Monday, February 17, 2020

Can You Forgive Your Enemy?

Christ tells us that we won't be forgiven if we don't forgive.

As a practicing Catholic, I know that I have to forgive my enemy, but, honestly, I find it difficult.

There is one person that I struggle to forgive.  That person is Jane Fonda, of the famous Fonda acting family.  Many may know her father, Henry Fonda, one of my favorite actors...

So what is it that this woman did that tries my Catholic faith and tempts me not to fulfill the command to forgive?

Jane Fonda's treason to my Vietnam brothers and our country.

During the Vietnam war, she gave aid and comfort to the enemies of freedom by aiding the North Vietnamese Communists, as well as the Viet Cong Communist guerillas in the South.

The evidence for this treason is in the public domain, as one can see her in photographs with North Vietnamese anti-aircraft gunners taking aim at our jet fighters.  It is easy to conclude, that by supporting the propaganda of the enemies of the South Vietnamese people, the U.S. troops and our allies, she helped to prolong the war, and costs the lives of many more of our fighting men.

My struggle to forgive her has lasted for over half-a-century, and continues to this day...

Every once-in-a-while, I'll mention her in my prayers, but only half-heartedly, and with no real conviction.  I do hope I can finally make up my mind to take that final step to forgive her, so my many sins and imperfections may be forgiven too...

Pray for our country...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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