Thursday, October 31, 2019

The Current Regime In Rome Is NOT Catholic!!!

Just who are those males wearing the Roman collar, not only in Rome, but also in many other parts of the Western nations?

Imposters; charlatans; homosexuals; thieves; apostates; robbers of souls, etc...

The martyrs of the nascent Church must be spinning in their graves!

What an insult to them, and, most importantly, to Christ, the One they died for...

Look at the masqueraders here in the U.S. of A., and see for yourself the putrid mix of demonic summoning, as well as the witches brew of filthy and unnatural goings-on of far too many bishops and cardinals appointed by the anti-pope, Francis.

What a disgrace!  But the scandals go far beyond the boundaries of countries, it goes to the very souls that are leaving the new-order "Church", in favor of greener pastures, or no pastures at all...

Personally, I'm completely sick and tired of the nonsense, and so should all of you be too!!

Don't put any monies into the collection plate of any new-order "mass," seek out only the Traditional Latin Mass communities, not only to make sure that any money collected will not go to any U.N. sponsored population control maniacs hell-bent on destroying God's gift of life to His creatures, but also for the good of the souls entrusted to you and I as parents.

It is time to take the gloves off, and show these phonies just Who is in charge; we will always follow Him, regardless of the consequences, up to and including dying for the Cross of Christ and His true Church.   Anything less, and we fail to fulfill our state in life, and if that happens, we will pay a high price for our spiritual slothfulness... Do not doubt me!

Remember too, that any obedience to these miscreants is a vice, not a virtue.  So don't be frightened by any threat of "excommunication" that some Francis, new-order bishop or cardinal may lob against you or I.  The time has come to show these creeps the true Catholic Faith, and reject their version of the new-world-order, one-world-religion envisioned by this "pope."

We have to fight back against the powers of hell, with the help of the Holy Mother of God, the Blessed Virgin Mary, and her army of fierce and determined angels... She will not abandon her faithful children!!!

Pray for the defeat of the agenda of Francis, and pray for his, and their conversion to the Catholic Faith...

Pray for out country....

Gene DeLalla


Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Can A Pro-Abortion Politician Receive Holy Communion (The Body And Blood Of Our Lord)??

NO!  Of course not.  This is Church teaching, not to mention common sense.

Recently, pro-death "Catholic" Joseph (Joe) Biden was refused the high honor of receiving Holy Communion by a courageous priest in a South Carolina Catholic church.

Why do I write that this priest -- Fr. Robert E. Morey -- is courageous?  Because now, all hell -- maybe literally -- will break loose against him for protecting the Body and Blood of his Master, Our Lord, Jesus Christ, from being received by an apostate "Catholic".

If Fr. Morey was to allow this character to receive our Lord in Holy Communion, it would further jeopardize an already blackened, rotten soul of Biden, by committing the sin of sacrilege!

Now, I realize that I cannot subjectively judge Biden, but OBJECTIVELY; judging his words and actions, he's in a state of mortal sin, because of his radical support for the killing of the pre-born, and for other lauded and supported "lifestyles" such as the LGBT and homosexual "communities."

The Catholic Church teaches that such folk are outside the Church, and lack the pre-requisite of one's soul to be in a state of grace before receiving our Lord, period!

There is no give or take on this; there is no wiggle room...

Back to Fr. Morey...

Let's see if his bishop will support, or sanction his own, brave priest.  Why am I in doubt that the bishop will support his own?  Because far too many bishops have indicated that such manly priests with the guts to do as Fr. Morey did, are using the Holy Eucharist as some type of political weapon, and that has no place in this overly politically correct society -- even in the Church!.

I hope that I am wrong in my assessment, but to date, I haven't read or heard anything from his bishop...

What some non-Catholics, as well as some Catholics, fail to realize that it is the duty of a well-formed priest to admonish a sinner, not condone their despicable, mortally sinful conduct.  To do otherwise, is to further put in jeopardy the soul that is already devoid of sanctifying grace.

We have to pray for Fr. Morey, and hope -- and pray -- that many other priests will do the same, and deny the divinity of Christ, in the form of His Body and Blood, to these miscreants.

And pray too, for our country...

Gene DeLalla

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The Forces Of Anti-Life And Their Father...

It seems almost incredible that in the "land of the free, and the home of the brave," we have denied the right to live and prosper, to the tune of 62,000,000 pre-born babies, destroyed in their mother's womb.

The consequences are enormous in many ways!  Sixty-two million fewer American citizens.  Who knows, maybe some would be president, or find cures for diseases that have plagued mankind for millennium...

As the Declaration of Independence states: Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness, with Life being the first and foremost of the three rights guaranteed by our Republican form of government.  But it is also important to note -- very important! -- that our rights are not derived from the government, but from our Creator under the umbrella of the Natural Law.

This key law -- the Natural Law -- is engraved on the hearts of ALL humans born into the world (St. Paul), allowing us to know right from wrong; good from evil, and separates us from the animals of the jungle.

And there is also the absolute necessity to please God -- the One Who made us.

In fact, the basic catechism states our purpose in this life: to know, love, and serve God in this life, and be happy with Him in the next...

A pretty simple concept to most, but the problem is, is that far too many have rejected that simple concept, and have decided -- with free will -- to serve the Father of Lies, the devil (Satan).

When that happens, all hell breaks loose -- pun intended!

We find little justice in this life, but we can hope and pray for justice to be meted-out in the next at our Particular Judgment, and at the judgment of those who -- in this life -- denied those basic rights to life and happiness.  What a high price to pay for the ongoing scandals that we see and hear about almost on a daily basis, especially the abuse of children.

I also find it interesting that for all the moral weaknesses that President Trump had or has, he is the most pro-life, pro-family, pro-veteran, and pro-2nd Amendment president that I can remember, and I go back to the Truman presidency!  He has his finger in the massive dam of the deep-state; I hope he can hold out, and prevent that monstrous dam from collapsing and entrapping him like an unstoppable tsunami!  Pray for him, for he is fighting the forces of evil and corruption!!

Christ or chaos!  

Pray for our country...

Gene DeLalla


Monday, October 28, 2019

Why Wasn't The Blessed Virgin Mary Mentioned At The Amazonian Synod??

I'll repeat this very important question: Why Wasn't The Blessed Virgin Mary Mentioned At The Amazonian Synod??

Think about it: the synod was supposed to be about the Amazon and its indigenous peoples, and the Church's recognition of their religious and cultural elements of their lives.

Of course, the whole bizarre show was a setup by the globalists and modernists now firmly entrenched in the Vatican, and endorsed by pope Francis, to further confuse and weaken an already confused and weakened human element of the Church.

We saw -- and were disgusted by -- wooden statues being "worshipped" by some of those indigenous folks, as well as some clergy?!  We are told that we have to be sensitive to their concerns; that we have to "listen" and learn from them -- BUT NOT CONVERT THEM??

By the year 1539, there were nearly 8,000,000 -- that's EIGHT MILLION! -- conversions of the pagan peoples of Mexico to the Catholic Faith!!

That was a mere eight years after the 1531 apparition of Our Lady to St. Juan Diego of Guadalupe,  now known as the famous and loved, Our Lady of Guadalupe.

But there were other approved apparitions, or venerated (some miraculous) images of the Mother of God as well, such as Our Lady of Luján, Argentina; Our Lady of Aparecida, Brazil (Our Lady of Aparecida or Virgen de Aparecida is a clay statue was originally found by three fishermen who miraculously caught much fish after invoking the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The statue is currently housed in the Basilica of the National Shrine of Our Lady of Aparecida, in Aparecida, São Paulo, Brazil. Her feast day is October 12.)

Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, Chile (was adopted as the patroness of the army in Chile during their revolutionary war. This Marian devotion has extended all over Latin American and European countries;  she is the patroness of the Army and Navy in several of them. The devotion is bound to the history and spiritual values of the Order of the Brothers of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Mount Carmel and is expressed through the scapular - a Marian habit or garment that is a sign of belonging to Mary. It is a pledge of her motherly protection, not only in this life but after death. Her feast day is July 16.)

Here are several others... 

Our Lady of the Rosary of Chiquinquirá, Colombia (Our Lady of Chiquinquirá or Virgen de Chiquinquirá is a portrait of the Virgin of the Rosary on a rustic piece of cotton cloth recovered miraculously its colors and brightness, after been left careless for years. Her feast day is celebrated on July 9.)

Our Lady of the Angels, Costa Rica (Our Lady of the Angels or Virgen de los Angeles is a small black statuette found by a woman on August 2, 1635. It was believed to be a representation of the Virgin Mary because when she tried to remove the statuette and take it with her, it reappeared twice in the original spot where it had been found. Another version of the story says that the Virgin of Angels appeared to a young girl in the form of the statue and asked the girl to build a church in her honor in the spot where she found it, in Cartago city. Her feast day is August 2 and it is considered a sacred religious holiday for the majority of the population who live in the country.)

Our Lady of Quinche, Ecuador (Our Lady of Quinche or Virgen del Quinche is credited with many miracles and graces after converted Indian venerated her. The image carved in wood. Her feast day is November 21.); Our Lady of Coromoto, Venezuela; (Our Lady of Coromoto or Virgen Coromoto story says that the Virgin Mary appeared twice to the chief of a local tribe, who refused to be baptized to the Catholicism. When he tried to grab her, she vanished, leaving behind a small painting of her. He believed and got converted. In 1942, she was declared the Patroness of Venezuela. Her feast day is September 8.)

(As an interesting aside, not long ago, the President of Brazil consecrated the country to the Immaculate Heart of Mary!!) 

This is only a short list; there are many more!!

So, I will repeat the question: Why Wasn't The Blessed Virgin Mary Mentioned At The Amazonian Synod, when entire nations of South America were converted to the Catholic faith, and share a loving devotion to Mary, the Mother of God?  

Culpable ignorance, or planned "ignorance"?

Holy Mary, Mother of God (Jesus), pray for us!!!

And pray, too, for our country...

Gene DeLalla

PS: check out for more on Marian devotions...

Saturday, October 26, 2019

And I Pray. I Really, Really Pray...

From an article from John Jalsevac,, October 25, 2019

"...and I pray. I really, really pray.

And when I do this, something within me changes. I am no longer distraught in the least at all this chaos. I no longer harbor any grudge against those I think are sowing confusion and chaos. Quite the contrary. I pray for them. Not with an ironic prayer (“I’ll pray for you,” we say passive-aggressively to those we disagree with on social media), but with a heartfelt prayer. Most of all, my eyes are opened to the fact that the greatest cause of the chaos in the world is my own sinfulness, my own personal distance from God. And I have an intense sense that I am doing precisely what I should be doing, and an intense desire to get better at it. And that getting better at it (praying, that is) is ultimately the one and only thing that really matters, and that if I did that, a great number of other things would begin to fall in place."

My comment
read the full article from John, and see if you (and I) are guilty of rash judgment... I know that, sometimes, I am.  Having said that, it is almost impossible not to judge -- at least objectively -- what we see, read and hear coming out of Rome, "the eternal city"; what is supposed to be the bedrock of the Catholic faith; where St. Peter is buried; where that very same Sts. Peter and Paul were martyred for Christ, our Lord; where the vicar of Christ sits on the Chair of St. Peter, as head of all Catholics worldwide... another endless list to be sure...

In addition, there is a duty -- a duty! -- to resist that which is diametrically opposed to the authentic teachings of Holy Mother Church, and pray, write, talk, protest, in some way, the nonsense that is going on, coming right from that very same Chair of St. Peter, almost on a daily basis.

Sadly, if it were only nonsense, we could just shake our heads and go about our daily business, but in essence, it is much more than that; it is, in many ways, apostasy, outright heresy, and idolatry!

We are living in amazing, interesting and exciting times; times much more intense, I think, than those Catholics of the late Fourth- and Fifth-Centuries (though I wasn't there, so I could be wrong!) during the scourge of the Arian heresy.

What to do??

Don't leave the Church!!!!   I repeat: don't leave the Church!!!!  

Never give up!!  Always know that in the end, God will be victorious; pray and enlist the powerful intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, His great and most holy Mother, and always pray for sinners everywhere!  Remember, if your prayers, actions and examples, eventually leads to the conversion of just one despairing, lost sinner, a multitude of your sins will be covered (forgiven)!!   What a great promise!!

And pray, too, for our country...

Gene DeLalla

Friday, October 25, 2019

Why The On-Going, Demonic Chaos In Society?

One of many reasons: the attack on the Second Amendment.  If successful, all other rights will be consigned to the dustbin of history.  For without the ability to defend ourselves and our families, the right to freedom of speech, and to criticize the government and to seek redress of grievances, will fall by the wayside.   Make no mistake, the preparation for total domination by an ever-growing, ultra-powerful centralized government in cahoots with the elite and the globalists that has now inserted itself into nearly every aspect of our lives, will be made manifest sooner rather than later!

But they're not done yet: they want more control over our lives, and that includes our right to believe in, and worship God almighty.

The loss of the sanctity of life which led to: 1973, and the killer decision of the Supreme Court to enshrine the "right" of a mother to destroy the new life developing in her womb in law.  And since that time, nearly 62,000,000 babies have been slaughtered!!

Then, came the following:

From abortion, to homosexuality, to the sexualization of our children, to uncontrolled filth in movies, TV, and dastardly violence in video games, to the massive attacks on the family, to euthanasia, to the brainwashing of children in the indoctrination centers -- known as the public school system, and the undermining the rights of parents in favor of the so-called "rights of the child" -- a United Nations scheme that it "takes a village" to raise a child, to the squashing of our God-given rights Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness, to live and work and move where we want, etc...

We must fight back, because it seems that the Church -- that's the Catholic Church -- in America, is reluctant to make waves and upset the status quo.  Unfortunately, the hierarchy in the U.S. are beholding to the monies infused from suspect organizations.  I can name a bunch!  Including our own federal government.  Sure, Mr. Trump is attempting to squeeze the funds allocated to the master killers: "planned parenthood".   But he is stifled at each of his heroic steps.  Pray for him!!

As I have written before, the ongoing and obvious weakness in the Catholic Church's human element must accept the major responsibility for the horrible policies in our society that we see today, not only in our country, but also in most Western nations.  This weakness has led to the near-complete denial of the DOGMA that outside the Church there is no salvation.  A very difficult pill for some to swallow, but true nonetheless...

Plus, the kicking of God out of the public sphere, and the so-called "separation of church and state" -- found nowhere in the Constitution, I might add!!   (Read the First Amendment for yourself.)

Christ or chaos!  


Gene DeLalla

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Have Rome, The Vatican, And The Pope Rejected The FIRST COMMANDMENT?

As more and more lunacy -- let's call it evidence -- comes out of the mouths of those in-charge of communications for the pope, the Vatican, and the blasphemous Amazon synod, it is apparent that they no longer believe in the Ten Commandments, especially in the most important of the ten: the FIRST COMMANDMENT.

I think that even non-believers have at least heard of the First Commandment, and might even know it's meaning: that there is a God, and that God is a jealous God.  And that there cannot be any other gods before Him.

But we have seen -- and now heard -- that even the pope is not only questioning the divinity of his Master, Jesus Christ, but also allowing pagan rituals to pollute the Catholic Church and further confuse the faithful.  And because of all this craziness, those very same faithful are now in almost complete rebellion against this madness, the destruction of Church teaching, and by consigning the First Commandment to the dustbin of history, including the shredded Magisterium.

What's next?

I think that pope Francis, is trying like the devil, to please the one-world-religion-globalists by destroying, if necessary, the very foundations of the Church founded by our Savior.  So, in essence, he is pleasing the greatest enemy of Christ and His faithful: Satan.

Let's remember just who Satan is: a fallen angel; he did not want to serve his Master; he wanted to be "god," himself, with his own kingdom, apart from God.  That was, and is, impossible.  But!  He now has his own kingdom, alright: it's called HELL!!  

Let's also remember the primary mission of the Church, as Christ taught His Apostles: to preach, baptize, and convert ALL nations.  In other words: the salvation of souls is goal number one.  Unfortunately, the current pope seems to feel that attempting to convert others to the Catholic faith borders on spiritual abuse, if not worse...

The new "gods" that are being worshiped by these apostates, are plastered all across the airwaves and liberal media on a daily basis, just the same as our elected representative (not mine!!!) regurgitate the phony science of "climate change," and other such nonsense.   Yet the scourge and scandals of sexual abuse within the homosexual "clergy" has almost been forgotten in favor of tiny, pagan, unclothed, wooden statues being "worshipped," not only by some of the Amazonian indigenous natives, but also by some "Catholic" cardinals...

But it's not only ongoing apostasy within the Church, it has been reported that a raid by Italian authorities has uncovered a massive fraud and misappropriation of monies from Peter's Pence, to the tune of nearly $500 million dollars, equivalent.  That's half a BILLION dollars!  These monies have been used for "investment properties," as well as living the high-life, no doubt.  Sick!

One way to stop this hemorrhage of hard-earned money from parishioners is to stop contributing to the collection baskets at mass!!  Hit them where it hurts -- in the pocketbook!

These and other scandals have had the effect of far too many Catholics leaving the (new-order) Church for greener pastures, or no pastures at all; who can blame them?

Let's face it: the new-world-order "Catholic" Church is dying on the vine -- and it should!  It is an insult to our Lord and His faithful: the Mystical Body.

I urge all to pray for a swift death of the new-order "church", and a return to the Traditions that have been passed down to us, either by word or by our epistle (St. Paul), and adhere to -- and obey -- the First Commandment!  And pray too, for our country...

Gene DeLalla

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

This Is What Happens When The Natural Law And Common Sense Are Rejected: A Boy MUST "Become" A "Girl"...

If you think I'm kidding, then think again!

A jury in Texas yesterday ruled that a "mother" can "transition" one of her sons to "become" a "girl."

(Lots of air quotes, but they are needed!!)

The little boy -- a twin -- is seven years old.   REPEAT: THE BOY IS SEVEN YEARS OLD!!

He is barely at the age of reason, and has little ability to judge for himself what all this madness will mean.  I can only guess that his "mother" is mentally ill, but the "judge" and "jury" care little, so long as she can protect her "rights" -- and her lunacy.  How many others will this decision influence to destroy their children?

Also note, that the "judge" is a female!!  Is she a mother??  I wonder...

I guarantee this culpably ignorant female is a radical "progressive" intent on selling her boy's soul to the devil, regardless of the consequences as the boy grows older.  For her part, she already has sold her soul...

What a scandal!  We know what Christ relates to us in the Bible: woe to those who scandalize one of these little ones... (you know the rest!).

The poor father fought valiantly to protect his son, but to no avail.

The jury, by the way, handed down an 11 to 1 decision in favor of turning over this young boy to be a slave to grievous sin and, not only to physical abuse, but also to mental abuse as well.

Nice going, state of Texas.  And by the way, what has happened to the once "red" state of Texas???   It's beginning to look more and more like the nutty and lost state of California.

This is What Happens When The Natural Law And Common Sense Are Rejected: A Boy MUST "Become" A "Girl"...

(Much of the information in my article was gleaned from a story in

Pray for an end to this total madness, and pray too, for the defeat of any of the Demonrats that will oppose President Trump in the 2020 presidential election.  Heaven help us if one of those miscreants wins the White House!!  Because if one of those radical liberals, somehow gets elected, it won't take 10 or 12  years for our world to end -- as the "climate change" idiots claim, it will only take four -- to end all of our rights under the Bill of Rights, and the Declaration of Independence... Mark my words!

Gene DeLalla

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

"Feelings, Nothng More Than Feelings..."

The song: "Feelings," was sung by Morris Albert, and released in 1974...

It's a pretty song; not immoral or dirty in any way, but it's all about "feelings" as opposed to reason or common sense.  In other words, "feelings" are taking the place of right thinking, and overriding the intellect.  But feelings should be subordinate to the mind, not the other way around...

Another aspect of feelings is sentimentalism.  Actually, the two go hand-in-hand...  Sure, we humans are built with many elements that make up our humanity, and sentimentalism is part of that makeup, that is something that cannot be denied.

Some of the problems in the Catholic Church today, are related, I contend, to "feelings" or sentimentalism invading the intellect. and stifling or diminishing the ability to make decisions based on cultural traditions and sound doctrine.

Feelings and sentimentalism have very shallow and weak foundations, and can easily fall like a house of cards with the slightest breeze, or whim -- when it comes to doctrine (St. Paul warns his congregations of such...).

Feelings, or sentimentalism, can be a real killer of souls, as it replaces, or takes precedence over faith.

What we see happening today, not only in the secular and political world, but also in the Church, is faith being supplanted by the touchy-feely, feel-good actions of our supposed representatives as well as those shepherds that have charge over the flock of the faithful.

What is coming out of Rome has to be considered "nothing more than feelings," as opposed to the tenets of the faith, and the teachings of Christ as related to us in the Bible, and guarded and protected by the authentic Magisterium of the Church...

It seems that the actions of the pope and the hierarchy are concerned with the feelings of the indigenous peoples of the Amazon, instead of what they have to be taught about Jesus Christ in order to come to the knowledge of the truth, and be saved.

We are witnessing a horror movie of sorts, with a cast of apostates more than willing to sacrifice souls in order to placate the spirit of the age (the world), and curry favor with those who are diametrically opposed to our Lord, and His Church.  This plays right into the hands of the demon!

I can only pray for an end to the monstrosity of "feelings" and sentimentalism replacing the Faith of our Fathers, and the perennial, unchanging teachings of Holy Mother Church -- which will never be deserted by Christ!  

The apostates may have the buildings, but we -- faithful Catholics -- have the Faith!

Pray for the Catholic Church, and pray, too, for our country...

Gene DeLalla

Sunday, October 20, 2019

The Catacomb Pact???

I have often written that the Second Vatican Council was not inspired by the Holy Ghost as many have claimed, but by the devil, Satan himself.  That assertion has proven to be correct.  The proof has been made manifest in many ways over the years...

But there is much more coming out of Rome, such as the bizarre Amazon Synod.  Now, it has been learned that there will be a celebration of a renewal of the "Catacomb Pact"; a pact among the bishops of that Council, that, for all practical purposes, replaces the Christ-mandated command to preach, baptize, and convert all nations, with some Masonic "brotherhood" nonsense, or worse.

For all practical purposes, it means that there is no one, soul-saving religion.

In other words, the Catholic Church is just one of many "religions" that can lead all peoples to their heavenly end.

It should be noted that the first "Catacomb Pact" was celebrated at the close of Vatican II -- held in secret -- down in the catacombs where the remains of the early Christians are buried.  (If only those martyrs could rise up and slay those blasphemous bastards, they would do the world good!)

By the way, the celebration will conclude with a "mass" -- I have used air quotes because, as with the first pact, the renewal pact will feature the Protestant inspired, concocted "mass," of Archbishop Bugnini from the Second Vat. Council...

The primary goal of the Catacomb Pact is many fold, and among those goals: to destroy Tradition; to make the Catholic Church a "brotherhood of man"; to hell with our Lord's, one, holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church, in favor of a phony weakling with little moral or spiritual power to direct men to heaven.

These make-believe "bishops," have caused havoc in the Church, founded by Christ, 2,000 years ago.  What a scandal!  And what a price they will pay at their Particular Judgment...

But this betrayal of Christ goes back many years before that demonic Council.

As Pope SAINT Pius X fought the modernists, from 1903-1914, today, the human element of today's Church has surrendered to the spirit of the age, with a new generation of those diabolical modernists.

We faithful Catholics, who love Sacred Tradition, and the truths handed down from the Apostles, must be willing to stand up and fight -- resist to the face -- any clergy that rejects those truths; from the local parish priest, to the desk of the pope...

Pray for an end to the new order "church," and pray, too, for our country...

Gene DeLalla

Friday, October 18, 2019

The DEVIL Is In The Details...

So, the Holy Ghost is guiding the Amazon Synod??   As I recently wrote, that idea is not only -- obviously -- ridiculous and scandalous, it also insults God-given common sense and reason.

We know who is guiding that heretical synod: Satan.

Here is some proof to ponder: 

The following information is from an article from Thomas D. Williams, PHD at Breitbart News...

ROME — The Vatican synod of bishops on the Amazon region receives significant financing from the pro-abortion Ford Foundation, reveals investigative Vatican reporter Edward Pentin.

Groups belonging to the Pan-Amazon Ecclesial Network (REPAM), the primary organizer of the Vatican synod, have received millions of dollars in grants from the U.S.-based Ford Foundation, Mr. Pentin reported Thursday, despite Pope Francis’ declaration that the Church refuses to accept “dirty money.”

“A missionary council for indigenous peoples run by the Brazilian bishops’ conference has received almost $2 million from the pro-abortion Ford Foundation since 2006,” Pentin said, citing Brazilian investigator Bernardo Küster, who provided an itemized list of the grants taken from the Ford Foundation’s grants database.
Mr. Pentin asked the head of the Missionary Council for Indigenous Peoples (CIMI), Archbishop Roque Paloschi of Porto Velho, Brazil, about the funding at Thursday’s press briefing at the Vatican and the archbishop did not deny.
The Ford Foundation is known for its consistent support for abortion rights and has also been a vocal advocate of gender ideology and LGBT activism.
Since 2010, CIMI has received $739,269 from the Ford Foundation, Pentin reported. Some of the funds were spent on “Natural Resources and Climate Change” along with “Urban and rural land management” and “Civil and human rights,” CIMI says on its website.
For its part, a local branch of CIMI, the Indigenous Council of Roraima, received $1,164,906 from the Ford Foundation from 2006 until 2018, Pentin wrote.
CIMI itself was founded by Erwin Kräutler, emeritus bishop of Xingu, Brazil, who is an advocate for women’s ordination as well as for ordaining married men in the Amazon to address the priest shortage.
Yet CIMI was not the only synod organization accepting the Ford Foundation’s dirty money, Pentin said. Two other groups that work closely with REPAM have also received funding from the Ford Foundation, namely, the Coordinating Body for the Indigenous People’ Organizations of the Amazon Basin (COICA) and the Coordinating Body of Indigenous Organizations of the Brazilian Amazon (COIAB).
From 2007 to 2018, COICA received $4,097,535, reports show, while, COIAB has received $1,623,443 in roughly the same period, from 2010 to 2018.
In 2016, Pope Francis publicly refused a donation from the Argentinean government in the amount of over $1 million destined for the Scholas Occurrentes Pontifical Foundation, an organization commissioned by Francis when he was archbishop of Buenos Aires to promote social integration and a “culture of encounter.”
At the time, Francis explained to the leaders of Scholas Occurrentes that the Argentinean government has to meet many needs of the people, “but you have no right to ask them a penny. God always provides for us by divine providence.”
Not long before, Francis insisted in a General Audience that the People of God have no need of “dirty money” and that the Church would not accept funds from those who exploit people.
Raising his voice in evident irritation, the Pope said that “some benefactors of the Church come forward with their donation — ‘take this for the Church’ — but this offering is the fruit of the blood of so many exploited, mistreated, enslaved, underpaid people!”
“I will say to these people, ‘Please, take back your check, burn it!’” he said.
Pope Francis has compared abortion to hiring a hit man to “take out” a child, proposing that the abortion mentality mirrors that of the mafia.
My Comment... think about it: the killers of the pre-born are supporting and funding these so-called synods.  The only problem is, is that they are doing the work of the devil, not Christ.   
This is the result of the phony "Catholic" Church, also known as the "new order" -- concocted and devised at the disaster that is known as the Second Vatican Council -- and now is the "leader" of the  one-world religion being pushed by pope Francis.  God help us, and God please put an end to this blasphemy...
Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us...
Gene DeLalla

Devastating Implications Of Heretical "Cardinals" Voting In The Next Conclave! (The Sedevacantists Will Have A Field Day, Proving They Are "Right"!)

 Think about the horrific implications of heretics voting for the next pope! What are some of those implications? How about the fact that a ...