Saturday, January 30, 2021

Is This For Real? Or Is This A Bad Joke?

 The following information was gleaned from an article by Kyle Morris on

"The Black Lives Matter movement, which fueled several violent protests across America last year, has been nominated for the 2021 Nobel peace prize.

"The nomination was made by Petter Eide, a member of Norway’s parliament who considered the effort to be “a very important worldwide movement to fight racial injustice,” and brushed off questions regarding violent protests in the movement’s name.

Comment: In addition to the fact that Mr. Eide is a complete leftist lunatic, this reminds me of the Stockholm syndrome, a psychological response wherein a captive begins to identify closely with his or her captors, as well as with their agenda and demands.

“Studies have shown that most of the demonstrations organized by Black Lives Matter have been peaceful,” Eide said. 

Comment: Lie!   The hard, indisputable evidence of absolute violence by the BLM Marxist is in the public domain for all to see... Make up your own minds, rather than reading the drivel of these globalist, one-world-order miscreants...

“Of course there have been incidents, but most of them have been caused by the activities of either the police or counter-protestors.”

Comment: Another big lie!  Most, if not ALL, of the anarchy and insurrection was planned and carried out by these anti-American, Christ-haters.

"A study by the Armed Conflict Location and Event Data Project, which looked at 7,750 Black Lives Matter demonstrations from four months of last year, found that 93 percent of the protests were mostly peaceful, yet photographs and videos captured by journalists across America depict a different image.

Comment: Must I write it again?  Another big lie... "yet photographs and videos captured by journalists across America depict a different image."  


"While there have been numerous violent incidents involving the movement’s name, several innocent civilians and members of Congress have suffered from the cruelties of activists from within the movement.

Comment: There is no doubt about that, as the video evidence doesn't lie... 

"Last August, Black Lives Matter activists harassed diners seated on the patio of a Mexican restaurant and allegedly demanded they raise their fists. Other activists from the movement also surrounded Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) and several women for several minutes on the streets of Washington, DC, as they attempted to leave a Republican National Convention event at the White House.

Comment: It is becoming increasingly obvious that our beloved country is becoming a hell-hole of hate and fear perpetrated by the leftist mafia hell-bent on destroying our way of life; our traditions, and our ability to go about our daily lives in peace and tranquility...

"Last September, released data from Princeton University showed that riots associated with the Black Lives Matter movement took place in 48 out of the 50 largest cities in the United States."

Final Comment... What makes matters worse, if that's even possible, is that some Marxist/Communist in the "Catholic" Church hierarchy are swallowing the line of the BLM maniacs.  There is a photo of one "bishop" kneeling -- KNEELING!!!! -- holding a BLM sign in support of these loonies...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Blessed Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

Friday, January 29, 2021

A Crime Spree On Steroids In 2020...

 Do you watch CNN, or MSNBC, or one of the so-called "mainstream media" outlets that continually brainwashes their audience to such a degree, as to distort all reality, creating a new class of mind-numbed robots who believe anything -- anything -- their puppeteers tell them?  

The distortion of truth that emanates from the mouths of these news anchors, renders the truth D.O.A. (dead on arrival).  Furthermore, that distortion points fingers of guilt to those law-abiding, God-fearing, pro-life, pro-Second Amendment, patriotic Americans as the real enemies of peace and tranquility in our nation.

We can see and hear, on a daily basis, how the liberal/Marxist left always accuses their opponents -- you and I -- of what they do.  There is no shame in their reporting the "news"; only lies, or, made-up stories out of thin air.  Truly bizarre! 

Real journalism for all practical purposes, no longer exists among the many media platforms available to the public, including social media...

With this in mind, recent data shows a dramatic increase in homicides (murders) in some of the major cities in 2020.  It should be noted that those were the cities where uncontrolled mayhem and destruction by anarchists and insurrectionists was allowed to go on with little or no pushback by law enforcement.  

Why were these rioters and looters allowed to get away with such massive destruction of homes and businesses, keeping the law-abiding living in fear for their lives and the lives of their families?  The answer to this is beyond belief: the mayors of those cities and the governors of those states in question, (all Democrats) were (and still are) sympathetic to the Marxist Communists and their agenda to destroy our American way of life -- including family, tradition, and private property -- and form a socialist "utopia" where our rights are controlled by the false god of the almighty state...

Simply put: such individuals are traitors to their citizens and their country!

Here are just a few examples of the stunning statistics of murder rates from 2020...

(Information was gleaned from a report on OANN news from January 28, 2021.) 

Milwaukee: nearly a 95 percent increase in murders; Minneapolis: over 72 percent; Chicago: nearly 56 percent; Memphis: nearly 59 percent; Houston: almost 43 percent; New York (City): almost 40 percent; Philadelphia (the City of Brotherly Love!): nearly 36 percent increase.  There are others... 

Where in the mainstream media have you seen these homicide statistics?


Not only are these data shocking, they are also indicative of what happens when there is a breakdown in society, especially when the rights of its citizens are restricted or denied outright.  But the core reason is the almost complete rejection and prohibition of public worship of God, most notably in the public school system, where even the Natural Law is twisted beyond recognition, and tradition is often accused of being the chief cause of all the ills of our country.  Couple this with the phony "pandemic" of one of the strains of the coronavirus, and you have a recipe for societal disaster...

Pray for strength and honor -- and for truth!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla



Thursday, January 28, 2021

It's M A G I C!!

 Have you ever seen the magician/illusionist, David Copperfield?  It is said that he could "hide" mountains or make them disappear right before your eyes!   Once, I did see a brief snippet of a video of him doing just that, but I have to admit, I had a beer or two just before he "moved" that mountain -- somewhere!   Sort of reminds me of the adage: if Mohammad can't come to the mountain, then the mountain will come to Mohammad... 

Copperfield is now 64-years-old.  I don't know if he still has the energy to move those mountains around or find a place to hide them!

In any event, whether Copperfield got his ability from Simon Magus, or the devil himself, he has been one of the most successful magicians in history...

I really don't know, and, frankly, I really don't care where he got his "power" to do such things; the point being, is, that as a practicing Catholic, I am not superstitious, nor do I believe in "magic" as it is formally defined in the dictionary:  the art of producing illusions as entertainment by the use of sleight of hand, deceptive devices, etc.; legerdemain (trickery; deception); conjuring...

But recently the entire American populace was treated to magic performed right before our eyes, during, and right after, the 2020 presidential election.  And, yes, we were deceived -- at least a good portion of those who voted swallowed the media's narrative that everything was on the up and up; no fraud to see here...

We know that was a lie, and now, we are paying the price for that very successful lie that has placed in the Oval Office, one of the most corrupt malefactors I have ever seen occupy the most powerful office in the land, and the world, for that matter; Biden (and Harris).

If that weren't enough, there has been even more sleight-of-hand, this time "performed" by those sly, treasonous mayors and governors of states that have held their citizens hostage for months on end, through lockdowns and penalties if they dare exercise their God-given rights as enumerated in the Bill of Rights of the U.S. Constitution, all the way from fines to actual imprisonment for trying to make a living and feed their families, or, for the most egregious of "crimes" of not wearing a face-diaper!  It is important to point out that over 90+ percent of those states that have suffered endlessly, are run by tyrannical Democrats.  Who would have known?

Welcome to Amerika...  

Now, the real "magic"...  New York, California, Illinois (Chicago, especially), and several other states, have magically ended their lockdowns right after Biden entered the White House!  


Was the battle against the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) an illusion; a sleight-of-hand?  

It has now been admitted by none other than the CDC itself, that the PCR tests are practically worthless.  Yet, that bastion of hypocrisy, "Dr." Fauci, now "recommends" wearing, not one, but two face-diapers!   

We are truly living in a make-believe world, surrounded by inmates running the asylum...

Pray, as always, for strength and honor for what will be coming down the road in short order...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Blessed Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

The First Commandment Smashed To Pieces -- By The "Catholic" Church??

 What is the First Commandment?

"I am the Lord your God.  You shall worship the Lord your God and Him only shall you serve."

Ever since the demonically inspired Second Vatican Council, the Catholic Church's shining beacon of faith and morals has been severely dimmed, and has taken a 180-degree turn, headed right toward the deepest and hottest abyss of hell itself...

If there was ever anymore proof needed of this, simply look at the conciliar and post-conciliar popes who reigned from 1958, up to and including the present man sitting in the Chair of St. Peter: Bergoglio, also known as Francis.

What we have witnessed is nothing short of idolatry -- a direct violation of the First Commandment -- which is enough of a crime to bring down the wrath of God on an unbelieving world.  What makes this even more of a despicable violation of the most important of all the Commandments, is that this has been committed by the very successors of the Apostles.  And the men, whose actions of these traitors to Christ, their Master, have perpetrated, will be held more accountable than to those outside the Church.  

Let's look at some of the actions of the popes after John XXIII, -- who, just before he died, begged that the Council be stopped -- to Paul VI; John Paul II, and the current, Francis...

(Note: that John Paul I, shortly after being elected to the papacy, was probably murdered.  As the story goes, he was beginning to call into question fraudulent financial dealings of the Vatican, along with ties of the hierarchy to Free Masonry, and other abominations.)

The evidence for idolatry can be seen in the sacrileges and blasphemies at Assisi and Rome where false gods were placed on the altar of St. Francis and, even more outrageous, on the altar in the basilica of St. Peter.  The entire world saw the earth-goddess, Pachamama, being worshipped by lunatic "cardinals" and even Bergoglio.  The attempt to downplay and explain away the events failed to dissuade or convince those who saw, with their own eyes, what took place.  

What is even more mind-boggling is that John XXIII, Paul VI, and John Paul II have been canonized as "saints" in the Church, for "miracles" attributed to their intersession as well as for their "heroic virtue".  God-given common sense and reason tells us that this cannot be so.  It flies in the face of those martyrs who suffered cruel and unusual torture and death for the faith of Christ.  Many of those martyrs were pious, virgin, women who dedicated their lives to their Spouse: Christ our Lord.  It should be noted, too, that men, boys, and girls also suffered rather than to betray their Master and bow down to idols, or offer incense to the false Roman gods...  

But the conciliar and post-conciliar popes are now "saints"??  

I don't buy it...

"I am the Lord your God.  You shall worship the Lord your God and Him only shall you serve."

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla


Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Is There ANY Good News Out There????

 Yes, plenty.

Show me, you say?

Follow along with my reasoning and I'll prove it...

The recent, rigged, presidential election, has put into power, an illegitimate, compromised Biden, who, by his executive orders, has already destroyed thousands of high-paying jobs by stopping the construction of the XL pipeline.  

The labor unions that voted for the corrupt Biden, have now turned their full fury against him and the Democratic Party.  And rightly so!

This is only the beginning, as these American-hating, Marxist-Democrats, plan to implement the so-called "Green New Deal."  This will be another disaster in the making for anyone who owns a car or a house.  Fuel prices will skyrocket; heating a home will become much more expensive, and the list will get longer for anyone who has any device that uses gasoline or diesel fuel...

Aside from an economic apocalypse that will make itself manifest in the very near future, there is the human disaster that will accelerate with each passing day, as the pro-baby-killer, Biden, re-establishes harsh, anti-life policies in order to placate the financial support he received from such genocidal organizations as "planned parenthood," NARAL, and their ilk.

If you are a parent, and have a young girl that goes to school, you'll be "happy" to know -- if you haven't already heard -- that the anti-Natural Law, Biden, also signed an executive order allowing males who identify as females, to use your dear daughter's bathroom at the school she attends.

Catholics -- and even some mainline Protestant denominations -- will be targeted simply because they are God-fearing, pro-life, pro-Second Amendment American patriots who simply want an even better life for their children and grandchildren, and that includes not being buried under a mountain of debt.

There is a good possibility that Biden and company will have to repay the Red Chinese Communists for their "investment" in what has become known as the "Biden crime family," including his number one "hit-man-son," Robert Hunter, gleaning tens of millions of dollars from China in very shady financial deals...

Now, I could list numerous other obstacles to our American way of life that a Biden administration could throw in our path to find some measure of happiness in this, our beloved country.  But the several examples I have listed should be enough to indicate the absolute horror that this apostate Catholic can inflict on his fellow citizens...

And that's a lot of bad news; there will be more coming...

So, where's the good news??

Think about it in this way: With every attack on our humanness; on the Natural Law; on our freedoms to worship God; on our ability to speak our opinions without fear of government retribution, and, most especially, the continued and even more aggressive attacks on the pre-born gift of life of our Creator, there is -- or will be -- a reaction.

If there is any manhood and womanhood still extant in our nation, the God-fearing will find a way out of this mess.  And we know the way, the truth, and the life.  As has happened in times of grave crises, the populace will finally turn to God almighty and beg for mercy and strength, not only to face the current trials and tribulations, but also to be "born again" in the love of God and neighbor.  

What we are going through at the present time, is a chastisement for being lukewarm, or outright rejecting Him who made us: To know, love, and serve God in this life, and be happy with Him in the next.   But a great revival is coming!  

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla


Monday, January 25, 2021

A New Declaration Of Independence -- For The Catholic Bishops??

 There is a key section in the Declaration of Independence which basically states that a people should try to endure (suffer) under what would be considered an evil or abusive form of government, and try to obtain a redress of grievances, rather than to abolish that form of government altogether.  However, I'll now quote the more pertinent section of the Declaration as it pertains to this article: "But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."  

I have quoted the Declaration more than a few times in my previous articles for the more apparent reasons of what we see happening in our country in these troubling times.  This time, I will attempt to make the most salient point of what some faithful shepherds (bishops) of the Catholic Church are enduring as they try to preach the truth in the face of almost overwhelming odds from an entity that continues to call itself "Catholic."   This refers, of course, to the establishment church of a morally and spiritually compromised hierarchy, along with costly buildings and ornate art-work, bureaucracy, red tape, scandal and fraud that accompanies any large institution, just as we see it happening in mega-corporations, with very familiar names...

(Our Lord never promised wealth and power to the nascent church and the new flock of converts, but what He did promise is that the gates of hell would never -- ever -- prevail against His church.  Even if that church were comprised of a scattered, few faithful here and there: the Elect; the Remnant; those who have their names recorded in the Book of Life.)

It is important to make the distinction between the human element of the Church, and the Church itself, in that, Christ, being the Founder of the Church, cannot be the perfect, Divine Head of a rotten and gangrenous Body.  There are some in the body of the Church that have deviated from the teachings, sufferings and merits of their Savior, and have succumbed to the "spirit of the age," rather than face the criticism and outright persecution from the Prince of this world...

As a perfect example of this, I point to the newly elected "president" of the U.S., J. Biden (a professed practicing Catholic!) and his disdain for the Natural Law and Church teachings, by supporting the slaughter of the tiny, pre-born baby developing in the womb of his "mother," not to mention his support for another abomination, the sin of Sodom, along with so-called "transgenderism."  

Recently, Archbishop Gomez of Los Angeles (of whom I am not a great fan of), was about to issue a statement pointing out Biden's extreme deviation from that very same Natural Law and Church teachings on life, when almost immediately, received an admonishment from the Cardinal Archbishop of Chicago, the apostate, Blase Cupich, issued his own statement (to Gomez and others willing to speak up for the truth) telling him to "delay" issuing the admonishment of Biden. 

The feckless, weakling, milquetoast Cupich is afraid of his own shadow and any criticism of the second "Catholic" president to hold that august office...

There is a reason for this: "Cardinal" Cupich is not Catholic.  He is part of the new-world-order version of what passes for the Catholic Church.  He has fully embraced the Prince of darkness, regardless of the consequences he will have to pay after he leaves this earth...

The following is from an article from The Pillar: (a new website by JD Flynn and Ed Condon, who were previously employed by Catholic News Agency), reports that “sources in the Vatican Secretariat of State, others close to the U.S. bishops’ conference, and sources among the U.S. bishops, confirmed to The Pillar that the statement was spiked after intervention from the Vatican Secretariat of State, hours before it was due to be released.”  

Here is the actual statement from Archbishop Gomez, it read: 

"I must point out that our new President has pledged to pursue certain policies that would advance moral evils and threaten human life and dignity, most seriously in the areas of abortion, contraception, marriage, and gender. Of deep concern is the liberty of the Church and the freedom of believers to live according to their consciences."

“For the nation’s bishops,” it added, “the continued injustice of abortion remains the ‘preeminent priority.”

But then, this: "The Pillar reports that three sources close to the bishops’ conference informed them that objections to the statement’s release came from Cardinal Joseph Tobin of Newark, New Jersey and Cardinal Blase Cupich of Chicago, Illinois, among other unnamed bishops."

It should be pointed out, that both Cupich of Chicago, and Tobin of Newark, NJ are both homosexual and "LGBT"-friendly, if not homosexuals themselves.

So, what are faithful Catholic bishops to do in the face of other brother bishops (and the pope?) who refuse to stand up for Christ and His true church?

Issue their own "Declaration of Independence" and dismiss the phony, compromised institution that passes for the "Catholic" Church.  

Does this smell of schism?   Not really, because I contend that the schism has already manifested itself in the institutionalized church that pretends to be Catholic: an insult to all those men, women and children who suffered a cruel martyrdom for the faith of Christ...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Blessed Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla



Saturday, January 23, 2021

"My Body, My Choice!" A Smokescreen For Genocide And Slaughter...

 Remember the feminists cry: "My body, my choice," from the 1970's and forward?  That's right, you still hear it in 2021, only this time, it goes something like this: "Keep abortion safe and legal." 

Safe for who? 

The baby about to be torn apart?  The "mother" who seeks to destroy her child before he has a chance to breathe air?

In some documented cases, that so-called "safe" procedure is downright deadly, as has been proven far too often when the malpractice of the doctor leaves the female bleeding profusely and fails to call "911" for emergency help.  That has led to the death for the poor, unwitting woman who just killed her child!

Let's be frank: The overwhelming majority of abortions are performed on our black American sisters, set in the inner cities among those who fall below the poverty line.  In fact, although black Americans make up about 13-14 percent of the population, they account for nearly 34 percent of all abortions!

This was the plan of the murderess, Margaret Sanger, who wanted to rid the American landscape of the black race, period.   If one doubts what I just wrote, please feel free to do a search for information that is in the public domain.  Her desire to eradicate said American blacks, is right out of her own diary, where she hoped to enlist the help of twisted, godless, black pastors by subterfuge and lies.  When a race is targeted in such a way, it is called genocide.  But that's too harsh a term to be used these days, at least according to the elitists whose aim is right in line with that of Sanger's...

She was so incredibly successful, that we see over 320,000 poor, pre-born babies killed right here in the U.S., not to mention over 1,000,000 (MILLION) killed worldwide, every single year!

It is estimated that nearly 1,000,000,000 (that's one BILLION!) children have been wiped out since the 1970's.  When we start talking about such numbers, it is almost too hard to comprehend... 

A cursory reading of the history books, would reveal the barbarism of the ancient Aztecs and Incas of Central and South America, pales in comparison to what is done to our pre-born today.  Their sacrifice to their gods was almost too gruesome to describe, but what is done to the pre-born is far worse, if that is possible...

President Trump attempted to defund, to a degree, "planned parenthood," only to be rebuffed at every turn.  And now, with the apostate "Catholic" Biden (illicitly in office), the screws are already being turned to let loose additional taxpayer monies to fund the continuing slaughter of the pre-born, all the way up to birth -- that is called infanticide...

It is not a question of what else have we done to deserve a horrifying chastisement from the hand of God that might very well smash our nation to smithereens, it is the fact of the continuation of the massacre of His gift of life.   That is enough to trigger divine Justice, separating the wheat from the rotten chaff, and casting the weeds into the eternal, never ending fires of hell.  It makes no difference whether or not someone believes in hell, they will surely find out if they don't repent and change their hardened hearts, and beg for mercy for their crimes against humanity...

Pray for two things: one, for the conversion of Biden/Harris, and, two, pray for the absolute failure of their anti-life, anti-Christ executive orders and policies.  

Strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Blessed Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla


Friday, January 22, 2021

The Irony? Our Freedom Is Now Our Downfall...

 It seems that we are (or were?) too free for our own good.  This has been played out by allowing too many to enter the country with other than honorable intentions.  Instead of those aliens -- whether legal or not -- coming to America to love and defend her against all enemies both foreign and domestic, many have become an internal enemy to be reckoned with.  This has caused the siphoning-off of crucial resources that could have been directed to improve and repair our infrastructure of community-based programs, as well as bridges, roads, and tunnels...

And with the installation of the malefactor, rogue Biden to lead the ship-of-state, the former heads of agencies such as the CIA, FBI and other intelligence-gathering and investigating entities, are now publicly stating that the enemies of our nation are not the non-citizen aliens, but rather the God-fearing, pro-life citizens that love America!

In a recent, chilling interview, (see here: Even Libertarians) the traitor and perjurer, former head of the CIA, John Brennan, actively called for the rooting-out of those patriots who supported President Trump, including congressmen and senators!  Labeling those American citizens as extremists and threats to our "democracy."  There was not one mention of those rioters (Antifa, the so-called Black Lives Matter/Marxist Communists) who nearly destroyed a good portion of some of our largest cities over the course of the past summer and fall.  Is there any surprise here??  

It is obvious that these "Brennan types" are emboldened now more than ever because of the unlawful installation of Biden as president, and the anti-Catholic bigot, Harris.

There should be no confusion here: This is only the beginning, because the likes of Brennan are out to neutralize Christians more than any other group of freedom-loving Americans.  

Christ is very specific: The world will hate you because it hated Me.   We are also told that the servant is no greater than the Master!  Meaning, we will suffer just as much, if not more than our Savior.  But there is good -- no, make that great news!   It is the Elect; the Remnant that will win the crown of eternal life.  While those who persecute His faithful servants, will be on the receiving end of Divine Justice, if not in this life, then in the next, where wealth, power, influence, deception, and treachery will fall by the wayside when these miscreants stand before our Lord at their Particular Judgment, and account for their evil works!  There will be no escape...

Pray for strength and honor...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla    


Thursday, January 21, 2021

The First Known Use Of The Word Journalist Was Recorded In 1693; It Has Gone Downhill From There...

 The dictionary's definition of journalist is as follows: a person who writes for newspapers, magazines, or news websites or prepares news to be broadcast (to a mass audience).

This sounds pretty straight forward. You would think that such a professional would dig for, and report the truth of a story, regardless of where the chips may fall.  But we know that the human tendency is to placate those who can ensure job security, rather than bring the Sword of Damocles chopping their heads off reporting the facts, not fiction.  If one were to buck the system and report only the truth, some would call this journalistic suicide effectively ending a promising career.  There is enormous pressure to stay on the good side of an editor and reflect his (the editor's) views on politics and religion rather than stray from the reservation and cause a tumult in the newsroom...

Whenever there is a Republican majority, whether in the Congress, Senate -- and especially a Republican in the White House -- those who claim the august handle of journalist (truth-seeker?) continually slam and berate the president to the point of slander, reporting outright lies or at least edited quotes to make the president's statement something totally the opposite of what was said or meant in the first place...

Such was the reporting during the entire four years of Donald Trump's presidency.   


We know one reason: liberals hate those who espouse "conservative" views, such as being pro-life, God-fearing, America-loving, etc... It seems that an entire breed of journalists fall into the category of supporting liberalism instead of reporting what is really going on.  That simple statement speaks volumes about the current generation of folks that consider themselves journalists, graduating mostly from very liberal colleges and universities.  This coincides with the state of primary and secondary as well as post-secondary education so prevalent throughout the country.  

I know that some would scoff at the following statement, but it is true nonetheless: It is Catholic Church teaching that Liberalism is a sin.  That's one reason I am personally confounded by the Liberals in politics as well in the ecclesiastical world.  

But I shouldn't be... 

The revolution of Liberalism dates back to the revolution in the Catholic Church starting several decades before the Second Vatican Council.  

Why did Liberalism gain a stranglehold within the church?   There are those who claim that when the dogmatically proclaimed doctrine of no salvation outside the Catholic Church began being compromised, and, in some cases, denied outright, that became the ape of the church, especially here in the U.S.  The rejection of that key dogma of the Church, began, oddly enough, right smack in what was once thought to be the bastion of traditional Catholicism and church teaching: Boston, Massachusetts...

It is also said that as the church goes, so goes society.  This was manifested in the decades following the 1940's, all the way up to Vatican II and forward... Hence, the denial of the key dogma became reflected in secular teaching as well as in previously, staunchly Catholic schools and colleges.

Many secondary schools, colleges and universities are now Catholic in name only, and produce graduates that are confused about what being truly Catholic really means at best, or have lost the faith completely at worst.  

Some of these very same graduates then enter the field of journalism, as, for the most part, lost souls, swallowed-up in the twisted mindset of Liberalism... 

Here are some data gleaned from an article in Investors Business Daily...

Media Bias: Data Don't Lie

"It wasn't always this way. Along-term study of reporters' leanings and attitudes, "The American Journalist in the Digital Age," shows that the drift toward liberalism has been going on for years within journalism. In 1971, Republicans made up 25.7% of all journalists. Democrats were 35.5%, and independents were 32.5%. Some 6.3% of responses were "other."

"By 2014, the year of the last survey, the share of journalists identifying as Republican had shrunk to 7.1%, an 18.6 percentage point drop. From having near-parity with the journalist Republicans in the 1970s, Democrats today outnumber Republicans today by four to one.

"Meanwhile, the share of journalists calling themselves "independent" has surged to 50.2%. In case you think the growing body of Independents qualifies as "the center," think again.

"Repeated surveys  show that independents are usually left-of-center on social issues, but centrist on fiscal issues and many issue of governance. So you should really characterize them as "moderate left."'

(End of excerpt)...

It would be despairing to say that there are few conservative young people in, or planning to enter the field of journalism.  On the contrary, we see new and independent news networks and organizations featuring truth instead of bias in reporting.  For instance, there is OAN (One America News); Brightside, and several others featuring young, God-fearing, freedom-loving folks from all walks of life.  These are the new voices crying in the wilderness...

In these trying times, we must stay focused and keep praying to God almighty for strength, honor and grace to persevere and finish the race, and win the eternal crown!  Nothing else matters...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Is It Time For Another Shadow Government? Another Deep State? Only This Time It's Ours!

 The "former" shadow government worked very well for the deep state as it undermined President Trump at almost every turn.  And even with those traitors, he was still able to accomplish more than anyone ever could have imagined.  His foreign policy achievements were nothing short of the miraculous, bringing waring Middle East factions -- that once vowed to kill each other -- to the peace-table.  On the domestic side, he lowered regulations and taxes, and increased opportunities for our black/brown/Asian brothers and sisters, never before seen whether under Republican or Democratic administrations.  He attempted, with minor success, to defund as much as possible those people and organizations that kill, or support, the killing of the pre-born...

Even his many enemies would have to admit (privately, I'm sure) to Mr. Trump's many accomplishments, and the fact that he did win the 2020 presidential election, but had it stolen through corrupted individuals using machines and software designed to do just that: steal elections.

We have heard for over four years now, about how a "deep state" was sabotaging the administration under President Trump, not only from his enemies in the Democratic Party, but what's worse, from within his own party.  This is called treason.  Such treason would be expected by the leftist, career politicians, but from those on the "right," in the form of those who claim to be Republicans?

The Biden/Harris team and their cronies in various state houses, were able to secure a four-year term in the Oval Office by counting ballots in the dark of night with little or no supervision.  Regardless of the insurmountable evidence, presented by good citizens. under sworn affidavits, and court testimony, that there was voter and election fraud, the courts and the state legislatures would not budge, or dismissed out of hand, what could not be denied.  It seems that the scales of justice were weighed heavily in favor of corruption and lies over truth, and that will not only continue for at least the next four years with dire ramifications for our country, but also for our children and our grandchildren...

Freedom and justice, I'm afraid, will soon be a rare commodity in the land of the free and the home of the brave.  Only this time, it will take bravery just to exercise our God-given rights enshrined in the Natural Law and enumerated in the Constitution...

I am beginning to think that a new "shadow government" will be formed, but this time, it may be a movement of patriots to do everything in their power to undermine the upcoming anti-Christ, anti-life policies that have been promised by the apostate Catholic, Biden.  In other words, we have to pray for his administration to be the biggest, most dismal failure since the inception of America!

We have to be as peaceful as doves and as wise as serpents if we are to survive the coming chastisement under this devious and evil incoming administration...

We know that Biden is compromised, and owes the Red Communist Chinese; that's bad enough.  But it will also put our country in a weak position if and when we have to oppose their rabid expansion plans in the South China Sea.   He also blackmailed the corrupt Ukraine government to fire the prosecutor that was investigating the millions of dollars being funneled to his equally corrupt son, Robert Hunter, then bragged about his success in getting that prosecutor removed from office! 

It is time to form a real shadow government; a new deep state, to combat the traitors to our country now occupying the White House -- our house! -- and expose these miscreants for what and who they are...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla


Monday, January 18, 2021

Update On "The Traitors Among Us" (My Article From November, 2018)...

In November of 2018, I wrote: The Traitors Among Us...  In that article, I named names and agencies obviously guilty of treason.  

Today, the number of Benedict Arnolds has dramatically increased to the point of near total despair of having any confidence in our law enforcement or government agencies, and those who run them.  It should be pointed out, that those agencies work for us -- we pay them with our taxes, we don't work for them.  But in the present climate of violence, committed almost exclusively by the hard left and their Democratic supporters, we, the law-abiding, seem to get lumped into the cauldron, forming a witch's brew of demagoguery and censorship denying American citizens our God-given Constitutional rights.

That denial of our rights manifested itself in the recent presidential election, where voter and election fraud was so apparent as to stun the nation, yet those perpetrators of the fraud -- those traitors -- have gotten away with it, or so it seems.  But, as the boomerang returns to its thrower, those who will assume power on January 20, 2021, will eventually find themselves the objects of a peaceful backlash of American patriots of monumental proportions...  

That backlash may take the form of a rout in the 2022 mid-term elections, taking back the House and the Senate.  It may also take the form of massive civil disobedience as our black brothers and sisters struggled to gain their rights during the 1950's and '60's, facing, not only racial epithets, but also high- pressure fire hoses, dogs, brutal cops, lynchings and fire bombings of their residences...  

I mention the trials of our fellow black Americans because today, Monday, January 18, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day will be celebrated all across America as a federal holiday, but much more than that: It will remember a fighter for the rights of his people, who endured unimaginable attacks, all the way up to, and including death by assassination on that dark day: April 4th, 1968.  As an aside, I was in Vietnam when the news of Dr. King's death reached my base... The information of what happened on that dreadful day can be found in my book (available on Amazon): "The Battle For Oscar Six"...

The evidence of electoral, voter, and election fraud was overwhelming, yet those investigators and agencies of the federal and state governments have failed miserably in their duties to ensure the integrity of all elections.  Ignoring the sworn affidavits of hundreds of law-abiding citizens who witnessed the criminal fraud, perpetrated by the Democrats and their supporters, is nothing short of malfeasance of the office they swore, to God almighty, to uphold to the best of their abilities.  It goes beyond that: it is outright treason to their citizens and their country...

And because of this treason, we will have an illegitimate, un-constitutionally elected president who will not have the tools of the moral and Natural Law on his side.  He has demonstrated, over the course of his 47-years in politics, his disdain for the rights of the pre-born, as well as his radical support for homosexuality.  In addition, he has sold out our foreign policies to our enemies for profit to himself and his corrupt family members, making Biden a traitor to his country and his Catholic faith...

But it's not just the Democrat traitors; it is also those so-called Republicans that have betrayed their president and their country with their actions -- as well as their inactions in not supporting truth, honor, and equal justice for their constituents -- and their president!

What is a patriot to do in the coming days, weeks, and months in dealing with a corrupt, illegitimate federal administration?  The answers are five-fold: first, it is important to continue to love our country, and our neighbor.  Second, fight for justice in all things that we can change.  Thirdly, increase -- dramatically -- prayer and, if necessary, sacrifice for our families and our country.  And fourth, never give in to, or compromise, our God-given Constitutional rights regardless of the threats hurled against us.  And finally, read and re-read the Declaration of Independence, and the Constitution of the United States of America.  With the good Lord on our side, the devil and his minions will run for cover and be defeated in the long run...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla


Sunday, January 17, 2021

Deep State Conspirators Surrounding Trump IN The White House!!

 But wait!  Are these the Demonrats in the Congress and the Senate?  If so, that would be nothing new.  But what if those deep state conspirators surrounding President Trump are Republicans betraying their party, their president, and, most importantly, their country?

I am now totally convinced that recent evidence presented to his staff, this past week, that was blown-off as if it were irrelevant, translates into a group of anti-Republic criminals who would like nothing more than to see President Trump removed from office, either by the so-called 25th Amendment, or by letting his time in office expire on the 20th of January, and to hell with any semblance of justice.   

Mr. Mike Lindell of "My Pillow," had incontrovertible evidence, from computer analysis, indicating that Mr. Trump garnered 79,000,000 votes on November 3rd, with Biden gathering only 68,000,000 popular votes.   President Trump won, not only the massive popular vote, but also an electoral landslide of over 300 votes.  He was desperately attempting to get that information to the president, but was given the runaround and eventually shown the door.  


If this evidence could ever get to the supreme court, it would be so overwhelming, that even the compromised Chief Justice, Roberts, would have to act.  At least that's what common sense would dictate...

So what is going on here?

Such incredible actions or, in this case, omissions, by keeping pertinent and critical evidence about election and voter fraud, on a magnitude never before seen in our country, borders on a coup d'etat right in the Oval Office of the President of the United States.  It also indicates that those responsible for hiding important evidence from Mr. Trump want nothing more than the status quo.  Such is the baseline of morality of these career politicians, unable or unwilling to do what is right.  Their lack of justice can be due to poor catechesis, or an upbringing by parents or guardians that cared little for their charges, especially in their formative years...

The bottom line: it is probably now too late to think that any good will ever come of this evidence, instead, those useful idiots, will, themselves, be shown the door when the baby-killing, anti-Christs take the reins of power on the 20th of January.  Heaven help any God-fearing, freedom-loving, pro-life American patriots when the likes of the compromised, corrupt, anti-life Biden and Harris steer the ship-of-state in the direction of a complete Socialist/Marxist agenda, sailing the Republic right into the hands of the Red Chinese Communists...

Biden has already promised to tear down the remains of the border wall; grant "amnesty" to over 22,000,000 illegals already in the U.S.  In addition, there is another huge caravan heading to the U.S. of over 7,000 and probably will grow to over 10,000 when it reaches our southern border.  Will the Mexican government attempt to stop this massive invasion of our country, or will it help these illegal aliens hop the fence just to get them out of their hair???

We will find out in very short order...  

My dear readers, I strongly suggest to read and re-read the Declaration of Independence, and know your Constitutional rights before they completely evaporate right before our eyes...

Pray for strength and honor...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla


Thursday, January 14, 2021

The New "Battle Of The Bulge"...

 In this day and age, when some talk about a "bulge," they might be talking about the addition of a few extra pounds put on by over-indulging in our favorite meals and desserts during the recent holidays...  

But I'm not writing about some extra, unwanted flab causing us to despair when we step on the scale.  I'm talking about another real, potential battle to come right here in the heartland of America.  (Note: the title of my article does not take away from the incredible sacrifices of those who endured the massive invasion of the German Army into the Ardennes, throwing back the meager and weakened American forces designated to hold that particular territory.  Though outnumbered and outgunned, the American Army struggled back to eventual victory, and began the defeat of Hitler in Europe.) 

The new Battle of The Bulge is set to take place soon after January 20, 2021, when the miscreant Biden and his co-conspirator, Harris, illicitly take the White House and hold it hostage for at least the next four years...

This new battle has already started.  Actually, it started during the presidency of Donald Trump, but will accelerate at "warp speed" -- to use the phrase when Mr. Trump referred to the development of a vaccine, supposedly, to combat the Wuhan virus, now commonly known as covid-19 -- under the corrupt Biden and the equally corrupt, Harris.

 In reality, this is a battle for the minds and hearts of the American people, and so far, the elitists are winning with psychological operations, drilling into those minds that accept, without question, the narrative of what happens to us if, and when, someone gets tested "positive" for covid.  Even those that are admitted to a hospital for treatment, are fed the line that they are in dire straits from the get-go, and must be isolated from all family and friends so as not to "infect" others. 

To further cement their stranglehold on the unsuspecting patient, most doctors refuse the "right to try" any drugs that might help someone in such "life-threatening" situations, leaving few options except the standard treatments prescribed by the hospital, including the potential, deadly, ventilator.  It should be noted that the "right to try" was issued by executive order of President Trump, recognizing that the patient should have a right to try a treatment or drug, without any liability to the administrators of the facility, should the individual die from the (unconventional) treatment.  

Why is this happening?

You don't have to look very far, or dig too deeply to find out: Money...  It is known that when someone is tested "positive" for covid, and is admitted to a hospital, the government allows a certain amount of money for that positively-tested patient.  Then, if that person is put on a ventilator, the government kicks in an additional amount of money, amounting to many thousands of dollars, to the hospital.  The prognosis at that point, is grim to say the least.  This is not a conspiracy theory, nor my opinion, but actual facts proven out from personal experience...   

There should be questions asked by the patient or their representative, concerning treatment, especially the doctors refusing their patient the "right to try".  It seems, however, that, as a whole, people just accept at face value, what is told to them, and submit to the protocol.  This confounds me, and at the same time, reveals the near-complete indoctrination of the American populace buying into the big lie that, when told often enough, becomes "truth" in the minds of many.

All is not lost!  There are now many thousands of doctors and other healthcare professionals that have broadcast their message of truth about the so-called pandemic -- where there is a 99+ percent recovery rate for those who get sick from covid (another form of the coronavirus, and that includes the common cold).  It is also true, that the leftist media and the pharmaceutical companies are doing their dead-level best to stifle and censor those very same doctors.

There's a lot of money at stake here for the hospitals to continue the status quo, and to hell with the patient entrusted to them.  It's almost as if they're saying: What Hippocratic oath?   

To First, Do No Harm; that oath!

Pray for strength and honor to continue the fight for the "battle for the bulge"...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla



Wednesday, January 13, 2021

If There Is Another Across-The-Board Lockdown, That Will Be The Death Knell Of The Middle Class -- That Means YOU!

 Actually, the title of my article is misleading: If There Is Another Across-The-Board Lockdown... It is misleading because we know from past experience, that not all of American society will be locked down, only those that are considered to be "non-essential".  

One of the problems of declaring some businesses or churches as non-essential, is the question of: Who is defining what is essential or non-essential?  I have already answered part one of the question: some businesses or churches...

The next part of the question of just who determines what is essential or not, falls on the shoulders of our elected officials -- or maybe not!   That's the "kicker": far too many un-elected officials are running our lives, especially when it comes to matters of a so-called pandemic, or, as some would label it the covid-19 virus.   (There are those that refer to the current strain of the flu bug as a "coronavirus."  It is, but so is the common cold, as well as any other myriad versions of viruses that are floating around in the atmosphere.  Note too, that there is no vaccine for the common cold virus, even though that particular virus has been with us since Adam and Eve packed their bags and departed the Garden.)  

In light of the fact that the covid-19 has been blown so far out of proportion in relation to the seriousness of the bug, that it is almost impossible to return to the use of our common sense to figure just why we have been locked-down, or forced to wear a face-diaper.  And the powers that be are using their illicit, un-constitutional, un-lawful powers to back the American populace into a corner using fear or outright threats: either obey our dictates, or face radical repercussions, including fines or being arrested.  Yes, this is happening right here in the United States of America, not to mention the UK, Italy, Whales and Ireland, where the police are actively seeking out those who even question the official narrative or the efficacy of the PCR testing, or the actual numbers of those who have died from the covid-19 flu bug (the deaths from the virus is much, much lower than the media are listing).  

We now know that the deaths from other than the covid-19 bug are rising at an astronomical rate, especially from other, more dangerous causes that are going untreated because of the fear of even going outside to get that treatment.  

I'm afraid that this is only the beginning of the new surge in "cases" -- note, I said in new cases, not deaths.  New cases of the covid virus means nothing.  How can I say that?  Because the PCR tests that are now being used worldwide, are being manipulated to indicate "positive" results.  What is also being ignored by the medical establishment in cahoots with big pharma and their lackeys in the media, is that over 99 percent of those who get the virus, recover.   Notice too, that when new statistics are promulgated, almost on a daily basis to keep the fear mongering going, it is rarely, if ever, mentioned about the age of the patient or that they had some previous co-morbidity translating into a weakened immune system, less able to fight off even a cold or mild flu symptoms.

It is important to realize that if, or when, Biden/Harris occupy the White House, it is almost certain that a new lock-down will occur to some degree or another, including the mandatory use of face-diapers for the first 100 days after stealing the 2020 presidential election through voter, and election fraud (as Biden himself has promised).  There is a plan in all of this: to make the middle-class wither on the vine and slowly (quickly?) disappear.  But for what reason?  Aren't the Democrats the "party of the people"?  No.  In reality, they never have been.  A cursory look into the history books would quickly dispel that myth...  Remember, Biden is bought and paid for; corrupt to the core.  This is not a conspiracy theory; the evidence is in the public domain of bribery, blackmail, high crimes and misdemeanors.  And because of this, he is beholding to the Communist Red Chinese.  What he will do to accommodate or appease, with little interference, their quest to surpass and take over world leadership from America, is anyone's guess.  But one thing is for sure, if the middle class is completely eviscerated, our Republic can't stand.  

I urge all my readers to re-read the Declaration of Independence and act appropriately...

Pray for strength and honor...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

PS: please watch this video as it is important for all parents and guardians, and for all Americans who love freedom of speech...

View From Here



Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Is It Live Or Is It Memorex?

 Does anyone remember the T.V. commercial from several decades ago: Is It Live Or Is It Memorex?  The gist of the commercial is that the Memorex recording looked so real, that it was almost impossible to determine what was actually live, in-person, and what was on tape... 

Let's change it to: is it real, or is it Memorex?   Are we living in a parallel universe where illusion is the norm, or is what we are experiencing in the secular and ecclesiastical realm, real?

As far as secular society goes, I see a chasm between what is reality and what is propaganda -- not necessarily leftist propaganda, but propaganda in the sense that what is presented to us as live (real), "current events" happening right before our eyes, is said to be something different that what we actually see!

There are many examples of this, especially over the last several months as we saw major cities on fire from insurrectionist, Communist mobs destroying the lives and businesses that folks built up with their blood, sweat, and tears to provide for themselves and their families, only to see their dreams go up in smoke.  Or having a governor or mayor -- predominantly of the Democratic persuasion -- telling them that their church services are "non-essential," or that they have to stay locked-up in their homes for fear of spreading or contracting a strain of the flu bug...

It seems that the fear of getting sick and dying is priority number one, rather than getting into, and remaining in a state of grace, and attaining the beatific vision of Christ and the Blessed Trinity...

We see the ubiquitous signs on the doors of the businesses that are open, that a face-diaper is necessary in order to shop in their stores, by order of the health department of the various cities and towns.  But what law is their authority derived from?  As it turns out, there is no real law, but an arbitrary dictate -- a demand -- that their edict be obeyed, or else...  This is a usurpation of the separation of powers delineated in the constitution of the states, or the federal Constitution for that matter.  Briefly, it is the duty and obligation of the legislative branch to make laws, the judicial branch of government to rule on the legality of the proposed law, with the executive branch having nothing to do with making or ruling on the constitutionality of said law.  (Executive orders issued by a governor or president, are a different animal, and can be an abuse of power in and of itself.)

Tied in to the chaos we are currently experiencing in our beloved land, is that of the ecclesiastical hierarchy of the various denominations, particularly those of the Catholic Church.  It is said that as the church goes, so goes society.  What has been coming out of Rome since the election of Bergoglio in 2013, is nothing short of confusion and chaos, turning upside-down, perennial church teachings.  Keeping in mind that the pope is the custodian and protector of the Deposit of Faith: sacred Scripture and Tradition, and not an innovator as we see in the person of Francis.  One of the most egregious attacks on the church of Christ has been blatant idolatry right in the heart of St. Peter's cathedral with the worship of the piece of wood known as Pachamama.   And now, Bergoglio is re-writing canon law by proposing that females can now be lectors and acolytes -- two of the minor orders that lead to the major orders of deacon and, finally, priest.  

So what is going on here?  Is it real, or is it Memorex?  I'm afraid it is reality in all its ugly manifestations.  Moreover, if Biden -- the apostate Catholic -- does weasel his way into the White House, our country will descend into a Marxist "utopia," where God-fearing, pro-life, pro-Second Amendment patriots will suffer the very real possibility of outright persecution, either jail-time or worse.

Pray for strength and honor!  (Remember, our Lord promised us that the gates of hell would never prevail against His church!!)

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla



Friday, January 8, 2021

Biden Needs To Be Impeached NOW, For Bribery, Blackmail, And Malfeasance Of Office!

 Before Mr. Trump's arm was even lowered to his side after taking the solemn oath of office of President of the Untied States, back in 2016, calls for his impeachment were heard in the hallowed halls of the Congress and Senate from hard-left, Democrat politicians.

Of course, these blowhards had no evidence of corruption or malfeasance of office -- he hadn't even stepped one foot in the White House! -- yet they attacked the man because he beat the hell out of H. Clinton with an electoral landslide, confounding the Democratic pundits who confidently predicted Hillary would win by that very same landslide!  

So, what's good for the goose, is good for the gander!  

Here's what I say: we must start the impeachment process of Biden, now!  The evidence is so overwhelming and in the public domain, that it is indisputable and cannot be hidden... Biden is guilty of massive corruption in the form of bribery, blackmail, malfeasance of office, and high crimes and misdemeanors.  There is actually a video of him bragging to his colleagues at the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) that he would withhold $1,000,000,000 of American citizen's taxpayer monies if the prosecutor investigating the corruption of his son, Robert Hunter, and his connections to the equally corrupt corporation, Burisma, was not fired in six hours...

Then he brags that: "Well, son of a bitch, he got fired."

That blackmail is also known as a "quid pro quo".   

The incessant lies of the Marxist mainstream media constantly beating the drum of "collusion" between Mr. Trump and Russia, was proven false after wasting nearly $50,000,000 of our money in an attempt to find enough evidence to indict President Trump.  It didn't happen, because there was no evidence!  How many times must this be stated?   

Truth, these days, is in short supply, and when it is found, those Joe Sixpack types couldn't recognize it if it were staring them in the face... Is it because a good majority of the American populace is completely brainwashed watching too much of the likes of CNN and their lackey buddies?  I think the answer to that question is self-evident...

Even now, when the so-called ally of President Trump -- Vice President Pence -- has clearly betrayed his oath and his duties to dig for the evidence of real voter and election fraud.  He had the authority, but failed miserably to give his president the opportunity to show that Mr. Trump did, in fact, win the 2020 presidential election.  Again, the evidence is overwhelming with hundreds of affidavits from reputable vote counters and poll watchers stating the outright fraud and "irregularities" witnessed up close and personal.  But to no avail... The biased courts have refused, at every turn, to right those wrongs even when good citizens have sworn an oath to almighty God of what they saw and heard from Democrats in charge of the counting process...

I repeat my call to start the impeachment of "president elect" Biden and his cronies as soon as possible before he takes the oath of office: an oath that requires him to swear to God almighty to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of America.   But Biden has already sold out to Red Communist China for filthy lucre's sake, so, in reality, that sacred oath will mean little or nothing...

Let us all pray that Biden will not hold the Oval Office hostage, but if he does, that his administration and polices will be abject failures.  We patriots must see to that in whatever peaceful ways available to us...

Pray for justice and strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

Thursday, January 7, 2021

St. Michael The Archangel, Defend Us In The Battle That Is To Come (After January 20, 2021)..

 Do not delude yourself!  There will be a war against those who love God and country -- and those who defend the right of the pre-born to breathe air and live on earth for their appointed time, before they return to their Creator at the end of their world...

The time for being "nice," is now passed.

Those who will assume power on January 20, 2021, are the enemies of the human race.  That statement is not strong enough!  They are, in fact, in league with the father of lies, Satan -- the real enemy of the human race, and now, he has his minions in the form of Biden and Harris: baby killers par excellence, to carry out his diabolical plan to destroy that life at all costs, and by all means available, to a fallen, corrupt mankind.   

Satan hates the gift of life that is given to us by God almighty, and he uses his human co-conspirators to facilitate the mass slaughter of those precious, tiny, pre-born American citizens in the most barbaric of ways.

Satan has trapped or coerced those who support his plan into thinking that they are doing God's work, or upholding the "rights" of females to do what they want with their bodies, regardless of the cost to the human life they are carrying.  This twisted mindset is most prominent, it seems, in those who claim to be Catholic, and, in many ways, use their possessed intellect in an attempt to justify the killing of the innocents through Biblical and Church teachings!   

These baby killers are emboldened by a mostly silent, complicit hierarchy who refuse to admonish, let alone condemn, their words and actions in fostering an ongoing genocide, especially of our black American brothers and sisters.

I can't remember one, single, public ex-communication of the rabid pro-abortion, "Catholic" politicians, not one.  Just the opposite is true, where these murderers are given the Body and Blood of Christ in the Holy Eucharist when they attend Mass!   These false shepherds who say they won't use the Eucharist as a political statement or tool, will themselves be held accountable at their Particular Judgment for their lack of taking the proper action to correct these miscreants and bring them back to the fold.  It is important to know that those who procure or assist by legislation, an abortion, are automatically ex-communicated from the Catholic Church, whether they believe that or not...

With the false election of the Biden/Harris cabal, get ready to see a massive increase in funding for the abortion mills, i.e., "planned parenthood" and their ilk.  This will be trumpeted from the housetops as "progress" for the phony rights gained under the fraudulent 1973, Roe v Wade supreme court decision that "legalized" the killing of the pre-born.   As an aside, this was a massive attack on states' rights, much worse than Lincoln's destruction of the South in the war of northern aggression.   For all practical purposes, that horrendous decision wiped out nearly all the pro-life laws on the books of the states.  

Will we conservative, pro-life, God-fearing citizens continue to be "nice" when it comes to these Communist-loving, baby killers, or will we pray for strength and honor to fight the good fight to the end of the race, and win the crown of eternal life?  Appeasement and compromise haven't worked; they never have; the time for absolute civil disobedience is here and now!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

PS... as a reminder to those who do not know about Fr. Miguel Pro, he was a real Catholic priest who ministered to the Cristeros fighting the Communists/Masons in Mexico in the 1920s.  He was eventually captured and executed by firing squad.  There is an actual photo of the exact time the firing squad fired their weapons!  He stood without a blindfold; arms outstretched in the form of a cross.  A true martyr for Christ and His church... 

Gene DeLalla    

Saint Michael The Archangel, Defend Us In Battle....


Tuesday, January 5, 2021

What Happens When A Wild Animal Is Backed Into A Corner?

 He strikes; he attacks; he fights for his life to the very end, but he does fight!

If this is true in the jungle, what are we humans supposed to do when backed into a corner with few options at our disposal?

First, we are not wild animals living in the jungle; we do not adhere to the "survival of the fittest" ideology where, might makes right...

But we are Americans living in America.   Our country was born from strife, fighting to free ourselves from a despot, thousands of miles from our shores.  In the history books, it is called: 1776, and the beginning of the American Revolution.  It was not the same as the French Revolution where thousands of God-fearing folks -- including many Catholic religious orders and clergy -- were massacred all in the name of "liberty, equality, and fraternity"; one of the cries of the "enlightenment" era.

It cannot be denied that some of the Founding Fathers of our country were Masons or sympathetic to Freemasonry.  Some were deists; one was a Catholic in the person of Charles Carroll.  Nevertheless, they all pledged their honor and fortunes -- and their very lives -- to found a nation where all men were created equal (meaning that all had an equal chance to better themselves, except for those imprisoned by slavery), etc...

Second, when American politicians, or anyone for that matter, legislate without adhering to the Natural Law at the very least, and specifically without God, then we will not be able to keep the Republic that was bequeathed to us with the blood, sweat, and tears of our ancestors.  What we now see happening in our beloved land, is an attempt to install into the political landscape of Washington, D.C., and beyond, a radical, anti-American, anti-God cabal of destroyers of the pre-born, by the felonious attempt to steal the recent presidential election through voter and election fraud.  Those Democrats are so evil, so diabolical, that we will have no choice but to resist to the face, these mongrels; these anti-life demons...

If those intent on transforming America into a puppet state of the Communists are successful, then we will have to fight for our faith and families.  It may become an internal "Red Dawn" right in our own back yards, with the reality much worse than any concocted Hollywood movie script with make-believe blood and mayhem.  If we are indeed so weakened to such a point, then our enemies outside our borders could very well see an opportunity to attack and invade our land, thinking that we are so disorganized that we would not be able to withstand such a threat.  However, that would be a massive miscalculation on their part that would lead to their ultimate defeat and total destruction...

In the meantime, it is up to us patriots -- with the help and grace of almighty God -- to protect and defend our Constitution, especially the First and Second Amendments that guarantee our right to worship our Lord and live in freedom from tyranny, at all costs, if necessary...

This is truly the times that try men's souls...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

Monday, January 4, 2021

Another, Deadly, MK-Ultra Experiment?

 Call it another conspiracy theory; that's your right.  It is also my right to bring to my readers what is actually happening in our beloved country...

What I will report here, did happen over the last week; it is not a figment of my imagination!  In an article by Michael Snyder (End Of The American Dream), the following, in my opinion, simply cannot be coincidental...


Five -- count them five! -- Republicans have suddenly died; two of whom were in their early forties!  Four of these deaths were attributed to -- you guessed it: COVID-19!  Three of these Republican lawmakers died in the first two days of the New Year!

A Pennsylvania state rep., Mike Reese died from "an apparent brain aneurysm.”  He was 42 years old. 

Virginia state Sen. Ben Chafin Jr. has died after contracting Covid-19, according to a statement from his office. He was 60 years old.

Also on January 2nd, a former state representative in Connecticut suddenly passed awayAlthough he had health problems at times through the years, Dick Foley's death at age 71 stunned his friends and colleagues in state politics.

A congressman-elect from Louisiana -- Luke Letlow -- died Tuesday evening from complications of Covid-19 days before he was set to be sworn into office, his spokesman announced. He was 41.

Nolan Mettetal, a longtime former state senator and representative and higher education leader at the Capitol, died Monday due to COVID-19. He was 75.

The purveyors of death roam freely in this country, experimenting on our fellow citizens with out-of-this-world drugs -- as was proven with the diabolical MK-Ultra program initiated and conducted by the CIA from the early 1950's to the early '70s.  Supposedly, those "tests" and experiments were terminated, however, there is nothing to say that this horrible attack on our citizens did not continue in some way, shape or form to this very day...

It was admitted by then President Truman who said this about the CIA, according to his biographer, Merle Miller, "I think [creation of the CIA] was a mistake. And if I’d known what was going to happen, I never would have done it."

I am not saying that the CIA was or is responsible for the deaths of these Republican congressmen and senators, but what I do know is that the hierarchy of that organization are Trump-haters.  They despise that there is a president that wants to return to the American people, their sense of justice, as well as freedom from insidious coercion in the form of drugs (vaccines?) that pepper the landscape of our Republic, ruining the lives of an unsuspecting populace...

The Founding Fathers feared and warned us about an out-of-control centralized government smashing the rights of the states and its citizens.  The same can be said for secretive organizations that undermine our democratic form of government, whether it be the CIA, NSA, or the myriad other agencies that collect and store personal and financial information of its citizens...

The cry to "defund the police" has been heard in some of our largest cities run by corrupt Democratic mayors.   In addition, states are being destroyed by liberal, leftist governors, stifling the Constitutional rights of their citizens.  Defunding the police departments is outright stupidity, but I would wholeheartedly agree to defund and disband such agencies as the CIA, the NSA, and others to restore some measure of hope and confidence in the hierarchy of our federal government...

Pray for our country, and pray that President Trump will be sworn into office for another four-year term...

Strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla


Devastating Implications Of Heretical "Cardinals" Voting In The Next Conclave! (The Sedevacantists Will Have A Field Day, Proving They Are "Right"!)

 Think about the horrific implications of heretics voting for the next pope! What are some of those implications? How about the fact that a ...