Friday, February 14, 2020

Self-Hating, Self-Destructive Black Americans...

It pains me to examine this bizarre phenomenon of self-hating, self-destructive black Americans.  If you ask me why, I can reveal that when I was in Vietnam, I had a couple of close black G.I. buddies that I would have fought for and, if necessary, die for, in defending and protecting them if attacked by the Viet Cong, North Vietnamese regulars, or any sapper that wanted to do us harm or destroy our aircraft or base personnel.  As you can imagine, I took this grave responsibility very seriously, as we were willing to fight for each other, rather than for a cause, no matter how noble...

And yet, in this presidential election year, we continue to witness a quite strange and bizarre movement by some black Americans to support the most radical candidates for their party's nomination to run against President Trump.

Take, for instance, the former mayor of New York City, Michael Bloomberg, a RINO; that's a Republican in name only, but, for all practical purposes, a Democrat, but, as I like to label such miscreants, a Demonrat.  I use that label obviously because they have given themselves over to the demon; the devil; Satan; Beelzebub, call it what you will, but I think you get the idea...

Now, Bloomberg is a billionaire -- a BILLIONAIRE -- but instead of using his vast fortune for good, and advance a pro-life agenda, he does just the opposite, and is 100 percent for the killing of the pre-born, and for the sodomite "lifestyle".   But he is not alone... All the remaining candidates on the Demonrat side, are radical pro-death folks, who want absolutely no restrictions on the killing of tiny, developing babies in the womb.  And now, most see nothing wrong with infanticide; that is, after the baby is born, whether through the normal way, or for a fortunate child that survives an attempt to take her life through the heinous procedure known as dismemberment or chemically dissolved in the womb.   This evil has been proven by the on-air admittance by the governor of the state of Virginia, Ralph Northam, that the baby should be made "comfortable," then it is up to the "mother" and her "doctor" to decide whether or not the poor thing should live or die.  In effect, becoming a god: judge, jury and executioner of a defenseless human being, endowed by God with an immortal soul, but not given the chance to know, love and serve Him in this life, and be happy with Him in the next...

Truly diabolical!!

In this country, black Americans make up about 13-14 percent of the population, but nearly 34 percent of all aborted babies are black!  Yet, far too many blacks support the likes of Bloomberg, and the Demonrat candidates.  In fact, the so-called civil rights advocates, such as the "Rev." Al Sharpton, and the "Rev." Jesse Jackson, are all part of the culture of death, and support a woman's "right to choose" -- to kill her baby: TO KILL BLACK BABIES!

Are these self-hating black Americans stupid, or culpably ignorant?  Either way, they are fulfilling the main objective of the foundress of what has become "planned parenthood," that god of death, Margaret Sanger.  She specifically targeted the black population in this country for extinction.  If you find that hard to believe, the information is in the public domain, easy to find, but difficult to read about how she would get the black pastors to help in that devilish cause to eradicate their own race.  And that is just what is happening today.   It's called deja vu, and means that something is heard, or something that is happening that you already know you heard or experienced happening in some way in the past...

These blacks are playing right into the hands of the demon by killing their own precious babies; their very future existence, all because of the phony and deadly support for the radical proponents of abortion, and the hate toward anyone -- even other blacks, especially pro-life, conservative blacks -- that don't buy into the "plantation" mindset.

Rest assured, my fellow black Americans, the Demonrats are not your friends, and never have been.  If necessary, don't take my word for it, do a slight review of history, and that will give you overwhelming proof of what I have written here...

The Bible tells us that we cannot serve Mammon and God; we must make a choice; it is either/or, not both.  We are also told that if we reject God, then He will send the operation of error allowing us (He does not interfere with our free wills) to think that doing evil is good, and doing good is evil.. Isn't that what we see happening today in our country?

Put simply: Liberalism is a grave sin, and some say, a mental illness.  I believe it is both...

Wake-up my fellow black Americans!

Pray for our country...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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