Monday, February 3, 2020

The Increasing Sexualization Of Our Children...

Our prime responsibility as parents, is to guide, teach, protect, and provide for our children as given to us from God, as co-creators with Him.

That one sentence is a mouth full, and connotes the tremendous tasks that we parents have to undertake in order to fulfill our state in life, i.e., the rearing of our children, with the ultimate end to get those kids to Heaven!  Nothing else matters!!

But the roadblocks, at times, seem almost insurmountable to accomplishing that glorious goal...

Witness one of those roadblocks: the sexualization of our youngsters through the sex-drenched media that bombards children and adults alike almost on a daily basis.  That adults are unaffected by the rampant temptations that surround us, is, at best, a miscalculation that can lead to serious mental and even physical disorders down the road.  Another name for these temptations?  Scandal, once carried out.  One of the problems of scandal, is that it can rear its ugly head days, weeks, months, and even years down the road, especially when least expected.

With our weakened human nature, it takes a real man's man; a real father to his children and husband to his wife, to provide leadership to make the right decisions regarding his charges and his responsibility toward them.  Unfortunately, too many men/husbands have been compromised by that very same sexualization that surely affects their youngsters.  Men aren't made of stone, but flesh and blood, and that vile concupiscence can be a massive distraction from doing the right thing, as well as a temptation to choose evil instead of good.

As I challenged parents not to let their children watch the super bowl (see here: A Parental Challenge and here: If You Deny Me), it turns out that what was shown at the half-time was far worse than I ever could have imagined...

The filth displayed by those female "performers," left very little to the imagination, and that's putting it mildly.  The sad part about this, is that such unbridled sexualization is now more and more accepted in the public venue, and, it seems to me, to be directed to the younger generation.

So, here we have much touted female "singers," and "actresses" misusing what is left of their femininity to titillate and scandalize men and young boys, by bodily movements that can only indicate certain acts that a rightly formed conscience would not allow even away from prying eyes, behind closed doors.

There is another side to this coin: the degradation of the woman as life-bearer.  What goes through the impressionable minds of young boys as they see a woman gyrate like a wild animal?   Do they see her as an object to fulfill their fantasies?  Or, will they be taught that a woman is a special creation designed to bring new life into the world, and to guide and nurture as only a real woman can?   But that's not going to happen if parents allow their kids to be indoctrinated even at what is supposed to be an enjoyable outing, rooting for their favorite team.

The demon knows that if he can get the children, he can destroy the family and win over the entire world to his diabolical agenda with the help of the complicit media...

I wonder if the parents of the children at that game, took their kids to get some pop-corn or hot dogs when the half-time "show" started??

If not, then they failed miserably in their duties to protect their offspring from the Satanically inspired "performance" on full display, for all to see, and imbibe it like an addictive drug.

It is said that breaking the nicotine habit is just as trying to withdraw from using the deadly drug, heroin.  I contend that breaking the sexualized media habit is far more difficult, and those who try are quickly labeled as timid, introverted, "not with it," or perhaps a far more insulting epithet, such as being a religious radical, etc.

In conclusion, I put forth another challenge to parents: do your job as real parents, if you don't, you won't have to answer to me, but the One you will have to answer to, will have His justice; bet on it!!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us!!

Gene DeLalla

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