Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Another Parallel Church Post-Vatican II Timebomb...

Well, here we go again... The current occupant of the Chair of St. Peter, Bergoglio, has issued his take on the so-called Amazon Synod.  Sure, he proclaimed the necessity for Christ to be preached to the peoples of the region, but, on the other hand, the document is filled with other parallel Church, post-Vatican II timebombs -- set to go off, when??

In typical double-talk, Bergoglio, sees the necessity of "inculturation" of the liturgy in order to "relate" to those pagans, and get them into the Church.  I wonder, though, if that is really the aim here, since he has already discouraged -- no, proclaimed as "serious sin," to try to convert those non-Catholics to the one ark of salvation...  Think about that for a moment, please!

In the same document, he calls for more active rolls for women; does he mean more than what we already see, here in the U.S., or in other Western nations?   For example, more females reading more gospels; more female altar girls; more female "extraordinary Eucharistic ministers" handling Our Lord with their unconsecrated hands; female deacons, perhaps, in the not-too-distant future??

Let us keep in mind, what and who we are dealing with here: this is not the Catholic Church; this is an empty shell; a façade; an imitation of what the real Catholic Church is. But these lunatics think we faithful are so stupid to the point that we cannot wonder if Christ is still present in their new-world-order churches.  Has the Holy Ghost taken the last train to the Coast? -- Bye, Bye, Miss American Pie...   Recent information points to the fact that 70 to 80 percent of those who attend the new-world-order mass, do not believe in the Real Presence of Christ.  If true, and I believe it is, then that is a major disaster.   Remember, the law of praying is the law of believing.  If people no longer believe in the presence of Christ, then just what are they doing there?   What is it they believe, or don't believe for that matter?

The "spirit" that is directing these apostates is not holy, but demonic.  The father of lies has had his grip on the hierarchy ever since the disaster that was Vatican II, you know, where the windows of the Church were to be opened to let in fresh air, but in reality, let in the smoke of Satan (Pope Paul VI said that)?

And that "smoke of Satan" has revealed a massive army of homosexuals recruited over the last few generations to infiltrate and bring down the real church from within.  Their filth continues to this day with bishops, priests and cardinals, either homosexuals themselves, or sympathetic to the sodomite cause.  A trashed liturgy that only slightly resembles the sublime liturgy of the Traditional Latin Mass; the Mass that has produced hundreds of saints and martyrs down through the centuries...  The protestantized, happy-meal liturgy is one I will no longer attend, come hell or high water!

Our Lord never promised a Church with elaborate buildings with ornate artwork, and plenty of money, no, He said that the gates of hell will never prevail against her; there will be a remnant of the faithful, here and there -- the Elect.  However, during the era of the true Catholic faith, some of the most beautiful churches of bygone days were proudly built with the blood, sweat and tears of poor peasants, realizing their dreams of seeing spires reaching to the heavens for God's honor and glory.

And the Elect must unite to defeat these enemies of the true Church that Our Lord founded on the Rock of St. Peter; we can settle for nothing less!  This is a real spiritual war, and we must fight for our spiritual rights, just as we have to fight for our natural rights in the temporal world...

Viva Cristo Rey!   Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla 

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