Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Where Are The Child Protective Services?

How many horror stories have we heard about the shock-and-awe raids on law-abiding citizens -- parents, to be exact -- that had their homes besieged by cops, armed to the teeth, in full swat-team-riot-gear, to steal their children right out of their arms?

The crime of these parents?   They home-school their kids, or they pulled their children out of the indoctrination centers, better known as the public-school system, known for poisoning young children with filthy, so-called sex-education, or hate-America history as taught by Leftist teachers.  All this, in addition to unauthorized vaccinations of children without parental consent.

But there is more...

Parental rights end when the kids are dropped-off at school, so ruled in a recent court decision!

If parents care about the innocence, as well as the mental and spiritual wellbeing of their offspring, they have got to remove their children from the public schools, period.

And yet, when libraries sponsor the horrible drag-queen story hour to very young children, there is hardly a peep from law enforcement.

I contend, that the parents who take their precious children to see and hear these bizarre characters, usually men dressed in some type of female garb, should be subject to the authority of the Child Protective Services.

Or how about the so-called gay pride parade that feature such raunchy, filthy -- in some cases -- unclothed males or females -- performing near-sex acts in public, and with gullible parents standing idly by with kids in tow?  Why is the CPS nowhere to be found?

Make no mistake, some, if not many, of these satanically inspired males are known child molesters, yet somehow are allowed to influence some kids as young as two or three years old...

What we have here is a double standard of justice, if it still exists at all in today's America...

We are witnessing a debauched society going full-speed ahead to the abyss of hell itself...

If I could point to one major reason for this diabolical phenomenon, it would have to be the extreme weakness in what passes for the Catholic Church today.  Unfortunately, the church has given in to the spirit of the age based on the synthesis of all heresies, modernism.  It has rocked the church to its very foundation, with complicit priests and bishops refusing to preach the truth from the housetops.

There is hope, however, and that hope rests with the promise of our Lord Himself, that the gates of hell will never prevail against His true Church.

We have to pray for the quick demise of the new-order church that has destroyed far too many souls over the last 50-60 years, just before, during and after the satanically inspired Second Vatican Council...

Pray for our country..

Viva Cristo Rey!   Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us..

Gene DeLalla

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