Friday, February 28, 2020

The Father Of Lies Is Also The Father Of Death...

We know that Satan is the father of lies, and he is also the father of death and mayhem.  For instance, he loves war because of widespread death and destruction of lives and property, not to mention the disintegration of families, which is his primary goal, similar to Socialists and Communists: Satan's children.

We have not experienced war on our own homeland, yet there are numerous ongoing wars such as in the Middle East and on the continent of Africa.   Let's face it, the so-called peacekeeping efforts of the United Nations has been a dismal failure.  In fact, when the troops of the U.N. are sent in to some war-ravaged country, they can do more harm than good, and have been accused of the very crimes they are supposed to prevent or stop in the first place.  Not a good track record...

However, there is an ongoing war against the pre-born in this country -- one of the longest wars in the history of mankind -- since the 1973 Roe v Wade Supreme Court decision that legalized the murder of baby girls and boys developing in the womb of their mothers.

This war is very real for those pre-born babies as they are attacked by an enemy literally tearing them apart, just as an artillery shell could blow a human body to smithereens on the field of battle.  Or being chemically dissolved, similar to the horrible deaths caused by poison gas in World War I, which, thankfully, was finally outlawed by international agreement.

But about abortion?

Aren't over 61,000,000 (Sixty-One-Million) dead babies -- in our country alone -- convincing evidence enough to prohibit this genocide by the determined action of the community of civilized nations?

It seems not.

Fortunately, numerous abortion mills in our country have closed their doors because of lack of clients due to the efforts of God-fearing, pro-life folks that make up the majority of middle America.  And, after all, it's the bottom line -- money -- that matters in any business, even when it comes to the bloody business of killing babies...

We know that when people reject God, He is more than willing to send the operation of error as a punishment, influencing the intellect to make brash and irrational decisions that contradict right reason and the Natural Law.

As a horrible example, there is a viral video making the rounds on the Internet of a young pregnant girl laughing and joking about the abortion she is about to have performed on her pre-born baby.  A truly disgusting incident that plays right into the hands of the demon, destroying the gift of life given to us as co-creators of the Lord of all life.

I can't even imagine the upbringing of this young female, or should I say lack of upbringing!  What type of home-life did she have: the love of a nurturing mother and manly, caring father?  Or, perhaps, just the opposite, with little respect for the sanctity of life.  That would make sense in this case, especially if she did not wait until marriage to have relations with whomever the father is.  And by the way, where is the father?  Does he even care about this horrendous display of his cold-hearted girlfriend or wife, whatever she is?

This sickness must end sooner, rather than later.

I fear for the magnitude of the chastisement of the Almighty hurled against the hearts, minds, and bodies of those lovers of death and malice directed at His tiny gifts of life...

Pray earnestly for our country, and an end to the scourge of abortion.

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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