Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Where's Your Justice? Justice? I Don't Need No Stinkin' Justice...

Yeah, I don't need no stinkin' justice, just jail time, while others -- criminal traitors go scot-free...

Remember Gen. Flynn?  How about Mr. Roger Stone?   Do those names ring a bell?

They should, because if these patriots can be destroyed, and given jail or prison time, then so can you and I under the so-called "Department of Justice"... What a joke!

Meanwhile, we have true, corrupt criminals walking around free as birds.  I can name about 20 or 30;  maybe more, if you like...

So, Gen. Flynn was hoodwinked into a trap by the fabulous, marvelous, trusting fighters for law and order: the F.B.I.   Mr. Stone was accused of lying to Congress, and tampering with a witness.  Really?

If you believe the lying prosecutors, Flynn and Stone are desperados who should get their comeuppance because -- get this -- they trusted those DOJ reps!

Gen. Flynn was told that he was going to be interviewed, but that he didn't need a lawyer!  Even the FBI agents that tricked him, said that he didn't lie, but their report was edited and used against him!   Mr. Stone didn't do much, but was attacked, why?   Because both Gen. Flynn and Mr. Stone were supports, and close to -- you guessed it again: President Trump, that's why.

Remember, the hard, radical Left hates Mr. Trump, and that includes most of the Demonrats in the Congress and the Senate, including that miscreant Sen. Blumenthal from Connecticut.

Who is Sen. Blumenthal?

You might remember he is the stealer of valor; the valor that belongs to my Vietnam brothers, with over 58,000 ending up on The Wall..  This piece of human debris claimed that he was in Vietnam, but he wasn't, and yet this liar continues his program of malice and hate for anything and anyone Trump.  I say it often: people get what they deserve, and those useful idiots that keep electing this punk to the Senate should have their collective heads examined...

I have a quick and easy solution for the unwarranted sentences imposed on Gen. Flynn and Mr. Stone: a full pardon from the president.  He has absolute authority to do so, as have many Demonrat presidents done in the past.  Sure the Leftists will scream and holler like hell, and call for more impeachment investigations for Mr. Trump, but so what?  Who cares?   Just do it Mr. Trump; do what real Justice should do; you can do it!!!

Pray for our country more now than ever...

Viva Cristo Rey!!   Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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