Don't you think that a man and a woman -- a husband and wife, that is -- would be overjoyed at learning that they will become parents to be a fulfillment of their love; the main reason they married in the first place?

And to live in a country that allows them the freedom to raise their child in an atmosphere where they can pursue life, liberty and happiness, especially the right to worship the God that gave them life in the first place.

We all know, or should know, that freedom is not free; an adage that is very true; just ask me for confirmation of that -- if you need confirmation.  Those who have worn the uniform, and served their country honorably, know exactly what I'm talking about.  This is not the time, however, to discuss whether a war, "police action," or a "conflict" is just or unjust; this is a topic for another article for sure.

The point being, that those who serve expect to come back to their fatherland and enjoy the rights granted to them by God and guaranteed by the Bill of Rights of the U.S. Constitution, especially the right to freedom of speech, and the right to protect oneself and their families, under the First and Second Amendment respectively.

Those treasured rights, and your precious children, are under constant attack by those claiming to wrap themselves in the Flag, but in reality are using the Stars and Strips to trick and confuse those culpably ignorant Americans who seem to favor a system of government diametrically opposed to what they now enjoy.

How can this be happening?

The reasons are legion, but one of the main reasons is the complicit mass media and those politicians that such folks have elected to represent them, whether at the state or federal level, in the Congress or the Senate...

Just think: to a man (men or women), the Democratic candidates that are running for their party's nomination to take on President Trump in the upcoming 2020 election, are viciously anti-life; anti-Second Amendment, and very pro-culture of death on many, many levels, including, but not limited to the uncontrolled and insane sodomite agenda.  Most, if not all, favor the life-stifling Socialist or Communist forms of enslavement, over our constitutional form of government.   That's the plan; bet on it!

Abortion?  Yes, all the way up to birth!  Infanticide?  That is now in vogue too!  Confiscation of our weapons?   Absolutely!  And when I write "weapons," that includes ALL weapons, not just the semi-automatic variety -- as most are -- as they claim must come off the streets.

The thing is, that these Demonrats lack God-given common sense, because they lack God, and now serve their master: Satan, the father of lies.  They just can't figure it out -- or do they know? -- that the only ones that will lose their ability to defend themselves are the law-abiding citizen, not the gangster; the outlaw, as they can obtain whatever weapons they want if the price is right.

The problem here is that these anti-Americans are not stupid, they know exactly what they want here, and it has nothing to do with eliminating "gun violence," but everything to do with disarming the populace.  Once that is accomplished, then absolute slavery will become the norm, and our rights will be consigned to the dustbin of history.  This has been proven time and time again down through the centuries, especially during the last century.   I can name a few dictators, such as Stalin and Hitler.  Even in the Western nations such as the United Kingdom it is almost impossible to carry a firearm for self-defense.  Thank goodness for Switzerland!!

So, if you have no problem giving up your rights to raise your children in a God-fearing, free society, then by all means vote for the likes of Biden, Warren, "Mayor Pete", etc.  And if one of these miscreants defeats Mr. Trump, get ready for another 1776; you can bet on that too...

Viva Cristo Rey!!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us!

Gene DeLalla

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