Friday, February 21, 2020

Sanders and Buttigieg: Two Peas In A Pod...

Radical Socialist Bernard (Bernie) Sanders said: "I believe in God..."   “My wife was raised as a Catholic, holds some pretty strong feelings,” according to an interview in  

Apparently, her feelings are not strong enough, because Catholic Church teaching clearly condemns Socialism (and Communism), which Sanders embraces.  So, why hasn't she explained to the love of her life that he's hell-bent for hell if he doesn't repent and become a practicing, traditional Catholic, and renounce Socialism and Communism?

The ideologies of Socialism and Communism are deadly to the soul, as well as the body.  Ideologies that exclude God, but raises the state (men) to be the god of the enslaved people...

And then there's the so-called Catholic, former mayor, Pete Buttigieg -- an open and practicing sodomite, spreading his filthy, scandalous lifestyle lip-locking his "husband," prancing around stage before adults and impressionable children alike.

Mayor Buttigieg also uses his so-called Catholic faith to justify, not only the sin that cries to heaven for vengeance, but also the slaughter of the pre-born!  

Sounds a little like the phony devout Catholic (her own words), Nancy Pelosi.

Of course, I could add another Catholic, Joseph (Joe) Biden...

Is there any doubt about why the new-order Catholic Church is on life-support, with one foot in hell and the other foot on slick ice?

Compromise and sentimentalism, Communism and homosexuality have just about wiped out the moral and spiritual beacon that once shown brightly in the Catholic Church, especially under the draconian reign of pope Bergoglio.  In effect, he has given aid and comfort to the enemies of Christ, while at the same time, condemning any attempt to convert non-Catholics to the true faith.  This treason is nothing new, and goes back many decades, even before the disaster that was and is, Vatican II.  In fact, it is the denial of the key Dogma of the true Catholic Church, that outside the Church, there is no salvation for any human being.

The new-order church has refused to preach from the housetops: the need to confess sins, amend one's life, and that mortal sin can condemn a soul to hell.  St. Paul tells us to work out our salvation in fear and trembling. 

We absolutely know that not everyone goes to heaven, yet there is a demented bishop that continues to spread the heresy that everyone does!  So, what is preached instead?   Social issues... 

Is there any doubt as to why the likes of Sanders, Buttigieg, Pelosi and Biden continue to run their foul mouths about being catholic, yet support -- without restraint -- abortion, contraception and homosexuality?

If anyone of these miscreants makes it to the White House, get ready for outright persecution, including martyrdom...

Pray for our country, and pray for the restoration of the true Catholic Church...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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