Friday, February 7, 2020

African Bishops Stand Firm Against The Anti-Life Radicals...

The population control maniacs are in an uproar "simply" because many Catholic African Bishops are standing firm against the anti-life population control radicals, attempting to impose their twisted wills on the black race (our brothers!).  Do you think there just might be a slight bit of racism involved here?

The main instigators of the attack on pre-born life, and the perennial teachings of the Church on faith and morals, is that diabolical organization -- that has, for far too many years, outlived any usefulness: the United Nations, headquartered in New York City.

For the life of me, I just cannot figure out why they are still in existence, seeing that they are constantly attacking the country in which they owe the very life-blood of money so necessary to keep them alive and kicking...

If I were President Trump, I would give the U.N. 30 days to vacate or be evicted, and send them packing back to where they came from: the very pit of hell...

In addition, anti-life, pro-abortion, population control organizations fill the seats almost every day pushing their agenda, especially directed at one of the last holdouts to their culture of death: Africa.  Interestingly enough, north Africa was the home of the diocese of the great Doctor of Grace: the Catholic Bishop of Hippo, St. Augustine, who lived from 354 to 430 A.D..   "The teachings of this period of St. Augustine's life, such as his treatise "On Forgiveness and the Just Desserts of Sins, and the Baptism of Infants," became standard fare for theology in the West, both Catholic and Protestant, and were largely endorsed by the Western Council of Orange in 529."'

The extreme irony is that the once-solidly Catholic Western nations are now in near complete disarray, having given up the truth of our Master, Christ, to the spirit of the age, with its author: Satan.

But it is Africa that continues to resist and prosper, with many vocations to the priesthood, and growing parishes, even in the face of terrorists organizations such as Boko Haram, kidnapping and killing Catholics and other Christians, that refuse to convert to that demonic, false "religion," Islam...

The agenda of the anti-life folks are heavily financed by wealthy Americans that can no longer recognize right from wrong, having rejected the Natural Law and its basic tenets, not to mention their disdain for the divinely revealed truths of their Creator.

Billions upon billions of dollars are being poured out on the African continent to influence -- or force? -- the use of contraception, with the ultimate goal of the destruction of the family, the very building block of society.  If successful, then Africa, too, will fall to the demon: the hater of fidelity and love...

We, faithful Catholics, must stand firm with our African brothers and sisters, and pray for strength and perseverance in the face of almost overwhelming odds!   But there is always hope, and the pendulum is beginning to swing back to God-given common sense; the Natural Law, and most importantly, back to Christ and His one, true Church, founded on His blood, shed for the forgiveness of sins...

Pray for our country, too..

Viva Cristo Rey!   Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us!!

Gene DeLalla

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