The weakened human nature of mankind, relies more on itself than God. In effect, man becomes his own "god".
Currently, the world is witnessing a terrible revolution of the anti-Christ, taking hold even in the heart of what used to be the Catholic world: right smack in the Vatican where the ancient St. Peter's is located and visited by uncountable millions each and every year.
But what is it that they are visiting? Is it the Church that Christ established on the Rock of St. Peter? Or, is it a façade masquerading as the authentic Church, but in reality is nothing but a shell of its former self?
Yet, today, fortunately, we see the resurgence of a movement of faith in the countries that once were thought to be lost to the Marxists and globalists of years gone by. Those recently elected officials in Italy and Brazil are testimony to this fact. Both countries have now formally dedicated their lives and the very survival of their countries to the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of Christ, our Lord and Savior.
So, with the power and love of the Blessed Mother, who can fear? And now, even the pope refuses to meet with Salvani of Italy because he is a Nationalist? Really?
I can assure you, that hell is furious and will unleash all its power to counter this new movement toward the Mother of Christ! But to no avail! Our Lord, Himself said the gates of hell will never prevail against His Church -- the CATHOLIC CHURCH! There is NO OTHER!
To fallen-away Catholics, and non-Catholics, don't be fooled into thinking that with all the homosexuals in the Church abusing the youth over the years, that makes the Church, herself corrupt. It does not! The Church is perfect! The Bride of Christ! Christ could never be the Head of a corrupt Body, the Church.
Remember, He did not promise that the Church would consist of expensive buildings with lavish art work, no, He said that there would be a Remnant; the Elect, whose names will be written in the Book of Life... Those who hear My voice are of God and hear the truth...
I invite all fallen-away, and non-Catholics to come into the Church, the one ark of salvation! Be part of the Elect!
Pray for our country...
Gene DeLalla