Tuesday, June 30, 2020

"Trickle Down" Culture Of Death...

For those of my readers who are old enough to remember the presidency of Ronald Reagan, you might also remember the Democrats referring to Reagan's economic policies as "trickle down." 

Government economic plans can work from the top: the implementation of the policy; filtering down to those businesses who are the main source of new jobs and employment opportunities; to the employee; to his paycheck; to his buying; to more demand; to produce more supply, and so on...

Their characterization was not in the least meant to be complimentary.  It was meant to mock his policies to point out that they didn't work, but guess what?  They did in fact work to one degree or another, much to the consternation of the left.

That was in the economic realm.

Today, however, we have a much more sinister, much more heinous "trickle down" phenomenon: the culture of death.

It does start from the top -- from the highest court in the land. in the secular realm.   And from the very Chair of St. Peter in the Catholic Church; the extreme weakness in its human element, working its way down to the most common denominator of mankind: his uncontrolled, base passions.  The pope is doing nothing whatever to enforce church teaching in order to fulfill its mandate of the church: the salvation of souls.  Instead we are getting social mush that only gives aid and comfort to the enemies of Christ.    

These two elements come together to form a witches brew of sin and despair right out of the playbook of satan, the father of lies...

What is the next step in the "trickle down" if those passions result in the formation of a new life?

A failed contraception, leads inexorably to the termination of that new life, by the diabolical procedure known as abortion.   To show how far the court has deviated from the Natural Law and the right to life, the court has ruled that the killing of the pre-born is "constitutional." 

Notice too, that very same Supreme Court is presently comprised of five or six Catholics. (I say five or six, because Gorsuch at one point left the Catholic Church, and attended some denomination of Protestantism.)   But whether it is five or six Catholics, the point is that for some inexplicable reason, they have failed to apply their faith to their rulings.  

"Wait!" you say.  "There is separation of church and state!"

Actually, there isn't.  It is nowhere to be found in the Constitution.  The First Amendment is always sighted to "prove" it, but, again, it's not there.

I contend that even if it was in the Constitution, the justices on the court have not only betrayed their faith, they have betrayed the Natural Law (an extension of divinely revealed law from God) -- and have lost all common sense, to boot.

We also see the "trickle down" of the overall loss of the sanctity of life, not only in the killing of the pre-born, but also the brutal slaughter taking place on the streets of our major cities, especially those of Chicago, New York, Baltimore, and several others, making Afghanistan look almost peaceable in comparison...

Those cities, along with others, are, and have been Democratically controlled for decades, with failed economic and social policies depriving the law-abiding citizen his right to carry pistols or revolvers for self-defense, or for the defense of his family.  Their current policies allow the outlaw; the criminal to roam the streets killing almost at will, knowing full-well that he can get whatever weapon he wants for the right price.  Put that together with the insatiable appetite for drugs, and you have a recipe for disaster, as was witnessed this past weekend in Chicago: 60 people shot, and 16 killed, including a 10-year-old, and a one-year-old!   

What I have just described, is not an isolated occurrence, but one that happens almost every, single weekend. 

The city of Chicago has become an actual war-zone.  

The "trickle down" of evil, i.e., Antifa, the avowed Marxists, so-called "black lives matter," and their radical anti-life, anti-freedom supporters funneling many millions of dollars into their devilish cause, has created chaos and wanton destruction of life and property across far too many cities of our nation. 

The weak-wimps who call themselves mayors and governors of these radicalized cities and states are a major part of the problem, and are doing little to take back the streets and enforce the rule of law and order.  

Right now, the forces of evil, enshrined in what Pope John Paul II labeled "the culture of death," have the upper hand.  And unless and until the conversion of hearts and souls is accomplished by prayer and penance, little will change...

It could be that we are, indeed, living in the end times.  If this is so, it is up to us to hope and pray that our souls are in a state of sanctifying grace.  In the end, nothing matters more.  

Christ: "What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul?"

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla  



Sunday, June 28, 2020

The Lying Media Just Can't Get It Straight...

What is it they can't get straight?

Well, that would take an entire book to list all their lies and distortions of the truth.

So let's just concentrate on the so-called "pandemic" of the COVID-19 ruse...

As of today, June 28, 2020, the media list 127,495 supposed deaths from the virus.  But in reality, the CDC's own website says something very different.  In fact, they list 109,188 deaths.  Keep in mind of footnote number 1 which reads: Deaths with confirmed or presumed COVID-19.  

Why is this footnote important?  Because it leaves the door wide open, not only to misinterpretation, but also to manipulation.   That lowly footnote -- that few pay attention to -- can and is being used to perpetuate and continue fear and panic among the U.S. populace.

Just look at all those people you run into, daily, wearing face masks thinking that it will somehow filter out the Wuhan, COVID-19 virus.  

It can't.  

The virus is microscopic -- less than 1 micron in size, whereas the mask, even the N95 mask, can only filter out 3 microns.  In addition, it has now been proven that wearing a face mask quickly causes oxygen deprivation!   This is extremely dangerous to your health and well-being!   

Where have you heard that on the mainstream media?  You haven't.

And now, we are told that there is another uptick in cases, so wimp politicians -- even some so-called Republicans -- are starting to shut down -- again! -- certain businesses.  Businesses that were on the verge of bankruptcy in the first place, and may just have to close their doors permanently.  

The lies keep coming at breakneck speed regarding this "pandemic," and as those lies continue to be spread, and drilled into the heads of a gullible public, it becomes the "truth"...

I am totally disgusted with the loss of manhood and womanhood in this nation: the inability to question, research, and decide for oneself.  Instead, many are taking the easy way out; buying whatever the official narrative is as presented by the government or medical "experts".   

This is now a disaster, as if it weren't before... 

Add, too, the monsters who are looting and burning all in the name of "justice" and "equality," and you have mayhem and the loss of the will to fight back to preserve our American way of life, including the freedom to worship our good God.  And that is the end game, to remove God and family from our minds and hearts!

Make no mistake, there are not only Marxists in the streets, they are in the Congress and the Senate of the United States of America!  It's just that they wear three-piece suits and dresses.

The complicit media are part of that group who would like nothing better than to see the Republic topple to the ground as they applaud the toppling of statues of our heroes or historical figures...

Be prepared for what may be coming down your main street!

God save the Republic!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

Saturday, June 27, 2020

The Wall, Part 1...

Included on the Wall in Washington, D.C., are the names of one-hundred-eleven U.S. Air Force Security Police who died during the protracted Vietnam War...

I am a former U.S. Air Force Security Police NCO who served in Vietnam from December 16, 1967, to December 16, 1968... 

The following is a brief introduction and initial incident that forced me to grow up very, very quickly...

The commercial jet that was chartered by the U.S. government to fly us over the "pond" (the Pacific Ocean) landed at Cam Ranh Bay during the daylight hours...

After processing in-country, my brothers and I boarded a C-130 troop carrier bound for my first assigned base at Tuy Hoa (pronounced: two-e-wa)...  Riding in the "30" was not like flying in a passenger jet.  The seats were all lined-up on each side -- in other words, we all faced each other across the isle.  We had to sit in an almost reclining position with a belt to hold us half-way securely...  

By the time the "30" hit the tarmac at Tuy Hoa, it was pitch black.  The flight-line was crazy noisy, and smelly from all the plane and jet exhaust.  

What caught my attention though, was the sight of huge, red tracer rounds flying through the thick, humid air, and ricocheting off the rocks and boulders of the foothills off to the west air base.  This was nothing new, I was to find out later, but the usual "harassment fire" to disrupt any nighttime movement of the enemy (the VC and NVA) attempting to reinforce and resupply their comrades.  The big .50 caliber heavy machine-guns were being fired from an army base two short miles to our south, housing a brigade of the 173rd Airborne Division. 

Those .50 caliber tracer rounds shocked me into a reality: "...well, I'm really here in Vietnam!"

I was no longer reading about the war in some stateside newspaper, or hearing about it from the "6 o'clock news."  I was really in the thick of it, and I would be for an entire year.   What I didn't know is whether or not I would make it back home the following December; or, would the American Red Cross knock on the door of my parents' home in New Jersey relaying the news of my death?

After I, and my fellow cops settled in, the next couple of days were completely occupied with additional weapons training, including the LAW anti-tank shoulder-fired rocket, the M-60 machine-gun, more paper-work, as well as getting assigned to our respective units...  

Mid-December quickly morphed into January (1968), things were pretty quiet at Tuy Hoa except for periodic reports coming over our radio of other air and army bases being "hit" -- attacked -- either by mortar, rocket, or ground assault by Charlie (VC) -- or all three!

It was common enough while on the perimeter during the night, to see battles being waged in the distance, between Army Special Forces and the VC or even the more organized NVA (North Vietnamese Army).  Tracer rounds flying at each other, and "Spooky" the gunship putting and end to the commotion by spraying the ground with thousands of rounds of machine-gun fire from his Gatling guns firing up to 6,000 rounds per minute.  A sight that I would never forget, especially when confrontations got just a little bit closer to the air base...

That's just what happened in the wee hours of January 30 into the 31st -- the Vietnamese New Year...

I was in an observation tower (Oscar Six) with a "short timer" -- who had less than 30 days until he was scheduled to return to the "world" -- the U.S. 

Things seemed usual as the Vietnamese were celebrating the new year with "fireworks" -- tracer rounds flying upward into the night sky; green and red flares for additional fun, about four or five miles directly in front of our big tower.

As we were watching the festivities, those red tracer rounds stopped going up into the air, and now were fired at each other! 

There were no longer any green flares (all clear), only red flares -- which meant enemy contact!

From this point on, things went downhill at break-neck speed.  

The tracers and flares, along with explosions started creeping closer to our position...

The South Koreans were directed to start "walking in rounds" (105 Howitzer cannon rounds) toward the air base in an attempt to force the enemy into a trap -- a pincer strategy -- between the South Vietnamese Army, the U.S. Army helicopter gun-ships, and the air base. 

As the battle raged, the prospect of being directly involved, grew more probable with each passing minute...  

I set up my M-60 machine-gun with an extra belt of 100 rounds; locked and loaded; said and extra Hail Mary, and waited... My short-timer tower-mate turned to me and said: "DeLalla, I sure am glad you brought that "60" up here."  "Me too," I replied...

 At first, we could see and hear the damage being done to the real estate, as dirt, grass and old rice paddies were being blown to smithereens several miles out from the tower, but as the 105 rounds -- and the enemy force -- drew closer to QL1 (the main north/south highway in central Vietnam), the entire base readied for what seemed to be an inescapable battle heading our way...

In no time at all, the 105 rounds were exploding on our side of the highway, so close that we could feel the heavy shock wave hit the tower -- and us.  The massive artillery barrage continued unabated and the prospect of us getting through the night unscathed seemed to fade from our thoughts...

To be continued...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla 



Friday, June 26, 2020

The Slow Motion Coup D'état Is Now Quickening; The Second Round Of Lockdowns Has Started...

Just when you were "allowed" to get back to any semblance of the "new normal," Texas and Florida have now started a second round of lockdowns, supposedly due to an uptick in new COVID-19 cases...

Keep in mind that almost all of those new cases, do not result in death; almost none!

What is mostly hidden in the news reports, is that the overwhelming majority of those who have tested "positive," have already recovered from the virus.

In reality, over 90-plus percent recover after showing symptoms of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19).  Most of those who are hospitalized, are administered immune-killing drugs, then if that doesn't "work," then they are put on ventilators that almost ensures their ultimate demise.

Remember, when someone is listed as having COVID, and is admitted to a hospital, the hospital receives extra funds from the taxpayers.  In addition, if someone is put on a ventilator, that increases the monies paid to that hospital, regardless of the fact that ventilators, in most cases, do nothing to help, and in many cases, accelerates the death of the patient!

Make no mistake, the beginning of the new "lockdown" has been imposed out of abject fear and capitulation to tyrannical medical "authorities" along with an agenda from the leftist hate-mongers who will do anything and everything to get President Trump thrown out of office, even before the November election ballots are counted.

The incredibly inept and incoherent Democratic nominee to run against Mr. Trump, Joseph (Joe) -- I never met a baby I didn't want to kill in the womb -- Biden, has already said that if he becomes president, one of his first acts will be to force all Americans to wear dirty, filthy, ineffective face masks (unable to filter out the microscopic COVID-19 virus).  

But what is even more scary, is that the half-senile Biden will have his finger on the nuclear button!  Can anyone imagine Biden talking on the "red phone" with Xi of China, or Putin of Russia attempting to keep the world from blowing itself up?  One small "gaffe," and the next time we wake up will be in the middle of the "nuclear winter"!

The time is fast-approaching when we -- as a free people -- will have to make a critical choice: to live free, or be enslaved to the one-world-order freedom- and Christ-haters.   

Pray for strength and courage...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

Is There A Correlation Between The Number Of Deaths In States Supposedly Due To The COVID-19 Virus, And The Number Of Abortions Performed In Those States?

God will not be mocked!

If we look at the number of deaths in states supposedly due to the COVID-19 virus and the number of abortions performed in those states, we'll notice that New York State has the highest number of deaths from COVID-19, and it is also the abortion capital of the United States!

Following close behind N.Y. State: California, New Jersey, Illinois, Texas, Florida, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, Rhode Island, Connecticut, and so on down the line... 

In light of the so-called "black lives matter" violent protests, I find it interesting that they seem to ignore the real violence being perpetrated against their own pre-born, black babies.  Even though black Americans make up about 13-14 percent of the population, 34-40 percent of all abortions are executed on black pre-born babies!  It is stunning that these folks cannot seem to recognize the truth staring them right in the face.  Or is there some other diabolical agenda here?  

I find this interesting, but also morally sick.

No civilization can survive when it kills the most vulnerable of its citizens.   There are no reasons, no excuse to terminate the life of a pre-born baby!

God will not be mocked!

Pray for an end to the scourge of abortion -- and now infanticide...

 Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Inoculation (Injections) Or Vaccines?

If the pharmaceutical industry is protected from liability when they produce and administer a new vaccine, then it would seem obvious that if that very same vaccine was labeled what it actually is -- an inoculation (injection) -- those companies would fight to the death to prohibit the vaccine being labeled an inoculation (injection), because an inoculation has no such protection from liability -- and hence, lawsuits.

This is not simply word-gymnastics, but a real differentiation between the two words: vaccine, and  inoculation (injection).  

The following is from "differencebetween.com"...

"Inoculation has various meanings. The term comes from Middle English “inoculaten” which means grafting a plant part to another plant. One definition for inoculation is that it is introducing or placing something which will grow or reproduce. Inoculation of a vaccine or an antigenic substance is also common. This type of inoculation is done to increase immunity towards a specific disease.

"In the microbiological definition, inoculation is introducing microorganisms or infectious material to a culture medium. If taken in the microbiological sense, microorganism, which is being inoculated, is called the inoculant. The medium, which is used for inoculation, is called the inoculum. Inoculation is used in microbiology to culture and subculture various microorganisms. Sometimes inoculation is done on to laboratory animals under controlled conditions. One such incident is inoculating viruses because viruses only grow in living cells. If the inoculation is done to the body, which is to boost immunity it is considered as immunization. One way of doing it is through vaccination. This is when inoculation means vaccination. Both inoculation and vaccination can be considered as “artificial methods of inducing immunity”.


"Vaccination is introducing immunogens to the body in order to stimulate the immune system to produce more antibodies, to fight infections. It is the most efficient and widely used method of immunization. This method has helped people to fight dangerous diseases. Vaccines such as small pox, measles, tetanus, and polio are very popular and effective examples for the above mentioned mission and are used throughout the world.

"The word vaccination comes from Latin word “vacca”, which stands for cow. The reason behind this interesting origin is that the first ever vaccine made was from a virus affecting cows. Vaccination is essential for it gives the body a chance to produce antibodies and be prepared with a memory if a natural pathogenic attack occurs. The method is efficient because then it requires less time to produce antibodies to fight the germs. Some vaccines are also given after contracting the disease.

"Most vaccines are given as injections, and some are given orally. Polio and cholera vaccines are good examples for orally given vaccines. Depending on the type, 4 vaccination classes could be identified. Some vaccines contain killed bacteria or virus. Some contain attenuated live virus or bacteria. Some vaccines may contain a part of the virus or bacteria such as protein capsid or a bacterial cell wall. Some vaccines contain isolated compounds or secretions such as bacterial toxins."

"What is the difference between Inoculation and Vaccination?

Inoculation has a broader meaning than vaccination.

• Inoculation done in order to achieve immunization is called vaccination. This makes vaccination a sub method of inoculation.

Inoculation is also used in microbiology. This has no resemblance what so ever to vaccination."

Here are some of the ingredients in vaccines...

1. Influenza viruses

2. Formaldehyde

3Aluminum Salts

4. Thimerosal

5. Chicken egg proteins

6. Gelatin

7. Antibiotics

Two points here... First, if you wouldn't buy and consume food that contains the seven above ingredients, why would anyone want to have these unnatural chemicals injected into their bodies???

Second, regardless of the words or terminology used, why shouldn't those companies that create and inject vaccines be held accountable for disabilities, illness or death caused by their vaccines?

Yet, President Trump has increased funding to develop a COVID-19 vaccine "at warp speed."


He says that vaccinations will be voluntary.  Does anyone really believe that?  I don't, and neither should you...

Pray for strength for what is surely coming down the road in very short order...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

The Law Of Supply And Demand...

Most people know of the law of supply and demand...  

You can see this when you go shopping; whether buying a car, a suit jacket or bag of Florida oranges.

Generally speaking, when there is ample supply of a product, and the demand is about equal for that product, a fair, constant price is usually set.  But when there is a greater demand, and fewer products produced, then prices will usually rise.  The opposite is also generally true: more products, less demand, prices should fall...

There is another element of supply and demand that is outside of the economic realm...

If we look around at what is happening in our country -- and also in most Western nations -- there is a supply of anarchy, insurrection, looting, and generally speaking, hate, being financed by devious forces, both covert and overt, railing against supposed "police brutality" and inequality among the white and black races.

Then there is the demand by what is labeled the mainstream media that has an insatiable appetite for "news" to broadcast the demonstrations and protests -- mostly violent at that, to fulfil the demand of their audience to see the gore and gruesome beating of innocent people.   In addition, we see businesses being looted and burned, with little if any action by the police to protect and serve the citizens they were sworn to protect and serve!

There is the supply of leftists governors and mayors of some of our major cities telling their law enforcement personnel to stand down, and let the rioters run roughshod over the law abiding, meanwhile restricting those very same law-abiding folks from buying or owning a weapon to protect themselves and their families.  This action alone, nullifies the right of the people to keep and bear arms under the Second Amendment...

There is a never-ending demand to continue the mayhem and destroy, not only people and property, but also to eliminate the family unit -- the primary building block of society.  

We see the supply of race-baiting by prominent black politicians and "civil rights leaders" poisoning their gullible constituents to convince them that the lives of all whites don't matter, and are, in fact, racist.

There is the demand of self-hating, self-destructing mobs -- both black and white -- to transform our Republic into something that is anathema to freedom and tradition, and most importantly, to our good God...

And that is the main goal of the revolutionaries: to "kill" God -- again, and create the god of man, just as the cry written in the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen of the French Revolution: liberty, equality, fraternity!

Satan will make available a plenteous supply to those who demand to live without the moral or Natural Law, and ultimately, without God almighty, the source of all freedom!

Pray for the soul of America...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla


Tuesday, June 23, 2020

The Lies And Brainwashing Continue Unabated...

As of June 22, 2020, the CDC's own website lists 105,992 deaths from the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19).  However, the media lists 122,132 deaths!

So, who is telling the truth here??

But before we get to the answer, it is important to look at the "footnote" that the CDC has for the total deaths supposedly from COVID-19...

Here is footnote number 1: Deaths with confirmed or presumed COVID-19.


That one word, presumed, opens the floodgates to exaggeration and manipulation, as well as statistics that can and have been used to stifle, not only our economy, but also used to literally alter the life-essential act of breathing by wearing an ineffective mask that collects our own germs, bacteria, saliva and airborne dirt.  Plus, denying social interaction with co-workers, family and friends, and our ability to worship our good God by shutting down our churches...

It also enables those individuals that have a heinous agenda to compromise or wipe-out our God-given rights, and turn us into third-class citizens completely dependent on an overreaching, behemoth, out-of-control centralized government.  This is what the Founders of our country warned would happen as Ben Franklin quipped: those who sacrifice their liberties for "security," deserve neither.

Who is telling the truth regarding the number of deaths attributed to the Wuhan coronavirus, or COVID-19?

Neither is telling the truth, because neither is telling the public that the majority of those who died were near or above the average life-span of mankind todayIn addition, the overwhelming majority of those who passed away had serious underlying medical conditions with seriously compromised immune systems.

It has also been reported by courageous doctors and other healthcare workers, that they have been instructed to indicate all deaths be recorded as dying from the coronavirus regardless of the actual cause!

If you and I are looking for truth, we will not find it in the official narrative spoon-fed to us on a daily basis, but from alternative sources who investigate and question.  

If all one does is to swallow the lie, then we become slaves to that lie, and ever-increasing control of every aspect of our lives by the haters of freedom -- especially our freedom to worship God almighty.  

One thing that this "pandemic" has revealed is that the American populace has lost the ability to fight for truth, justice and the American way, by so easily capitulating to a false narrative repeated over and over again, until it becomes the "truth."    

"Truth?  What is truth?"   If Pilate was not able to recognize Truth Himself standing right before his eyes, how then, will we be able to recognize His truth?

Christ tells us: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet believe!

Faith, always has been, and always will be the answer...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

And The Police Did Nothing...


How Long Will the Vandals Run Amok?

 By Patrick J. Buchanan | June 23, 2020 | 4:38am EDT


The left's war on America's past crossed several new frontiers last week.

Portland's statue of George Washington, the Father of his Country and the first president of the United States, the greatest man of his age, was toppled and desecrated.

While the statue stood, an American flag was draped over its head and set ablaze. After it was pulled down, a new fire was set on another American flag spread across the statue, and also burned. The vacated pedestal was painted with the words, "You're on Native Land."

In Portland also, a statue of Thomas Jefferson that stood at the entrance of a high school named for the author of the Declaration of Independence was torn down. In New York, city council members demanded that the Jefferson statue in city hall be removed.

Anticipating what was coming, the New York Museum of Natural History got the permission of city hall to have the giant statue of Theodore Roosevelt astride a horse, flanked by an African and a Native American, removed from the front of the museum.

What was wrong with the 80-year-old statue?

Said museum president Ellen Futter, the problem is its "hierarchical composition." Only Roosevelt was mounted.

With Washington, Jefferson and Roosevelt all under attack, three of the four presidents on Mount Rushmore are now repudiated by the left.

Our Taliban have moved on, past Columbus and the Confederate generals, to dislodge and dishonor the Founding Fathers and their patriot sons.

In Philadelphia, the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier of the American Revolution, with its statue of Washington, was defaced. The tomb is the final resting place for thousands of soldiers, known but to God, who died in the struggle for American independence.

"Committed Genocide" is the charge scrawled on the memorial.

Local authorities or police did not stop the vandals. One wonders what will happen should the haters of Washington and Jefferson decide to torch their ancestral homes at Mount Vernon and Monticello.

Still another line was crossed last week in the war against the past.

A statue of Ulysses S. Grant in San Francisco's Golden Gate Park was toppled. Police watched as hundreds gathered to take down the general and 18th president, who accepted the surrender of General Robert E. Lee's Army of Northern Virginia.

Also pulled down in Golden Gate Park was a statue of Francis Scott Key, who wrote our national anthem, "The Star-Spangled Banner," after he watched all through the night in 1814 as British warships bombarded Fort McHenry.

A third statue torn down in Golden Gate Park was that of Father Junipero Serra, the Franciscan priest who founded nine of the 21 Spanish missions in California that run from San Diego to San Francisco.

Serra lived in the 18th century, long before the U.S. acquired California and decades before Mexico won its independence. Pope Francis canonized him in 2015.

At the end of last week, the last statue of a Confederate soldier in the nation's capital, that of Gen. Albert Pike, who spent his years after the war doing good works, was pulled down, while Mayor Muriel Bowser's D.C. cops watched from police cruisers.

We erect statues to remember, revere and honor those whom we memorialize. And what is the motivation of the people who tear them down and desecrate them?

In a word, it is hate. A goodly slice of America's young hates this country's history and the men who made it. It hates the discoverers and explorers like Columbus, the conquistadores and colonists. It hates the Founding Fathers and the first 15 presidents, all of whom either had slaves or coexisted with the injustice of slavery. But hating history and denying history and tearing down the statues of the men who made that history does not change history.

So, where are we going?

Today, as was true in the 1960s, the American establishment is on the run. It recoils from mob action but cannot bring itself to condemn those tearing down the statues, for it basically agrees with them and seeks to marshal their energy to help it get back into power in November.

But this cannot go on. The political and propaganda war on the cops, the vandalism of the statues and memorials, the disgracing and dishonoring of American heroes cannot go on indefinitely.

At some point, in the near future, the establishment, and its questionable political instrument, Joe Biden, will have to have his Sister Souljah moment, and stand up and stay, "This should stop."

For, whatever happens in this election, the American people will not stay united around a party and a movement built on the proposition that America has been, from before its birth, a racist criminal enterprise.

You cannot lead a people whose history and heroes you hate.

A house divided against itself cannot stand. And a society whose history is hated by millions of its members will not survive.

(Patrick J. Buchanan is the author of "Nixon's White House Wars: The Battles That Made and Broke a President and Divided America Forever.")

Monday, June 22, 2020

Over 100 People Shot Over The Father's Day Weekend In Gun-Controlled; Democrat-Controlled Chicago!!

At least 100 people were shot, 14 fatally, in Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s (D) Chicago over Father’s Day Weekend 2020.

The Chicago Sun-Times reports the first non-fatal shooting of the weekend occurred around 6:30 p.m. Friday, when a vehicle pulled up near a 35-year-old woman and the occupants opened fire. The woman was transported to hospital with gunshot wounds to her arm.

NBC Chicago reports the last non-fatal shooting of the weekend took place around 12:30 a.m. Monday, when an 18-year-old woman was shot while “driving in the 5100 block of South Calumet.”

The first fatal shooting of the weekend occurred at 9:52 p.m. Friday, when a car pulled up on three men and the occupants opened fire. Two 34-year-old men and a 43-year-old man were shot, and the wounds of one of the 34-year-old men proved fatal.

The last fatal shooting of the weekend occurred just after midnight Monday morning, when occupants of a car opened fire on a 15-year-old and a 16-year-old as they walked “in an alley in the 4700 block of West Superior.”

On June 21, 2020, Breitbart News reported at least 56 people had been shot in Chicago by Sunday morning of Father’s Day Weekend alone. Nine of those shooting victims died.

More than 30 were shot, two fatally, in Chicago last weekend and 35 were shot, five fatally, the weekend prior.

The Sun-Times reported 85 shot, 24 fatally, in Chicago during the last weekend of May 2020.


AWR Hawkins is an award-winning Second Amendment columnist for Breitbart News and the writer/curator of Down Range with AWR Hawkins, a weekly newsletter focused on all things Second Amendment, also for Breitbart News. He is the political analyst for Armed American Radio. Follow him on Twitter: @AWRHawkins. Reach him at awrhawkins@breitbart.com. You can sign up to get Down Range at breitbart.com/downrange.





Two Statues Of Blessed Junipero Serra Torn Down By Communists: One In San Francisco, And One In Los Angeles...

Over this past weekend, a statue of Blessed Junipero Serra was ripped from its pedestal in San Francisco (the home of "devout Catholic" Nancy Pelosi), and a statue of the same Saint in Los Angeles was also torn down and trampled on by the lunatic leftist Marxists...

These attacks on all things Catholic, is just the beginning, and will get much worse, before it gets any better, that is, if it ever does.

We cannot count on the police to stop or arrest these radical thugs; they were nowhere to be seen in San Francisco or L.A. as the mobs desecrated the statues of the great saint/missionary to the territory that was to become California.

So, it will be up to real Catholic men to see to it that any attacks on our churches will be repelled with the necessary force to deter and subdue the anti-God haters hell-bent on destroying the last barrier to their implementation of their leftist ideology: the Catholic Church; just as is being done in Communist China.  In fact, this current desecration of statues and images of the Saints and Martyrs is right out of the Communist playbook, and is being used by the likes of Antifa and the so-called "Black Lives Matter" insurrectionists.

Make no mistake, the time for actual physical defense of ourselves, and our churches is quickly approaching...   

Be prepared, because I have very little confidence that the police will respond and stop these lunatics in time to save those churches that so many sacrificed for down through the generations to build and preserve...

This is another reason to support and defend the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution: the right to keep and bear arms...

Pray for our country...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Staring Into The Face Of Evil...

Evil, it seems, is surrounding us on all sides...

And that evil is coming in many forms, emanating from many people that a decade or two ago, would seem to be impossible; incredible...   This is especially true if that evil comes from within an entity that is supposed to provide succor to face the challenges of this world, and help us get to the next.  

Of course I'm referring to those in the hierarchy of the church; the shepherds and priests that we depend on for spiritual nourishment.  The same can be said for those we entrust to give us good medical advice to help when we are ill, whether physically or even mentally, God forbid... 

If that is the case, and I believe it is, the question then begs: who or what can we put our trust in?  A serious question, not only for ourselves, but also -- and more importantly -- for our families and friends.  

If we have been given charge over souls, then we will be judged on how we handled our responsibility to guide and protect those souls entrusted to us, and lead them -- and ourselves -- to the heavenly beatitude.

To the extent possible, we must be obedient to those bishops and priests, that is, if they have legitimate concern for our spiritual wellbeing...

But if those same shepherds and priests become a stumbling block rather than an aid in reaching our final destiny, then they must be resisted to the face.  If necessary, that can include the man in the office of pope.

It has become painfully clear that the pontificate of Francis has turned church teaching upside down in an attempt to impose, what seems to me, a new-order "church" that is diametrically opposed to the very teachings of his Master!

I further contend that this is one of the major reasons for the chaos we see in the world, especially here in our own country where the hierarchy are more concerned with "social justice" issues instead of placing the emphasis on the salvation of souls, the chief reason for the church in the first place.

Christ shows us in the Bible that we must choose: be hot or cold for Him, but if we are lukewarm, He will spit us out like vomit...

As for ourselves, we can't accomplish this grave responsibility through our own efforts alone; it will take cooperation with, and through, the life-giving, life-saving sacraments instituted by Christ to give grace. 

I'd like to say something before I write any further... I can get pretty emotional, or should I say, dogmatic, when it comes to something, a cause, if you will, that I know may call for the ultimate sacrifice.  

Being a former military man, I like to use a military analogy at times to make a point... I think that many civilians have heard of the super-secret, supersonic SR-71 Blackbird that was developed in the 1960s, and was used as a high-altitude reconnaissance tool.  In other words, a super-spy plane that flew at the edge of space, at nearly 3,000 miles per hour.  The actual speed and ceiling are still classified as Top Secret, but the plane has since been retired, at least that's what we're told, after so many successful years of service.

We God-fearing faithful know that this life is fleeting; a tiny blip on the radar screen; here one moment, and gone the next.  Just like the Blackbird... when and if the enemy ground forces were able to see its image on their radar screens, and attempted to launch a missile to bring down the SR-71, it was already off the screen and out of range!

The evil that we see around us is but a wistful blip on the radar screen of life, there one minute and gone the next.  Our Lord tells us in the Bible that for a little while we will suffer, and in a little while we will be with Him, where torment and suffering can no longer touch us.

That's not to say that we're to stick our heads in the sand and pretend that everything is okay; just don't pay attention to that evil that threatens us.... No, not at all... We must fight that evil with whatever talents that we have been given us by our good God. To do any less, is to shirk our responsibilities, not only to ourselves, but also to those who depend on us for guidance and counsel according to our chosen state in life. 

Staring into the face of evil and doing nothing, or attempting to appease that evil, never works, and leads to a more emboldened evil, as we can see happening in some of our most heavily populated cities.  

Pray for our country now, more than ever, and pray too for the return to law and order -- and justice -- especially for those lives that are taken from us every single day by the heinous act of abortion: one of the main reasons we are undergoing this deserved chastisement from Almighty God...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla


Friday, June 19, 2020

Is This Or Is This Not Black Genocide?

If black lives really matter...

I bring my reader's attention to a cold, hard fact: black Americans in this country account for about 14 percent of the total population.  However, that same group of Americans make up between 34 and 40 percent of all abortions performed in the nation!

So, what is going on here?

We see demonstrations every day of the week, with black and white folks holding up their signs that read: Black Lives Matter.  These same folks are supposedly calling for racial justice, equality, and an end to "police brutality."  

Even if their cries had some legitimacy, their priorities are misplaced. 

How can there be justice and equality if a pre-born baby doesn't even have a chance to breathe air in the first place?

Are blacks killing their own?

Yes, and it seems that there is a blind spot when there is a radical, political agenda that supersedes the fundamental right to life.  

One would think that the foremost demonstration should be about the slaughter of their race by the anti-life "planned parenthood" and their ilk.  

A cursory look at history will show the planned extermination of black Americans began shortly after the war between the states, with the founding of what was to become "planned parenthood," by the eugenicist Margaret Sanger, here in the U.S., and Marie Stopes in the U.K.

Born in 1879, Sanger had opened her first birth control clinic in 1916, while Stopes opened her first birth control clinic in early 1920s England...

By the late 1920s, Stopes had such incredible effect with her prolific writings and cajoling, that at the 1930 Lambeth Conference, the Church of England adopted the idea of contraception, saying that it was no longer a sin against nature!  That diabolical capitulation to evil would open the door to abortion, as it eventually did here in the U.S. 

Sanger, the eugenicist, created "The Negro Project," in essence, this was a plan to use prominent blacks to "help" those blacks in poverty, mainly in the inner cities, by limiting the number of births by using various birth control methods.  We also know, that when contraception failed, the next step was to do away with the "mistake" through abortion...  

This plan has been so successful, that to this very day, most prominent black "civil rights leaders" and politicians, are 100 percent pro-abortion.  There are exceptions, but very few, e.g., Alveda King, the niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Their zeal to foster the continuation of "abortion rights" by both black and white useful idiots, falls right into the hands of the demon.   The slaughter of black Americans will continue unabated unless and until hearts and minds are converted to the Author of Life, Christ Our Lord...

The hypocrites of "Black Lives Matter" know exactly what they are doing: attempting to establish a new-world-order of both chaos and despair, in a false egalitarian, socialist utopia, where tradition, freedom, and family -- the building block of society -- will be considered anathema! 

Pray for an end to contraception -- and abortion!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla



Thursday, June 18, 2020

Fr. Thomas Byles, Heroic Catholic Priest Of The Doomed Ship: Titanic...

It was reported that one of the builders of the ship made the blasphemous statement "that even God couldn't sink the Titanic".   Whether true or not, the reality was and is that it did sink -- on its maiden voyage at that.

Most readers know of the Titanic, mostly from the movie, or a study from the history books.  But how many know about the convert/turned Catholic priest, Fr. Thomas Byles who went down with the doomed ship?

Fr. Byles was on his way to New York City to officiate at the wedding of his younger brother, William, when the ship hit an iceberg on April 15, 1912.

As the ship was sinking, it was also reported that Fr. Byles was offered to get into a lifeboat and save himself, at least once, and possibly even twice, but he refused.  Instead, he stayed with trapped passengers, hearing confessions, granting absolution, and praying as the Titanic quickly sunk beneath the cold, North Atlantic waters...

The body of Fr. Byles was never found, or if it was, it was not recognizable, so he was officially listed as "missing."  

It should be noted that Pope St. Pius X called him a martyr for the faith.  Since then, there has been a move to start the process leading to sainthood for Fr. Byles...

The story of Fr. Byles came to my attention many years ago, and brings to mind an analogy of what a true priest/shepherd should be, and do, in times of tribulation, or even facing death to fulfill the mandate of Christ -- to preach and baptize all nations.

Fr. Byles didn't leave the "ark" -- the Titanic in this case, but instead stood fast in the face of certain death.  He didn't desert his flock when the savage and ravenous wolves were at the gate ready to attack the sheep.  He faced the "wolf" of death, and gave aid and comfort to the souls under his charge, all the way up to his last breath, before sinking beneath the waves.   He could have saved his earthly, physical life, but chose to win the crown of eternal, supernatural life.

I have no doubt that Fr. Byles saved some poor sinners' souls -- at the last moment of his and their lives, just at the "Good Thief" confessed his faith in Christ as he hung dying alongside his Savior...

Wouldn't it be wonderful -- inspiring -- if our Catholic bishops looked to the great example of service and commitment that Fr. Byles exhibited on that fateful day, April 15, 1912?

The bishops failed to stand up to the ungodly civil and medical "authorities" that demanded that our church doors be shut and locked for fear of a strain of the flu bug.   

Don't they see that they put all their "eggs in one basket" of capitulation, along with fear and dread because of the threat of punishment, arrest, or fines if they defied the powers that be, and allowed the faithful to receive the spiritual medicine of eternal life?

Sure, the doors of most churches are slowly beginning to reopen -- some with severe requirements at best.  But what if the "authorities" pronounce that there is a second wave of the virus heading our way?  Will the bishops tell their priests to shut the doors of our churches?   Will the bishops desert the real Ark of the Covenant a second time?

The question then begs: will the faithful stand by and accept such a mandate -- again?  

I pray that we have the guts and determination to say: "NO!  Not again; not this time!"

Pray for our country, and pray for strength for what is surely coming down the road in very short order...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Thomas Byles, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla


Wednesday, June 17, 2020

The "Silent Apostasy" Is No Longer Silent; Its Evil Has Reached Even To The Supreme Court...

There is currently in the Catholic Church a massive apostasy from the faith.  That simple statement  speaks volumes about the near-total infiltration of evil into the Mystical Body of Christ, at least in its human element.

This can readily be seen in the chaos among the hierarchy, and, as it trickles down to the those who still attend Mass on a regular basis.   

Let me make an important distinction: I am writing about those in the novus ordo, not those who attend the traditional Latin Mass in more orthodox, traditional communities of the faithful.

The difference between the two is titanic. 

As we know, the law of praying is the law of believing, and the "new order" leaves very little for the average Catholic to believe in...

But are they being taught that they must cling to the sacred Deposit of Faith -- Scripture and Tradition?  

The horrible catechesis since the satanically inspired Second Vatican Council, has devastated the beliefs, and corrupted the minds of at least two generations, leading to the denial of the necessity of the Catholic Church for the salvation of one's soul.  

So, I must question those "Catholics" who occupy the chairs of the highest court in the nation: the Supreme Court.

In a recent decision, the Court added -- that's right, added -- the rights of "transgenders" as well as "gender identity" to the 1964 Civil Rights Act.  In effect, that ruling made up rights to groups that did not exist 56 years ago.  And, in reality, still don't exist today!  (See my: Judicial Tyranny)

I remember the 1964 Civil Rights Act, in fact, three-and-a-half years later, I would be serving with my black brothers in Vietnam.  I mention this, because I didn't need a civil rights act to instill in me the ultimate sacrifice that I would make for my brothers next to me in a machine-gun bunker, or on a convoy, or in an observation tower tracking the enemy as they approached the base...

But the Supreme Court saw fit to add those humans who live in a world of the unnatural, and to impose their bizarre views and "rights" on those God-fearing patriots.  

I can hear it now: wait a minute, we have separation of church and state in this country, right?

Well, in reality, we don't.  It is nowhere in the Constitution.  Shocked?  Read the First Amendment for yourself... 

Here is the entire First Amendment as enshrined in our founding document: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

But now, the Supreme Court has inserted the government into our churches, as if they no longer believe in the "separation of church and state" theory!   Which is it, then?  Does it, or does it not exist??

So now, will those "transgenders" and the "gender identity" groups push their agendas on churches as well as on those business owners who fear God rather than man?

Of course, they will.  

Who are the "Catholics" on the Court?   They include Alito, Roberts, Thomas, Sotomayor, Gorsuch (may have left the church), and Kavanaugh.

It was the "Catholic" Chief Justice Roberts, and Justice Gorsuch that joined the ultra-liberals on the Court to make that demonic decision that will now be touted as "settled law."   

Sadly, President Trump has already capitulated, and said that we must live by that decision!  

I don't think so, Mr. Trump; you may live with it, but practicing Catholics call it out for what it is, and can not live with it.  This is another attack on the Church from those who claim to be Catholic.  This cannot stand, and if this comes to a Catholic church near you, you -- and I -- must resist to the face of those who support Satan over Christ!

Make no mistake, this is just the hellish beginning; it will get much worse...

Pray for our country, and pray too, for the conversion of those "Catholics" on the Supreme Court to return to their faith -- and the Natural Law...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla




Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Judicial Tyranny On Display -- Again!

The other day, the U.S. Supreme Court came down with a decision regarding the 1964 Civil Rights Act, Title VII, prohibiting employment discrimination on the grounds of race, religion, color, sex, or national origin. (42 U. S. C. §2000e–2(a)(1).

This is another example of the courts legislating from the bench.  That duty is reserved to the Congress (the legislative branch), and not the judicial branch!  If that is not recognized, then our Republic will become ruled by the judicial "mob"...

The following is an excerpt from the dissenting opinion written by Justice Samuel Alito:  

“The Court attempts to pass off its decision as the inevitable product of the textualist school of statutory interpretation championed by our late colleague Justice Scalia, but no one should be fooled. The Court’s opinion is like a pirate ship. It sails under a textualist flag, but what it actually represents is a theory of statutory interpretation that Justice Scalia excoriated––the theory that courts should ‘update’ old statutes so that they better reflect the current values of society. See A. Scalia, A Matter of Interpretation 22 (1997). If the Court finds it appropriate to adopt this theory, it should own up to what it is doing.

“Many will applaud today’s decision because they agree on policy grounds with the Court’s updating of Title VII. But the question in these cases is not whether discrimination because of sexual orientation or gender identity should be outlawed. The question is whether Congress did that in 1964.

“It indisputably did not.”

My Comment: Some of the most un-natural, bizarre and anti-life causes have achieved another "victory" with so-called "transgenderism" and "gender identity" now being covered by the 1964 Civil Rights Act...

What this amounts to, is another nail in the coffin of the primary building block of society: the family.  The enemies of the family know this, and use the cover of "discrimination" to derail the right of those who believe that God made two sexes, not three or four or five, ad infinitum.   This decision will wipe our ability to object to, or deny serving anyone, based on our religious beliefs.

And President Trump said that we have to live with that decision?  Really?  Mr. President, tell the "supreme court": okay, you made the decision, now try to enforce it (a la Andrew Jackson)...

Has the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which specifically guarantees our right to the free exercise of religion, now been consigned to the dustbin of history?  

It would seem so...

Pray for our country...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla



Monday, June 15, 2020

Since "9/11," It's Been Crisis, After Crisis, After Crisis; War, After War, After War...

If truth matters, even one iota, then the beginning of the decline of our liberties and freedoms in our country, began with the "attacks" on "9/11".

I admit, that it could be argued that the erosion of those freedoms began much earlier.  For instance, when Lincoln arrested editors of some of the newspapers in the North, charging them with sedition for opposing his policies to force the South to remain in the union, ultimately leading to the war between the states. 

Lincoln also suspended the writ of habeas corpus, for all practical purposes, allowing people to rot in jail foregoing a speedy trial for any alleged crime.

In effect, Lincoln's actions violated the rights of American citizens under the First, Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Amendments to the United States Constitution.

It has been downhill ever since...

And "9/11" was the icing on the cake. 

In fact, severe restrictions on our freedoms had been written before "9/11"! 

If this is the case, and it is, how did "they" know this was going to happen in the first place??

What was the result of the "9/11" "attacks"?   

Two unnecessary, long, costly wars in the tinder-box Middle East, with thousands of our troops meeting their demise, along with almost uncountable wounded, some maimed for life.  Not to mention the raid on the treasury to the tune of several trillions of dollars...   

We still have many thousands of our troops on bases in Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as in many other countries including Europe, the Middle East, and the African continent...


We are told that we either fight the "terrorists" on their territory, or we will have to fight them on American soil.  The fact is, the real terrorists are already here and doing their dirty work on the streets of some of our major cities: it's called anarchy and insurrection.  Why haven't the troops of the most powerful military in the world been sent in to eradicate these monsters; these killers?     

Weakness?  Appeasement?  Political correctness?  

From an article by Mr. Robert Kraychik:

“Silence is violence” is a totalitarian slogan demanding compliance and reminiscent of political coercion within the former Soviet Union, said William Jacobson, professor of law at Cornell University and founder of Legal Insurrection. He offered his remarks on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Sunday with host Joel Pollak.

"Jacobson continued, “This is different than political correctness because one of the mottos of the current push is ‘silence is violence.’ It used to be that if you are in a campus or in a workplace, you just did your work, did your studying, kept your head down, [and] tried to stay out of trouble. That was okay. That’s not okay, anymore. It will be insisted that you participate in this, just like in the Soviet Union and in communist countries. If you worked in a factory, you had to go to the rally to support the leadership, and your failure to participate was considered a crime against the regime.”'

Far too many Americans have been completely indoctrinated into thinking that if you catch a cold, you're dead, so wear that filthy mask. 
Don't go to church to beg God's mercy and forgiveness for the extermination of over 61,000,000 -- MILLION --  pre-born American babies.  So it would seem that the anti-life terrorists have been incredibly successful in their war against life, after all, abortion is "settled law."
We are now told to prepare for the coming of the second wave of the "dreaded" COVID-19 "pandemic"...
What has happened to American manhood and American womanhood?   We will continue to capitulate to the civil and medical "authorities," living in constant fear, and dare not gather with family and friends, or enjoy some sunshine and fresh air?
Time is running out to turn our beloved nation around and convert our hearts and minds back to God almighty.  
In the long run, we get what we deserve, don't we?
Pray for our country...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...
Gene DeLalla

Devastating Implications Of Heretical "Cardinals" Voting In The Next Conclave! (The Sedevacantists Will Have A Field Day, Proving They Are "Right"!)

 Think about the horrific implications of heretics voting for the next pope! What are some of those implications? How about the fact that a ...