Thursday, May 30, 2019

A Christ-less World is a Dead World...

This is a self-evident fact...

The weakened human nature of mankind, relies more on itself than God.  In effect, man becomes his own "god".

Currently, the world is witnessing a terrible revolution of the anti-Christ, taking hold even in the heart of what used to be the Catholic world: right smack in the Vatican where the ancient St. Peter's is located and visited by uncountable millions each and every year.

But what is it that they are visiting?  Is it the Church that Christ established on the Rock of St. Peter?  Or, is it a façade masquerading as the authentic Church, but in reality is nothing but a shell of its former self?

Yet, today, fortunately, we see the resurgence of a movement of faith in the countries that once were thought to be lost to the Marxists and globalists of years gone by.  Those recently elected officials in Italy and Brazil are testimony to this fact.  Both countries have now formally dedicated their lives and the very survival of their countries to the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of Christ, our Lord and Savior.

So, with the power and love of the Blessed Mother, who can fear?   And now, even the pope refuses to meet with Salvani of Italy because he is a Nationalist?  Really?

I can assure you, that hell is furious and will unleash all its power to counter this new movement toward the Mother of Christ!  But to no avail!   Our Lord, Himself said the gates of hell will never prevail against His Church -- the CATHOLIC CHURCH!  There is NO OTHER!

To fallen-away Catholics, and non-Catholics, don't be fooled into thinking that with all the homosexuals in the Church abusing the youth over the years, that makes the Church, herself corrupt.  It does not!  The Church is perfect!  The Bride of Christ!  Christ could never be the Head of a corrupt Body, the Church.

Remember, He did not promise that the Church would consist of expensive buildings with lavish art work, no, He said that there would be a Remnant; the Elect, whose names will be written in the Book of Life...  Those who hear My voice are of God and hear the truth...

I invite all fallen-away, and non-Catholics to come into the Church, the one ark of salvation!  Be part of the Elect!

Pray for our country...

Gene DeLalla

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Warzone in Gun-Controlled Chicago...

Chicago has the most restrictive gun policies in the country, and that includes New York City (the town run by that communist mayor, de Blasio).

Some of the following information is from an article from Zero Hedge...

Over the Memorial Day weekend, 42 people were shot, and 7 died of their wounds.

Every 3 minutes and 57 seconds, someone in Chicago is shot. A person is murdered about every 18.5 hours.

For the month, 40 people have been shot and killed, 175 people shot and wounded, and a total of 43 homicides

Year to date, 174 people have been shot and killed, 720 people shot and wounded, and a total of 189 homicides.

You see, my dear friends, the useful idiot, liberal politicians that run that butcher shop, can't get it through their thick heads that the outlaw -- the bad guy; the gang member; the drug lords, etc. -- don't buy their weapons at a gun shop and go through the background checks as the law-abiding folks do.  The bad guys can get any weapon they choose, so long as they have the money -- it's called the black market.   

So, in effect, the good and decent folk are prey for the murderers as they go about their daily business, hoping and praying that their neighborhood will not become another Hue (do a search and see what happened to Hue during the 1968 Tet Offensive in Vietnam...).

But this is all about control: control of our Constitutional right to bear arms -- against the enemy.  And make no mistake, the enemy are the outlaws, plain and simple.

Remember, it is NOT the job of the police to prevent crime, it is the job of the police to RESPOND to crime, and by that time, it could very well be too late for the law-abiding, innocent, man, woman or child to continue to breath air...

Pray for all those killed and wounded in Chicago over this past weekend, and pray for a quick end to Liberalism, and those that perpetrate the hoax of their version of "freedom"...

As Ben Franklin famously said (paraphrasing): those that give up their liberties for security, deserve neither...

Gene DeLalla

Friday, May 24, 2019


Please don't say "Happy Memorial Day" to me...

But do say: "...thank you for helping to keep the South Vietnamese people free, and thank you for serving our country in time of need, and war."

Memorial Day is not a happy day.  It is a sad day.  But it is a necessary Day for all Americans to remember that without a military force, there would be no United States of America.

I went to Vietnam on December 16, 1967.  As you can see, that was right before Christmas.  I wasn't angry that I would miss that special day celebrating the birth of our Lord, because I volunteered to go to South East Asia -- 12,000 miles from home.

I returned to the U.S. -- the "world" as we used to say, on December 16, 1968.

Over 58,500 of my brothers did not come home to live, but to be buried, and many are now lying in Arlington National Cemetery, their home until the end of time.

Here is a poem that I wrote for my book: Tragedy and Triumph at Sun Valley...


Side by side we stood,
Black or white, it made no difference.
Catholic, Protestant, Jew, or atheist.
I may not have liked you, but I loved you.

Only God can give and only God can take away,
But Charlie took and never gave.
Why did my bunker-mate die and I live"
To fulfill my dreams but not his?

Yet he is with me always -- in my dreams,
Not wanted there, as I struggle to sleep.
Lord help me to live and not just exist;
Take this burden from my soul.

Have mercy on them that stayed,
Some here, some there.
Arlington is their home now,
As mine will some day be.

I remember the day myself and a large group of GIs were waiting for our plane to arrive at the Cam Ranh Bay, Vietnam, air terminal to take us home to the U.S.

The plane was over 12 hours late.

We were wondering if we would ever get out of that place...

But the commercial airliner arrived; we boarded the jet; it was packed.

But it was quiet, very quiet...

That is, until the pilot announced that we were out of missile range.  At that point, the GIs erupted in cheers and happy yells!

Our lives, however, would never be the same...

Pray for our veterans as I pray for all my brother Vietnam veterans every day...

Gene DeLalla

This Is Very Difficult For Me To Watch...

I love my country.

But I see a nation divided, not as the hard-Left incessantly says that our nation is divided because of Mr. Trump, or the Republican agenda in general, but because of the daily slaughter of the pre-born, and now the born.

What on earth can be more "dividing"?

Tiny, developing girls and boys are destroyed because it is "legal"?

When will this end??

"We" are accused of not having "feelings" or love for our neighbors, especially the illegal aliens flowing into our beloved fatherland like an uncontrolled tsunami, but their reasoning is disingenuous at the very least, and planned and diabolical at worst.

The Left doesn't care about anyone except themselves.  They have set themselves up as god.  To hell with everyone else!

They care little for the future of our country and the future generations that will come in spite of their attempt to control and reduce the population through unrestrained abortion, along with euthanasia, rampant homosexuality, and now infanticide.

The family is their target: the antithesis of the demon...

Most of the liberal, elected representatives in the Congress and the Senate, as well as in many states across the nation, are quite Pharisaical in their actions -- they tell us that we must do as they say, but they live otherwise...

Christ was very specific: He said that their father is the devil.

The modern-day Pharisees may wear three-piece suits, dresses or skirts; they are as slick as grease and lie with straight faces.

Things will only get much worse before they get better, but they will get better because God will not be mocked!  He will intervene, if necessary, into our earthly affairs if, we, as a nation do not repent of our uncountable sins against life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness under His divine laws as revealed through His (Catholic) Church...

One remedy for this on-going tragedy, is prayer, and a lot of it.  So, I say again: pray for our country..

Gene DeLalla 

Thursday, May 23, 2019

What's Really Behind The Push For Unrestricted Abortion?

Population control, with the ultimate goal of population reduction to "save the planet".  At least that's what the leftists are spewing, but the real aim is to "purify" the races a la the Nazi plan for a master race.

We all know -- I hope -- that abortion encompasses many things, among them is the wiping out of those pre-born, and now the born, children that are deemed disabled, the wrong sex, or perhaps, the wrong color?

Who is sponsoring this vicious attack on life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness?  The elitist monsters who have abandoned God, their Creator, to become their own petty, little gods.  Billions of dollars of blood money is being poured into these efforts by many of those founders of "social media", as well as diabolical billionaires such as Soros, et el.

Margaret Sanger, the foundress of what was to become "planned parenthood," was a proponent of eugenics from the beginning of her reign of terror against black Americans in the southern U.S.  She was routinely praised by none other than Hitler himself for her efforts to eradicate blacks from American soil.

To this very day, many of the larger abortion mills are located in the urban areas heavily populated by blacks, along with Hispanics and other groups.  True, some Hispanics still retain some remnant of their Catholic/Christian faith, so the idea of killing their developing baby is still considered a monstrous act of mayhem and death, which, of course, it is.

There is another element here that has to be mentioned, and that is the unfettered "right" for unrestrained, promiscuous sexual activity with no one to answer to.  After all, contraception is readily available for the females (and also the males), and, if a "mistake" occurs, then there is always abortion: the "legal" killing of the conceived baby.

What the Left fails to mention is the very uncomfortable fact of the consequences of multiple sexual partners: the quick spreading of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).  Not to be left out of the equation, is an epidemic of syphilis among homosexuals!

The hard Left always accuses us pro-life, "right-wingers" of perpetrating a "war on women", but they are the real killers of female babies -- the real war on women!

Pray for an end of abortion, and pray for our country...

Gene DeLalla 


Wednesday, May 22, 2019

More Concern For A Chicken Than a Pre-Born Baby?

The leftist Hollywood lunatics have more concern for the way a chicken is raised and treated than how a pre-born baby girl is torn apart in the womb of her "mother"!

Think I exaggerate?

This from Warner Todd Huston on

Some 25 actors, models, and professional athletes joined forces for a PSA from Mercy For Animals, urging viewers to demand McDonald’s “eliminate the worst cruelty for their chickens.”
Among an assortment of animal rights activists demanding that you “take action,” the video features the likes of actor James Cromwell, electronic music DJ Moby, former NBA star John Salley, and actors Ignacio Serricchio, Mark Hapka, James Kyson, Alexandra Paul, Kimberly Elise, Daisy Fuentes, Daniella Monet, Emily Deschanel, among many others.
“Chickens used by McDonald’s are among the most abused animals on the planet,” the group exclaims on its website. “Bred to grow so large so fast, they often can’t walk without pain. Hundreds of brands — including Burger King, Starbucks, Subway, Jack in the Box, and Denny’s — have committed to banning the cruelest practices inflicted on chickens. McDonald’s has not. Let McDonald’s know that animal abuse is bad business.”
My Comment: it is said that when those who reject God, He then allows the operation of error to enter their minds and intellect so they can no longer determine right from wrong, or good from evil.  We see this example of these Hollywood elites having more concern for a chicken, than for the life of an innocent pre-born baby.  
This is an obvious twisting of the Natural Law to fit their agenda.  And what is that agenda?  The destruction of pre-born life, and, by extension, the destruction of the family that has been given the task to co-create with God and bring new life into the world.
These miscreants want to foster a wide-open, do-anything-you-want-society, answering to no one.  But to their surprise(?) they will eventually have to account for those sins that cry to heaven for vengeance...
The barbarism that is involved in the killing of the pre-born is now well-known, and yet, it is perfectly "legal" to do so, according to the infamous 1973 Supreme Court decision that, for all practical purposes, created law, rather than interpreting the Constitution.  Laws can only come into existence through the Congress and Senate, and signed by the President.   
I'm sure the Founders must be spinning in their graves for this, and for many other reasons...
Pray for our country!
Gene DeLalla


Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Traditional Marriage: The Building Block of Society..

Traditional Marriage: The Building Block of Society...

Why does this have to be explained?

Unfortunately, it has to be explained because of the incessant attacks on the institution, made a sacrament by the Son of God Himself, at the Wedding Feast at Cana -- also, the location of the first public miracle of Christ, turning water into wine.  This, of course, was a pre-figure of the inexhaustible, continuous flowing of His blood to nourish the world for the salvation of all men (and that includes women, to those who might not know that "mankind" includes all).

The "wine," including His Body in the form of consecrated bread, was given to us as food for the soul at the Last Supper, the one and the same Supper that He consecrated, not only bread and wine, but also His Apostles as priests (and as bishops), commanding them to do this in commemoration of Me.

The idea now floating around in "Catholic" circles that Christ isn't really present in the tabernacle or in the Eucharist, is the same idea that most Protestants have been circulating since the Protestant Revolt of the 16th Century by the arch-heretic, Martin Luther.  For those unfamiliar with Luther, he was a Catholic priest-turncoat who betrayed, not only Our Lord, but in doing so, betrayed His mystical body, the Church.

This horrendous heresy has wrought havoc in the Church and in the world at large thinking that God is, for all practical purposes, dead.  In fact, back in the 1970s that blasphemy was widely circulated throughout the culture, leading to many other errors as well as the loss of faith of far too many Catholics, much of this stemming from the "progressives" at the Second Vatican Council and the disciples of the devil!

Shortly after that council ended, Pope Paul VI issued an encyclical (Humanae Vitae -- 1968) condemning  artificial birth control or contraception. Unfortunately, many Catholics, including their bishops, ignored that binding document.  The reason was simple: Catholic women had already bought into the sin of contraception long before 1968.

The damage was done.

The state of Holy Matrimony suffered under the weight of giving in to the "spirit of the age".

And, as one thing leads to another, after contraception, the next step was/is abortion.  Next, traditional marriage in general was torn asunder, leading to mass divorce, sexual relations outside of marriage, rampant homosexuality, and now infanticide.  The children of married Catholics routinely go without being baptized, leaving their immortal souls in jeopardy, not to mention the parents failing in their responsibility to teach their offspring about the Catholic faith.

In the face of this horrible mess, there is hope, as many younger families are embracing the traditional Latin Mass, and living in those communities that value and study their faith, and pass that knowledge on to their children.

Traditional Marriage: The Building Block of Society...

Pray for an end to the scourge of abortion, and pray for our country...

Gene DeLalla

Monday, May 20, 2019

Wrong is Still Wrong Even if Everyone is Doing It...

The great (Catholic) Bishop of Hippo (Africa), St. Augustine, once said that wrong is still wrong even if everyone is doing it, and right is still right even if no one is doing it...

With the unrestrained onslaught of evil currently permeating our society in the form or the destruction of the pre-born, and rampant homosexuality -- even within the Catholic Church -- the consensus of those who commit such atrocities, is that if everyone is doing it (not everyone is doing it!  That's what those deeply involved in the anti-life movement want us to think), makes it right or okay.

It is  not, and never will be "right" or "okay".

Better to find this out now, rather than at one's Particular Judgment!

Right now, we have numerous Democrat (Demonrat) politicians who are running for their party's nomination for the 2020 presidential election, spewing death and filth from their mouths thinking that the average American Joe is all for their abominations.

I strongly disagree, and the evidence is piling up that those miscreants are wrong -- dead wrong -- in believing so.

These Demonrats are living in a parallel universe, unable to distinguish between good and evil.  This point is self-evident!

Anyone -- that's anyone -- who claims to be a Christian, and follow Christ, yet succumbs to the mindset that abortion is a woman's "right," or that nothing is wrong or unusual with sodomite "marriage," are simply fooling themselves at the very least, or condemning themselves at worst.  In effect, they are useful idiots thinking that when the country is turned into an anything goes, socialistic mad-max-type society, they will be on top of the heap.  In reality, they will be the first to get their comeuppance.  It will be swift; they won't even know what hit them!

Remember, that Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed for far less than what we tolerate in this country.  If divine intervention took out those cities for their gross sins, how much more should we be in fear and trembling concerning our own, personal salvation (St. Paul)?

Wrong is wrong even if everyone is doing it, and right is still right even is no one is doing it....

Pray for our country.

Gene DeLalla  

Sunday, May 19, 2019

The Absolute Disaster of Separation of Church and State...

Where is "separation of Church and State" in the Constitution?

The simple answer: it's not in the Constitution.

An easy, but thorough read, of the First Amendment states that Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion.

But there is another section of that one sentence: or prohibiting the free exercise thereof...

I ask again: Where is the "separation of Church and State"??

It is my contention -- and the contention of many others -- that the so-called separation of Church and State has wrought havoc on society by kicking God out of the public sphere to the extent that even simple crosses erected many decades ago to honor those veterans of the various wars, being ruled un-constitutional by the out-of-control federal courts.

And with the absence of good, the void created will be filled with evil -- all of the time, without exception!

Not recognizing or acknowledging our complete dependence on our Creator, has led to some of the most bizarre and devastating phenomena I have seen in the last 60 years or so.   This includes the loss of the sanctity of life, and has led to "mission creep": contraception, then abortion, then homosexuality, then euthanasia, and now infanticide, as well as the almost complete destruction of the bulwark and building block of society: marriage.

I'm not blaming the "separation of Church and State" completely for this mess, but also the near-prevailing of the gates of hell against the Catholic Church in the form of the weakness of its shepherds, as well as the giving in to the "spirit of the age" with very poor catechesis since that total disaster known as the Second Vatican Council.

In years past, the civil and secular society were in sync with (Catholic) Church teachings which carried over into almost every aspect of life, signifying God's omnipotent hand in His created creatures.

But no more...

Hence, we have the un-natural in place of the natural; morality is almost completely gone; wars and rumors of wars, and all the mayhem that goes with it, including the suffering of the innocent, are the norm.

I wonder how much longer the Almighty will put up with the evil that permeates almost all of society, especially the taking of innocent lives being sacrificed on the alter of "choice"?

I would strongly recommend that those wearing the shoes of those who perpetrate such atrocities, to repent and do penance, lest they spend all of eternity cursing the God who made them.  They have free will to choose good or do evil.  The choice is theirs...

Pray for our country..

Gene DeLalla


Saturday, May 18, 2019

Self-Hating, Black Eugenicists...

The word black -- when it pertains to the black race -- and the word eugenics, seem to me to be a contradiction, at least in our modern-day society.  But alas, it is not.  Why?  Because far too many Americans have lost that gift of God: common horse sense, and obedience to the Natural Law (an extension of divinely revealed law).

Those on the Left, seem to think that relative to the general population of blacks in the country, about 13-14 percent, the prison population in some states, is close to 40 percent or so.  Maybe, but nevertheless, the so-called civil rights advocates still wish to fulfill Margaret Sanger's dream: to eliminate the black race from this country through her demonic organization that was to become "planned parenthood".  If I'm not mistaken, this is the same dream of the KKK from back in the 1920's and '30s...

In fact, just recently there was a lunatic feminist (that's redundant!) that is calling for the killing of all black babies in the womb so they would not grow up (that's redundant too!) to become criminals and end up adding to the prison population.  This is another dream of the eugenicists masquerading as a weird social justice issue!

But think about that for a moment: brutally killing black babies in the womb so they won't grow up to become criminals?   Does this nutcase have the gift of prophecy?  Does she not know that some can pull themselves up from poverty and despair and achieve greatness in their own right?   Why doesn't she address the real problem of the majority of the inner-city black community: the lack of a two-parent household, especially the absence of a rock-solid father figure?

The name of this culture-of-death creature is Emily Ratajkowski...

By the way, where are the black "civil rights" activists, such as "Rev" Jesse Jackson, and the "Rev" Sharpton condemning this female's words?  Their silence is deafening, but not surprising because they too are radical pro-abortionists hell-bent on exterminating their own race! 

In essence, they are useful idiots.  

Incredible and insane!

Pray for these lost souls, and pray for our country.

Gene DeLalla

Friday, May 17, 2019

The Antifa of the Abortion "Industry"...

The violent and radical anarchists known as Antifa, are also to be found among the supporters of the killing of the pre-born, and now the born -- infanticide -- as they attack, almost on a daily basis, those pro-life folks peaceably praying outside the bloody abortion mills.  The lackeys in the mainstream media refuse to cover any of these stories, but if those attacked were the abortionists or their minions, then all hell would be unleashed, and stories would be plastered on all the networks and liberal radio stations non-stop, all day long.

Attacks and death threats are captured on videos, but to no avail.  Fortunately, however, the police are beginning to crack down on these monsters only because there are so many instances of such assaults, many with battery, a much more criminal action with greater consequences.

We now have elected, leftists, Demonrat politicians calling for violence against us pro-lifers.  Some, going as far as recording their own attacks!  Really stupid!  If these nuts go to court for prosecution, their guilt would be self-evident too...

How are we pro-lifers to react?

Always with peace and love!  But I'm not talking about the "peace and love" of the '60s flower children, but with Christian peace of mind, and true charity toward our neighbors, that is what real love is!

But also keep in mind, that we have the right to self-defense if anyone physically attacks us; this is under the Natural Law, and God-given common sense.  As a Catholic, I follow what the Church teaches in that regard, and one can defend oneself up to and including taking the life of an attacker under certain circumstances.

We Christians may be meek, but not weak!  The difference is titanic!

All the while we have to keep in mind that God almighty will unleash hell on those who continue to kill the pre-born unless they repent and amend their lives..

Pray for these lost souls, and pray for our country to end the scourge of abortion.

Gene DeLalla

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Prayer and Reparation For The Crimes Against The Pre-Born -- And Now The Born!

How much longer will God allow the continuation of the killing of His most precious gift to us: new life, as co-creators with Him, before He whacks us with His almighty -- and justified -- wrath?

The rage and hate directed at those who attempt to protect those tiny lives, and give the little girls and boys a chance to breath air, by the deranged and radical abortionists or those who support the so-called "right to choose," has become so apparent there is no doubt who they "work" for: the demon; the father of lies, death and mayhem.

When Christ was crucified, Satan thought he won the battle against God; he was mistaken!  Because at His resurrection, the Son made manifest to the world, that He conquered death and sin, and opened the doors to eternal life for those who believe and are baptized.

But those not of God, are sent the operation of error that creates a tunnel vision of sorts, so they cannot distinguish the basic difference between good and evil.  This is a recipe for moral and spiritual disaster.   And for those who embrace the culture of death, which includes, not only the killing of the pre-born -- and now the born -- but also the scourge of homosexuality and its associated diseases leading to physical disability or death, will have much to account for when they meet Christ at their Particular Judgment.

The taking of these tiny female lives is wreaking havoc in two nations, each, with over a billion people: China and India.  There are now 35-37 million more males in each country, then there are females.  This has led to bizarre remedies or outright disaster for those men who cannot find the "girl of their dreams" and raise their own families.  But they get what they deserve, don't they?

I must give a warning to those Catholics who think that they can be "progressive" and still maintain their standing of sanctifying grace in their souls, are fooling themselves, or have been completely brainwashed into thinking that the Church has changed its teachings on faith and morals.

They are gravely mistaken.

Dare -- DARE! -- any Catholic who presents himself or herself at Mass to kneel and receive the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Christ in the Eucharist (the Bread of Life!), and still has one foot firmly planted in the mindset of "choice", is committing a deadly sacrilege against our Lord.  This becomes a matter of Confession (St. Paul). Remember, Christ gave to His Apostles the power to forgive or retain sin, and what is bound on earth, is also bound in heaven (read the Bible!).

And for non-Catholics, I urge all to come into the one Ark of Salvation established by God's only begotten Son, Our Lord, Jesus Christ, Who wishes all men to be saved -- and come to the knowledge of the truth...

Pray for strength and forgiveness, and pray for our country...

Gene DeLalla

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Fear The Hard Left "Progressives"!

2020 is not just another presidential election.  On the contrary, it might be the end, or a new beginning of our republic.

I say this will all due fear of the hard Left "progressives" and anti-life, anti-American, anti-free speech, and anti-Second Amendment lunatics they have put forth for the Democrat nomination for president.

Fear these people!

This is no joke or exaggeration!

I urge all to do their homework and research this radical group of miscreants that would happily destroy what is left of our freedoms, and turn our beloved country into some sort of "Shangri-La", or, better said, socialist world of dead dreams and dead babies.  The only groups reproducing will be the Muslims, and the so-called minorities, for all practical purposes, replacing the native-born, white American population.

Just take a look at the self-hating white males and females running for the Demonrat nomination: for instance, Sen. Elizabeth Warren of the morally dead commonwealth of Massachusetts.  This character accuses anyone who differs with her extreme vision of what America should be as being racist, bigoted, and loaded with hate!  In other words, her conscience is so troubled and disturbed that she projects her hate, bigotry and racism on to those of us that simply want to live our lives in freedom under the laws of God.

Former vice president, and known sexual predator Joseph (Joe) Biden... This "Catholic" is perhaps the lowest of the low, being completely insulated from his bizarre behavior around young children and women by the compliant lackeys in the media, not to mention his inability to speak or think clearly, al la Nancy Pelosi.  Yes, good old Nancy -- I wish I could put a coherent sentence together -- Pelosi.  A radical pro-abortion supporter, but still declares herself to be a "devout Catholic".

Sure, she is not running for the nomination of the Demonrat party, but this dangerous monster is only a heartbeat away from the highest office in the land in the event the president and vice president are incapacitated.

There are others, of course, such as the Communist (he calls himself a Socialist) Bernard (Bernie) Sanders of Vermont; Sen. Kamala Harris of California; Robert O'Rourke (the phony "Hispanic"); the openly homosexual "Mayor Pete", as well as others.  But they all have one thing, if not more things, in common: they are ALL radical anti-life, pro-abortion supporters.

When you come right down to it, one cannot have Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness if one is not alive -- not allowed to be born in the first place.

All have sold their hearts and souls to Satan for power and position in this life, with no regard for where they will spend eternity.  Remember, our works will follow us, and we will be held accountable for our actions or inactions, regardless of those who say otherwise.  We cannot escape our Particular Judgment on the day we leave this earth...

This is why we must do our best to see that President Trump is re-elected.  I don't agree with
everything he does or says, and he is weak in some areas, but at least he is trying to be a pro-life leader and to overturn much of the destruction that the heinous 1973 Supreme Court decision "legalizing" the killing of the pre-born -- and now the born!

Please do what you can do support our president and defeat the worst field of Demonrat politicians I have seen in decades.. And pray for our country.

Gene DeLalla

Monday, May 13, 2019

The Death Penalty: Its Absolute Necessity And Justification...

Can a murderer or kidnapper, that kills his victim, or a traitor, be put to death by the state?


The state has an obligation to protect the commonweal of society, even to the point of imposing the death penalty and deprive the killer of his/her own life.

Contrary to what the current pope of the Catholic Church has said, and his attempt to change church teaching on the subject of the death penalty, the Church has always taught that the death penalty can be used as a last resort -- after due process -- in order for the killer to pay with his own life for his crimes against society.

(Sadly, there are more than a few states in this country that have done away with the death penalty, calling it outdated and barbaric!  This is a grave mistake!  And gives a bizarre succor to the potential criminal knowing that he will not be put to death no matter how demonic his actions were in the taking of innocent life!)

Remember, the pope is to be the guardian -- the protector -- of the deposit of faith, not an innovator, thinking that he can change that precious deposit of faith (and morals) because of some modernist agenda to cave to the spirit of the age, is absolutely wrong.

Unfortunately, that is exactly what this pope is doing in many areas of the perennial teachings of holy mother Church.  This is sad and confusing, to say the least.

There are far too many Catholics that do not know their faith, and think that whatever the pope says or writes is binding on the conscience of the faithful.  This is not so!  There are strict requirements that have to be met in order for a teaching to be binding.  Suffice to say, that the pope is human, and like you and I, is entitled to his opinion.  If he says that the death penalty is null and void from this point on, he is not to be obeyed!  Remember, he cannot change any teachings on faith and morals, period!

When Christ was standing before Pilate, He told Pilate that if His kingdom was of this world, His legions would come and protect and save Him.  In addition, He said that he (Pilate) would have no authority over Him if it were not given him by His Father, and consequently, through the state, to him!

Translation: even our dear Lord was subject to the death penalty, but in this case, not because He committed some heinous crime, -- impossible! -- but to render the ultimate sacrifice to His Father for the sins and salvation of all the human race!   His was the sacrifice of pure, unadulterated Love for His creatures!

Today, we have "legal" murder in the form of abortion, and now infanticide in the form of letting a poor baby girl that survived an attempt to kill her through the "procedure" of abortion, left to die a cold and lonely death or thrown into the trash can!

Murder is still murder, and these killers should also be subject to the death penalty, period!

That's my story, and I'm sticking to it!

Pray for the restoration of the death penalty in all 50 states, and pray for an end to the "legal" murder of the preborn.   And while you're at it, pray for our country!!

Gene DeLalla

Friday, May 10, 2019

Man Placing Man Above God...

In my last article: There Is No Doubt, The Democrats Hate Life, I explained how those in the Demonrat party amass all the power and political influence in order to make sure that the war against the pre-born continues unabated.  The now-dead Sen. Kennedy, for instance, through legislation, helped to make sure that would, indeed, continue after he died, in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, as well as nationally.  I would hate to have been in his shoes as he faced Christ -- the Author of life -- at his Particular Judgment, and have to answer for all the babies he sacrificed on the altar of "choice".   What a horrible legacy and curse upon what remains of the Kennedy clan!

We can see the results of this continued war on the pre-born -- and now the born!!  We see it and hear it right out of the mouths of those monsters that support this ongoing massacre of babies -- even if they survive the murderous attempt to tear them apart or chemically dissolve their tiny bodies -- by leaving them to die alone and cold in the presence of the abortion mill workers and "doctors".

A bill sponsored by Republicans to prevent infanticide was again -- for the 38th time!! -- killed in committee by the Demonrat majority in the form of that mass killer: Nancy Pelosi, the self-described "devout Catholic"!!

This female is a femme-fatale to her own sex when the little baby girls are slaughtered on a daily basis all across this country.  At least President Trump is trying his best to support the pro-life movement to counter the ongoing satanic culture of death so well entrenched and now codified in "law".

Add to this ghastly and grisly situation, the addition of homosexuality, the so-called LGBTQ, and the "transgenderism" agenda, and we have a recipe for national disaster far worse than that of Sodom and Gomorrah.

All this is happening because of many factors, chief among those factors is the widespread weakness in the Catholic Church through the human element of the Church caving in to the spirit of the age, whether to go along to get along, or to destroy its perennial teachings of the past 2,000 years, especially those on faith and morals.  Let's call it a vast left-wing, Communist conspiracy!

Another factor, which encompasses all the rest, is that man is placing man above God, his Creator.

Another sure-fire way to bring down the wrath of God Almighty on our country and world, is to continue these sins that cry to heaven for vengeance: the killing of the innocent (babies), and the sin of Sodom...

In the long run, we get what we deserve, don't we?

There is always hope!  So pray earnestly for our country!!

Gene DeLalla

Thursday, May 9, 2019

There Is No Doubt: The Democrats Hate Life!

The Demonrats are without a doubt the most murderous group of politicians that I have ever seen in all my years!

Their power and influence are directed against the most innocent of our species: the pre-born -- and now the born!!  Pure INFANTICIDE!

How on earth can anyone vote or support their horrendous agenda to wipe out the most vulnerable: those little babies that are developing in their mother's womb -- it's supposed to be the safest place in their little world -- until they come into the world and breath air!

One Demonrat recently stated that what is growing in the woman's body is not human!  Let that sink in: the baby in her mother's womb is not human!  NOT HUMAN!

These little babies are denied the choice to live; they are denied the choice to grow and prosper; they are denied the choice to love and be loved; they are denied the choice to be good citizens; another endless list...


Because of the extreme hate and malice that is directed at them simply because it is "legal"!  Simply because they can't fight back, and depend solely on those who believe in life, to fight for them.

Those who claim to love Christ; to follow Christ, there is no way on the face of this earth that those who make those claims, can vote for, or support the Demonrat party and their hideous satanic sacrifice of our little girls and boys on the alter of "choice".

The few -- the very few -- men or women in the Demonrat party that are pro-life, are silenced and relegated to the "back of the bus," lest they be run out of town on a rail by their colleagues.  But shouldn't they speak up and be run out of town on a rail for doing the right thing?  Why do they accept being bullied?   Why are they still in the Demonrat party??

The Repbulicrats are not perfect, not by a long shot, but at least most of them are standing up for those tiny babies because they know, not only that those babies are, indeed, human beings, but also that some day they will have to answer to God Almighty for their actions -- or inactions!

Our good God is a rewarder of good, and a punisher of evil -- if that evil is not finally rejected and those who do evil do not repent, then they will be held accountable.  And that accountability will be severe; there will be JUSTICE!

The Demonrat party and their supporters are becoming more and more violent, yet they accuse US of what they do!!   But this is their offensive; their modus operandi.

The Demonrats must be defeated at every election and in the public sphere with non-violent, convincing arguments and prayer -- a lot of continuous prayer!

Pray for an end to the scourge of abortion, and pray for our country..

Gene DeLalla

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

The Rise and Full Force of the Gestapo Media...

Back in 1930's Germany, under Hitler, if the media dissented from the party line (the Nazi line) then that medium, or media -- if more than one publication joined in the criticism of the ruling regime, the screws of censorship -- or much worse! -- kicked in to silence the opposition.  In many cases, those accused of "treason" or sedition, would not only be put out of business, or lose their prized reputation, they just might lose their very lives!

Fast forward to today, and see what is happening on the various social media, and that includes Facebook, run by the 34 (soon to be 35)-year-old Zuckerberg.

Just one of the "masters of the universe" who just cannot get enough money and power.  Fine.  But he has turned out to be another Hitler when it comes to "allowing" criticism of his tactics.  He directs the silencing of any opposing opinion, but has allowed, and continues to allow, bizarre anti-life, anti-Natural Law, and pure malice and hate to thrive on his platforms, while outright banning those he disagrees with.

This is called hypocrisy, among other things!

So, dear reader, know that yesterday I posted an article from Infowars -- that was shadow banned --about that commie from New Jersey, Sen. Booker, who flat out stated that if Americans -- the last time I checked, that includes you and I -- that if elected president, he would have no qualms about putting in jail anyone that refused to surrender their "assault rifles" if we didn't comply with some sort of weird by-back program, so called.

Let that sink in!

Welcome to Amerika!

This is why we must earnestly fight these commies and defeat any effort to destroy the Second Amendment, because if this -- or any other of his ilk does win the Oval Office, then you can kiss your remaining freedoms goodbye.

Remember, the Founding Fathers created the Second Amendment for a reason: to counter a tyrannical government from enslaving its citizens, period!

If one reads the Declaration of Independence -- if you haven't, you should -- it clearly states the following: ... But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security... 

The Founders weren't kidding; they risked life, limb, reputation, security and the pursuit of happiness to give us America.  If we betray them, we betray ourselves -- and God!

Pray for our country, and for the defeat of these miscreant, useful idiots, that would happily enslave us!

Gene DeLalla

Sunday, May 5, 2019

Insane Attacks on Free Speech!!!

If  you think that banning Alex Jones, or Paul Joseph Watson, or Laura Loomer from the various social media is okay with you, then think again.  Because the next ones to be prohibited from exercising their free speech will be --YOU and I!

In fact, I bet this article will be banned from Facebook by the Gestapo goons that monitor all that you and I write and post.

Let's see how long it takes for my "Insane Attacks on Free Speech" to get pulled and banned -- it won't take long.

But those Leftist lunatics can write lies and fake news all they want, even filth -- graphic pornography -- and get away with it.  They -- the anarchists -- can call for violence against the President, and they will not be banned.


Money and power has corrupted these anti-American useful idots; it may be too late to reverse their agenda, but then again, maybe not.  There are other social media that is being developed as I write.  It may be well to abandon the enemies of free speech and join other venues...

We cannot all be fat and happy and let things continue as they are.  If I do get banned, then I'm out of here!

I will let you all know what happens, then again, it might become self-evident; stay tuned!

Pray for a defeat of these anti-Christ, anti-life, anti-American socialists, and pray for our country, especially strength and resolve for President Trump!

Gene DeLalla

Self-Hating Liberals...

The title of my article is redundant, I know, but it is important to point out the stupidity of the hard Left and their scary agenda to turn our country into a Godless, hedonistic, anything goes society.

In fact, we're just about there already...

One of the factors that is leading to the success of their plan, is the absolute capitulation to the spirit of the age, and weakness in the Catholic Church currently being run by a band of self-hating (there I go again!) progressives and homosexuals.

If there could be weeping and gnashing of teeth in heaven, it is going on right now!

This entire ethos carries over into secular society, and it can be seen in the nonsensical rantings of the current field of Demonrat politicians hoping to unseat President Trump in the upcoming 2020 presidential election.

I have been around since President Truman, and I have never, ever seen such sadomasochistic, self-hating (there it is again!) lunatics hell-bent on instituting some of the most bizarre policies that would put the final nail in the coffin of a free nation, still -- whether they like it or not -- under God, even though they would like nothing better than to remove the mention of God even on our currency.

Given the current field of these miscreants, it is sad to see and hear that age does not necessarily bring wisdom, but just more history repeating itself over and over, as if we were tied to a chair with no way to escape, being tortured by watching "Ground Hog Day," nonstop!

I dare not mention the names of these Demonrats -- we all know who they are, but none of them have anything positive to say about our country, nor do they have any substantive plans or policies that would benefit the nation, but rather drag it down to their filthy, Godless version of a socialistic or Communist utopia.

Unfortunately, these enemies of God have a great deal of support from brainwashed college students and graduates -- the future leaders of our country!!  Heaven help us!!

Mr. Trump is not perfect, but if one of these screwballs ever gets to the Oval Office, get ready to lock and load...

Pray -- earnestly -- for  our country..

Gene DeLalla

Saturday, May 4, 2019

Pope Francis: Destroyer of the Faith!

I believe that the Chair of Peter is currently occupied.

But I also believe that the Chair of Peter is coming apart at the seams; it is on its last leg and faltering badly, with little hope of repair, at least not by human hands.

And that is the key: it will take more than human hands to bolster and support the Chair of Peter and bring it back to the mission it was given by the Divine Founder; the One Who gave St. Peter the keys to the kingdom in the first place.

Whoever occupies -- now or in the future -- that illustrious Chair of Peter, he must direct the "ship of state" back to its original purpose: the salvation of souls.  All else is secondary...

The problem with Pope Francis is that he has lost that all important mission, and has replaced it with revolutionary issues such as "climate change"; immigration; and most astonishingly, "accompaniment," instead of preaching penance; amendment of one's life; and dedication to working out one's salvation in fear and trembling (St. Paul).

He seems to have forgotten about the mission of the evil one: sin, lies and deceit, but has, in fact, helped satan by turning a blind eye to the homosexual invasion and occupation of most of the institutions in the Church.  He has also appointed deviants who support the sin of sodomy, to positions of power and influence especially here in the U.S.  

He continues to disparage those who attempt to hold to the traditions that we have preached, in word or by our epistle (St. Paul).  And for some unknown reason, he despises the traditional Latin Mass and those that hunger and thirst for it.

We are labeled "ridged"; "doctrinaire"; "judgmental".. another endless list, I'm afraid.

If I'm not mistaken, that is why Christ was sentenced to death and crucified because He was "ridged"; preached a new doctrine, and was "judgmental" of the hypocritical Pharisees...

They couldn't take it, so they killed Him...

Now, faithful Catholics are being persecuted by the very one who is supposed to suffer with us, not being the cause of our suffering!

The irony of it all!

I ask all of good will to pray for Pope Francis, and while we're at it, we must continue to pray for our country...

Gene DeLalla  

Friday, May 3, 2019

America: Where Do I Begin??

America the beautiful?   Yes!

America: the home of the free and the brave?  Yes!

America: the most prosperous nation on the face of the earth?  Yes!

America: the most generous nation on the face of the earth?  Yes!

America: hated by our own media thugs!  They are the useful idiots that will be first to go when the excrement hits the rotating blades.

America: the destination of millions of aliens; legal or not!   (Why?  Figure it out!)

America: my fatherland (and yours?).

America: where I can live "free" and die for that freedom.

America: when I fly the Flag, or, when I hear "America the Beautiful", I still get teary-eyed, .  (Yes, I really do!)

America: where my father came to America, from Italy, through Ellis Island in 1913.

America: where my mother came to America, from Italy, in the 1920s.

America: where I served in two branches of the military, and served in Vietnam: 1967-1968.

America: where I am free to travel at will -- for now, that is!

America: where the killing of the pre-born (and now the born?) is still the "law of the land"!   This must end!

America: where I can practice my Catholic faith -- for now!   And, if necessary, suffer martyrdom for the faith that Christ, Himself, gave me.

America: would you fight and die for Her?  If you are not willing to do so, leave!

I could write a book!

Pray for our America!

Gene DeLalla

Thursday, May 2, 2019

The Pure Evil Rants of a Demonrat...

This from

Democrat on Abortion: ‘Some Kids Are Unwanted, So You Kill Them Now or You Kill Them Later’

Alabama state Rep. John Rogers, a Democrat, said, while debating a bill that would ban most abortions in the state, “Some kids are unwanted, so you kill them now or you kill them later.”

“You bring them in the world unwanted, unloved, you send them to the electric chair,” Rogers continued. “So, you kill them now or you kill them later.”


U.S. Rep. Bradley Byrne, a Republican from Alabama who is challenging Sen. Doug Jones in 2020 for his Senate seat, tweeted:

The Alabama state House overwhelmingly approved a measure Tuesday that would ban most abortions in the state.

Lawmakers in the House voted, 74-3, to approve the legislation after most Democrats walked out of the chamber, refusing to vote.

Rogers chastised his colleagues for their decision to walk out of the chamber, reported Yellow Hammer News.

“When you’re opposed to something, stand there and fight it,” Rogers said. “I’m not leaving and walking out… I’m not scared of a fight.”

According to Yellow Hammer, Rogers added“I may bring a bill to force all men to have vasectomies. That would end this whole debate. There would be no more abortions and eventually no more voters.”

The Human Life Protection Act, HB 314, would make abortion a Class A felony and attempted abortion a Class C felony. The only exceptions are in cases in which “abortion is necessary in order to prevent a serious health risk to the unborn child’s mother.”

The measure would make performing an abortion punishable by a minimum of ten years for an abortionist.

“The heart of this bill is to confront a decision that was made by the courts in 1973 that said the baby in a womb is not a person,” said Republican state Rep. Terri Collins, who sponsored the bill in the state House, reported the Associated Press. She added that while such a ban would likely be struck down by lower courts, the goal is to get to the Supreme Court.

My Comment: If there was ever any doubt about the demon possessing the intellects of these Demonrats, that doubt should be erased from our minds -- and hearts.  These workers of iniquity are damning themselves to the firey pit if they don't repent.   Oh, by the way, Rogers is black.  It seems that these pro-abort blacks are ignorant of the fact that the vast majority of abortions are performed on black women.  If they are not ignorant, then they are self-hating, and self-killing black "Americans".  All part of Margaret Sanger's plan to exterminate the black race from this country.  This is a fact!
Pray for our country!!
Gene DeLalla

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Murderous Demonrats Block Bill to Stop Infanticide For 35th Time!!!!

Yes, once again, led by "devout Catholic" Nancy -- a.k.a.: Murder, Inc. -- Pelosi, the Demonrats have blocked the Republican sponsored bill to end infanticide for the 35th time!!!

Let me repeat that, all who support the Demonrats, I hope you find it hard to sleep tonight, and while you struggle to get that shut-eye, remember all those pre-born -- and now born! -- babies that are torn apart or left to die if they survive the "procedure" --  a.k.a.: the attempted murder -- through abortion.

This has absolutely nothing to do with "women's rights", or "choice," no, it is about murder, plain and simple, and the horror of leaving a born baby to die alone and cold.  Even worse, now leftist politicians have shown their hands for all to see: they are in favor of killing a born baby!  

May God have mercy on their miserable, blackened and cold-hearted souls!!

Pray for an end to abortion, and now infanticide!

Gene DeLalla.  

Women: The Life Bearers, Have Become The Life Takers...

God's second greatest creation: woman, the life bearers, have now become the life takers.

The first and greatest of all of God's creation is the soul; the immortal soul infused into us by the Creator Himself.  A soul destined to be with Him for all eternity, that is, if we cooperate with Him in this life, to do as He wants us to do; what He commands us to do, in order that we worship Him on His terms, not ours...

All too often we find ourselves "in charge" of our lives, and forget that the One Who gave us life in the first place, is the One in charge; He directs us to do His will, and wants our wills to be in conformity with His.

But is it?

Again, all too often it is not...

This is painfully true when we see a woman, the life bearer, become the life taker.

She will take the life of her baby (read: their baby; it takes a father too!) because she has been brainwashed or pressured into thinking that the little girl developing in her womb is somehow less human than she, and can be disposed of at will as so many on the hard Left propagandize these days.  And as the "law" says "it" can be...

(Let's remember that any man-made law, or court decision that violates the Natural Law is automatically null and void, and is not to be obeyed or enforced.)

Those old enough to remember, or have read in the history books, it was Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., that wrote from the Birmingham jail exactly what I wrote in the above parentheses.  In fact, Dr. King quoted two Catholic Saints to prove his point: St. Thomas Aquinas and St. Augustine as to just what constituted a just, or unjust law...

Have those women, who believe they can take the life of their little baby in the womb, forgotten what is just in this life?   Does her "choice" also apply to her baby?  Apparently it does not; as it should.

In the coming 2020 election for president, we have numerous women, as well as men (have they abrogated their masculinity to the female mindset?  And some of those females, it seems, want to become "men"!) are hell-bent to insure that the "right" to an abortion is kept sacrosanct and untouchable by God-given common sense and the Natural Law.

These lost souls are playing with fire -- eternal fire, that is, if they don't change their minds and, more importantly, their hearts, to recognize that the new human they carry in their womb is, just that, a new human being, created in the image and likeness of God Almighty.

Just as no law can say that a woman has a "right" to an abortion, no law can mend a broken heart or soul after an innocent life is taken out of this world, only true repentance and a firm purpose of amendment to change the course of one's life will suffice...

There is forgiveness, but it must be asked for!  Christ died for all of us; it is up to us to ensure those supernatural merits are not wasted...

Pray for an end to abortion, and pray too for our country...

Gene DeLalla

Devastating Implications Of Heretical "Cardinals" Voting In The Next Conclave! (The Sedevacantists Will Have A Field Day, Proving They Are "Right"!)

 Think about the horrific implications of heretics voting for the next pope! What are some of those implications? How about the fact that a ...