Thursday, September 30, 2021

PROOF! Apostate "Catholics" Are The Most Egregious Enemies Of Christ...

 If we didn't already know the truth of the title of my article, then please take a look and listen to the blasphemy of the new Governor of New York State, Kathy Hochul, replacing the murderous (baby killing), sexual deviant, apostate "Catholic," Andrew Cuomo...

Here are two articles that should make faithful Catholics -- and any God-fearing Christian -- take pause, and realize how low the human intellect has sunk, using the holy Name of God to continue the work of the Ape of Christ, Satan...

The first is from 'What God wants': NY gov. calls for COVID 'apostles' to promote jab - LifeSite (

The second is from Gov. Kathy Hochul Says the Unvaccinated 'Aren’t Listening to God' (

My readers should know that Hochul is a "Catholic" in the same vein as the apostate "Catholics" such as Biden, Pelosi, Kerry, Durbin and numerous others who have sold their immortal souls to the demon for power and position in this life, and to hell with the price they will have to pay in the next.  Of course, that is, if they even believe that at the end of their miserable, unrepentant lives, they will face our Lord at their Particular Judgment...

This poor excuse of the leader of the citizens of New York, insults the great and heroic servants of Christ, the Apostles, by "recruiting" those brainwashed, vaccinated folks (to be her "apostles") to "encourage" those un-vaxxed "to see the light"... 

She tells us that is was God almighty that gave us the "vaccine"! 

Welcome to the new "religion" of covid...

(It should be noted that Gov. Hochul is a rabid pro-baby killer, who recently invited females from Texas, who want to kill their pre-born babies, to come to New York for the murder.  She even stated that assistance will be given for expenses; i.e., transportation, etc.!)

I rest my case...

Pray for strength and honor!  And pray for our enemies...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Do Pigs Really Fly?

  Apparently so...

How else can it be explained that the Bishop of Rome, Bergoglio, rightly condemns -- again -- abortion as the taking of an innocent life, while, at the same time, praising the pro-death president of Ireland, Wiggins?

But that's only one recent example of "pigs flying"... 

How else can it be explained that the Bishop of Rome, Bergoglio, recruits or has appointed, pro-death males and females to various Vatican advisory boards?  E.g.; Jeffrey Sachs, Chelsea Clinton, et al?

How else can it be explained that the Bishop of Rome, Bergoglio, favors "civil unions," i.e., recognizing homosexual unions, in effect recognizing homosexual "marriage"!? 

How else can it be explained that the Bishop of Rome, Bergoglio, attacks faithful Catholics who attend the sublime Traditional Latin Mass for succor during these demonic times, while, at the same time allows the likes of "Fr." James Martin as well as other outright purveyors of the sin that cries to Heaven for vengeance, free reign to continue in their deadly sins and extolling the need for "unity"? 

Isn't this called cognitive dissonance?

(Here's the actual meaning of cognitive dissonance: psychological conflict resulting from simultaneously held incongruous beliefs and attitudes.)

Am I overstating the scenario?  I think not...

There are many other examples that can be written here, but suffice to say, we are dealing with someone who "isn't all there"... And, as the Church goes -- that is, what passes for the "Catholic Church" these days -- so goes society.  As a prime example of this, take a look at the incoherent imposter sitting in the Oval Office!  If the connection isn't made, then pigs can't fly after all...

We must pray for our enemies as Christ commanded... Therefore, we must pray for the enemy sitting in the Chair of St. Peter -- for his conversion, not for his evil intentions to destroy Holy Mother Church!!

Pray for strength and honor!  We will need it more now than ever...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

PS... I just read an article in about traditional Carmelite nuns who had an "apostolic visitation" this week.  Pray for these traditional nuns... See the article here: Traditional Carmelites in Pennsylvania announce apostolic visitation - LifeSite (

One can only guess what comes next, but I don't think it will be good...

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

What Is Behind The Ongoing, Aggressive Attacks On The Catholic Faithful By The Bishop Of Rome, Bergoglio?

 It is becoming more and more difficult to understand, or give the benefit of the doubt to the words and actions of Bergoglio (Francis), specifically directed against those faithful Catholics who attend the sublime Traditional Latin Mass and those societies that provide the truths of the faith without compromise.

And maybe that's the rub...  Bergoglio seems to have a vicious disdain for those who cling to Tradition, and the perennial teachings of the Church concerning, not only faith and morals, but also the Natural Law and God-given common sense.   

Just who and what are we dealing with here?  

I have always believed that the pope is supposed to be the Vicar of Christ; the supreme authority of Catholics here on earth.  I also believed that the pope is supposed to be the guardian and protector of the Deposit of Faith: Scripture and Tradition, not an innovator...

It seems that almost every day, we hear and read something that is foreign to Church teaching; foreign to what we know to be right and just; foreign life itself; foreign to the true worship of our Lord in Holy Mass; foreign to a rightly ordered conscience...

Bergoglio is "famous" for overlooking, or worse, championing those sins that cry to Heaven for vengeance, while at the same time, continues to implement his diabolical agenda -- in line with satanic Marxism...

Can we appease Bergoglio and hope that he doesn't completely destroy the TLM that so many Catholic families love to death?

If we "beg" for "acceptance" and "patience," isn't that the same as kowtowing to the whims of a tyrannical dictator?  

Appeasement never works!

How can we remain silent in the face of such an onslaught?   

Isn't silence considered agreement?

If the evidence we have were presented in court, surely the jury would come to a verdict of guilty as charged... But we have no jury or judge to judge Bergoglio; only the Holy Ghost can and will judge the sins of commission -- and omission -- of the man who sits in the Chair of St. Peter...

I have been around since Pope Pius XII...

It is apparent to me, that Bergoglio is attempting to "canonize" Vatican II and the seeds of modernism that were planted...  And that is why that the conciliar and post-conciliar popes have all been declared to be "saints" or "blessed"; really? 

It's as if Vat. II was some type of super-dogmatic council, binding on the conscience of all Catholics, while the previous councils have to be looked at in light of Vat. II.? 

No.  It doesn't work that way... Vat. II must be looked at in light of the Tradition of the Church and the previous dogmatic councils, such as Vat. I; Trent, etc... To invert that authority would make no sense and would indicate a disordered conscience...

Perhaps this was all planned; to confuse, and scandalize the faithful, and to deceive, if possible, even the Elect?

My dear readers, we are witnessing evil and wickedness in a façade of a church; made to look Catholic, but in reality has no relationship to the real Church founded by our Lord, Christ...

These are surely the times that try men's souls...

Pray for strength and honor -- and discernment!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

Saturday, September 25, 2021

Is There A Connection With Medical Tyranny And The Occult/Satanism?

 Sound farfetched?

Perhaps, but look at the medical "profession" and the tyranny exercised against the most innocent and most defenseless of our species: the pre-born baby...

Now, look at those unfortunate folks who end up in a hospital for treatment for, according to the same medical "authorities", the so-called covid-19 (flu virus).  

If the last 18+ months have not made an impression of freedom-loving, God-fearing Americans being completely prevented from visiting their loved ones in the hospital, leaving those same loved ones to suffer at the hands of medical bureaucrats hell-bent on collecting monies from the federal trough, then the brainwashing has been complete...  

Consider... when someone enters a hospital and tests "positive" for "covid," that hospital receives a certain amount of monies.  Then, if the unfortunate patient is given a horrible protocol/concoction of drugs known to worsen the condition of the patient, and is eventually put on a deadly ventilator, the hospital receives even more money!

This leads the hospital to add to their bottom line at the expense of their patient, regardless if their patient worsens or dies... 

Think about it, the hospitals make more money when someone is placed on the ventilator, so the incentive is not to improve the health of their patient, but rather kill them, and list the death of the patient as dying from "covid," adding to the falsified number of deaths due to a virus that has an over 99-percent recovery rate.  The hospitals know this, and those in charge at the federal level know this.  In essence, we are dealing with a diabolical establishment that has completely abrogated their Hippocratic oath to first do no harm...

It is said that as the Church goes, so goes society... If that is true, then the reports of sexual deviance and satanic "masses" are performed in the Vatican by agents of the evil one, then what makes anyone think that the same cannot happen at the secular level??

The loyalty of a good majority of the clergy, especially at the hierarchical level, no longer swear to serve our Lord as their Master, but have sold their souls to Satan, the father of lies...

This has been proven over the years from actual undercover reports as well as whistleblowers risking all for the sake of the truth...

Those priests, bishops, cardinals -- and popes? -- use their position of power and influence scandalizing whatever is left of the faithful Catholic in the pews, and outright discouraging non-Catholics from entering the one Ark of salvation, the authentic Catholic Church...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


Democrat's Most Radical Abortion Bill To Date, Supported By Extremist Apostate "Catholics"...

 This from

"H.R. 3755, the deceitfully named Women’s Health Protection Act, would invalidate nearly all state laws limiting and regulating abortion, including many health and safety regulations designed to protect the lives of women."

(See the full article here: House Democrats Unite to Advance Barbaric Abortion Bill | National Review.)

Can you guess who is behind this attempt to invalidate and nullify the various states' rights to pass and enforce pro-life laws?  It is, of course, the usual culprits, especially House Speaker N. Pelosi, you know, the self-professed "Catholic", who by the way, recently -- again -- showed her defiance of perennial Church teaching, that states unequivocally that the killing of the pre-born is murder, and that anyone who has an abortion, or procures an abortion, or supports legislation supporting that barbarism, is guilty of not only a mortal sin, but is also automatically ex-communicated

When I heard this murderous female state that she "disagrees" with Archbishop Cordileone, and will nonetheless continue her race to perdition by continually pushing for the "right" of a woman to kill her pre-born child, it almost makes me think that there is absolutely no hope of repentance or conversion back to the Catholic/Christian faith of our Lord, Christ.  

But there is always a chance that such folk will respond to the grace of the Holy Ghost, and return to sanity, reason and the holy Catholic faith.  If I didn't believe that, then I would simply not pray for their conversion, but I do...

Still, when I think of those steeped in continual mortal sin, it reminds me of St. Augustine's (?) thought that the idea of final repentance -- on the deathbed -- is a rare thing, and most will die in their sins... A very sobering thought!

We must pray for our enemies; we have no choice here, as Christ commanded us to do so...  That being an act of charity and is part of the second great commandment to: love our neighbor...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


Thursday, September 23, 2021

Absolutely Devastating: Must Read Remnant Article!

 I urge all faithful, traditionally minded Catholics to read this Remnant article...  Call Me Ishmael (The Remnant Responds to Francis’ Latest Attack on Faithful Catholics.)

The Remnant Newspaper - Call Me Ishmael (The Remnant Responds to Francis’ Latest Attack on Faithful Catholics)

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Two Examples Of Wicked And Evil "Catholics"...

  Subtitled: One of the main reasons for their wickedness and evil...

In a previous article I wrote (see here): The Real Reason For The Chaos In The World...

Without God (Christ), we can do nothing.  In fact, every single beat of our hearts is allowed by God.  If He didn't continue to allow our hearts to beat, we would simply die.  It's really that simple...

This fact is overlooked by those wicked and evil "Catholics" who seem to disregard the tenets of the Natural Law at the very least, and the divinely revealed law of God at worst.  Of course, if we follow that logic, it would appear that those who reject God in this life, will have a heavy price to pay in the next.  That is, if they even believe that they will be held accountable for their actions or inactions; sins of commission or omission.  

What follows are two examples of very wicked and evil "Catholics" who flaunt their evil and wickedness, so much so, that it is difficult to believe that their bishops haven't dropped the hammer of ex-communication on these scandalous miscreants!

What we are talking about are two of the sins that cry to Heaven for vengeance: willful murder (of the pre-born) and "legalizing" homosexual "marriage".  Both mock the Natural Law and Biblical teachings...

These two examples are imbedded in the following video: (1672) Catholic — Headlines — September 20th, 2021 - YouTube

In this video, you will see the "Catholic" female that took over the governorship of the abortion capitol of the U.S., New York State, after the pervert, apostate "Catholic" Andrew Cuomo resigned in disgrace after numerous charges of sexual harassment by former women employees or consultants.  We are talking about Gov. Hochul, who will be finishing out the remaining term after the departure of Cuomo...

Astonishingly, you will see and hear this most radical and extreme of the proponents of the slaughter of the pre-born promise and guarantee, that New York will welcome -- and assist -- those females from Texas who want to kill their pre-born children, but can no longer do so after the Texas "Heartbeat Bill" was signed into law! 

Already, the evil and wicked Biden "administration" has ordered his "justice department" to use all means at their disposal to fight that pro-life law, so the killing of our tiny, pre-born brothers and sisters can continue unabated.  So far, their efforts have failed...

Next, in the video, you will see and hear the president of Ireland, Michael Higgins, meeting and chatting with the Bishop of Rome, Bergoglio, talking about "climate change," immigrants, social justice nonsense, the "pandemic", etc.  What is most telling, is that Bergoglio fails to confront Higgins about the Irish Abortion law that took effect in 2018... The following year, 2019, Ireland recorded exactly 6,666 pre-born babies that were torn apart or chemically dissolved, denying them their basic right to life...

The former land of St. Patrick and Shamrocks, is now a seat of the Anti-Christ... (The great Saint must be spinning in his grave.)

In the secular realm -- as the Church goes, so goes society -- I have imbedded another video of Tucker Carlson (see here): FNC's Carlson on Border Crisis: Biden 'Did This on Purpose' ( 

The gist of the video explains the lies and financial burden being perpetrated upon law-abiding American citizens concerning the illegal aliens amassing at the border crossing in Del Rio, Texas, and the humanitarian mess it has created...  But more importantly, it is the Biden "administration," using fear and lies to keep the flow of unvetted, untested illegals into our nation for political gain...

We know that Biden is an apostate "Catholic," who openly supports those sins that cry to Heaven for vengeance, again, with little or no pushback or condemnation from his bishop.  I contend that if ex-communication were imposed on this incoherent imposter, he might -- might -- turn his life around.  But no, most of the bishops are silent on his crimes against humanity, especially his attacks and war on the pre-born...

I included this video to show -- and accuse -- those infiltrators who have risen through the ecclesiastical ranks of the novus ordo "Catholic" Church, and their wicked and evil schemes to transform the church into an earth-worshipping, one-world religion, all with the overt help of the Bishop of Rome, Bergoglio... 

In conclusion, we have seen the new governor of N.Y. State, and the president of Ireland go about their deadly and evil business without sanctions or rebuke from any of the bishops.  This is not by happenstance, but part of a well organized, well planned coup d'etat to overthrow the social reign of Christ the King...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 


Tuesday, September 21, 2021

How The CIA Hid Their MKULTRA Mind-Control Program...

 The following article was written by Jon Rappoport; reprinted with permission... See his blog here:  Jon Rappoport's Blog «

And yes, this has a COVID vaccine punchline

by Jon Rappoport

September 17, 2021

(To join our email list, click here.)

"Back in the early 1990s, I spoke with John Marks, author of Search for the Manchurian Candidate. This was the book (1979) that helped expose the existence and range of the infamous CIA MKULTRA program.

"Marks related the following facts to me. He had originally filed many Freedom of Information (FOIA) requests for documents connected to the CIA’s mind-control program. He got nothing back.

"Finally, as if to play a joke on him, someone at the CIA sent Marks 10 boxes of financial and accounting records. The attitude was, “Here, see what you can do with this.”

"I’ve seen some of those records. They’re very boring reading.

But Marks went through them, and lo and behold, he found he could piece together MKULTRA projects, based on the funding data.

"Eventually, he assembled enough information to begin naming names. He conducted interviews. The shape of MKULTRA swam into view. And so he wrote his book, Search for the Manchurian Candidate.

"He told me that three important books had been written about MKULTRA, and they all stemmed from those 10 boxes of CIA financial records. There was his own book; Operation Mind Control by Walter Bowart; and The Mind Manipulators by Alan Scheflin and Edward Opton.

"After publishing his book, Marks continued to press the CIA for more MKULTRA information. He explained to me what then happened. A CIA official told him the following: in 1962, after ten years of mind-control experiments, the whole program had been shifted over to another internal CIA department, the Office of Research and Development (ORD).

"The ORD had a hundred boxes of information on their MKULTRA work, and there was no way under the sun, Marks was told, he was ever going to get his hands on any of that. It was over. It didn’t matter how many FOIA requests Marks filed. He was done. The door was shut. Goodbye.

"The CIA went darker than it ever had before. No leaks of any kind would be permitted.

"In case there is any doubt about it, the idea of relying on the CIA to admit what it has done in the mind-control area, what it is doing, and what it will do should be put to bed by John Mark’s statements. The CIA always has been, and will continue to be, a rogue agency.

"To give you an idea of how far the CIA, the US military, and its allied academics will go in MKULTRA “research,” here is what I wrote in 1995 about several human experiments. My information was based on the three key books I mentioned above, as well as Martin Lee’s classic, Acid Dreams:

“Dr. Robert Heath of Tulane University, as early as 1955, working for the Army, gave patients LSD while he had electrodes implanted deep inside their brains.”

“In the mid-1950’s, Paul Hoch, M.D., a man who would become Commissioner of Mental Hygiene for the State of New York, then a laborer in the field for the CIA, gave a ‘pseudoneurotic schizophrenic’ patient mescaline. The patient had a heaven-and-hell journey on the compound. But Hoch followed this up with a transorbital leucotomy [aka lobotomy]… Hoch also gave a patient LSD, and a local anesthetic, and then proceeded to remove pieces of his cerebral cortex, asking at various moments whether the patient’s perceptions were changing.”

"People need to understand how the history of mind control and psychiatry are interwoven, and how the madmen and murderers within these “professions” are content to use torture “in the name of science.”

"From a article by the heroic whistleblower, psychiatrist Dr. Peter Breggin (“Never again! The real history of psychiatry”), we get insight into one aspect of that history.

"Breggin: “[Before World War 2, in America], organized psychiatry had been sterilizing tens of thousands of Americans. For a time in California, you couldn’t be discharged from a state hospital unless you were sterilized. In Virginia the retarded were targeted. American advocates of sterilization went to Berlin to help the Nazis plan their sterilization program. These Americans reassured the Germans that they would meet no opposition from America in sterilizing their mentally and physically ‘unfit’ citizens.”

“While the murder of mental patients was going full swing in Germany, knowledgeable American psychiatrists and neurologists didn’t want to be left out. In 1942, the American Psychiatric Association held a debate about whether to sterilize or to murder low IQ ‘retarded’ children when they reached the age of five. Those were the only two alternatives in the debate: sterilization or death.”

“After the debate, the official journal of the American Psychiatric Association published an editorial in which it chose sides in favor of murder (“Euthanasia” in the American Journal of Psychiatry, 1942, volume 99, pp. 141-143). It said psychiatrists would have to muster their psychological skills to keep parents from feeling guilty about agreeing to have their children killed.”

"The psychiatrists who later went to work for the CIA, in the MKULTRA program, were devoid of conscience. Any experiment was a good experiment. Human beings were “useful subjects.”

"Here is an MKULTRA sub-project you may not have heard of. I wrote about it several years ago—

"Some would say the 1940s and 50s were the most vibrant and innovative period in the history of American jazz.

"During those years, it was common knowledge that musicians who were busted for drug use were shipped, or volunteered to go, to Lexington, Kentucky. Lex was the first Narcotics Farm and US Health Dept. drug treatment hospital in the US.

"According to diverse sources, here’s a partial list of the reported “hundreds” of jazz musicians who went to Lex: Red Rodney, Sonny Rollins, Chet Baker, Sonny Stitt, Howard McGhee, Elvin Jones, Zoot Sims, Lee Morgan, Tadd Dameron, Stan Levey, Jackie McLean.

"It’s also reported that Ray Charles was there, and William Burroughs, Peter Lorre, and Sammy Davis, Jr.

"It was supposed to be a rehab center. A place for drying out.

"But it was something else too. Lex was used by the CIA as one of its MKULTRA centers for experimentation on inmates.

"The doctor in charge of this mind control program was Harris Isbell. Astonishingly, Isbell was, at the same time, a member of the FDA’s Advisory Committee on the Abuse of Depressant and Stimulant Drugs.

"Isbell gave LSD and other psychedelics to inmates at Lex.

"At Sandoz labs in Switzerland, Dr. Albert Hofmann, the discoverer of LSD, also synthesized psilocybin from magic mushrooms. The CIA got some of this new synthetic from Hofmann and gave it to Isbell so he could try it out on inmates at Lex.

"Isbell worked at Lex from the 1940s through 1963. It is reported that in one experiment, Isbell gave LSD to 7 inmates for 77 consecutive days. At 4 times the normal dosage. That is a chemical hammer of incredible proportions.

"To induce inmates to join these MKULTRA drug experiments, they were offered the drug of their choice, which in many cases was heroin. So at a facility dedicated to drying out and rehabbing addicts, the addicts were subjected to MKULTRA experiments and THEN a re-establishment of their former habit.

"Apparently, as many as 800 different drugs were sent to Isbell by the CIA or CIA allies to use on patients at Lex. Two of the allies? The US Navy and the US National Institute of Mental Health—proof that MKULTRA extended beyond the CIA.

"In another MKULTRA experiment at Lex, nine men were strapped down on tables. They were injected with psilocybin. Bright lights were beamed at their eyes—a typical mind control component.

"During Isbell’s tenure, no one knows how many separate experiments he ran on the inmates.

"As I say, Lex was the main stop for drying out for NY jazz musicians. How many of them were taken into these MKULTRA programs?

"As Martin Lee explains in his book, Acid Dreams, “It became an open secret…that if the [heroin] supply got tight [on the street], you could always commit yourself to Lexington, where heroin and morphine were doled out as payment if you volunteered for Isbell’s whacky drug experiments. (Small wonder Lexington had a return rate of 90%.)”

"A June 15, 1999, Counterpunch article by Alexander Cockburn and Jeffrey St. Clair, “CIA’s Sidney Gottlieb: Pusher, Assassin & Pimp— US Official Poisoner Dies,” contains these quotes on Dr. Isbell:

“Gottlieb also funded the experiments of Dr. Harris Isbell. Isbell ran the Center for Addiction Research in Lexington, Kentucky. Passing through Isbell’s center was a captive group of human guinea pigs in the form of a steady stream of black heroin addicts. More than 800 different chemical compounds were shipped from Gottlieb to Lexington for testing on Isbell’s patients.”

“Perhaps the most infamous experiment came when Isbell gave LSD to seven black men for seventy-seven straight days. Isbell’s research notes indicates that he gave the men ‘quadruple’ the ‘normal’ dosages. The doctor marveled at the men’s apparent tolerance to these remarkable amounts of LSD. Isbell wrote in his notes that ‘this type of behavior is to be expected in patients of this type’.”

“In other Gottlieb-funded experiment at the Center, Isbell had nine black males strapped to tables, injected them with psylocybin, inserted rectal thermometers, had lights shown in their eyes to measure pupil dilation and had their joints whacked to test neural reactions.”

"If you think these experiments were so extreme they bear no resemblance to modern psychiatry, think again. Thorazine, the first so-called anti-psychotic drug, was researched on the basis of its ability to make humans profoundly quiescent and passive. Electroshock and lobotomy are straight-out torture techniques that also destroy parts of the brain. SSRI antidepressants increase violent behavior, including homicide. Among its many documented effects, Ritalin can induce hallucinations and paranoia.

"Well, all these effects are part and parcel of the original (and ongoing) MKULTRA.

"But now the whole population, via psychiatry, is included in the experiment.

"Which is one reason why THE RIGHT TO REFUSE MEDICATION must be protected and expanded.

"Including, of course, the right to refuse VACCINES.

"For example, the COVID vaccines.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALEDEXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here...

End of article and acknowledgements...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

Monday, September 20, 2021

The Counterfeit Church Is "Real"...

 Listen to Archbishop Sheen (especially at 2:51 and his take on the counterfeit church)...

 (1644) We Were Warned: Schism & Our Lady of Revelation - YouTube

Not to acknowledge that the counterfeit church is truly the ape of the real Catholic Church, can only mean that the eradication of the spirit and reality of Christ has been a complete success -- in the minds of tens of millions (in the novus ordo) who claim to be Catholic/Christians.

Ever wonder why we see more and more restrictions being directed from the hateful encyclicals and speeches condemning we traditional Catholics as "rigid," "divisive," or "schismatic," from the hierarchy of the faux church?

Perhaps it is because we love Tradition and the Traditional Latin Mass, which has led to explosive growth among the faithful.

And, if, in the end, we must return to the catacombs, so be it...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

Sunday, September 19, 2021

673,472 Deaths In The United States Due To The Chinese Coronavirus? Not exactly...

 That headline was taken from an article on and written by Amy Furr, September 19, 2021... The following is the first paragraph taken from that article... Note: I added the "?" and the "Not Exactly"...

 "There have been 673,472 deaths in the United States due to the Chinese coronavirus, more than the combined numbers of American military lives lost during battle in World War I, World War II, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War."

If one were to accept, at face value, that ominous headline -- without question -- because the figure that Furr quoted was from the CDC's own website and, of course, we must trust the CDC... Further, that would indicate almost the exact number of Americans who died during the Spanish Flu of 1918: the estimated number is 675,000...

Making the current and ongoing "death rate" from the Wuhan, China coronavirus just as fatal as the Spanish Flu.   Worldwide, that number was estimated at about 500,000,000 souls...

I'm confused... I have turned to Breitbart news as an alternative source for unbiased news... However, I have also noted that some of the writers on Breitbart have succumbed to the official narrative used to keep the fear-mongering and absolute, total control of Joe and Jane Sixpack's use of their intellect to find out the truth of such a fallacious claim.  In other words, neither Amy Furr, nor some of the other writers for Breitbart are willing to investigate and dig for the real answers, instead of buying the line handed to them on a silver platter...

I would suggest that Furr, and anyone else for that matter, simply go to the CDC's own website and look under the column "All deaths from Covid-19," and notice footnote no. 1.  Scroll down to that footnote and see this: Deaths with confirmed or presumed COVID-19.

Let that word: PRESUMED be burned into your mind!  

No real scientist is going to presume anything!

I have used this example in a previous article... Suppose that a NASA engineer had to find the reason why the Space Shuttle's "0 ring" failed, killing all onboard, back in 1986... (At least we are told it was an "0 ring" that failed...)  In any event, what if that scientist came up with a replacement "0 ring," and said: "I presume that this one will work and everyone will be safe and sound..." 

How long do you think it would take for his boss to fire him on the spot?   

The CDC is lying to keep our country in fear and panic, as well as control every minute of our lives, all under the diabolical agenda of the scallywags of the Marxist left, including those in the "hierarchy" of the "Catholic Church"... Like two peas in a pod, they are in cahoots with the devil himself, and to hell with their fellow countrymen or the faithful trying to remain loyal to Christ, our Lord...

So, if you are to believe that 673,472 Americans have died from the Wuhan, Communist Chinese coronavirus, you are free to do so... But!  You are swallowing a massive, conspiracy intended to get you to take a filthy, untested "vaccine" that has proven to have injured and killed more than the number quoted above!   Do the research and find out for yourself...

Think; research; resist!

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

The Deep State Fails To Incite Another Riot At The "January 6" Rally In D.C...

 President Trump warned his supporters, and all the American people, that the planned rally in D.C. (yesterday, Sept. 18th) to protest the treatment of some of those arrested during the January 6, 2021 "riot" -- especially those held in solitary confinement -- was a set-up to entrap the law-abiding to commit violence and to defame Mr. Trump as aiding and abetting insurrection.

Well, it didn't work!

And guess what: the majority of those "Trump supporters" were undercover feds!  In fact, the Capitol Police arrested one of their own when he was discovered carrying a weapon -- and a badge!  That plant was escorted away, but was ultimately let go and his weapon never seized...

Here's another fact: the number of police, undercover or not, and the media outnumbered the actual law-abiding citizens protesting the heinous treatment of those who exercised their Constitutional rights this past January 6, 2021...

Let's get real: the deep state goons (FBI and others) as well as the Marxist media were hoping like hell that there would be another "riot" so they could further the narrative that President Trump was the leader of a pack of anti-American insurrectionists.  

It didn't work.

It will never work, because we, the law-abiding, love our country, as apposed to those who want to see our Republic destroyed.  And who are those miscreants?  Look no further than the illegitimate, bought-and-paid-for, corrupt, incoherent apostate "Catholic" sitting in the Oval Office, as well as the military industrial complex residing in the Pentagon...

These Christ-haters will stop at nothing to impose their globalist, one-world-order, devil-worshipping, baby-killing agenda hell-bent on using our Declaration of Independence and the Constitution as bathroom tissue, and in so doing, crushing our God-given rights enshrined in the Natural Law...

And, if you are wondering why all this is happening in the first place, see my article: The Real Reason For The Chaos In The World...

We are on to the deep state.  They can no longer hide in the shadows, because the light of truth will win out in the long run.  And the primary reason the haters of the human race will fail, is that we have our Lord and Savior on our side -- TRUTH Himself!  We know too, that His Most Blessed Mother will crush the head of the evil serpent with Her heel and forever cast him back to hell for all eternity...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


Saturday, September 18, 2021

The Real Reason For The Chaos In The World...

 The First of The Ten Commandments: I Am The Lord Thy God...Thou Shalt Not Have Strange gods Before Me...I Am The Lord Thy God, Mighty, Jealous... (See Exodus: 20; 2-5.)

What are we commanded by the first commandment?

By the first commandment we are commanded to offer to God alone the supreme worship that is due Him.

This is basic catechism, 101... 

Because mankind has chosen (using his free-will) to worship creatures or creature comforts; money, sex, drugs, power, influence, used to corrupt or destroy others with little or no consideration for their neighbor (the opposite of love thy neighbor!), we suffer the consequences of not obeying the First of all the Commandments...

There are some men, especially in the hierarchy of the "Catholic" Church, that seem to think that the Ten Commandments are the Ten "Suggestions" -- or, put another way, the Ten Commandments are not absolutes!  

Not absolutes?  Those are not my words, but the words of the Bishop of Rome, Bergoglio!

(In other words, there are no moral absolutes; no objective truth...)

The "not absolutes" statement is heresy and reflects the reality of the reason we have almost total chaos in the world.  This is not an exaggeration.  As a prime example of the result of not obeying the Frist Commandment, just look at the current occupant of the Chair of St. Peter, as well as the alien occupant in the White House...

By disobeying the First Commandment, mankind becomes its own, little god, with his own "truths," including the deadly, situation ethics.  On the secular level, this ideology had led to the misuse of our First Amendment rights of freedom of speech, assembly and religion... 

Christ or Chaos...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

Friday, September 17, 2021

The REAL Manchurian Candidate...

 With each passing day, it is becoming more obvious that the current faux "president" sitting in the Oval Office, was, and is, a real Manchurian candidate.  

But can someone really be programmed and be subject to mind control?  

Do any of my readers remember -- the real -- MK-ULTRA covert testing of drugs on our treasured veterans back in the 50s, 60s and 1970s?  Supposedly, those experiments were ended, but were they?

(Let me be clear, Biden never served in the military!)

Is it conceivable that such a one is now the "leader" of the free world?  

Look at his quid-pro-quo with the likes of Xi, of Communist Red China, and the corrupt wheeling and dealing with the Ukraine for financial and political gain -- for his son, Robert Hunter, and himself!

Look at the frail, incoherent male unable to speak without a script (written by others), or without the format of a teleprompter, and see and listen for yourself -- that there is a distinct possibility that MK-ULTRA experiments are still being successfully used to this day...

What are the ramifications of a faux, mind-controlled useful idiot in the White House?  Danger!  Danger to our Republic; danger to the pre-born; danger to our God-given rights, and danger to the world!

As I have written many times in previous articles, please read the Declaration of Independence; it is worth fighting for...

Danger close!  Danger Very Close!!!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

Modernism Condemned By Two REAL Popes...

 Most of my readers know that the great Pope Saint Pius X condemned modernism in his 1907 encyclical Pascendi, but did you know that many years before the reign of St. Pius X, his predecessor, the great Pope Leo XIII, gave a very frank description of those modernist miscreants -- and their goal!

"These most crafty enemies [the devils] have filled and inebriated with gall and bitterness the Church, the spouse of the Immaculate Lamb, and have laid impious hands on Her most sacred possessions.  In the Holy Place itself, where has been set up the See of the most holy Peter and the Chair of Truth for the light of the world, they have raised the throne of their abominable impiety, with the iniquitous design that when the Pastor has been struck, the sheep may be scattered."   

See the entire video here at Return to Tradition... (1609) Francis's Unbelievable Declaration For Heresy - YouTube

We are truly being tested... Will the flock of the Elect survive??

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

Thursday, September 16, 2021

Church Militant Update!!! Partial Victory, So Far!!

 See the video for all the luscious details!!  

(1592) The Vortex — On The Way - YouTube

Let's face it, just who is trying to keep the Church Militant conference from taking place?   Is it the City of Baltimore?  Well, yes, but at the behest of the so-called Catholic Bishops Conference that will be held right next door.  So, in effect, it is the bishops that are so very afraid of another entity spelling out the truth and countering the wimpy shepherds afraid to uphold actual, binding Church teachings, in favor of the "new" "Catholic Church" envisioned by the bishop of Rome, Bergoglio... Sorry, Bergoglio, ultimately, you and your cronies will fail to destroy the authentic Catholic Church, we have our Lord's very words on that promise... You have only the demon to rely on... Good luck with that...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

A Warning!

  The following excerpt is from an article posted on and written by Allen Stevo... Read the full article here: Decouple Your Life From Crazed Maskers and Vaders - LewRockwell...

 "The horrors of the concentration camps did not start at the gates of Auschwitz; they started with niggling little impositions on liberty years before, warning signs that people did not take seriously. In the lack of seriousness, people said, “I will continue to make government as central to my life as possible and rely on them in these difficult times.” Those people didn’t survive. Others took a different approach —they made it to British Palestine, or they lived as partisans in the woods, maybe they became part of the resistance abroad, or stayed and fought in the cities of their birth. Am I saying to run? No. I’m saying to use the example of the concentration camps and to prepare yourself for not being affected when the people who openly talk about wanting to kill you, or who openly talk about being ambivalent about your death, start doing things that one could expect from such a sociopath."

End of excerpt... But not the end of the story...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Demonic, Homo-Friendly "Bishop" John Stowe Of Lexington, KY: Unvaxxed Priests Can No Longer Minster To The Faithful!!!

  Think about that for one second... Did that sink in?  A successor to the Apostles -- or is he?? -- has told his priests of his diocese that they can no longer minister to the faithful.  Why?  Because some priests do not want to take an un-tested, filthy -- and potentially deadly -- "vaccine" that has, for all intents and purposes, been developed and produced on the backs of the tiny bodies of aborted, pre-born American children...  That's why...

Does anyone in their right mind think that Stowe is really a successor to the Apostles??

First, it is known fact that Stowe is homosexual-friendly, if not homosexual himself.  

Second, his tyrannical dictate directly contradicts the command of Christ, our Lord, to preach and baptize all nations... But of course, that demand of our Lord contradicts the ruminations of the Bishop of Rome, Bergoglio, that proselytizing is a sin and we faithful Catholics are evil for wanting to bring someone into the authentic Catholic Church in order to fulfill the reason for the Church in the first place: the salvation of souls

Third, the rotten fruits of the diabolical Second Vatican Council and its aftermath, is on display for to all to see: the influence and near-control of the majority of the hierarchs, by the ideology of the devil himself: Marxist Communism.  Couple that with the synthesis of all heresies, modernism, and you have a spiritually, deadly witch's brew that has, over the last 55 years or so, led to the ruination of tens of millions of Catholics right smack into the firey abyss of hell... 

And fourthly... the new restrictions of the Traditional Latin Mass enthusiastically imposed by "his excellency" at the behest of Bergoglio... It seems these characters were just waiting for an opportunity to further limit the faithful who attend the Mass of the Ages.   But why?   Hate...  Hate for Tradition, and hate for those who stand fast to the Traditions they have learned, either by word or by epistle (St. Paul).  And hate for anyone apposed to their evil agenda to make the Catholic Church irrelevant; just one of many "religions" that can lead souls to Heaven!  Even atheists can get to Heaven!  A la "Bishop" Barron...

Be informed and resist these miscreants!  Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

The Ugly Truth About Biden's State Of Mind...

 Have you listened to any of Biden's -- teleprompter -- speeches lately??

If you have had that misfortune, I'm sure you noticed something very peculiar: his inability to speak or make any sense if he goes off script, or off the teleprompter.

In fact, it has come to light, that his handlers have been doing something incredibly insulting to the supposed "president": cutting off his feed in the middle of a sentence, especially after someone asks an un-planned question!   

Obviously, those who are pulling Biden's strings are so afraid of another gaffe, that they literally cut him off when trying to put a coherent sentence together during an extemporaneous statement or explanation...  

Keep in mind, that it is the president that has the nuclear codes, that, if used, would mean the extermination of humankind as we know it; those codes follow him around no matter where he goes; twenty-four hours a day; seven days a week; 365 days a year.

I find it incomprehensible that someone who can hardly remember what state he's in, can hasten the end of the world by making, one horrendous miscalculation, when it comes to any threat to our nation from our perceived enemies...

I know that folks can, and have made fun of this incompetent, apostate "Catholic" politician, but it is no laughing matter if the commander-in-chief is incapable of leading the country in such dire times.

How can there be any confidence in someone who's main goal in this life, it seems, is to take the lives of the most innocent of our species -- the pre-born?   Why focus all his power and influence -- and bullying -- against these tiny babies, and pro-life folks, when he should be concerned about leading the nation to the heavenly beatitude -- the real duty of any government of the people?!

The only thing I can figure out, is that we get what we deserve...Sure, the 2020 presidential election was a complete fraud, perpetrated by anti-American felons, literally stealing votes intended for Mr. Trump.  This has now been proven beyond any doubt.  If anyone questions what I just wrote, simply do some digging, and you will see the updated results of multiple audits in several states.  Multiply those new vote counts across the nation, and see that President Trump won by an electoral and popular vote landslide!

In conclusion, it seems more than possible that Biden will be removed from office sooner rather than later, through the 25 Amendment to the U.S. Constitution... The only drawback to that, is the installation of the "vice-president," Harris.  Another disaster waiting to happen... But that should all end in quick fashion when President Trump re-assumes office long before 2024... 

Earlier, I wrote that we get what we deserve... If we turn our backs on our good God, then He will allow the operation of error to enter our intellects, this happens when we fail to fulfill the Second Great Commandment to love our neighbor...  

Pray for a quick re-installation of President Trump... and pray, too, for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

Monday, September 13, 2021

The Madmen Are In-Charge -- They Are The Real Terrorists...

 "9/11" has come and gone... We have all heard and read about the eulogies, speeches, memorials and visits by high-ranking elites, commemorating that horrible and deadly day 20 years ago, in the Big Apple, New York City...

"9/11" is in the lexicon of the public forever more... No one dares to question the official narrative that the federal and city governments released as the dust from the crumbled buildings was still settling to the sidewalks below... If anyone did question what happened on that fateful day, they would be ostracized and deemed a demented conspiracy theorist, or worse. 

The more things change, however, the more they stay the same, because questioning that narrative, even 20 years after the fact, you would be accused of wearing a "tin-foil-hat" and hiding in a closet with a baseball bat and walkie-talkies, you know, your link to the aliens from the planet Zircon...

Yet, anyone with an open mind, and who is not afraid of finding out if our own government had a hand in bringing down the Twin Towers and Building 7, would do well to consider the information that is, and has been, in the public domain from non-"tin-foil-hat" wearers, such as professional engineers as well as military and civilian pilots with uncountable hours behind the controls of some of the most sophisticated jet fighters and passenger airliners in the world...

There are also recordings of first responders; police, firefighters, and paramedics who saw -- and heard -- what actually happened as they went about their selfless duties of trying to rescue the suffering victims of the "attack."  

But that is not good enough for the "conservative" talking heads on the radio and the Internet; forget about the liberal media types... 

In my recent article from September 7, 2021, see here: "9/11" Is Just Around The Corner... Let Us Remember Those Who Perished In The "Terrorist" Attacks...

I focused on the 47-story skyscraper, known as Building 7, one of the complex of buildings that made up that area of downtown, southern Manhattan...

The official narrative, again, is that fire caused that massive building to collapse -- into its own footprint -- just as you would see a demolition company bring down such a building...  

If anyone is interested, you can easily do a search to see that there have been many high-rise buildings that burned for up to 24-36 hours, without the steel core beams giving way.  In fact, not a single skyscraper or high-rise has ever collapsed from fire!  Not one!

And yet, we are officially told that Bldg. 7 collapsed in less than a few hours from fires caused by diesel fuel and burning office furniture!  Diesel fuel and office furniture!!  

For more information on the past and current research into the demolition of that iconic building, see the University of Alaska, Fairbanks here: World Trade Center 7 (WTC 7) University of Alaska Fairbanks

What was perpetrated on the American public on 9/11/01, was nothing short of absolute treason, by the new-world-order maniacs, and the almost immediate curtailment of our Constitutional rights as guaranteed to us by the Natural Law and our Creator Lord... 

The least we can do for all those who died on that dreadful day, is to continue to dig for the truth, and that truth will set you and our country free from the real terrorists that are still in control of nearly every aspect of our lives...


Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


Counterfeit...Sick...Parallel "Catholic Church"...

 Please watch the following videos from

Mel Gibson endorses Abp. Viganò’s remarks on Vatican II, says 'sickness afflicts’ the Church - LifeSite (

Believe it or not, there are still "conservative," "traditional" Catholics who will defend Vatican II all the way to their grave!  Ignoring, of course, the demons that it unleashed upon the authentic Catholic Church, and those faithful who live and die by the faith of Christ -- without one iota of compromise!

Two symptoms of the present malaise in what passes for the establishment Catholic Church, is that of hypocrisy -- and pride -- in the worst sense of the word... 

Without humility, there is no possibility of sanctification, whether personal or institutional, such as in the church... As it stands now, those in charge, under the Bishop of Rome, Bergoglio, have shown their true, rotten fruits.  As the saying goes, one rotten apple can spread to the good apples destroying the whole bushel... And that is what we have in the current make-up of the so-called "Catholic" hierarchy, with few -- very few -- exceptions...

Pray for the conversion of these apostates, but not for their evil intentions...

Pray, too, for strength and honor for what will be coming down the road for faithful Catholics...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

PS...  From time to time, I like to explain something about the three priests that I close my articles with... 1) Blessed Fr. Miguel Pro was a priest during the persecution of the Catholic Church in Mexico back in the 1920s... This bold and faithful priest of God, went around in disguise to bring the Mass and sacraments to his flock... He was eventually caught and shot by a firing squad.  Just seconds before the shots rang out that killed him instantly, he spread out his arms to form a cross, as our Lord's precious arms were spread out on the Cross on Calvary...  He is now a "blessed," with one more step before being officially declared a Saint...

2) Fr. Emil Kapaun, was a priest captured during the Korean War... while a prisoner, he used his wits to provide the Mass and sacraments to his fellow G.I. prisoners... He ministered to all -- Catholics and non-Catholics alike... Eventually, he became ill and died, as did many of his follow captives...

3) Fr. Vincent Capodanno... Was a chaplain assigned to the Marines during the Vietnam War... He died in the middle of a battle, attending to wounded and dying Marines... He finally succumbed to to burst of automatic weapons fire as he was giving the Last Rites to a Marine... He was killed during the month of September, 1967 -- three months before I arrived in Vietnam... 


Devastating Implications Of Heretical "Cardinals" Voting In The Next Conclave! (The Sedevacantists Will Have A Field Day, Proving They Are "Right"!)

 Think about the horrific implications of heretics voting for the next pope! What are some of those implications? How about the fact that a ...