Thursday, February 27, 2020

Is The Coronavirus A Chastisement From God?

We know that God works through nature, and through men, even evil men...

Our Lord wept over Jerusalem and prophesied its total destruction.  In 70 A.D., the pagan Roman legions did just that, killing nearly the entire population, including non-combatants: men, women and children!

God used a pagan entity to carry out His divine will...

In compiling the Scriptures into what was to become the Bible, He used good men -- inspired men -- to propagate His Word throughout the world.  They traveled on foot; on donkey; via cart, or ship.  They endured threats of violence, with many suffering martyrdom for the sake of the true religion revealed by Christ as a fulfillment of the Old Testament prophets and the law.

Who did He use to spread the Gospel message before there were any written New Testament books?   For the most part, uneducated fishermen; a tax collector; a physician; and, perhaps, a farmer or two...

The nascent church began to spread like wildfire, even though persecutions by the Roman Emperors were ratcheted up to a horrifying degree, with many new Christians being thrown to the wild beasts in the Coliseum, or used as human torches to light the streets at night; or sold as slaves to the highest bidder.

But what God set in motion, could not be eliminated or stopped.  The juggernaut of the new faith eventually conquered the entire pagan world, but not without periodic sifting of the chaff from the wheat, as we see happening today, in the church, and in the world.

The recent phenomenon of the so-called coronavirus did not appear out of thin air, but may have been concocted by evil men, or may have been born in nature and used by those evil men for their own demented purposes.  

I don't know, and I doubt there is a consensus as to exactly what it is and how it is spreading so very fast, to the point that it may become pandemic, threatening a good portion of the population of the earth.   Then again, maybe not...

What is true, is that many thousands of people die from the flu every single year, mostly in areas and in people that had weakened immune systems, fighting some other type of illness at the time.  But this is rarely reported by the media, instead, the idea of spreading rumors and fear causes apprehension among the general populace.  Neither is the fact that nearly 40,000 people died in car accidents in 2018.  Where is the outrage of the mainstream media and the demand that something be done to stop these unnecessary deaths?   Yet this is minute compared to the number of babies killed in the womb in 2019: over 325,000, and that slaughter continues in 2020...

So, the question begs: is the coronavirus manmade, or something that occurred spontaneously in nature, and can this virus be a major chastisement from God for man's rejection of Him in favor of  the prince of this world: the father of lies, Satan?

Lent is upon us... If there ever was a time for prayer and fasting, this is it!

God have mercy on us all...

Pray, not only for our country, but also for personal sanctity...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us!

Gene DeLalla


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