Friday, July 31, 2020

It's All About Sexual Promiscuity..

Regardless of the social or political movement, or cause, the commotion is all about unrestrained, sexual promiscuity.   

How so?

Look at those politicians, or Antifa anarchists, or, especially, the newest of the bizarre and seditious groups to wreak havoc on the streets of America, the so-called "black lives matter" Marxists, and what is the real bottom line to them?  What is the real cause celeb? 

No, it's not about justice or police brutality.  If one looks a little deeper, you will see that every single one of these lunatic entities, are concerned with one thing: the ability to engage in sexual promiscuity without any restraint or rules whatsoever.

I'm not exaggerating one single bit, because they know that if or when the female gets pregnant  (because the pill didn't work) there is always the available "legal" killing of that new life through the heinous procedure of abortion.

If you notice, one of the aims or goals of these groups is the destruction of the family unit.  Of course, that means not having any moral authority tell those folks what to do, or not to do regarding their own bodies.  

We have seen the signs: "my body, my choice."   

This faulty thinking rejects the idea that our bodies are not ours to do what we please.   Our bodies are supposed to be the temples of the Holy Ghost, designed for the purpose of multiplying and subduing the earth, if in the married state...

Sadly, it is not only the radical, leftist, anti-life Christ-haters that have little regard for any moral objectivity, it is also those women -- and men, of course -- who claim to be Christian/Catholic that have revolted against the moral teachings of the Natural Law, and the church's magisterium, regarding faith and morals.  

To such individuals, there is no accountability; there is no one to answer to for their actions, except themselves, so long as their actions do not impugn or restrict in some way, the rights of others.  This is right out of the Declaration of the Rights of Man, formulated from the reign of terror known as the French Revolution of 1789... 

No one to judge their actions; no judge, jury or church...

We see burning and destruction of people and businesses that, in some cases, poured their entire life-savings (blood, sweat and tears) to establish, only to see their dream destroyed right in front of their eyes, with little or no help from the police to stop the madness.

These are the same gangster-thugs that wouldn't give a second thought to destroying the little pre-born baby girl developing in the womb of her mother, rather than accept the responsibility for their sexual activity... 

After all, It's All About Sexual Promiscuity, and keeping abortion "legal" and "safe." Safe for who?  Certainly not for the target of the barbaric diabolical procedure...

Pray for our country...

Strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla


Thursday, July 30, 2020

S E D I T I O N!!

Seditionconduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state or monarch.

So, who is being seditious in our nation today?

Is it the law-abiding? 

Is it those Americans who believe in the (God-given) rights guaranteed under the Bill of Rights to the U.S. Constitution, especially the First Amendment: the right to peaceably assemble, and to exercise our right to practice our religion, along with the power and means to do just that, in the Second?


It is those individuals and organizations that are not only anti-American, but also anti-Christ, that are burning, looting, and destroying significant sections of some of our major cities. Most especially those cities dominated by a leftist, Democratic machine intent on transforming our beloved country into some sort of "big brother utopia" where the state is god.  And make no mistake, their version of "god" is one that demands complete submission to its diabolical agenda, or else.  This has been proven time and time again.  And if we are not careful, history will repeat itself with a vengeance.

Do not take my word for it, just look around and see -- and listen -- to the actions and the words of our elected representatives who recently "questioned" Attorney General, Barr, in Congressional hearings: their intent was not to get answers, but to force-feed their twisted attacks and opinions on the General, without giving him a chance to respond.  This is not free speech: this was a vicious, controlled attack right out of the Marxist playbook... 

So, dear readers, it will be incumbent upon us freedom-loving Americans to put these seditious monsters in their place, and vote them out of office, post-haste, because it is they who give aid and succor to these insurrectionist demons.   

November is right around the corner... It's up to us to deliver a decisive blow to their anti-God agenda to enslave His faithful, and destroy the foremost building-block of society: the family...

Strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla


Tuesday, July 28, 2020

The New Berlin Wall: Which Side Are We Americans On?

It is said that if we don't learn from history, it will be repeated.


When we went to school, we learned about the infamous Berlin Wall that separated East from West Germany.  That symbol of enslavement was built to keep a freedom-loving people from -- living free!


The Wall was part of what was to become the "Iron Curtain," that was established after World War II, when the old Soviet Union entered Berlin and gobbled-up much of Eastern Europe.  Some would call the Iron Curtain imaginary, but try telling that to those people that were under the heavy-handed reign of Communism.  Not only was there little economic opportunity, there was the more important elements of fear and control over the residents of the various Eastern European states.


The Berlin Wall was the focal point of world attention for many reasons, one being the nearly 100,000 attempts of escaping from the East (Communist controlled) section of Germany, to get to the (free) West.   About 5,000 succeeded in doing so.  However, several hundred died trying to overcome the impenetrable concrete barrier.


Even though there was a very real possibility that they would not survive their attempted escape, and could die at the hands of the heavily armed East German border guards, still, that did not dissuade their insatiable determination to be free. 


In 1989, the Wall came down.  But the memories of those who lost their physical lives are still honored and prayed for to this very day...


That was Germany.  Look what has, and is, happening right here in the United States of America...


We are now living under the illegal, immoral, unconstitutional mandates from civil and medical "authorities" demanding that we submit to their tyranny by wearing an ineffective face-mask, or being prevented from going to church, or if we can go to church, from singing our praises to God almighty!


There is a good possibility that a second lockdown will be implemented across our beloved nation.   But even worse, we may have to stick out our arms and be forcibly vaccinated.  This is something that we free Americans cannot let happen.


Very shortly, we will have to make the painful, yet necessary decision, to stand on the right side of "The New Berlin Wall." 


Child psychiatrist, Dr. Mark McDonald said this:  “This little girl was completely well and completely healthy until this pandemic began.  The pandemic, in my mind, is not so much a medical pandemic. It’s an emotional pandemic...  And this emotional pandemic is based on and centered around fear.”


Strength and honor!


Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...


Gene DeLalla


Monday, July 27, 2020

Chief "Justice" John Roberts ("Conservative" "Catholic") Votes To Bury The First Amendment -- That Guarantees Our Right To Freely Practice Our Religion!!

Here we go again... 

Chief "justice" John Roberts of the U.S. "supreme court," voted -- AGAIN -- with the four ultra-liberals on the court, to help bury the First Amendment that guarantees our right -- given to us by God, not government -- to practice our religion.

You have read it right: John -- I have lost my mind, "conservative," "Catholic" -- Roberts sided with the court's four anti-Christ liberals to stifle those American citizens of the state of Nevada (and by extension, all Americans), telling those who want to worship God almighty, that they must adhere to the unlawful, illegal order that the governor of Nevada issued regarding the number of people that can gather in a church for services.  


Want to gamble in the casinos on Sunday in Nevada? No problem.  In fact, that's what Nevada is all about: gambling.  

You see, my dear readers, it all depends on the bottom line, that is, money, and not God-given common sense, or our duty to render to God, the things that are God's.

Be warned!  The First Amendment has been torn asunder -- again.  This time, however, it just might be the death knell to our cherished right to practice our faith without government interference.  

This is not an exaggeration...

There are nine unelected, rogue, blacked-robed "justices" that are appointed -- for life -- to legislate from the bench, to make unconstitutional decisions that affect the lives of all Americans...

Keep in mind, that there are three branches of government: the executive, the legislative, and the judicial branch.  But the separation of powers has long since past into history at the expense of our liberties and freedoms.  

We, as a nation, continue to sink into lawlessness, not only in the streets, but even more importantly, in and through the courts of our land.  

I urge all my readers to read the Constitution of the United States of America, and also the Declaration of Independence, especially the passage where the Founders admonish us to throw-off an abusive, despotic government, and start over again... That, by the way, is the main reason for the Second Amendment!!

Know your rights or you and I will lose those rights.  

Strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla


Saturday, July 25, 2020

Is Immorality And The Chaos We See In American Society Today, Related?

I'm not just talking about sexual immorality, but also the "immorality" of the mind and the inability to judge rightly.

It is a known fact, from history, and the Bible, that when a people turn from their Creator, and make unto themselves a craven image, and reject God, He will allow the operation of error to enter their intellect and their decision-making process.

What we also know from Biblical teaching, is that there will come a time when a person will think he is doing the will of God by mistreating or killing their brothers, sisters, or neighbors.

Are there examples of this?  Absolutely.  Take for example, the slaughter that takes place on a daily basis specifically directed at the pre-born by the likes of Murder, Inc., a.k.a., "planned parenthood."  

But such a killing machine is only one immoral entity that thinks they are doing a service to God -- more obviously, for filthy lucre's sake...  We know, however, what they are really doing is a "service" to Satan, their god...

Pre-born life has been so cheapened to the point of the innocent baby being -- legally -- torn apart and discarded as trash, or if the baby survives the attempt to kill her, we have read the horror stories of such babies being thrown into the trash and left to die cold, and alone.  And now it has been revealed that some of those precious, little lives are sold to the highest bidder!  These sick, heartless actions, by those heavily influenced by the demon, can no longer recognize evil from good; right from wrong.  

Let me continue to make the connection between the near-total destruction of the sanctity of life, and chaos of burning and looting we see in some of our major cities across the country.  The pretense for these "demonstrations" has been the death of a black American at the hands of some bad-apple police officers.  

But we know better...

The anarchists (Marxists), and the so-called "black lives matter," are nothing more than thugs and gangsters.  Their stated goal is to destroy the family unit, and the Republic.  These outlaws have become emboldened by weak-kneed, liberal politicians afraid of their own shadows, instructing their police to stand-down, allowing the beating and killing of the innocent, and the destruction of homes and businesses.  In effect, they are the real thugs and gangsters, in other words, they too, are the enemy of the law-abiding...

Here's the rest of the story...

Let's turn to the "Catholic" church, and see what is happening behind the closed doors, not only in the Vatican, but also in some of the major dioceses in America, as well as in most of the nations of the West...

The massive infiltration that took place several generations ago by Communists and sexual deviants, has now produced the evil fruit that we presently see, in the form of financial and moral corruption, and more importantly than that, is the betrayal of Christ, their Master...

Is it any wonder why the Marxists and other anarchists are enjoying such incredible success in tearing apart the American fabric?   Keep in mind, that as the church goes, so goes society, this is an obvious, undeniable fact...
And a majority of the blame falls on the shoulders of those false shepherds that are currently in control of the parallel church that carries the august handle of "Catholic," but their version of Catholicism is an allusion meant to subvert the true message and the mandate of Christ: to preach and baptize all nations.  Our Lord also told us that we would be persecuted for His namesake.  That prediction has come true in spades!

With the extreme weakness in the Church, coupled with what Pope Pius XII said of the Modernists reducing the Dogma of Christ's church, that outside of His earthly kingdom (the church militant), no one can enter His heavenly kingdom (the church triumphant), to a meaningless formula, is the main ingredient to the religious indifference we hear being preached from the pulpit in the new-order church... This denial started long before the satanically inspired Second Vatican Council, but culminated in a new regime aimed at killing-off the Traditional Latin Mass, and most importantly, the absolute belief in the Real Presence of Christ in the Holy Eucharist.  Recent research shows that nearly 70 percent of those who claim to be Catholic, no longer believe that Our Lord is truly present after the priest consecrates the bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ...

Christ or chaos?  The answer is self-evident.

Strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!   Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla



Thursday, July 23, 2020

New -- But Conflicting -- Death Totals -- Supposedly -- From The Wuhan (COVID-19) Virus...

As of July 23, 2020, the CDC reports 131,320 total deaths supposedly from the Wuhan (COVID-19) virus.  Yet, the mainstream media's numbers are much higher: 145,384.

So, who's telling the truth?

Actually, neither.

I have to point out, again, that the CDC's own website lists the current number of deaths, with the caveat, or footnote, number one, that reads as follows: Deaths with confirmed or presumed COVID-19.

Let us remember that Dr. Birx used, not only the word presumed, but also the word assumed, when it came to the numbers of cases and deaths from the Wuhan (COVID-19) virus.  

Is that science?

No, it's junk-science, or it is closer to gibberish? 

But it's working, and she and others are getting away with this unscientific nonsense, without one single question from our elected representatives, save for one or two, perhaps.  Most importantly, President Trump has bought the narrative, hook, line, and sinker, and is now considering a potential illegal face-mask mandate, along with the possibility of mandatory vaccinations with an untried, untested Wuhan (COVID-19) vaccine.  So far, he has not given in to such an un-Constitutional dictate, but from the words that I hear him speaking recently, I think that's right around the corner...  

Look at all the new face-mask mandates, or should I say, unlawful dictates emanating from the mouths of both Democrat and Republican mayors, and especially, governors.

We have been sold a bill of goods.   

Let me reiterate, that face-masks do absolutely nothing to prevent or stop an airborne  Wuhan (COVID-19) virus from getting into your system.  Most masks -- even the N-95 mask -- can only filter down to three (3) microns, whereas a paper or cloth mask is even less effective, as the Wuhan is less than one (1) micron in size!   

This is all about maintaining an atmosphere of fear -- and control, and to prepare a gullible population to accept the next round of un-American, un-Constitutional mandates that violate our rights guaranteed by God, and written in the Bill of Rights to the U.S. Constitution.  

The time for choosing sides is at hand...  pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla


Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Wearing A Face Mask Is Patriotic? So Says President Trump!

No, Mr. President, Trump, wearing a face mask is not patriotic, adhering to the United States Constitution is patriotic.

Face mask "mandates," dictates or orders from civil "authorities" -- whether on the local, state or federal level, all violate the U.S. Constitution on many levels.  The following Amendments of the Bill of Rights are being violated when we are forced to wear a face mask, or being "quarantined" -- read: house arrest: The First, Fourth, Fifth, Tenth, Thirteenth, and Fourteenth.  I urge all of my readers to read those Amendments -- if you don't have a copy of the Constitution, please get one and use it to defend your rights!

In fact, as I have written previously, Title 18, U.S. Code, section 242, makes it clear, that under the color of any law, that deprives us of our rights, is punishable by fines or imprisonment.

The Constitution supersedes any order from any authority!  In fact, if a law enforcement officer ever comes to your door to enforce a face mask dictate, or quarantine (remember, that's house arrest!), remind him or her that they swore an oath to God to support and defend the Constitution of the United States, and that they are still bound by that oath!  

If we don't stand up and exercise our rights, we will surly lose those rights.  If you need any more evidence of that, just look around at the restrictions placed on our liberties.  Remember too, what one of our Founding Fathers, Ben Franklin, famously quipped: if you sacrifice your liberty for "security," you deserve neither!  Let that sink in...

So, no, Mr. President, wearing a face mask is not "patriotic," it is another way to instill fear -- and control of a once-free American people...

Right now, Mr. President, you are not on our side!  Wake up, and shake off the yoke of the deep-state globalists that are influencing your decision making!

Strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla


Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Don't Wear A Mask -- Part Three...

Just a few short weeks ago, Drs. Fauci, Birx, the Surgeon General, et al, said over and over again, that wearing a face-mask is not the thing to do, but also it was/is unhealthy to do so.  

But now, apparently, it seems the veil has been lifted from the eyes of these "experts," and they want everyone on earth to wear a face-mask.  

What changed?

Perhaps they didn't -- yet -- have enough control over the American populace?   

What we are facing is a massive phycological operation of fear and control.

It should be noted that even the N-95 mask can only filter out down to three (3) microns, while the so-called COVID-19 virus is microscopic: less than one (1) micron in size.   Most people seem to be wearing a simple paper or cloth mask which may provide some measure of safety, at least in their minds, but in reality, will do nothing to filter out or prevent even a common cold or flu bug virus...

The overall plan has been very successful in creating angst and even anger toward the American public who know that wearing a mask is useless, and decide to "buck the system;" enter stores, only to be verbally, and even physically attacked!  

The indoctrination is nearly complete!  Imagine attacking a fellow American in a store because someone is not capitulating to the mass hysteria of the face-mask tyrants...

Know, that the dictates or orders of various local, as well as state agencies, demanding obedience, whether wearing a face-mask, or staying at home, are all un-Constitutional, and violate U.S. Code 18, section 242: acting under the color of any law, making it a crime to do so...

Now that we know that wearing a face-mask does little to protect anyone from a flu bug, we can easily figure out that the overall plan that has been implemented was done in order to prepare a formerly free people for the coming mandatory vaccinations.  

Will you, or your family, submit to such untested, untried vaccines?   

 Strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla


Monday, July 20, 2020

Atheists Now In-Charge Of The "Catholic" Church...

This is not something new.

Before I continue, let me say that there is one Catholic Church, not two, but what we are seeing, not only in America, but also in most Western nations, is a "parallel church"; it resembles the true church only outwardly, in some ways, but inwardly they are nothing but faithless, ravenous wolves in sheep's clothing.  

In this past Sunday's Gospel, Our Lord warns us of false shepherds that would infiltrate His church.

In fact, here are some definitions of the word false:  1. Not according with truth or fact; incorrect. 2. Appearing to be the thing denoted; deliberately made or meant to deceive. 3. Illusory; not actually so. 4. Treacherous; unfaithful.

It is a known fact that Communists, as well as sexually deviant males, were specifically recruited to enter the seminaries, to become priests, then rise through the ranks to become bishops, and cardinals.  This was confirmed by the testimony of Bella Dodd who testified before the Congress of the U.S. back in the early 1950s.  She, a former Communist, who would eventually convert back to the Church before she died...  

Dodd was only one of at least several "recruiters" tasked by the Communist Party of the old Soviet Union, to bring Communists (atheists) into the church and bring her down from within...

To date, I truly believe that this massive infiltration has been enormously successful, and is quite obvious by their evil fruits!

We can look at the treasonous agreement concocted between the Vatican and the Chinese Communist government to approve bishops appointed by the Communist Party, undercutting the real Catholic bishops, and driving them further underground.  Retired Cardinal Zen corroborates this poisonous betrayal of the real Catholic flock in China...The "patriotic church" looks like the church, but in reality, it is nothing but an empty shell; a slow poison drank by an unsuspecting flock, slowly being brainwashed into the Marxist or Maoist ideology of the Big Brother state... 

For those Communists that entered the seminaries, and were ordained into the Catholic priesthood, let me say from the outset, that those are not real priests, bishops or cardinals; they can't be!

Let me make an analogy between the sacrament of Holy Orders, and the sacrament of Holy Matrimony...

If a Catholic couple got married in the Church, but one of the spouses hid something serious regarding faith or morals, and it became known after the marriage, it would render that marriage null and void.  The same must be true for any Communist -- atheist -- that is "ordained" to the priesthood, that male is not a priest; the sacrament is null and void.  In fact, that individual commits a sacrilege when receiving the sacrament while in that evil state, similar to a communicant that receives Our Lord while knowingly in a state of mortal sin.  I could very easily name numerous "Catholic" politicians that do so regularly... That fact alone, shows me that they do not believe in the Real Presence, nor church teaching, among other things...

With the news of the deepening corruption in the "parallel church," regarding not only the homosexual abuse scandals, and Communist infiltration, but also the fraudulent financial dealings between the Vatican and Red China, is there any doubt as to why so many have left, or decided not to enter the new-world-order church?  

The drastic mistake that those folks have made, is that they were not in the real Catholic Church, but that phony entity masquerading as the Church!   This is what happens when the flock accepts without question, everything that's spoon-fed to them on a silver platter, unable or unwilling to research and buck the status-quo...

The Atheists Are Now In-Charge Of The "Catholic Church"...

The good news, is that there is a Remnant, an Elect, that will never be abandoned by Our Lord.  That should give us hope and courage to face the persecution of the faithful, that is surly coming down the road.

Strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla 

Saturday, July 18, 2020

Civil Rights "Icon" Democrat Rep. From Georgia, John Lewis Dead At 80...

Yesterday, July 17, 2020, John Lewis, D-GA., died at the age of 80, after losing a battle with pancreatic cancer...

Of all the articles I have seen and read today, all praised his participation of the civil rights movement in the 1960s and forward...

Both the liberal --  and "conservative" -- press have referred to him as an "icon" in that very same fight for the rights of black Americans, culminating in the passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

But there was another side to this so-called icon: he had a 100 percent (positive) rating with the culture of death "icons," such as "planned parenthood," NARAL, etc...

In other words, he was 100 percent for the killing of the pre-born, all the way up to and including birth!

Here are some of legislations he voted against -- and YES, to those bills that encouraged the continued attack on the lives of pre-born babies -- as a federal Congressional representative over the years: 

Voted NO on banning federal health coverage that includes abortion.

Voted YES on expanding research to more embryonic stem cell lines.

Voted YES on allowing human embryonic stem cell research.

Voted NO on restricting interstate transport of minors to get abortions.

Voted NO on making it a crime to harm a fetus during another crime.

Voted NO on banning partial-birth abortion.

Voted NO on forbidding human cloning for reproduction & medical research.

Voted NO on funding for health providers who don't provide abortion info.

Voted NO on banning Family Planning funding in US aid abroad.

Voted NO on barring transporting minors to get an abortion.

I have a very simple question for those "conservative" publications: why didn't you mention any of this monster's infatuation with the satanic and barbaric slaughter of the most vulnerable of our human race?
Where is the truth that you claim to write about as opposed to those nasty liberal writers whom you chastise for their biased and slanted version of the "news"?

What Sword of Damocles is being held over your collective heads?  Why are you afraid to call out that  brute who has been responsible for uncountable millions of murdered pre-born babies during his bloody tenure as a Congressman?

I will not -- nor can I -- judge Lewis' soul, but objectively, he had a lot to answer for when he faced the Just Judge, Christ Our Lord...  May God have mercy on his immortal soul!

Pray for justice!

Strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla 

Friday, July 17, 2020

Tyranny: Cruel And Oppressive Government Or Rule, And The Destruction Of Our God-Given Rights...

Have you been forced to wear a face-mask by your town or state?

Don't submit.

Have your churches been shut down -- or shut down again?

Protest at your bishop's residence.

Love going to Walmart, or Sam's Club, or Costco? 

But now you are required to wear an unhealthy, filthy face-mask that collects your bacteria, dust, saliva, and germs, and sends them right back down your throat into your lungs?

Don't submit.

Did you know that the Wuhan (COVID-19) virus is less than 1 micron in size, and even the N-95 mask can only filter down to 3 microns in size?

Don't wear that mask. 

Don't submit.

After all, people, this is not about being "safe" and "secure" (remember what Ben Franklin said about that: if you give up your liberties for security, you deserve neither), this is about CONTROL, and POWER of the tyrants, whether at the federal or state level...

Make no mistake: if we submit to these orders and rules -- not laws! -- then the next step will be mandatory vaccinations, which, "they" say, will "allow" you to be included in the herd of sheeple, and shop where you want, so long as you submit and wear that dirty, filthy mask...

Know too, that the current vaccine for the Wuhan (COVID-19) that is being developed, will skip animal trials, and be directly experimented on humans.  

Remember MK-ULTRA, and the experiment on G.I.s to control their minds?

Wearing a face-mask is a little different, that is, until that untried, untested vaccine is pumped into your arms, then the submission will be complete, and you will be able to be "free" -- so long as you obey, and don't dare to buck the system!

I urge all my readers to read Title 18, U.S.C. (U.S. Code), section 242.  This is available on-line; print it out and keep it handy; in your house and in your car.

Being forced to wear a face-mask violates our First, Fourth, Fifth, Tenth, Thirteenth, and Fourteenth Amendments to the U.S. Constitution.   Read, know, and exercise your rights, if you don't, you will lose those precious rights given to us -- not by government -- but by God Almighty!

We must understand that what is happening to us, and our country, does not only affect us now, but also our children and our children's children.  Let that sink in!

Strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Staring Into The Face Of Evil: When Will It End?

If you read and remember the history of the Roman Empire, you will also remember that the pagan Emperor Nero, blamed the nascent Christians for the burning of a good portion of the city of Rome. 

Of course, there was no evidence for his claim, but since it emanated from the mouth of that lunatic, it became "gospel."   Quickly thereafter, massive persecution of Christ's burgeoning flock began.

The accounts of the torture and deaths of Christian, men, women, and even children were so barbaric, that I will not repeat them here.  Suffice to say, that it became "fun" and "games" to do away with the faithful followers of Our Lord, in ways that would make a decent person vomit...

Let us now jump to the present day, and see what is happening to Catholic/Christian churches here, in the land of the "free and the home of the brave..."

Just this past weekend, at least two Catholic churches were vandalized and burned.  One church had parishioners inside when a leftist lunatic rammed his vehicle right into the church; poured out gasoline and lit it up!   In another incident, an historic church in L.A. was completely destroyed by arsonists.  In the first case, the evil punk was captured by police, thank goodness...

And we have all heard of the attacks on statutes depicting Catholic Saints, such as St. Junipero Serra and the Blessed Virgin Mary (the Mother of Christ).

The attacks on the churches barely made "honorable mention" in the mainstream media.  Can you imagine if the buildings attacked and burned were synagogues or mosques?  All hell would break loose, in the media -- and on the streets!

The satanic ghouls that perpetrate such outrages, are truly doing the work of the devil; they are evil personified, and have given over their intellects to the father of lies.  So, it is not a question of ignorance, or insanity, but a conscious decision and willingness to serve the Enemy of Christ and humankind.

What is fueling these hate crimes, it is a contempt for people who love the land of our birth?

By the way, where is the FBI in all of this?? 

 The main target -- if it is not obvious -- is Jesus Christ, and those who follow Him: the way, the truth and the life...

The cry of the "new Nero," is that Christians are to blame for everything under the sun that is wrong in the world...

It is becoming more apparent that those who claim they are demonstrating for justice, whatever that means these days, are either fooling themselves, or are using the deaths of black Americans as a cover for the Marxist agenda with the aim to transform our Republic into something unrecognizable to freedom-loving Americans... 

One of the main enablers of this insurrection is a very weakened clergy, specifically, the Catholic hierarchy, unable or unwilling to call out and condemn the Communists and their violence, exacted, not only on our churches and monuments, but also to the innocent citizenry being beaten nearly to death on the streets of America by the so-called "black lives matter" and their minions...

Where is the backbone of our shepherds?   Where is their manhood?   Where is their willingness -- their obligation -- to put their lives on the line for the flock of the faithful entrusted to them by right of their office? 

I don't see it.

On top of all of this craziness, we have to deal with civic "leaders" demanding we kowtow to their un-Constitutional dictates, whether the mandatory wearing of (ineffective!) face masks, or being under house arrest, all in an effort to stifle the faux "pandemic" of this strain of the flu bug... 

How, or when will this madness end?  When will things return to a sense of normalcy in our country?  

I cannot predict a timetable, but what I do know, is that unless and until we men and women stand up for our unalienable rights, granted to us by God Himself, and have a real conversion of heart and soul, very little will change...

Strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for  us...

Gene DeLalla

Monday, July 13, 2020

Update On Governor Newsom Of California... All Churches In 31 Counties In California Have Been Ordered Closed -- Again!!!

The irony of it all!

I just posted an article (see here Lunacy Or Tyranny -- Or Both?), and lo and behold!  Governor Newsom of California just ordered the closure of all churches in 31 -- count them -- 31 counties in his state (actually, it doesn't belong to this dictator, the state belongs to the people!) because of the faux "pandemic" of the Wuhan (COVID-19) virus...

Now, good people, if you think that other governors will follow this clowns lead, you are correct.  In fact, I'll go one further... The "Catholic" bishops will sheepishly comply without a whimper; without a challenge to the absolute despotism of this so-called, self-described "Catholic" governor.

The agents of Satan are happily doing his work.  The demon knows that the true Catholic Church is the last bastion that must be destroyed in order for the reign of the anti-Christ to be made publicly known.  Without that destruction, he has little chance of corrupting and deceiving even the Elect, if that is possible.

So, get ready Catholics and others, to endure another lockdown of our churches.  But! there is an alternative: don't let it happen!  We can protest just like the enemies of Christ "protest," only we don't destroy and burn and loot.   We cannot and will not lower ourselves to their level, but we will defend ourselves, our families, our properties and our churches, even without any help from weak-willed bishops who capitulate to the civil and medical "authorities" at the drop of a hat...

Strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

Lunacy Or Tyranny -- Or Both?

Are you able to go to church where you live?

If so, that is a good thing...

Are you "allowed" to sing in a choir in your church?

If so, that is also a good thing; to lift up your voice in praise to God almighty.

If you live in California, however, you might be able to go to church, that is, if you keep your distance from others, and keep the congregation down to 50 or so, or whatever the dictated number is, but if you attempt to sing in church, you might have your services shut down; the doors to your church locked, or you might get arrested!  At least according to the governor of California, Newsom.

(By the way, Newsom is a supposed "Catholic," and was taught by the Jesuits.   I think that says it all; right?) 

Think about that for one moment... A governor of a state has told you -- or me -- that singing in church is prohibited!

Is that lunacy or tyranny -- or both?

It is plain for all to see, that when someone apostatizes from the faith, they open themselves up to stupidity or worse; evil, as is evidenced by the fact that Newsome is wholeheartedly in support of the killing of the pre-born up to birth, as well as homosexuality, and other bizarre and deadly mortal sins of the flesh...

Why is Newsome demanding that singing in church not be "allowed"?  Because, according to him, singing in church can cause the spread of the so-called Wuhan (COVID-19) virus.

Does he really and truly believe this?

I don't think so...

What is really behind such an outrageous violation of the First Amendment to the Constitution, is not concern about spreading a faux "pandemic," but rather it is about the abuse of his power and control of the citizens of California.

And that's the key element here: control -- and dependence on the bloated and morally bankrupt government.  The state then becomes "god," and you and I will be dependent (enslaved) on Big Brother for all of life's necessities.  Our freedoms, however, will no longer exist!

Now, more and more brainwashed mayors and governors (yes, even some thickheaded Republican governors) have made wearing a face-mask mandatory!

What's the next step?

Mandatory vaccinations, of course.  If not this summer, then the fall or winter, when the seasonal flu hits the population.  The political and medical "authorities" will swear up and down -- without evidence -- that all those who have flu-like symptoms, will be classified as having the Wuhan (COVID-19) virus.  

This is not an exaggeration... The CDC's own website has a footnote to the supposed COVID-19 death totals that reads as follows: Deaths with confirmed or presumed COVID-19.

I have posted that footnote many times in my previous articles, but it needs to be repeated over and over again to show the very real fear tactics being used to justify and enforce another potential lockdown.

If another un-Constitutional lockdown is mandated, remember that if a person is not sick, it is a house arrest, not a quarantine

Unwarranted house arrest is a violation of Title 18, U.S.C. (United States Code), Section 242 -- under the color of law...

I urge all my readers to look up title 18 U.S.C., section 242; print it out and keep it handy, especially if some officer, or political representative, comes to your door to enforce a house arrest or mandated wearing of a face-mask Remind that person that they swore an oath to God to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States; that oath is still binding, and supersedes all other orders and dictates of mayors or governors.

Strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

Saturday, July 11, 2020

How Many People In The U.S. Died (Supposedly) From The Wuhan Virus This Week?

From the CDC's own website, the number of deaths supposedly attributed to the Wuhan virus (COVID-19) was 302, as of July 10, 2020.

A couple of things that must be considered here, first, that number is from a population of over 330,000,000 -- that's MILLION!  

Second, the following footnote is also from the CDC's website: Deaths with confirmed or presumed COVID-19.

So, how many in this country actually died from the Wuhan (COVID-19) virus?  

Your guess is as good as mine...

Keep in mind that it has been reported by numerous sources of healthcare professionals, that they have been instructed to indicate that someone has the Wuhan virus regardless if they have been tested, so long as they show some symptoms of the flu!  

Confirmed or presumed!

We have been lied to, time and again, until that lie has now morphed into the "truth"...

The useful idiots in the mainstream media are perpetuating that lie, because they want to see our president fail, and America fail, and transform our Republic into a Marxist, socialist utopia devoid of God and family...

Strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

Friday, July 10, 2020

The Current Numbers From The Media Regarding The Wuhan Virus Vs The CDC's Numbers...

Well, they just don't give up, do they?  The mainstream media is reporting that the supposed death toll from the Wuhan virus stands at 135,094 as of today, July 10, 2020...

BUT!  The CDC's own website reports something very different...

The CDC numbers: 118,598!  A difference of 17,000!  But who's counting?

Keep in mind the infamous footnote number 1, which reads: Deaths with confirmed or presumed COVID-19!   

So, what or who are we to believe?

We are being duped; conned; fooled; add your own descriptions to the so-called "pandemic" of the Wuhan coronavirus...

Never stop questioning the government and medical "authorities" and their phony narrative...  

And don't wear a mask!  It is detrimental to your health and well-being... do the research!!!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

The Aliens Among Us...

There has been a substantial increase in the number of illegal aliens attempting to enter our country at our southern border.  It should be noted that a good number of those illegal aliens are bringing various diseases and sicknesses with them.  Where is the concern from the likes of Drs. Fauci or Birx that the aliens may be spreading diseases far worse than the Wuhan virus?  Fortunately, those professional and brave border patrol agents continue to do the best job they can, and apprehend many of those border crossers, process, then send them back south from whence they came...

I find it interesting that even though the U.S. is under draconian restrictions regarding the current "pandemic" of the Wuhan coronavirus, illegals still want to come to our country seeking opportunity, not only for themselves, but also to send monies to their families back in their native land of Mexico.  

It should be noted, however, that not all those apprehended at the border are Mexican nationals, but include aliens from a whole host of countries, from South America, as well as countries from Asia and Africa...   

This phenomenon is dangerous for several reasons, including the fact that some of those apprehended were those who could be classified as terrorists, Communists, or other entities intent on doing harm to America.  This is not generally reported by the mainstream media simply because it shoots down their narrative that all who come across the border are peace-loving men seeking a better life for themselves and their families... 

The sovereignty of a country depends on a defensible and secure border, not a border that is more of a sieve than a barrier.  Most of those in the Democratic party want our borders to disappear, and become one, homogenized "Americas" that would include -- whatever would be left of the U.S. -- Mexico and Canada.  

This would be dangerous, not only for the reason of sovereignty and protection from our enemies, but also for our rights that we still enjoy under the Constitution, as well as for the currency that we use to buy and sell goods and services.  (What supreme document would our rights and laws emanate from if not the Constitution?)  What would replace the (failing) dollar?  The peso?  The Canadian buck?  Or, maybe something like the "Amero-dollar," whatever that would look like.   Who or what would determine the value of such a piece of paper?  The Fed?  The Canadian or Mexican central bank?   A nightmare in the making!

I did not intend this article to be screed about illegal aliens invading our country, rather, it was to point out The Aliens Among Us who are those Americans by birth or naturalization, that have become, what I consider, aliens to our way of life.  

We know how to defend against an enemy from without our borders, but to recognize and defend against an enemy from within our borders, is a different story...  Fortunately, those who hate our country have become more transparent; more obvious than ever before.  In a sense, this is good, so we now know who are the loyalists, and who are the seditious that want to transform our country into something our young children and their children will no longer to able to recognize -- that is, if they are "allowed" to have children!

The threats to our way of life, and our right and duty to worship our good God, are real and overt; no longer covert, as the radical leftists have become emboldened by weak-kneed politicians -- both Democrat and Republican, as well as clergy unwilling to sacrifice for their flocks... This weakness and the attempt to appease the godless mercenaries that are looting and burning, and tearing down our statues and monuments, has only made those traitors more determined than ever to implement their horrible, anti-life, anti-Christ agenda... 
Make no mistake about where the loyalties of these Marxists lie: with the father of lies, Satan.  

If that isn't enough to put the fear of the Lord in you and I, then we're done for; we're doomed to failure in defending ourselves and our precious families -- and our country...

Pray for strength and honor, courage and fortitude for what we must face head-on in the coming days...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla 

Devastating Implications Of Heretical "Cardinals" Voting In The Next Conclave! (The Sedevacantists Will Have A Field Day, Proving They Are "Right"!)

 Think about the horrific implications of heretics voting for the next pope! What are some of those implications? How about the fact that a ...