Tuesday, February 18, 2020

The Moral Sickness Of Mayor Pete Buttigieg...

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

From cnsnews.com...

“I mean, in many ways, one of the most conservative things in my life is my family life, right,” said Buttigieg.

“I have a very kind of ordinary American home life,” he said. “I got a spouse and a couple of dogs, and it’s something that I think most people can relate to.

“It’s just that my spouse is a man,” he said.

My comment:  This is the moral sickness of homosexuality, that for many, is accepted as normal.  And, no, Buttigieg is not "gay"; I'm gay: I attempt to live a life in the fullness of Christ, and love of neighbor, in addition to having a pretty wild sense of humor. So, yes, I'm happy and gay.

Remember the "gay 90s"?  If not, you can readily read about that decade of the nineteenth century at any library.   Was I there, no.  If I was, I would be about 130 years old!   But, at the library, beware, you might have to fight your way through parents with their children in tow to watch the depravity of "drag queen hour," further corrupting the minds and souls of the little ones...

Buttigieg has little or no concern for the massive scandal that he and his "husband" spread and foster, especially for the younger generation.  Their impressionable minds are waterlogged with the filth of sexual permissiveness and ignore the consequences of any actions they may take.  Far too many are brainwashed with the idea that contraception will allow all the "freedom" in the world, but they have become enslaved by the father of lies, Satan.   And of course, if contraception fails, there is always abortion, after all, it's legal; the Supreme Court ruled it so...

Unfortunately, the weakness of the human element of the hierarchy of the church
is still the main target of these morally and spiritually dead, but physically alive zombies, that spread their evil, and attempt to drag others to hell with them.   This has led to the near destruction of the moral and spiritual beacon that once was the Catholic Church.  Many bishops and priests who wear the Roman collar, are themselves, homosexuals or sympathetic to that diabolical agenda, further scandalizing the faithful, or what is left of them...

If the likes of Mr. Buttigieg wins the 2020 presidential election, the damage done to the soul of the nation will be incalculable, and God-fearing folks may face a persecution not seen since the days of the pagan Roman emperors...

Pray for our country...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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