Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Pray For Rush Limbaugh...

Yesterday, Monday, February 2, Rush Limbaugh announced on his radio show that he has advanced lung cancer.

The veteran "conservative" radio talk-show host, has been in the business for over 50 years, and his show for 31 years.  For any host, whether TV or radio, that is a milestone that few reach in their careers.

And whether one agrees or disagrees with Limbaugh's "conservative" viewpoints, it is inherent on Catholics to pray for those in need, and that includes those whom we might consider our enemies.  This is not a suggestion, but a command from Christ, Himself.

Sure, I also know that he has been "married" three times, with no children from any of those marriages.  Perhaps if he had children, his life and times would have been very different, morally speaking, that is.  But in any event, his following on radio and even print, is enormous, with literally millions of listeners every single day of the week, save Saturday and Sunday...

I'll say it right up front: for me, Rush Limbaugh is not my enemy, but I do disagree with some of the basis of where he is coming from regarding the body politic of our current times.  In reality, and as I have said many times, if he were to convert to the Catholic faith, he would be a powerful force for good. 

In fact, there have been several occasions where I heard him defend Catholic moral teaching regarding abortion as well as homosexuality... I have rarely, if ever, heard any other talk-show host defend the Church's teachings so well as Mr. Limbaugh has through the years.  I can't help but to think that he might have some thoughts about coming into the Church, especially now with the great challenge he is facing.

I do hope he will survive and continue talking about the truth -- at least what he feels is the truth -- and informing an audience that, for the most part, has been completely brainwashed by the so-called "journalists" in the media...

If I can impose on anyone who might read this article, to please pray for Mr. Limbaugh, not only for his physical well-being, but also for his spiritual well-being by converting to the one, true Church founded by Our Lord, Jesus Christ for the salvation of sinners such as Mr. Limbaugh -- and me...

Viva Cristo Rey!!   Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us!

Gene DeLalla

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