Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Have U.S. Military Commanders Gone Absolutely Nuts?

 What has happened to our military "leaders"?

Recently, I wrote an article: The U.S. Military -- One Big Petri Dish!

Things have gotten progressively worse since I posted that article...

Please read the following article posted on  Wristbands...

and dining cards: New Army policies exclude, isolate unvaccinated.

My comment: If these idiotic "commanders" want to play right into the hands of our enemies by demoralizing and isolating our troops, then they should be busted in rank and forced out of the service.

But, considering who is now holding the White House hostage, I don't see that happening.  Which leads me to believe that those in charge in the military are scared to death of standing up for their troops, and instead are willing to kowtow to the loose canon sitting in the Oval Office...  

One thing a commander never -- repeat: never -- wants to do, is to make their soldiers, etc., "angry" by forcing them into a corner.  Why?  Because, in essence, these boot-licking commanders are playing with fire, and they just may get burnt in the form of a justifiable mutiny against unjust and illicit orders...

Further, our men in uniform are not animals, nevertheless, when troops have, not only themselves to think about, but also their families, things could very easily spiral out of control. 

 However, the nation can and will suffer.  In fact, I contend that with the social experimentation that is currently going on (read my article above) there will be a continued exodus of dedicated, experienced non-commissioned officers (NCOs) unwilling to compromise their moral and spiritual beliefs!

Without capable NCOs, the services will slowly (quickly?) die on the vine, and will be replaced with males and females with altered genes, or males who think they are females, and vice versa...

This is a recipe for disaster.  Our enemies -- the Communists -- are laughing so hard, they can't catch their breath!  And, by the way, that includes the Communists already within our borders, in the form of Antifa, BLM, and their murderous ilk...

Senator McCarthy was right: there were Communists in the federal government, then (in the 1940's and 1950's), and there are many more Communists in the federal government now!

Remember, when a serviceman raises his right hand and takes the solemn oath to defend the Constitution, it goes something like this: from all enemies, both foreign and domestic...  

Domestic enemies!

Pray for strength and honor for our troops -- and their families...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us!

Gene DeLalla


Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Sorry, But I Have To Discuss -- Again -- Abortion: The Slaughter Of The Pre-born...

 Abortion is not only the willful killing of the pre-born, it is also a form of national suicide... 

We are committing national suicide; we have allowed the destruction of several generations of American girls and boys, denied their right to life and the pursuit of happiness in this life, by knowing, loving and serving God, and being happy with Him in the next!

Much has been made of the isolation and "social-distancing" due to illicit, un-lawful, arbitrary mandates of the anti-Christ authoritarians, in the form of Democrat (and, sadly, some Republican) governors, mayors, county supervisors, down to the pip-squeak, badge-heavy, store manager demanding we all wear face-diapers, because of a nearly non-existent "pandemic"... 

Coming on the heels of this lunacy, is the resulting increase in depression and, worst of all, suicide, not only of adults who have lost their only means of supporting their families, or had their businesses destroyed, but also children snuffing out their young lives out of pure despair, most likely ending up in hell for all eternity, objectively speaking...  

How horrible is that!?

Yet, the statistics on the outrageous up-tick in suicides pales in comparison to the ongoing murder we see and hear about on a daily basis being carried out in the abortion mills, such as "planned parenthood," and other crime organizations...

Since the 1973 Roe v Wade Supreme Court decision making the killing of the pre-born "legal," there have been an estimated 60-62,000,000 -- MILLION --American babies either torn apart, or chemically dissolved because -- of what?  An inconvenience?  Because a child might get in the way of a career?  "I don't want any more children, I have enough to worry about"...

Notice the "I" in the last sentence?  Where is the father in these decisions to sacrifice their tiny child on the altar of the religion of death and mayhem?

I must warn those reading this article, that the following video is very disturbing, and, quite frankly, disgusting, but the truth shall set us free...

Abortion: The Fight For The Soul Of Humanity (

This should scare and repulse all right-thinking, God-fearing folks who know that all lives matter...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Blessed Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

Monday, March 29, 2021

If A Lowly Private Wins The Medal Of Honor, Does That Take Away Glory From His Commanding General? When We Invoke And Pray To The Blessed Virgin Mary, Does That Take Away From The Glory Of Christ?

 I use the military analogy for a reason: because I think such an explanation would be more easily understood, rather than delving into some complicated theological discourse...

In fact, you don't have to be a veteran, or have served in the military at all, to get the gist of what I am about to explain...

Let's say that U.S. forces engage in a major battle against an enemy...  Eventually, the U.S. forces are victorious, and more than a few G.I.s are awarded several medals for heroic actions during the battle. (There is more truth in this scenario than you might think, as Audie Murphy was the most highly decorated soldier in history, including the Medal of Honor!)

And like Audie Murphy, there was a private-first-class, a sergeant and a lieutenant in our analogy, under the command of the general of the division.  The PFC in our little story, also gained much notoriety and glory for his heroics. by being awarded -- the highest of all awards -- the Medal of Honor.   

My question is this: when a low-ranking soldier is awarded the Medal of Honor, does his glory and notoriety take away from the glory of his commanding general?

Not at all.

In reality, the fame, notoriety and glory of the general increases because of the heroics of his subordinates during battle...

If that is the case, and it is, then if we pray to the Mother of Christ, petitioning for her intercession to her beloved Son, does that take away from the glory of Jesus?  

Not at all.

If we venerate the Mother of Christ, does that take away from the glory of her Son?

Not at all.

Actually, considering that His most perfect human creation -- His Mother -- who perfectly did the will of His Father, while she was on earth, did not take away from our Lord's glory, but substantially increased it!

This is true when we pray to other saints as well, but so much more so of the Blessed Virgin because she was -- and still is -- the Mother of the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity, the Redeemer of the World!

Just my thoughts on the subject of praying to our Lord's precious Mother, Mary...

Our Lady Queen of Peace, pray for us!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

Sunday, March 28, 2021

Babies And Young Children Are The New Guinea Pigs -- For The Covid "Vaccine"!

 The following article is from, and presented by Gary D. Barnett...

“The victimization of children is nowhere forbidden; what is forbidden is to write about it.”

~ Alice Miller (1998). “Thou Shalt Not Be Aware: Society’s Betrayal of the Child”, p.235, Macmillan

"I will write about this government’s efforts to not only victimize children, but to purposely cause them irreparable harm and even death, so as to control their bodies, minds, and spirits in the quest to achieve power over all in the future.

"The hope in life is that it will be filled with joy and happiness, but often this is not the case. We strive to achieve a better way, but still life can be consumed by misery and evil.  The normal expectation of parents is that their children are healthy, happy, and free of strife, and have a better chance at life than they did. Children, especially when they are first born and very young, are not only totally helpless, but they are completely innocent beings fully dependent on others to survive and remain unscathed. The protection we provide for them is vital, and nothing is more important than protecting the innocent, especially our children. We have reached a stage where this government that has been voluntarily allowed to exist by this population of fools, is attempting to destroy children in order to control humanity. This is an immoral abomination.

"If the children are destroyed, so goes the rest of the world, but if the powerful and their government pawns succeed in this plot to mutilate the bodies and minds of children, those that allowed such a travesty will deserve no life of joy.

"There are many forms of abusive and tyrannical governing systems simultaneously at work in this now mentally deficient country, but this is certainly a fascist oligarchy, where the government and the corporate state are partnered at most every level. Maybe the worst aspects of these partnerships are those between the two most abhorrent entities of corruption and abuse, this government and the murderous pharmaceutical industry. They are right before our eyes attempting to harm every child in America, and have no conscience whatsoever concerning their efforts to do so. They see only dollars, control, and power over all, and the children be damned.

"At this point in time, there are several Covid ‘vaccine’ trials going on that are using children as guinea pigs. This is total insanity, but what is happening now is even worse, as trials have begun on infants as young as 6 months old. The past trials, which are all atrocious, have been on children above the age of 11, but now these murderous pharmaceutical companies are targeting children from 6 months to 11 years old, all with the blessing of “your” government. Both Pfizer and Moderna have been testing on older children. Pfizer has been using 12 to 15 year olds, while Moderna has been using 12 to 17 year olds. Now both are experimenting on children from 6 months to 11 years. Johnson & Johnson has also announced that it would be testing their “Covid-19 vaccine” on infants as well as newborns!

“Pfizer’s trial will test three different vaccine doses: 10, 20 and 30 micrograms per shot, according to the Times. (The Pfizer dose for adults is 30 micrograms per shot, according to CNBC.) The doses will first be tested in children ages 5 to 11, then 2 through 4 and finally 6 months to 2 years, the Times reported.” Pfizer’s second trial is set to begin soon with 4,500 children; two-thirds will receive the real shot, and one-third will get a placebo.

"This is all a plotted set up for the mass injection of all children, and I expect that this will become mandated for all children in schools across the country at every age. The most evil monster Fauci said he projects that U.S. high school students could be vaccinated in the fall and elementary and middle school students in the first quarter of 2022, according to CNBC.” So the stated plan is to inject every single child in America with this toxic, poisonous, gene altering, and mind controlling concoction.

"People are dying worldwide due to these deadly “Covid” injections, the side effects have been horrendous, and sickness has been rampant due to these shots. Now they are coming after your children. What sane parent would allow their children to be used as experimental rats by this evil and corrupt government and its partners in murder? What kind of parent would allow their newborn or infant child to go through virulent exploratory testing by giant corporate whores? What parent would allow the use of aborted fetal cell lines into their own child? These are not parents; they are uncaring predators!

"Much has been written about ‘vaccine’ trials on children, but if one looks at the mainstream, he would come away thinking that every trial is a godsend, and is being done to protect the children. Everything is for the children after all, but is it really? In this case it is meant for alteration and damage in order to achieve another part of this global takeover, which is based on total control over all of society.

"Children are not fodder for the government and its criminal partners in the pharmaceutical industry to use for experimentation. Newborns, infants, and young children cannot protect themselves at all, they cannot opt out, they cannot fight back, and they cannot defend themselves from evil and immoral parents.

"As I have said over and over again, government cares nothing about you, your children, or your grandchildren, unless it benefits their desire to harm and kill in order to stay in power. I care not that any consenting adult decides voluntarily to agree to these fake ‘vaccine’ experiments, regardless of the consequences, because that is their choice, and stupidity is no crime.

"All of us should do whatever is necessary to stop this abuse and slaughter of young children being used by this government and all its criminal partners for their own benefit. Any parent using their young children for government experimentation should be confronted, they should be investigated, and they should be prosecuted for child abuse.

"What in the hell has happened to the people of this country that they would use their own babies as tools for the state? What has happened to society when they do not question such atrocities? What will be the fate of those that stand by and allow this abuse against children at the hands of tyrants?

"The souls of humanity are at stake here, as nothing could be more depraved than this exhibition of allowed abuse against the most innocent of all mankind. A child’s life is precious, it is the epitome of innocence, and all those that touch a child leave a mark. All should protect the innocent, so that the mark left is one of love and not the mark of the beast that is this evil that is before us today."

“If we don’t stand up for children, then we don’t stand for much.”

~ Marian Wright Edelman, Reading Between the Lines of Arne Duncan’s ‘Major’ Speech” by Valerie Strauss, January 12, 2015.

Source links:

Pfizer starts Covid-19 vaccine trial in young kids

Pfizer vaccine trial on infants

Johnson & Johnson vaccine morally compromised

The virus that isn’t there

What is in the Covid shot?

End of article...

My Comment: Children are a gift from God.  In this country, the Supreme Court saw fit to allow the "legal" killing of the pre-born.  Now, newborns and young children are being used -- or will be used -- as Guinea Pigs for the murderers pushing an untested, filthy vaccine, contaminated with some of the very cells from those "legally" killed pre-borns... Not to mention other elements that can alter the very DNA of our bodies -- the Temples of the Holy Ghost -- and the bodies of our little children.

This is nothing less than Satanic sacrifice taking place on the altar of death and mutilation, as witnessed by the government sanctioning of males and females qualifying for "sex-change surgery" at the taxpayer's expense, now going on in the military and elsewhere!  

"Legally" kill the pre-born; inject filth and gene-altering drugs into our babies and young children; demented minds wanting to "change" their biological sex; wars and rumors of wars; the devil is having a field-day...

I lay the blame at the foot of the traitorous hierarchy of what passes for the "Catholic Church" these days, in not standing up for the perennial teachings of the faith of Christ, through Holy Mother Church (not the novus orbis ordo "church"), and challenging the secular authoritarians.  They have failed miserably in not ex-communicating the so-called "Catholic" pols who consistently vote to destroy life in the womb.  These gutless "shepherds" deserve the eternal death!  God have mercy on their miserable souls...

Pray for strength and honor to fend off these imposters and their evil agenda...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Blessed Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

Saturday, March 27, 2021

Novus Ordo, Parallel "Catholic" Church Calls Police On Pregnant Catholic Mom, Holding Her One Year Old Baby, For Not Wearing A Face-Diaper!

 Does the title of my article confuse you, or make your blood boil -- or both?  

It should, because it's true!

This latest example of a Catholic priest, or his subordinates, calling the police on the faithful -- who choose not to wear a face-diaper -- even though the face-diaper mandate was done away with -- is nothing short of mind-boggling!  

Yet this display of anti-Catholic authoritarianism was on full display in a Dallas (Texas) diocese recently, when a pregnant mom, her husband, and the one-year-old, she was holding in her arms, were subject to Gestapo-like tactics; that is, threats of being arrested and handcuffed, for not wearing a filthy and ineffective face-diaper at Mass!

It is time for that family, who was humiliated, and almost arrested and incarcerated, to leave that den of iniquity, and find a traditional Latin Mass community where there is still some semblance of God-given common sense, and dignity -- for our bodies -- the temple of the Holy Ghost...

If anyone thinks that these lunatic, anti-Catholic events, are the rare exception rather than the rule, you are being very naïve.    

Witness the lockdown of most of our churches across the country, just a few short months ago, and where, in fact, some are still locked down!

The unfathomable actions of the shepherds, and many of the priests in their dioceses, during the so-called "pandemic" of the Wuhan coronavirus, known as Covid-19, was, and is, a diabolical scandal that cries to Heaven for vengeance! 

The Catholic clergy, for the most part, capitulated to the secular Hitlers with little or no pushback.  In essence, they deserted their flock at the first sign of the approach of the ravenous wolves...

Instead of enforcing the "separation of church and state," that is so often used by the Godless heathens against the Catholic Church, they gladly obeyed the illicit edicts of demonic governors, mayors and county tyrants, without a whimper!

Far too many gravely ill Catholics were left to die without the last sacraments of the Church, especially Confession or Extreme Unction.  That in itself, is an unforgivable sin against the Catholic faithful, not to mention the suffering and grief of the family, of those left to die alone and abandoned.  

What we are witnessing is nothing short of a betrayal of Christ and His command to preach and baptize all nations.  He didn't say: "unless there is a virus floating around, then you don't have to minister to your flocks." 

It is a fact, that there was a massive infiltration of Communists and homosexuals, back in the 1920s and '30s, recruited by the likes of Bella Dodd, to enter the seminaries, become "priests" and bring the Church down from within!   

We are now seeing the poison fruits of that infiltration, now in its third or fourth generation...

The culmination of that successful infiltration was the establishment of the novus orbis ordo -- new world order -- "Catholic Church" that may resemble in some superficial way, the authentic Catholic Church, but is only a desolate and empty shell, devoid of Christ...   

Where is the manhood -- the spiritual fatherhood -- of the clergy these days?  It is becoming more and more apparent that it got sucked out the window, along with the "breathe of fresh air" that was supposed to be let into the church?  At least according to the designers of the satanic, Second Vatican Council...

My advice: pray for strength and honor -- and don't wear a face-diaper!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Blessed Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla


Friday, March 26, 2021

The U.S. Military -- One Big Petri Dish!

 In case you haven't noticed, the U.S. military is now one, big petri dish of radical, social and biological experiments!

I really don't know where to begin.  There is just so much nonsense going on, policy-wise, with the new administration of "president" Biden, and his ultra-leftist cronies, that it is disheartening beyond belief for all veterans who have served their country with honor and integrity, to comprehend what is actually happening...

For example, with the new "administration," "transgender" (people, I guess) will now have medical expenses covered for sex-change surgery, depending on whether a male happens to feel like a "female"  or a female happens to feel like a "male."  

How would any masculine male soldier, sailor, airman, Marine, Coast Guardsman, or Space Force member, feel about having such a creature next to him in a machine-gun bunker, or out on a search-and- destroy patrol in enemy occupied territory?

These absurd and dangerous policies are being enforced by mostly arm-chair generals and admirals, appointed long before Mr. Trump ever took office, I'm sure.  These gutless flag officers may command pencils and paper around their respective desks, but I bet they couldn't fight their way out of a paper bag on the battlefield...

I thought that at least the Marine Corps Commandant would hold the line and tell the new Sec. of Defense, Lloyd Austin, to "go fly a kite."  But I was dead wrong... He must now be held responsible, along with the others, for the overall weakening of our military forces.  Let's face it; the job of the armed forces is to fight and defeat a perceived enemy; there is no other purpose for having a standing Army, or Navy for that matter.

But the craziness doesn't stop there... It seems that a good majority of active military members were, or are, against taking the filthy, untested Covid-19 "vaccine."  That just didn't sit right with the oligarchs in the military.  So now, commanders are coercing and threatening their subordinates that if they don't get jabbed, they will suffer -- unlawful -- restrictions, as well as get not-so-good performance reviews.  

The mandate for getting the "vaccine" isn't until July, but that hasn't stopped forced vaccinations occurring as I write this missive...

(I know how important a good performance review is, as it is needed for future promotion opportunities.  If the review is negative in any way, forget about an increase in rate or rank...)

In addition, ever since the late 1990's, and into the 2000's, Pagans and Wiccans are recognized as "religions" in the military.  In fact, there is a "worship space" for Wiccans at the U.S. Air Force Academy!  Plus, the Veterans Administration (VA) has now approved the Wiccan pentacle emblem for gravestones...  

But there is still more nonsense... It seems the military is now classifying Catholics, as well as other Bible believing Christians as potential terrorists, white supremacists, or some other un-American extremist groups.

I have to tell my readers, that all this lunacy plays right into the hands of our enemies.  While our "leaders'" social experiments, is belittling our fighting men in unheard of ways, killing morale and decorum, the Red Chinese Communists; the North Korean Communists and maybe even Putin's Russia, are modernizing and ramping-up their military machines.  That leads to a question: will we be able to support or come to the aid of any our allies if the need arises?   Or, defend ourselves, for that matter?

In conclusion, I would have to ask: is there still a place in the military for a practicing Catholic?  At this point I would have to advise anyone thinking of joining the service, not to.  There are other ways -- many ways -- to serve one's country, mainly by being a good, God-fearing citizen, and loving thy neighbor...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla 


Thursday, March 25, 2021

The Tyranny Of The Face Diaper -- I Mean Face Mask, Sorry...

 The following is from an article from by Allen Stevo...

"Being Preposterously Hypocritical By Focussing On Oppression Around The World Rather Than The Oppression We Ourselves Aid Daily  

"We cannot obsess about the Uyghur genocide in China while we wear our face masks, our face masks of submission, and prepare the way for our own obedient entry into a less free world than we now know. Doing so is preposterously hypocritical.

"Perhaps in masking, in obediently locking down, obediently complying, we prepare for a genocide on our own shores. We can’t predict the future, but we do know that giving up freedom lightly always leads to the most heavy tyranny. It is a thing regrets are made of.

"The Uyghurs are not the problem that needs our attention. Beijing isn’t. The CCP isn’t. Iran isn’t. Klaus Schwab isn’t. Bill Gates isn’t. Even that clown Fauci isn’t. Those who wear masks in our midst are a far more pernicious problem. 

"If that is you, please never wear a mask again. Please don’t add to our problem.

"It’s good to be aware of all the other problems in the world, but we need to focus at home — at the totalitarian uniparty on our own shores — and more importantly in our own homes and our own individual lives. These are the places we can truly impact. The rest is distraction."

My Comment: A quote from above: "We can’t predict the future, but we do know that giving up freedom lightly always leads to the most heavy tyranny."

It was Ben Franklin who quipped: those who give up their freedoms for "security," deserve neither...

In this case, it is the "safety" of the population from the deadly pandemic of the coronavirus, Covid-19.  At least that's what we are told, when, in fact, more are dying from suicide; car accidents; various other diseases; depression; isolation; deprivation of loved ones when in hospitals or nursing homes; the "vaccine" itself; or just giving up -- despair.

Let's face facts: we have been lied to by the medical "authorities" for far too long.  This has caused irreparable damage, not only to the physical well-being of American citizens, but also -- and more importantly -- to the psyche of our children!  If that doesn't make you steaming mad as hell, then something is wrong with the parents of those children!  

Rip those filthy, ineffective face diapers off your kids, as well as your own, and do it now!  If your kids are in a public school, or any school for that matter, that requires little kids to hide their faces from their friends, then pull them out of that indoctrination center, and home school your precious children.  In so doing, you will keep them from being exposed to sexual deviancy, not to mention a twisted history of our beloved country...

These children are, for all practical purposes, being completely brainwashed -- and so are you, if you let these lies continue to poison these little lives!


Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Blessed Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us!

Gene DeLalla

PS: We Americans have never been invaded from without; from a foreign enemy landing on our shores, but we now have domestic, internal, enemies "invading" our hearts and minds.  If we allow this to continue, we will be slaves to the demon: it comes in human form, dressed in three-piece suits or skirts, or, maybe both, these days?

And for those who raise their right hand... Never forget, that sacred oath -- sworn to almighty God -- to defend the Constitution of the United States from all enemies, both foreign and domestic, still binds your conscience!  Anyone who now disavows that oath by looking the other way in the face of tyranny, is a traitor to his country!

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Shootings In Atlanta, Georgia, And Boulder, Colorado = More Intensive Efforts At Depriving LAW ABIDING CITIZENS OF OUR RIGHT TO KEEP AND BEAR ARMS!

 The extreme left is secretly, absolutely gleeful about the loss of life in Atlanta and Boulder!

Some may consider my statement a little "over the top," however, if you look at the useful idiots pushing for endless efforts to take our weapons away, you should be able to tell that these are the usual "suspects" crafting additional, unlawful, legislation.  Their aim has nothing whatever to do with ending "gun violence," as they say, but to strip those rights enshrined in the Bill of Rights of the U.S. Constitution, not only our right to keep and bear arms, but also our First Amendment rights!  

We must, however, keep things in perspective: the radicals that see nothing wrong in tearing apart a pre-born baby girl in her mother's womb, shed crocodile tears when it comes to folks losing their lives in a supermarket or a spa.  

Let this sink in: without the Second Amendment, all our other rights are, for all practical purposes, null and void, especially the First Amendment.

Null and void, because we will not be able to exercise that key right to freedom of speech, assembly, and worship...

Any loss of life is a sad as well as a traumatic thing; look no further than those family members deprived of their father, son, aunt, mother, brother, sister, etc...  Their lives are now so much emptier and no amount of consolation, or even prayers, can suffice to ease the suffering of loss...

These killings play right into the hands of those same mind-numbed, career politicians forever seeking ways to destroy the Republic, and enslave the very same sheeple who continue to vote them into office in the first place, term after term after term...

It seems that the mainstream media are the lackeys of the leftists in the House and the Senate, doing their dirty work for them: defaming the law-abiding -- in favor of the outlaw.

And that's the point: all the anti-weapon legislation is not aimed at the outlaw; the thug; the gang members dealing in deadly drugs; no, it is directed at us!

By the way, it doesn't matter how many anti-Second Amendment bills get signed into law, it will not stop the black market in guns and ammo...  The bad guys can get any -- repeat: any -- weapon they want so long as they have the money to burn, whether the gun is from this country or abroad.  Anyone who does not believe this, is simply naïve!

 The hard left is not stupid; they know, that what I just wrote is true!  

And now my theories on these shootings...

First, I find it very interesting that just as numerous anti-2nd A. bills are circulating in the House and Senate, two horrible shootings take place.

Second, the fact is, most, if not all, the shooters over the years, have been on some type of psychotropic drug!

Third, could these lunatics be "Manchurian Candidates," or ongoing "MK-Ultra" experiments designed to fulfill a sick and disordered agenda of the Marxists oligarchs to disarm the American population?

There is way too much coincidence in the timing of these tragedies; way too much...

Read and re-read the Declaration of Independence...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla



The Liberal Mind: Is There One?

I don't mean to be insulting with the title of my article, but if liberalism is a sin; a grievous sin -- and it is -- then why would anyone jeopardize their immortal soul to be a liberal?? 

It's mindboggling!

It is easy to prove this fact, because liberalism is diametrically opposed to what the Church teaches -- and has taught -- for 2,000 years, regarding the Commandments and the Natural Law.  This is especially true concerning the life of the pre-born (thou shalt not kill...). In order to be saved, we must absolutely need to obey the two great Commandments: to love God and neighbor.  

We know that the demon cannot possess or direct our free-will, but the demonic can heavily influence the intellect, thereby throwing our free-will decisions "out of kilter," mainly, by deciding to choose evil over good.  Or, said in another way, not being able to see the difference between right from wrong. What horrendous consequences for the children of such parents!  Then, there are those poor souls who will not repent, even at the very end of their lives, either out of obstinacy, or despair.  If that happens, then that sin -- the sin against the Holy Ghost -- will not be forgiven, and that person will die in their sins!   Meaning; he or she will be damned...

Far too many folks -- among the ranks of believers -- think that our good God will not condemn anyone to hell for all eternity, because He is all merciful.  He is all merciful.  But!  They forget that God is also all Just, and, as such, we will be held accountable for our actions or inactions in this life (remember, our Lord has told us in the Bible that our works will follow us!  Here is the actual verse...  "And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Write, Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours; and their works do follow them."  (Revelation: 14:3, King James Version).  

This is the dilemma of the liberal, and the options are not good... 

The liberal mind-set permeates, not only the secular realm, but also the ecclesiastical realm as well.

I'm going to focus on the ecclesiastical realm after a few comments about the secular...

Let those who have eyes to see, see and those who have ears to hear, hear.  Those blowhards that are currently in power in D.C., are quickly steering our country to the brink of economic and spiritual ruin.  

Now, with a Democrat majority in the House, and a "deadlock" 50/50 split in the Senate, along with an incapacitated Biden in the White House, the forces of evil are having a field-day.  We can see the evisceration of any vestiges of life and hope in those Americans who still believe in the rights and freedoms given to us by God.  And although those rights are guaranteed in the Bill of Rights, enshrined in the U.S. Constitution, those rights are quickly headed for the chopping-block, by the design of the leftist oligarchs...  

Why is all this happening?  That question has been answered in my above comments, but bears repeating: rejection of God and His teachings, as codified and taught by His holy Church.  Such rejection can only lead to eventual destruction and despair.  Further, it is said that as the Church goes, so goes society.  If that is the case, then the sinful acts going on in the Church, are reflected in the secular realm as well...

Liberalism has no place in the Church; none.

Those hierarchs; bishops, cardinals and popes, are giving a scandalous example, not only to their flocks, or what is left of them, in the novus ordo church, but also to the non-Catholic world as well, especially to those who might have been considering entering the church, but have since reversed course...  

The outright flaunting of the sins (of the clergy); the watering down of 2,000 years of church teaching and traditions, along with new definitions of marriage and family life, has caused confusion and outright despair.   Many have left the church altogether, only to find that the grass is not necessarily greener where they end up!

I cannot imagine the price that will have to be paid by those priests and shepherds that cause the loss of faith among the flock entrusted to them!

The following is a quote from St. John chapter 8:47 (and forward...): "He that is of God heareth God's words: ye therefore hear them not, because ye are not of God." (King James Version.)

The Liberal Mind: Is There One?

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla


Saturday, March 20, 2021

Remember The "Twilight Zone" Sci-Fi TV Show From The Late 50's/Early 60's?

 If you're not old enough to remember the Twilight Zone TV series when it first aired in 1959, and ran until 1964, that's okay... just search on Youtube or some other platform and watch the brilliant mind of the writer/producer, Rod Serling, present some of the best science fiction ever produced!

Serling weaved illusion and horror into a witch's brew that scared the TV audience half to death!  In other words, he was successful beyond his wildest imagination in presenting a sci-fi production that lasted for six seasons.  

As I just wrote above, illusion was a key component of the success of his show that ran over 60 years ago.  As they say, history repeats itself, and that's what we see happening today, but it's not a sci-fi TV show, but a demonic reality of a near-total, Godless society racing toward that eternal, infernal abyss...

Witness President Trump's partly successful efforts to promote the culture of life and instilling in the American populace, God, country, and family as the basis of a moral society.  All that has been completely erased by the stroke of a pen from the compromised, corrupt Biden and his life-hating, God-hating lackeys, in an illicit administration that may last for four years.  There is hope, however, that as more and more damning information emerges from the Biden crime syndicate, with the enforcer-in-charge, Hunter Biden, that a real impeachment and conviction will remove Biden and Harris from the White House, and stick them where they belong; in prison...

Even though evidence is piling up corroborating the deep corruption of Robert Hunter, the so-called department of justice, which includes the FBI, seem to be oblivious -- or, should I say, complicit in a massive cover-up? -- of silence and malfeasance.  But it is not only the FBI that is headed by traitors, it is the America-hating heads of the CIA and their illegal, abusive information-gathering on law-abiding American citizens through advanced technologies, including, most likely, your own smart phone!      

We practicing Catholics have to keep one thing in mind: we cannot count on any one person or political party to right the wrongs we see about us, or to pull us out of injustice and corruption, to do so, would only increase false hopes and eventual despair...  If there is any hope to stop the decay and moral turpitude, it is none other than Christ, our Lord; period.  

What is left of the Republic must be conformed to the will of God, and His rights and justice, nothing else will suffice, if that does not happen, then we will certainly get what we deserve, whether by stolen elections, or an outright police state, controlling every aspect of our lives...

Break through the illusion; pray like you have never prayed before; anchor your heart and soul to our Lord, especially by receiving Him in the Bread of Life; the Holy Eucharist...

St. Joseph, pray for us -- and for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Blessed Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us too!

Gene DeLalla

Friday, March 19, 2021

Why All Believers Should Honor The "Silent" Saint: St. Joseph, Whose Feast Day Is Today, March 19th...

 I'll admit it upfront: when it comes to writing about the great St. Joseph, I'm an amateur.  Numerous great writers have composed books and articles describing the most important, key role, the foster-father of our Savior played in salvation history...

 Nevertheless, I will give my, admittedly, unworthy take on the man chosen by God -- from all eternity -- to be the protector of His divine Son, Christ our Lord.

As you can see, the reason for the title of my article: Why All Believers Should Honor The "Silent" Saint: St. Joseph..., is because the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity, who came to earth to save and set us free from sin and death, needed a man to take care of Him -- in His human nature, that is.

Christ didn't have to come to earth and be incarnated through a Woman, but He wanted to elevate the dignity of His creation: man and woman, and by doing so, He sanctified the human body as temples of the Holy Ghost. 

Mary -- the Blessed Virgin Mary -- was also chosen from all eternity to be the Mother of Christ, yet she had to be married in order to fulfill the moral law and the nuptial traditions enshrined from the beginning of creation history, with Adam and Eve being the first husband and wife, and our first parents...

The role of St. Joseph cannot be overstated: as the head of the household of the Holy Family, he was tasked with the sacred duties of being the protector, defender, provider, and teacher, not only of Mary, his wife, but also of the Christ-child.  

Jesus, in His human nature, needed someone to teach and guide Him as He grew in grace and knowledge, to prepare Him for His holy ministry.

The Scriptures say little about our great St. Joseph, however, it was he who gave the holy name of Jesus to his foster-child; it was he who was referred to when the Jews and Gentiles asked who our Lord's (earthly) father was: the Son of the carpenter; the Son of Joseph...  St. Joseph is also called a "just man"; (St. Matthew 1;19, King James Version).

It was St. Joseph who cradled the Christ-child in his arms; it was St. Joseph who taught the boy, then the Man, Christ, how to use carpenter's tools; it was St. Joseph who loved and honored Mary, his wife; it was St. Joseph who, when directed by an Angel, covertly took the Holy Family to Egypt to escape the deadly King Herod; it was St. Joseph who died a most holy death: in the arms of his beloved Son and  Blessed wife...

It was -- and is -- St. Joseph who is the protector of our Lord's holy Church; it is St. Joseph who is the model of manhood and fatherhood; it is St. Joseph that the demons fear more than anyone, other than our Lord Himself, or the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Pray to St. Joseph for strength and honor, on this his feast day, March 19, 2021, and always! 

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Mass Confusion About The Future Of The Mass -- Of The Traditional Latin Mass, That Is, Of The Catholic Church...

 I wanted to make clear that the Mass I'm writing about is the Traditional Latin Mass in the Catholic Church, simply because there might be some non-Catholics, or novus ordo (new rite) Catholics reading this missive...

First, let me say that the Latin Rite of the Mass has its origins as far back as the 500's A.D.  That's not to say that it began during that age, but the form used from that ancient time is just about the same as we witness when we attend Mass today.  But the first Mass itself goes back to the time of the Apostles as they learned it from our Master and Savior, our Lord, Jesus.  When, at the Last Supper, His disciples were made priests and bishops, and given the power to bring down, on the altar of sacrifice, the Creator of the universe, at the consecration of the bread and wine, transubstantiating those accidents into the Body and Blood of Christ -- for our sakes; for our salvation...

Here is an excerpt from an article that appeared in When did we start celebrating Mass in Latin?

"The first language of Christian liturgy was Aramaic, the common language of the first Christians, who were Palestinian Jews. While Hebrew was the language of scripture and formal worship, Christian worship occurred in the home where Aramaic was spoken. The words Abba and maranatha are Aramaic.

"Christianity quickly spread from Palestine to the rest of the world, and the Eucharist came to be celebrated in many languages, including Syriac, Coptic, and Armenian. In most of the Mediterranean world, the common language was Greek, which became the language of liturgy in that region and remained so until the early third century.

"Eucharist itself is a Greek word, meaning thanksgiving. The phrase Kyrie eleison and the words liturgy, baptism, evangelize, martyr, and catechumen, among other familiar church words, are also Greek in origin.

"From around the third century B.C., what we call “classical” Latin was the language of the Roman aristocracy and the educated classes. Around the time Jesus was born, during the reign of Augustus Caesar, the language began to change. The Roman aristocracy was destroyed by war and political infighting; when they disappeared, their language went with them. Classical Latin was replaced by a less refined version of the language.

"In the third and fourth centuries A.D. this form of Latin began to replace Greek as the common language of the Roman world and soon became the language of the liturgy.

"Exactly how this change in the liturgy came about is uncertain. In the early church the liturgy was led extemporaneously by the bishop, according to a pattern. There were written examples of Eucharistic Prayers, but they were models, not prescribed prayers. The last such document in Greek was written around the year 215. By the sixth century, the Roman Canon (which is still in use, also called Eucharistic Prayer I) appears, completely in Latin and prescribed for use exactly as written.

"What happened during those centuries? It seems that a core of the Roman Canon was developed and used first, probably even in liturgies that were partly in Greek and partly in Latin, until the final Latin version evolved. Because Christians had not used Latin for worship prior to this, words had to be adapted or imported (often from Greek) to express Christian ideas, beginning the development of an ecclesiastical form of Latin. There is also evidence that the Roman Canon was influenced by prayers from the Eastern churches.

"Even though Latin evolved into various modern languages, Latin remained the sole language of the Roman Rite..."

End of excerpt...

If anyone follows the musings emanating from Rome these days, it is apparent that there may be some dire developments concerning the future existence of the Traditional Latin Mass (TLM).  

It should be noted, that in 1970, the "official" promulgation of the novus order -- new rite of the Mass -- was fostered on the world's Catholic faithful, thereby "replacing" the ancient rite, known as the TLM, well, not quite...

As it turns out, contrary to what some misinformed Catholics said at the time, and continue to promote -- to this very day -- the lie that the TLM was, in fact, abrogated: it was not then, nor is it now...

Just the opposite is true... The attendance of the faithful has increased dramatically ever since the 2007 moto proprio of Benedict XVI, allowing all priests to say the TLM without the permission of the local ordinary (bishop)!  However, it is also a fact that there has been, and still is, opposition from far too many bishops regarding the TLM in general, and priests not having to get permission from the ordinary.  In plain language, they don't like the idea that a priest can have a TLM service without the okay from the diocese... 

This opposition to the TLM from some bishops is perplexing!  You would think that the enormous increase in attendance -- with many young, large families -- that is also bringing in a staggering infusion of money in weekly donations, would make the hierarchy quite enthused about the TLM.  But that's not the case in most instances...

Now, it seems that pope Bergoglio has sent out a survey to the world's bishops requesting information about the TLM in their dioceses; attendance, funds collected, etc.   This -- for better or worse -- is having an effect on Catholics attending the novus ordo, etc., etc...

Some Catholic writers and opinion makers, are suggesting that this, and some other hints coming out of Rome, may be the first in a series of moves to lessen the availability or outright ban the TLM completely.  This possibility has already been seen in a recent goings on in St. Peter's basilica itself, with the restricting of the TLM to certain times; to certain areas, with only "authorized" priests saying the TLM.  Cardinal Burke, for one, is calling for that restriction to be immediately rescinded.  Don't hold your breath!

But what if the TLM is eventually banned throughout the world?  What then?  If that actually happens, we'll see just who has the guts to obey God rather than men...

Pray for strength and honor for what might be coming down the Catholic road...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Blessed Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla   


Devastating Implications Of Heretical "Cardinals" Voting In The Next Conclave! (The Sedevacantists Will Have A Field Day, Proving They Are "Right"!)

 Think about the horrific implications of heretics voting for the next pope! What are some of those implications? How about the fact that a ...