Thursday, February 13, 2020

Virginia Is Now The Most Anti-Second Amendment State In The Union!!!

The traitors in the Virginia legislature have finally done it: they just passed the most radical anti-Second Amendment bill that will be sent to their co-conspirator, the governor, for his signature.   You can bet that Northam will sign that bill into "law."  That will make Virginia far more anti-weapon than the state of California, if you can believe that!

Here's the problem for Gov. Northam: there are about 100 counties and municipalities that have declared themselves to be Second Amendment sanctuary territories.  That's bad news for the socialist governor...

Let's remember just who this character is; remember, this guy admitted, on-air, that infanticide can be committed so long as the poor baby is "made comfortable," then the "mother" -- and what about the father?? -- and her "doctor" can make the decision to terminate the nascent life of the tiny body just born, or that survived an abortion...

This truly sick individual must be removed from office!  Gov. Northam is no better -- and maybe even worse -- than Stalin or Hitler...

And now, this sycophant's dulled intellect has completely rejected the Natural Law, in favor of the enslavement of serving the father of lies, Satan, for unaccountable power and influence in deciding who can live, and who can die.

But, in addition to his hate for newborn life, he also wants to confiscate the weapons of law-abiding citizens of his own state.  For what reason?   Well, let me answer that question: for complete control of the lives of God-fearing, Second Amendment loving, patriotic Americans as part of his diabolical, dictatorial agenda to consign the natural rights granted by God, to the dustbin of history...

In recent weeks, there have been peaceful demonstrations by real patriots exercising their right to bear arms, guaranteed by the Constitution and the Natural Law.  Not only that, but there is serious talk of many counties within the state, to secede from Virginia and join West Virginia.  In fact, the governor of West Virginia has offered said counties to join his state!   This is good news for the Virginians, and bad news for the dictator, Northam.

But can this be done legally, according to the Constitution?  Article Four, Section Three, indicates that such can only be done with the consent of the various state legislatures, AND the U.S. Congress...  Not much chance of that happening...

However, the Declaration of Independence does give credence to what SHOULD be done when the government becomes an absolute despot toward its citizens... Here is the pertinent section: "... it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security."

What are the patriots to do?

Is outright rebellion in the wind?

Stay tuned; things will get much worse before they get better in Virginia, but know that if the federal government falls into the hands of the radical Left -- especially those Demonrats running for their party's nomination for president -- attain the oval office -- there will be another 1776!!!  That scenario is not even up for debate; it will happen!

Pray for our country, and pray for the defeat of these anti-life, anti-American miscreants...

Viva Cristo Rey!   Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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