Thursday, February 6, 2020

The Slave Masters Of The Judicial Branch...

How on earth could the Supreme Court have ruled that the killing of the pre-born -- abortion -- be declared "legal"?

And how on earth -- after 60,000,000 + babies killed in the womb, can this slaughter still be going on??

One of the main reasons is judicial tyranny.

The separation of powers dictated by the Constitution, for all practical purposes, no longer exists.

The aggravating, frustrating and deadly rulings from, not only the "supreme court," but also from lower courts, with judges sitting on the bench for life, in many cases, has proven to be an absolute disaster for our society, and again, for the pre-born...

The high court's job is to rule on the constitutionality of laws passed by state's legislatures.  But just what can the "supreme court" rule on?   Is their scope of authority extended to every aspect of our lives?  Or is it limited to certain categories of law?

As an example of the out-of-control, and bizarre actions of the courts, it has been stifling President Trump's attempt to build a needed wall along the southern border of the U.S. and Mexico...

On more than one occasion, even lower courts have temporarily blocked the construction of sections of the wall in certain states, or funding for the wall.

How can the judicial branch stop the executive branch from doing anything?  It can't.

In fact there was a famous case that goes back to the presidency of Andrew Jackson...

The following excerpt is from Sustain Atlanta...

“John Marshall has made his decision;

now let him enforce it.”

"Those are the famous words uttered by President Andrew Jackson in relation to U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Marshall’s 1832 decision in Worcester v. Georgia to strike down a Georgia law that imposed regulations on the comings and goings of white people in Native American land."
Whether the decision by the court, or the decision by Jackson to ignore the court's ruling was for better or worse, can be a separate matter for discussion, but the point here is that the court has no way of enforcing a ruling.

And I contend that some rulings must be ignored, especially when it comes to matters of life and death, or the freedom to profess -- in public -- such as the truth of the religion founded by Christ, and the mandate to preach and baptize all nations.

One way to stop the juggernaut of out-of-control court rulings is by state nullification of federal laws.   As stated in the Constitution, all powers not specifically allocated to the federal government, are reserved to the states!  So, as you can see, this is also a state's rights issue...

This is a must, and the sooner the various states pass nullification laws, the better.  In fact, this is being done, mostly under the radar at this point, but if successful, I guarantee the media elites will scream foul to high heaven!

I end with the suggestion to read the Declaration of Independence, and see for yourself what should be done when an over-reaching, behemoth monster of a central government -- and its courts -- refuse to redress the grievances of its citizens, or stomps on the God-given rights guaranteed under the Natural Law and the Constitution itself...

Pray for our country!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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