Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Catholics Must Prepare For Another Vendee...

But this time, the slaughter -- or attempted slaughter -- will not come from a French Revolution, but from an ongoing revolution in what is left of the "Catholic" Church, in conjunction with the secular revolutionaries so prevalent here in the U.S. of A...

Let us take a quick look at what occurred in the Vendee area of France as the Catholics and Loyalists attempted to fight for their faith as well as for their rights to speak freely and worship God according to His demands: After several victories, the deciding battle (the Battle of Savenay, December 1793) turned the tide, and led to the diabolical massacre of the Catholic population, their lands, livestock, homes, and even the forests.

Not only did the spoils of war go to the victors, but also their mad extermination of the most vulnerable of the generation: women, and especially their children.  The streets ran red with blood at the heinous attack on those who could provide a future generation to fight the "Republic" and win back their religious freedom.

Here, in the U.S., those who are enmeshed in the culture of death, target those that can birth another generation to fight for Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, and especially the right to practice the true religion: women, especially pregnant women, and now even those born alive in the barbaric act of infanticide!

What we have is much worse than that which Vendeans experienced: over 60,000,000 pre-born children murdered in the womb, and now infanticide has become the "new norm" among the population control elites.  Are there really culpably ignorant people unaware of this?  To hell with the federal prohibition against killing those that survive the attempt to kill them and born alive, and to hell with any vestige of the Natural Law...

One of the main reasons this is happening at all, is the almost total weakness in the Catholic Church.  But the distinction must be made between what passes for the Catholic Church, and what is the real Catholic Church, and that distinction is titanic in nature!

The new-world-order "Catholic Church" may have some of the outward appearances of being Catholic, but in reality it is just a façade; a make-believe empty shell, devoid of the Holy Ghost.

One of the proofs of this, is the ongoing persecution by the Diocese of Manchester, N.H. against the faithful Brothers and Sisters and lay faithful of the St. Benedict Center in Richmond...

Not only have the Brothers and Sisters been denied freedom of religion, but also freedom of speech, both are guaranteed by the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution...

The ecclesiastical revolutionaries are just as bad as the secular, anti-life revolutionaries, and, I contend, much worse!  Why?  Because they lend credence to the "cause" of destroying those rights given to us by God, Himself, and enshrined in the Natural Law.

The cowards that run the diocese are just that: cowards!  They wield an enormous power answerable to no one, just as the Communists destroyed tens of millions of souls over the last 100 years or so, these despicable "men" think that wearing the Roman collar entitles them to absolute obedience; it does not!!  False obedience is a vice, not a virtue, and the Brothers and Sisters know that the Faith comes first, not obedience!  Just as we must DISOBEY the runaway pope, Bergoglio, attempting to transform the Church into his own image, we must fight to the death, Satan's attempt to transform the human race into his own image!

In conclusion, the rights to freedom of religion and freedom of speech are for all Americans, and that includes the faithful religious of the St. Benedict Center in Richmond, New Hampshire!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us!

Gene DeLalla

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