Tuesday, August 31, 2021

The Making Of An American Tragedy In Afghanistan...

  In reality, that tragedy has been on-going for 20 years; our longest war to date... But now, there is very disturbing news leaking out from various sources, that, if true, would make the slaughter of our 13 troops, only the beginning of an even more horrific disaster.

What am I talking about?

It seems that our traitors in the current administration have given the Taliban the names and other pertinent information about our stranded American citizens in order to facilitate their eventual departure from the Kabul airport...

At least that is what we are being told.

I don't buy it.

Why give id's of our citizens to our enemy?

Was this just a "mistake," or was this planned from day one?  

Remember, all our troops are now out of Afghanistan; there are no American soldiers to protect those left behind; they are on their own, and the "state department" has admitted so!

What infuriates me, is the absolute pass the Marxist media is giving to the demented Biden and his cabal of globalist traitors, even in light of in-your-face proof of their treason.  But even more infuriating is the lack of response or action from our Congress and the Senate in rebuking, censoring, condemning and demanding action to secure the release of Americans left behind.  Only a few in the Congress have spoken up, but silence from those RINOs in the Senate is deafening.  

But I digress...

The tragedy that I'm referring to at the beginning of my article, is the possibility that seven busloads of American women were taken to the airport at Kabul to be flown home, but were turned back by the Taliban.  

I have heard something of their fate, but I will not disclose that here; not yet, that is...

In addition, it has also come to light that U.S. veterans -- who else??? -- have, or are attempting to enter Afghanistan, whether overtly or covertly, to rescue our citizens from the hands of the monstrous Taliban.  

But!  As of this writing, those miscreants in our own state department are putting up roadblocks and stifling their efforts.

I will now ask a very naïve question: what is going on here????

Can someone please figure this out and let me know!!!

Of course, I have my own ideas, that, I'm sure, would put me in the category of the "tin-foil-hat" group, but that's okay; I'll wear that "hat" as a badge of honor...

In conclusion, I sincerely hope that I'm wrong about the fate of our American women... Time will surely tell.  Please pray for those women and for all our Americans trapped behind enemy lines in the hell-hole of Afghanistan...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


Monday, August 30, 2021

All The News You Are NOT Getting!

  How many know that 538 teachers in Mexico, who got the covid "vaccine," are now dead?  


Did you hear this on any mainstream media outlets, or newspapers?


How many know that the vaccine injury reporting organization is letting out only a tiny number of those who have been "injured" or died?

Few, if any, I'm sure...

How many know that the percentage of those "injured" or have died in the U.S. may be 5- to 10-times what is actually being reported?  

How many know that the CDC manipulates the numbers of those "injured" or have died, to the point that their numbers are almost meaningless, hiding the real numbers in order to keep the dumbed-down American populace thinking that the jab is "safe and effective"?   

As an example, take the numbers that the CDC reports, on a daily basis, those who have died from the flu.  How many know, that in a U.S. population of over 330,000,000, -- MILLION! -- the flu is almost non-existent, week, after week, after week???  

For instance, for the week ending on 8/21/21, only 4 -- that's four -- folks supposedly died from the flu!

One more thing... If one looks at footnotes one and five, for deaths supposedly due to covid, you will read the following:  Deaths with confirmed or presumed COVID-19.

My friends, what we are dealing with here are liars and the enemies of freedom -- and life itself.  The days are quickly approaching when we will have to make some heavy decisions as to what we will do to protect our God-given rights, enshrined in the Natural Law.  We are fighting, not just men with a weakened, fallen nature, with a diabolical agenda, but also Satan himself and his human allies...  

Never give up!  Resist!

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fe. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


Sunday, August 29, 2021

So Be It...

  I'd like to preface this missive by writing that I am directing this to my Catholic friends, especially those who attend the Traditional Latin Mass (T.L.M.), but I think that any Catholic -- or non-Catholic  for that matter -- will gain some insight into what might be coming down the road, here, in our beloved country, when it comes to worshiping our good God as guaranteed in our First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution...

In recent weeks, there are strong indications, from a new motu proprio, speeches and letters, emanating from pope Bergoglio and his henchmen, that the cross-hairs are directly focused at the Traditional Latin Mass and those faithful laity who attend the Mass of the ages, either to restrict or "revise" the TLM into something less than traditional at best, or unrecognizable from the novus ordo at worst.

As some of my regular readers may know, nearly 54 years ago (December, 1967), I entered Vietnam in the middle of a war raging in that South East Asian country...  I was stationed at two air bases... at the first base, Tuy Hoa, located in the northern II Corps -- Vietnam was "divided" into four corps: I Corps, II Corps, III Corps, and IV Corps -- where a G.I. friend of mine, from California, helped our Irish priest set up the altar and assisted at the Mass.  It was a distinct privilege to do so...  I should note that the base chapel was used for the Catholic Mass, Protestant and Jewish services as well, as there was only one, small building for all the brothers to meet on Sunday or the Sabbath...

I have included some photos of Catholic priests performing the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, and giving out the Holy Eucharist to troops in the field, in some cases, right smack in the middle of a battlefield!  In fact, at least 16 chaplains; Catholic, Protestant, as wells as Rabbis, were killed during the war, with some dying while administering to troops during an ongoing battle.  The names of those chaplains are now displayed on "The Wall" in Washington, D.C...  (I might add that chaplains have been with our fighting men since 1775!)

It could be possible that in the not too distant future, we Catholics will be back in the catacombs as were our forefathers and foremothers during the monstrous persecutions by the pagan Roman Emperors in the early days of the church, up until about 325 or so... That is not to say that there weren't any further persecutions of the faithful, as we can see persecutions of Christians right up to our own day, not only in foreign lands, but also right here in the U.S. of A. by the Christ-haters, many of whom are apostate "Catholics"...

There was a song some years back with these words: "you don't know what you've got till it's gone..."  With each passing day, those words may come to fruition if we don't fight for the TLM regardless of what the faithless hierarchy may dictate.  The time for blind obedience is over, and those bishops, cardinals and popes better understand that we won't take it anymore!!!

(Notice that some of the troops are kneeling in the dirt, or shattered concrete from destroyed churches, and yet they knew that it was our Lord they were receiving -- on the tongue!  Unlike today, in some parishes, where the Holy Eucharist is treated like so much candy given in the unconsecrated hands of the laity -- many standing, instead of kneeling!!) 

The new catacombs?  So be it...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

Friday, August 27, 2021

Over A Dozen Marines, Soldiers And A Navy Corpsman, Killed In Afghanistan...

  My understanding is that the horrible death toll may go higher, not to mention those severely wounded and maimed...

I will tell my readers right up front, that I am furious; I am at my wits end in trying how to figure this out; to figure what to do from the comfort of my home in Missouri, U.S.A.  I am frustrated by the lackadaisical attitude of those faux occupants of the White House and the majority of those in the Congress, and that includes RINO Republicans...

Sure, Biden and his ilk will shed crocodile tears, that is, if they even do that.  But we can't even expect phony tears from the likes of Pelosi, who, by the way, while our men were being killed thousands of miles from home, this poor excuse of a "Catholic" representative, was celebrating some type of women's equality day.

Did you get that?

Instead of meeting with Biden in the situation room -- wait a minute, did Biden actually go to the situation room with his "generals" and the "secretary of state"? -- to figure how to annihilate the bad guys responsible for killing our men, she's out there with smiles on her face, extolling the virtues of some aspects of womankind.

Hard to believe...

Late yesterday afternoon/early evening, when my wife and I began the Rosary -- we specifically dedicated many of the prayers to my brother vets who had died, as well as for their family members who are suffering indescribably for their loss -- I found it difficult to lead, as I usually do, getting choked-up and teary-eyed -- and angry.

Emotionally speaking, what happened yesterday, brought back painful memories of when I returned home from Vietnam, on December 16, 1968... Shortly after that, I was at home watching the evening news being broadcast from the top of the Empire State Building, all the way to northern and western New Jersey and beyond...  All of a sudden, on the TV screen, there appeared a segment of a demonstration being held in Central Park... In that demonstration, I watched a hippie dancing around a burning American Flag... 

I couldn't take it...

I got up from my chair; walked into my bedroom; I had to decide what to do... Should I just take it, or should I drive in to New York City and do something.  That something would have landed me in jail, maybe for the rest of my life, or worse...  I'll just leave it at that...

It took a while before I was able to make the right decision, and come out of my room and rejoin humanity; the only right choice...

I'm sure my parents, who were home at the time, knew that something had hit me right smack in the middle of my heart and soul, but they refrained from saying anything to me, thank goodness; I was in no mood, and I didn't want to have to explain what was going on inside my head...

I guess 53 years is a mere drop in the bucket in the overall scheme of things... But that flashback was not wanted, nor welcome...

As I age, I am beginning to see how trails and tribulations can really get to people (me too), I'm starting to get a little worn out from trying to handle or make sense of all the things in the world, and in my life, and be ready for a nice "long" rest...

Don't worry... I intend -- if God wills it -- to be here for a while longer to see my beautiful, precious grandchildren come of age...

Pray for strength and honor and pray for those veterans who lost their lives yesterday -- and for their families too!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla





Thursday, August 26, 2021

Incredible In-Your-Face Hypocrisy, From The Apostate "Catholic" N. Pelosi!

 The following is an excerpt from an article in cnsnews.com, written by the "Staff"... I will make my comments in "red."

“As you've heard me say when people ask me, what are the three most important issues facing the Congress, I always say the same thing: our children, our children, our children,” she said.  She lies, she lies, she lies!  This notorious apostate "Catholic," who, by the way, had five children with her husband, now fully supports that slaughter of the pre-born, and openly supports the killing machine known as "planned parenthood."

“Their health, [Health?  Except when they are torn apart for...?] their education, [There is not a chance in hell that a dismembered baby can be educated; they are dead.] the economic security of their families, a safe environment in which they can thrive [Thrive?  How can they if they are killed in the womb?] and a world at peace in which they can reach their fulfillment,” [There is no "fulfillment" for the aborted baby whose precious body parts are sold on the black market for profit.] Pelosi continued.

“When children come here to the Capitol, it is such an invigoration for us and an inspiration to us, because we are here for them,” [Filthy liar!  Your words betray your blackened, cold heart!] she said. “And, as I say to them, as you see the statues and monuments of those who went before, it is appropriate that we honor them. But they want us to honor you, the future of our country, to make it better for the children.” [Miserable hypocrite!  Statues?  Monuments?  Grave stones?  There are no statues for the murdered babies!  Not even a simple grave stone to remember them by!  Make our country better for the children?  Your twisted mind cannot even recognize good from evil, right from wrong; you are doing the work of the hater of the human race, Satan.  And, believe it or not, you, Mrs. Pelosi, will have to answer for your diabolical actions when you come face to face with all those dead babies -- and our Lord, at your Particular Judgment!  

Is it any wonder why our country is undergoing a massive chastisement?  We now have a baby-killer-in-chief holding the White House hostage... he and his cabal of Marxist, useful idiots, are trying their dead level best to get a deadly "vaccine" into the bodies of all Americans in order to hasten the sterility and death of a dumbed-down population willing to stick out their arms.  Their planned program of fear and panic has been wildly successful!  Wake up America, before it's too late...

Pray for strength and honor to resist these devils!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Americans Trapped Behind Enemy Lines In Afghanistan; Abandoned And Betrayed By The Biden Regime...

 No, this is not the title of a new Hollywood action-thriller, scripted by the creators of fantasy, but an ongoing reality that can very well turn out to be a complete disaster, including torture and slaughter of American citizens...

If anyone is still a fence-sitter, when it comes to judging the actions or inactions of the faux "president" sitting in the White House, then the abandonment and betrayal of Americans stuck behind enemy lines in that hell-hole of Afghanistan, should be enough to knock you off that lukewarm, undecided "fence"...

If anyone is not convinced that those who are running and ruining our country are the real, anti-American enemy doing the work of the globalists, then I suggest you go back to playing your video games and pop open another can of Budweiser...

As I write this article, there are literally thousands of Americans still trapped in Afghanistan.  And there seems to be little help, coming anytime soon, from the likes of the weak and ineffective miscreants at the helm of the ship-of-state...

Those now in-charge of a country, that even Alexander the Great decided not to try to conquer, have shown an unbridled brutality to their own people, especially towards women and young girls, for the most inconsequential of reasons; can you imagine what they will do to those Americans and their families if they are not rescued before the August 31st deadline to leave the country??

But it's not only women and girls in general, and Americans in particular that are at high risk for imprisonment and death, but also Christians, or what is left of those who follow Christ...

This scenario could very lead to a massive hostage situation, with demands that will confound even the most experienced negotiators, probably leaving them helpless to relieve the pain and suffering that is sure to be broadcast on TV screens, shocking what is left of the civilized world.

The debacle in Afghanistan has been 20 years in the making; we have no one to blame but ourselves.  And that blame can be laid at the doorstep of several presidents, as well as the military industrial complex (headquartered in the Pentagon) who greatly profited by supplying weapons, ammunition and aircraft to invade a sovereign country and fight an unnecessary war...

Now, those weapons, and even some aircraft, are in the hands of the Taliban and their radical supporters!  This was not an orderly withdrawal or retreat, but a complete rout, leaving our vulnerable citizens behind to fend for themselves.  Shame!!

The obvious capitulation to the sons of Mohammad by those who are supposed to be our leaders, is sickening and disgusting.  And I think  we who remain at home, on our own shores, will witness a terrible, bloody revenge taken against our captive, fellow Americans.

If there was ever a just cause for impeachment of a sitting "president," this is it: malfeasance of office -- and high crimes and misdemeanors, not the phony "charges" and "investigations" of our President Trump!   

If I were the commander-in-chief, and my citizens (POWs, for all practical purposes) were maltreated or murdered by the Taliban, or anyone else for that matter, I would send wave after wave after wave of B-52s with conventional mega-bombs, and carpet bomb the hell out of the Califate, all the way back to the stone age!

I would not normally write what I just wrote, but my anger is at the boiling point; this situation should not be happening, but it is... If just one American is targeted and killed, then our military should unleash all the power at our disposal to make the bad guys pay until they wish they were never born, period!

Pray to our good God to protect those Americans trapped, and pray to get them home, and quickly...

Strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla





Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Are The "Catholic" Bishops Approved And Appointed By The Communist Red Chinese, Real Bishops??

  I'll answer that question with examples that will conclusively prove that those "bishops" are nothing of the sort.  Then, I will make the connection to those "bishops," with the "bishops" and "cardinals" here in the U.S.  As far as the current pope is concerned, I'll leave that decision to those who have eyes to see, see, and ears to hear, hear...

As I have previously noted, the 2018 agreement between the Vatican and the Chinese Communist Party, to have them approve and appoint "bishops" to head the Catholic Church in China, was brokered by that homosexual predator-deviant, "cardinal" McCarrick, at the behest of pope Bergoglio.  This diabolical agreement threw the faithful Catholic bishops and lay faithful under the bus, driving them further "underground"... Shortly after that agreement was penned, churches, chapels and other places of worship or veneration were systematically ransacked or destroyed... 

Here is one example, that common sense tells me, also applies to the clergy... If a man and a woman want to marry, they announce their plans; stand before their minister or priest, take the vows, then are pronounced man and wife, till death do they part...

If either the man or the woman hides a major impediment to a valid marriage, but it is revealed after the ceremony, the marriage is null and void, period.  There was no marriage to begin with, even though the words, the rubrics, the blessing of the minister or priest was gladly given.  Repeat: there was no marriage!


Let us now go back to the 1920s, 30s, and 40s, and the story of Bella Dodd and others, who were given the job, by the hierarchy of the Soviet Union, of recruiting males to enter the seminaries and become "priests"; to climb up the ecclesiastical ladder, with the eventual goal to bring down the Church from within.

Think about this scenario: a Communist, by the very nature of being a Communist, does not believe that God is, or, hates the idea of God or a Savior, rather, his god is the state, or the ideology that they swear to obey, or else.  Further, if the Communist seminarian does not believe in God, he therefore, must not believe what the Church teaches as promulgated by the Magisterium.  That would include all the dogmas of the Church that all Catholics must believe.  Even if one dogma is denied, then that individual is not a Catholic and places himself outside the Church of Christ.  But, in the case of Communist "priest," he was never in the Church in the first place...

Let me be blunt: what we are dealing with here, are two diametrically opposed belief systems; one that serves God, and the other that serves Satan.  It is either/or; both cannot be served at the same time.  That is a spiritual impossibility!

Getting back to the Communist "seminarian"... eventually, he is "ordained" to the priesthood.  Or is he?  

Because he goes through the ceremony; receives the appropriate blessing, then dons the Roman collar, does that mean he is a real Catholic priest?   I say again, that is a spiritual impossibility...

To give another example of validity -- or invalidity, a year or two back it came to light that a priest was invalidly baptized by some modernist yahoo.  A massive scandal was uncovered... If you remember, that priest had to be baptized validly, but that's not all...  All the marriages, baptisms, confessions were also declared invalid!  That also meant that the consecration of the Holy Eucharist did not happen either... In other words, because he was not validly baptized he was not a Catholic priest!

How then, can a Communist be validly ordained into the Catholic priesthood?????   How can a Communist confect the sacraments?????   How can a Communist absolve sins in the confessional?????   

The infiltration of the Communists (and radical homosexuals) into the priesthood has led to the second, third and fourth generation of Communists that rose through the ranks of the hierarchy.  

It would be an easy task to name, names, as some are still with us as I write this, while others have gone to their Particular Judgment, facing the severe Justice meted out by Christ.

Dark days are ahead, especially with additional attacks on the Traditional Latin Mass coming in September.  Our Lord is purifying the Remnant; the Elect, that is, if we persevere to the end and finish the race before us...

I would like to quote St. Paul in his Second epistle to the Corinthians, chapter 6; 14-18... (King James Version) "Bear not the yoke together with unbelievers.  For what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness?  Or what communion hath light with darkness?  And what concord hath Christ with Belial?  Or what part hath the faithful with the unbeliever?  And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols?  For you are the temple of the living God: God saith: "I will dwell in them, and walk among them, and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.  Wherefore, go out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing: and I will receive you: and I will be a Father to you: and you shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty." 

Pray for strength and honor, and for discernment!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


Sunday, August 22, 2021

The MURDER Of Ashli Babbitt Part II...

  After an "internal investigation," the Capitol police lieutenant who MURDERED an un-armed, wife and Air Force veteran, Ashli Babbitt, has been "exonerated"!!!!!


What justice?

There is no justice, period.

Not in this life, but rest assured, you murdering, cowardly reprobate, you will pay for killing an innocent American woman, who was exercising her rights, demonstrating for a redress of grievances as guaranteed in the U.S. Constitution, which, I'm sure, you treat as nothing more than toilet paper.


This, my dear readers, is why I have written in previous missives, that the police, in many instances, are the shill enforcers of the new-world-order, elitist, Christ-haters.  And, if anyone is wondering why I describe such miscreants as Christ-haters, that is because the globalists scoundrels think, in their heart of hearts, that they are equal to, or greater than their real Master, Jesus Christ.  They serve the father of lies, Satan... But there will come a time when such barbarians will have to pay the piper, and the price will be paid for all eternity!


In the meantime, there are other Americans, from the January 6th demonstration, that have been locked in solitary confinement, and from what I understand, have been physically mistreated.  This my friends, is the American Gulag!  The old Soviet Union has been firmly entrenched in our country by rogue, renegade Marxist sympathizers who are now in-charge of the courts, the colleges, universities, and the so-called "department of justice."

We patriots are in a life and death battle for our Republic, our traditions, and our ability to worship our good God, as well as our rights guaranteed in the Bill of Rights in the U.S. Constitution.  If we don't resist and exercise our rights, we will, for all intents and purposes, willingly submit and walk right into that heinous Gulag, without the enemy having to fire a single shot from any "assault rifle."

We cannot let that happen!

And while we debate and "dialogue," Mrs. Ashli Babbitt is lying in her grave; there is no recourse for her; there is no "appeals court" where she can seek justice for her murder, and her husband and family are left with broken hearts and a major void in their lives...

This illicit regime in the White House has emboldened the radical Left, and are complicit with the destruction of our traditional institutions, as well as attempting to stifle and discourage true patriots from regaining our country from these demonic forces...

As the old saying goes: it ain't gonna happen!

We will, in the long run, be successful!   How can I be so sure?  Because we have God, His Most Blessed Mother and the terror of demons -- the spouse of the BVM -- Saint Joseph on our side!!!!!!

We also know that the Blessed Virgin Mary will be the one that will crush the head of Satan, and he will be cast back into hell for all eternity...  

I ask the following rhetorical question: how would you, anti-American, Christ-haters like to spend eternity with your buddy, Satan??   Think about that prospect for a minute or two...

(As St. Paul relates to us in the Bible: stand fast to the traditions you have learned, either by our word or our epistle.)

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michal the Archangel, defend us in the battle that is to come...

Gene DeLalla


Friday, August 20, 2021

Why Is A "Booster Shot" Of The Covid "Vaccine" Being Pushed??

  First, here are some clichés: The icing on the cake; The straw that broke the camel's back; The final nail in the coffin; The devil is in the details, or, I told you so, or the many others that are in the lexicon; you can pick one, or come up with one yourself, for that matter...

With each passing day, more and more evidence is coming out about the harsh realities of getting -- even one! -- shot of the so-called Covid "vaccine," and the news isn't good.  In fact, there are so many vaccine injuries that the reporting system that is supposed to track such things, is falling way behind in posting the real numbers, not to mention actual lives lost from the blood-clotting, or gene-altering vehicles in that filthy poison.  

Consider: the number of "injuries" the last time I checked, were over 600,000, and deaths over 35,000... However, those numbers are admitted to be only one- to 10-percent of the actual numbers!  If one were to multiply the reported numbers by, say, five or 10 times, we would certainly have a real pandemic -- of mayhem and death -- on our hands!  And, you would think, the citizenry would outright revolt, but that's not happening.  Why?????

I said earlier that the system is "falling behind," but that would be too kind to those folks responsible for reporting those important statistics... Is it more accurate to say that someone is trying to hide the numbers from the public?   I know that's kind of a naïve question, but maybe that's what it has come down to in order not to panic an already "groomed" John Q. and Mary Public with lies and fear-mongering that has gone on for nearly two years, with no end in sight...   

The question begs: why the booster shot?  And why is there more talk about getting shot after shot every six months, or every year, forever? 

Could this all be leading to a successful program of the globalist, population control, anti-Christ freaks to de-populate the earth without firing a single shot from a so-called "assault rifle"? 

This is no conspiracy theory, just the opposite; those who want to make man in his own image, care little about trying to subvert our culture covertly, now, it is out in the open for all who have eyes to see, see!  These brazen savages are worse than the ancient Aztecs, offering human sacrifice to appease their gods... But now, the "god" they are more than willing to please -- and serve -- is none other than Satan; the father of lies and death...

Just listen to that incoherent traitor sitting in the White House, that is, when he isn't hiding from public view, running away from his responsibilities to the Americans he is supposed to be serving... And that's another thing; we don't serve the government, the government is supposed to serve us!  

In addition to the Marxist Biden regime, we have the Soros's of the world, along with past and present presidents, congressmen, senators, secretaries of state, et el, doing their dead level best to betray our country and cozy up to our mortal enemies, who just happen to be the enemies of God, too.  What these useful idiots don't seem to realize is that they are useful idiots, and if, and when the time actually comes that our Republic falls, they will be the first to be erased from the history books; the first to be sacrificed to the god of the state...

The so-called "pandemic" "came along" just in time for these maniacs to start the "great reset," with the help of the man that passes for the pope, sitting in the chair of St. Peter.  Remember, in 2018, an agreement was made with the assistance of the sexual pervert "cardinal" McCarrick, selling out the real Catholics in Communist Red China.  The brave lovers of Christ were then driven further underground, where they attempt to worship Christ, our Lord.  But it's gotten much worse, with the diabolical agreement with the commies to have them appoint "bishops" to the "Catholic Church"!!!!

As I've written many times before, all things are connected, whether in the secular realm or in the ecclesiastical realm, and, as the church goes, so goes society.  And that is why we are in a period of moral turpitude in our beloved country.  It will not get any better, at least not in the immediate future, before we go through a massive chastisement, duly deserved, I might add..

Continue to pray for strength and honor -- and for discernment!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in the battle that is to come...

Gene DeLalla


Another "Civil War" -- For States' Rights? And, Are The States The Line In The Sand Against The Complete Tyranny Of The Federal Government?

 It's beginning to look like the last line of defense against an out-of-control, centralized, behemoth, multi-tentacled federal government, is falling on the doorsteps of the states, as regards to the Tenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, seemingly being completely ignored by that mad monster in D.C....

In fact, for far too many years now, the founding document of our Republic has been used and abused to the point of it becoming almost completely meaningless.   And because of this, the rights of states and its citizens have been, and continue to be, subjected to the radical agenda of those who actually hate the freedoms that were paid for in the blood, sweat, tears and treasure of our veterans, going back to the Revolutionary War... 

It is now obvious that when a state decides to defend its rights under their constitution, and apply those constitutional rights to their citizens, the federals don't like it one bit, and with the new anti-American regime in Washington, the so-called Department of Justice (DOJ) will, and continues to attempt, to overstep its bounds and stick their corrupt nose where it doesn't belong...

This is true, especially when it comes to the Second Amendment and the right to keep and bear arms... 

The bad guys know that an armed citizenry is a much more difficult roadblock in their attempt to intimidate us, confiscate our weapons and turn law-abiding Americans into slaves under a Marxist "utopia"...

If one were to read a true history of the "Civil War," you might see that the real reason for that bloody confrontation, was not to "free the slaves," or to "preserve the Union," but to crush states' rights and make those states subservient to the dictates of Big Brother...  (If anyone wants to get a true handle of the reasons and the results of the "Civil War," I suggest reading Prof. Thomas Sowell's excellent take on that conflict...) 

But it is not only the Second Amendment that is at stake, no, it is the idea that government officials can force its citizenry to be vaccinated against their will.  We have on our side, the Natural Law, the 1947 Nuremberg Code, HIPPA, the 1990 Americans With Disabilities Act, not to mention 18 USC (U.S. Code) section 241 and 242 -- under color of law... 

It's really nobody's business what my medical history is, and I don't have to disclose that to anyone -- arbitrarily -- at the whim of some medical "authority," or anyone else... 

So, what is the ultimate goal of forcing everyone to do something against their better judgment; their rights?  Complete and total control of our lives... threatening us to comply or we lose our freedom to do business, or purchase goods and services, or even go to church!  That's the real purpose of this diabolical slice of baloney, plain and simple...

The idea of a redress of grievances is quickly disintegrating right before our eyes... So what is left when those elected to represent us fail to listen to us, and consider those loyal citizens to be the real threat to peace and security -- the real "terrorists" -- while letting the likes of Antifa and the so-called Black Lives Matter anarchists get away with real insurrection?    

The time is quickly approaching when we will have to make some very hard choices... It may well be that another Declaration of Independence will be issued by those patriots still willing and able to defend themselves and their families, as well as what is left of our Republic... God help us!!

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


Thursday, August 19, 2021

The Attack And The Planned Destruction Of The Authentic Catholic Church Is Coming From -- "Catholics"!

  Sickening, isn't it?  

Why are there traitors in the Catholic Church, and why would they want to bring down the Church from within, in the first place?

The answer is almost too simple: traitors of Christ, serve His ape: Satan...  That's why...

When the Church is infiltrated and attacked by Her enemies, that, in essence means that Christ is attacked.  

But isn't the Church just a human, physical institution?  How can it be that Christ is attacked when the Church is attacked???

Not to insult any of my dear readers, but, again, the answer is almost too simple... Bear with me, please...

Remember the Biblical passage when Saul (the future St. Paul) was on the road to Damascus and struck down from his donkey?   (Acts, 9:1-20, King James Version.)

What did the Lord, Jesus, ask Saul?  "Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou Me"?

Saul was astonished... For one, he had never met or persecuted Christ, only those who had converted to the Christian faith.  So how could he be accused of persecuting Christ?

Because when Christians (Catholics) are persecuted, Christ is persecuted.   When His Body, the Church, is persecuted, Christ is persecuted.  That could be the only answer that eventually made any sense to Saul (St. Paul)...

Today, Christ -- through His Church -- is being persecuted, not only from without, by the known, as well as, the covert, secret enemies, but also overtly by those from within.  What we are talking about here, are those Baptized "Catholics" who have betrayed their vows to renounce Satan and all his pomps and works, and have sided with the demon in order to carry out the destruction of the Church... 

Such miscreants must be pretty stupid, as they should know the promise of Christ that the gates of hell will never prevail against His Church, never!

We are not talking about a physical building, or ornate works of art, or vast amounts of money stashed away in some foreign banks or shady real estate investments.  No, we are talking about the Remnant; the Elect, which, in the end, may include a very small number of the faithful, that's what we are talking about... And, no, bishop Barron, not everyone will be saved!  That lunacy directly contradicts Christ's own teaching, as well as those Fathers and Doctors of the Church who agree that number of the saved will be minimal... How can we be among the Elect; the Remnant?  By using our free-will to do good and avoid evil... Again, it's almost too simple...

What we, as Catholic/Christians have to do, is to pray for our enemies -- not for their evil intentions, but for their return to the faith of Christ, as the Prodigal Son returned to his jubilant Father...

Pray for strength and honor -- and for discernment!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Massive Fraud In Reporting Vaccine Injuries; Withheld Data, Pretense Of “Safe And Effective”...

You all must read this article from lewrockwell.com, written by Jon Rappoport...

No comment, as this article speaks for itself; we must resist!

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

The Best Defense Is A Good Offense!

  This truism is often used when referring to the sport of football, but it is also true when serving in the military -- especially in a war zone...

Forgive me, but I will use that military analogy, again, to make a point of what is going on in our world today, and, more specifically, in our beloved country...


When I was on the perimeter, in the dead of night, in Vietnam, we were, for all intents and purposes, in a defensive position.

My bunker-mate, or my observation tower-mate, had the big M-60 machinegun locked and loaded and ready to make any enemy attackers pay the price in their attempt to penetrate American soil...

If attacked, our tactics did not allow us to leave our bunkers and move forward to engage in combat with the VC, or NVA attackers, but to stand fast at our position; there was no choice...  

Yes, it was a defensive position, no doubt about it.

The same would hold true if rockets or mortars were fired over our heads -- or at us, as did happen to me and my ammo feeder on one heck of a scary night...

But!  If and when there was an ground attack -- the most terrifying of all scenarios -- our job would quickly morph into an offensive operation, by necessity...


By the use of overwhelming fire-power and the immediate increase of ground and armor forces to engage and repel the enemy.  Without those enhanced forces, the battle could very well be lost; that was not an option for us as a unit, nor for me personally...

The battlefield, however, is not the only instance where the best defense is a good offense... 

Take, for instance, the current "battle" going on regarding our rights as a free people, in our Republic -- founded by those men who realized that a monarch, 3,000 miles from our shores, could not force us to become slaves to unlawful, illicit dictates that violated the Natural Law and our consciences... 

But that is exactly what is happening today; right now, on Main Street, U.S.A...

Whether anyone wants to admit it or not, the man that occupies the Oval Office on Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, D.C., is a fraud!  Not duly elected, but installed by those evil men who are determined undermine our Republic, and turn it into a land that is not free, and not the home of the brave...

What is the end goal of such anti-freedom God-haters?  Their agenda is becoming more clear with each passing day: to make loyal Americans submit to the likes of the new-world-order elites through intimidation, "vaccines," fear-mongering and the ultimate goal of brainwashing John and Mary Q. Public, into being afraid of their own shadows.  If successful, the next step is the registering and eventual confiscation of all fire-arms; make no mistake, both are related... If that huge roadblock can be overcome, then implementing their diabolical agenda will, most likely, become a horrible reality...


The best defense is a good offense...

Can, or will it be peaceful?  That's up to the Marxist traitors; in all instances, our response must be equal to, or greater than the force used against us...

The ball is in their court... we will not submit!

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in the battle that is to come...

Gene DeLalla

Monday, August 16, 2021

Afghanistan Has Fallen!! Afghanistan Has Fallen!! Or, The Sky Is Falling?? Is The Sky Falling??

  Let me say right up front: Anyone who was in favor of going into Afghanistan 20 years ago, should have their heads examined to see if there was, or is, any grey matter left in the cranial cavity... 

Also, let us take a look at the main reason -- continually shouted from the housetops -- for invading another sovereign country: to get the "mastermind" of the 9/11 tragedy, Osama Bin Laden... You know, the guy living in a cave many thousands of miles from New York, yet he and his cronies trained, equipped and snuck the twenty or so Jihadists into our country to "successfully bring down the Twin Towers" in N.Y.C, accomplishing maneuvers that some experienced pilots claim were nearly impossible.  Not to mention the alert jets that were scrambled to intercept the errant aircraft, but were somehow diverted or told to "stand down."  In this country, it is the civilian government authorities that give the orders to the military, whether the military likes it or not, they have to obey, that is, up to a certain point...

Tons of articles and at least a book or two have been written about Obama getting Osama, that is, if you can believe the narrative of the leftist government lackeys; I don't... 

Does anyone remember "Osama's body" being disposed of at sea, without a single photograph to show to the American people that it was Osama??

What I do believe are the results of "9/11" and the aftermath: restriction and loss of our basic liberties -- all for what?? -- keeping us "secure"?   (Check out what Ben Franklin has to say about giving up liberties for "security".) 

Over the last couple of days, all the American blood, sweat, tears and treasure has gone all for naught, as the "pro-American" Afghan government has fallen to the Taliban bad guys... And, no, this is not the same as what occurred in Vietnam, and those who make such comparisons are grossly ignorant of the facts of that war and the way it was fought, especially of what went on behind the closed doors in the White House situation room... For a good book on the subject, I would recommend The Lost Mandate of Heaven, by Geoffrey D.T. Shaw...

(As an aside, just a couple of months after President Diem of South Vietnam, and his brother were assassinated, President Kennedy was assassinated.  All parties were Catholic!!  But that was just a coincidence, of course...)

The sky is not falling, at least not yet, but Afghanistan has fallen; was there ever any doubt that it would after we invaded that land?  I believe it was Alexander the Great that was strongly advised not to try to attempt to conquer Afghanistan; he took the advice and didn't.  But the Russians tried, back in the 1980s and were driven out... We could've taken the hint, but we didn't...

The military-industrial complex got what it wanted; the American people were the big losers, and we are not any safer than we were before "9/11," in fact, we are much less secure now, not because of any external threat, but threats from within our own country; that too was planned...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla



Sunday, August 15, 2021

"Your Papers, Please"!!

 Remember the political thriller movie: The Hunt For Red October?

There was a scene where the wounded executive officer asks his commander; (I'm paraphrasing here...) "can I travel from one state (in the U.S.) to another; do I have to show "papers"?   The commander replies, "no, in the U.S. you don't have to show "papers" to travel where you want..."

That was a great movie depicting the longing for freedom, even among those Communist elites who realized that their, anti-freedom, anti-Christ ideology was dooming the human spirit to destruction and that there was a better way to live their lives by defecting -- to America!

That movie came out around 1990... 

Let's look at what is happening here, in our beloved Republic: the illegitimate miscreant holding the White House hostage, is proposing "papers" for American citizens for interstate travel!  

I will repeat that sentence: the illegitimate miscreant... is proposing "papers" for American citizens for interstate travel!  

Let me ask a simple question: is this America, or Amerika?  Are we a free people, or are we a Marxist-controlled, enslaved population?   

I'm a veteran of two branches of the military and a Vietnam veteran... I will not submit to showing "papers" to anyone; ever!  I will fight for my freedoms and for that of my family.  If anyone thinks that I will not fight, they are making a huge miscalculation...


Since I am registered with the Veterans Administration for my health care, I receive updated e-mails about various goings on at the VA and associated clinics.  The VA is "encouraging" all veterans and their care providers and family members to get the covid jab. The other day, the e-mail I received sounded much more ominous, regarding getting vaccinated with the so-called covid "vaccine," suggesting that all veterans get the jab as soon as possible.  I suspect that future e-mails will soon indicate that I will have to get the "vaccine" in order to enter the hospital for health care.  

I had a feeling that this would be coming, and I think it will happen much sooner rather than later.  At that point I will have to make a decision to either drop the VA altogether, or see if I can get a "religious exemption" from my priest.  I also have a feeling that if I do get something in writing from my priest, it still will not make a single bit of difference and they (the VA) will insist on my taking the shot.  

Think about it... I served with honor in Vietnam, and now I will be subject to being forced to do something against my beliefs -- and science, for that matter?  

I don't think so.

As I have said more than a few times now; sadly, I no longer recognize by beloved country...

I thought my readers might like to read the words of our National Anthem... I don't know about you folks, but when I hear the National Anthem, I get teary-eyed; here are the words (but they're more than words to me...).

"Oh, say, can you see, by the dawn's early light,
What so proudly we hail'd at the twilight's last gleaming?
Whose broad stripes and bright stars, thro' the perilous fight,
O'er the ramparts we watch'd, were so gallantly streaming?
And the rockets' red glare, the bombs bursting in air,
Gave proof thro' the night that our flag was still there.
O say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?

"On the shore dimly seen thro' the mists of the deep,
Where the foe's haughty host in dread silence reposes,
What is that which the breeze, o'er the towering steep,
As it fitfully blows, half conceals, half discloses?
Now it catches the gleam of the morning's first beam,
In full glory reflected, now shines on the stream:
'Tis the star-spangled banner: O, long may it wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!

"And where is that band who so vauntingly swore
That the havoc of war and the battle's confusion
A home and a country should leave us no more?
Their blood has wash'd out their foul footsteps' pollution.
No refuge could save the hireling and slave
From the terror of flight or the gloom of the grave:
And the star-spangled banner in triumph doth wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave.

"O, thus be it ever when freemen shall stand,
Between their lov'd homes and the war's desolation;
Blest with vict'ry and peace, may the heav'n-rescued land
Praise the Pow'r that hath made and preserv'd us a nation!
Then conquer we must, when our cause is just,
And this be our motto: "In God is our trust"
And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!"


(I trust that you may have used a tissue or two after reading those words??)  

Don't give up!  The battle is only beginning...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


Devastating Implications Of Heretical "Cardinals" Voting In The Next Conclave! (The Sedevacantists Will Have A Field Day, Proving They Are "Right"!)

 Think about the horrific implications of heretics voting for the next pope! What are some of those implications? How about the fact that a ...