Friday, June 29, 2018

The Supreme Court will be crucial in the coming fight...

We all know the statue of the Lady of Justice.  She is, by necessity, blind.  And that's the way she should be.

But we also know that is not always the case.  In fact, I haven't witnessed "blind" justice for as long as I can remember.  This is very discouraging and scary to say the least.

As I have mentioned in previous posts, there are concrete indications that another civil war might just happen, and if it does, it will tear our fatherland apart.  But as gold is separated from the impurities that surround it by extreme, high heat, the resulting product is tested and pure, so too, we, as a nation, will be purified from our grievous faults.  That is, if we acknowledge our failings and turn back to Him, the Author of our freedoms and rights.

Supreme Court Justice, Kennedy, is set to retire -- thank goodness!!  And President Trump is readying his newest nominee to the high court.  Already, the hard left in the congress are vowing to fight, and fight hard to kill that nomination.  It will be "bloody," but in the end, Kennedy's seat will be filled, hopefully, with a pro-life, strict constructionist.  We must pray that he, or she, will not morph into something unrecognizable after years on the bench, as others, sadly have.

Something has to be mentioned here, and that is, there should be no liberal or conservative justices on the high court, or even at the lower courts.  No, all judges, by the nature of their office, should be absolutely impartial; decide by the facts in the case, and deliver justice based on those facts.  Yet today, we see judges who are ideologues, legislating from the bench, based in their political allegiance, instead of meeting out unbiased justice.  This, I believe, is one of the reasons our country is choking from a deadly, contaminated atmosphere of injustice, hostile to the citizens who pay the salaries of our public servants.

In conclusion, remember it was Justice Kagan, that, when still a nominee, and before the Senate Judiciary committee, was asked the question: what are your views on natural rights.  Her answer: I have no views on natural rights.


Right there and then, she should have been rejected, but she is now seated, and probably will be for 25 or 30 more devastating years, an enemy of the pre-born, as she continues to support abortion and other unnatural acts as a "right."

The fight is coming; pray, and pray continuously for true justice, and most importantly, pray for strength for what is heading our way; be prepared, and never, ever give up.

Gene DeLalla

Thursday, June 28, 2018

What the coming battle will be all about...

Simply stated: The coming battle will be between the forces of evil, and the forces of good.

Make no mistake about it, the evil forces include a political party; the Democrats, and their allegiance to the anarchists who want to prohibit our freedom of speech, and disarm us.  In other words, to abolish the First and Second Amendments.

If you think I'm lumping all Democrats into that category, you would be wrong, however, it is a fact that any members of that party who dare to speak out against the culture of death, (abortion, contraception, homosexuality, euthanasia) are muzzled to the point of being threatened.  I can't prove this, but the actions or, in this case, inactions of those pro-life Democrats speaks volumes.  Hence, you rarely if ever hear a pro-life Democrat give an interview, or speech carried in the mainstream media.  Almost never!

But this is more, much more than "just" the cause of life and death in the form of abortion, it is a cause of what will be left of our Constitutional republic if civil war does erupt.

As far as the Republicans are concerned, lets not close our eyes to the obvious fact that far too many members of that party embrace the Democrat agenda wholeheartedly.  We call them RINOs: Republicans in name only.

If I were to label the Republicans the party of life, that would be a stretch.  Many are "pro-choice."  Of course, "pro-choice" refers to the mother having the right to destroy her developing baby; there is little choice for the poor kid in the womb.

Currently, the leftists and their minions use a very familiar tactic: they accuse us of what they do.  I see this on a daily basis.  And it works, at least on those who take the "6'0clock news" as gospel.

When, or should I say, if, the confrontation does occur, some of our institutions will no longer be recognizable after the dust settles.  Including the way we live our lives; earn a living; express our opinions, etc.

And I wonder if the living will envy the dead?

The comments I'm making refer to the upheaval that may take place here, in the U.S., but I'm afraid  the war will not be limited to our shores, but also to many countries that are attempting to stem the flow of their enemies from the ongoing invasion, threatening their culture; their way of life.

Ultimately, all wars are the result of kicking God out of the public sphere, when that happens, He allows us (through our free will) to choose evil over good; the dark over the light.

So, who do we have to blame in all of this?  I'll let the reader answer that one...

Gene DeLalla

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Another "civil war" has begun...

If you studied American history when in school, surely you learned about the "Civil War."

Was it really a "civil war," or was it the war between the states, or, the war of northern aggression?  Call it what you will, literally, hundreds of thousands of Americans died fighting for their respective causes.  And now, we have another civil war brewing on the streets of America.

Am I exaggerating?  Not in the least.  Even the bought and paid for leftist media can't hide this fact.  Pictures don't lie, and, yes, they are worth a thousand words.

I'm not only talking about the anarchists attacking law-abiding citizens attempting to exercise their right to freedom of speech, or the right to move about unhindered, as we have just witnessed with certain leftist, loony business owners harassing anyone who dares to adhere to the Natural Law -- and that's what this amounts to in the long run, but also the on-going massacre that one reads about in the  nation's third largest city: Chicago.

Even the liberal rag, the Chicago Tribune, couldn't hide the statistics.

On June 26, 2018, it was reported that within a fourteen hour period, 21 people were shot; two were killed, and two of the wounded were under 18 years of age: an 11- and a 13-year old boy.

Know that this is not an isolated incident, quite the contrary.  The city has been setting records every year for the most homicides of any American city, far surpassing Detroit, New York, and Los Angeles, and the slaughter continues.

Also know, that the vast majority of those shot and killed are blacks; killed by other blacks, mostly gang members, drug dealers, and the like.

Keep in mind, that Chicago has the toughest, most strict gun laws in the nation.  But apparently that has little effect if the outlaw wants to get his hands on a weapon.  All he has to do is to put the word out on the street; get the money, and within an hour or two, he has the means to continue the mayhem.  So much for "gun control."

Have you heard about this?  If not, why not?

Well, I'll give you one answer: the mayor of that war zone -- I mean Chicago -- is a character by the name of Rahm Emmanuel.

Who is Rahm Emmanuel?  He was one of the former chiefs-of-staff of the most disastrous presidents in American history: Barack Obama.

Mr. Emmanuel is black, and very liberal.  Maybe that's the reason he hasn't been run out of town on a rail?

As an aside, did you know that Obama was the second black president, not the first?

Want to know who the first "black president" was?

Another disaster for the republic: William Jefferson Clinton; aka: Bill Clinton.

He was crowned by the mainstream media as such!

But I digress...

The hate and malice displayed by the hard-core communists has infected the media, the corporate big-wigs, as well as the megabanks that, for all practical purposes, control the direction of the economy, headed by that destroyer of freedom: the Federal Reserve.  Again, I do not exaggerate.

So, we have a battle on at least two fronts: the first, and main battle, is that of defending the Natural Law, as an extension of the supernatural law as dictated by the Creator, and the second, defending our rights guaranteed by the Constitution.  Notice, I wrote "guaranteed" by the Constitution, not granted by same.  You and I must know the difference, lest we loose those rights.

In closing,  it is imperative to realize that we are in a fight; a battle; a war for good over evil.  The false prophet is quickly revealing himself (or herself?).

Be vigilant; pray!

Gene DeLalla

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Is another "Red Dawn" just over the horizon?

If you have not seen the movie "Red Dawn," I strongly suggest that you see it, and see it quickly.

(There were two versions of this movie: one made in the 1980s, and another more recently.)

Why do I write this?  Because if you haven't been sticking your head in the sand, like an ostrich, then you must know what is going on in our country.  I'll bring your attention to just one, recent event that occurred within the last couple of days, and this event is truly unbelievable and frightening to any freedom-loving American.  I am talking about a duly elected congressional representative, Maxine Waters, calling for, and advocating assault against anyone who supports our president, Trump, and his cabinet, or other supporters.

Recently, various members of his cabinet have been verbally, and nearly physically, harassed and driven out of places of business simply because they are part of the Trump administration.  Complicit in this unheard of attack on American citizens freely exercising their right to move and enjoy the benefits of our hard-fought freedoms, is the ultra-liberal media and their lackeys.

Almost every day, this is occurring.

As you can see, we are not being attacked from a formal enemy army from without --at least not right now --, but we are definitely being attacked from within from the "deep state," and their minions.

One way they have been executing this massive attack, is by flooding our porous borders with illegal aliens to such an extent, that we will be unable to stop the tsunami without outright positioning our Army to stop this invasion dead in its tracks.

This is not the only way we are under siege, but also by the radical left calling for our right to bear arms -- the Second Amendment -- to be destroyed, and anyone who dares to defend that right, will be labeled a terrorist.   In fact, we are NOW being labeled terrorists!  Keep in mind, that "deplorable" Americans, and that includes you and I, especially veterans, pro-life and pro-family, God-fearing citizens have been included in that group, and must be annihilated first, in their sick, warped minds.

These radical, leftists enemies are traitors to our country.

All this just might be a distraction for the real threat from outside forces, and it is not, in my opinion, Russia, but China.  In the long run the Chinese Communists would love to enslave our country, not only for political gain, but also for economic dominance.

I do have a warning for the anarchists and haters of our God-given natural rights: if you study history, you should know that some of those very same instigators of the French Revolution, themselves, lost their heads under the guillotine, as a rabid dog turns on its master, and needs to be put down.

When I joined the military so many years ago, I took an oath to defend my country and our Constitution.

We know that there are times that we renew our Baptismal vows as a reminder of who we are -- practicing Catholics.  But now, I renew my oath that I took to defend and protect my homeland regardless of the consequences.  Remember, it is Church teaching that it is a good and noble act to fight and die for one's country.  This is not my opinion, but CHURCH TEACHING!

In closing, I would acknowledge that our nation has got to end the anti-life culture, and embrace LIFE, not only within our own shores, but also change our foreign policies toward other sovereign countries that leads to death and mayhem.  This will take time.  But I also realize that we are a generous nation, feeding a good percentage of the world's population.  Still, there is much work to be done to redeem ourselves from our most grievous faults.

In the end, we must, as a people, call upon God Almighty for His generous grace, and beg for strength for what might be coming; to be steadfast in our faith; to be vigilant, and be prepared to sacrifice for our families and our country.

Gene DeLalla

Sunday, June 24, 2018

The tactic of the leftists..

Have you ever been shouted down when you attempted to express a "conservative" talking point, i.e., speak some common sense, or received a piece of hate mail without a return address?

What the radical left does is to label someone a racist or bigot, or hurl some other epithet at those who disagree with their ideology or agenda.  In effect, since they cannot counter the truth, they accuse you and I of what they themselves do.  It really makes no sense at all.  But then the left makes no sense.

If these folks want to turn what is left of our republic into some type of socialist utopia, -- hint, they will not succeed! -- why don't they just go live in Communist China or some other third-world hell-hole?

Let's face it, far too many leftists are, in fact, communists.  There, I said it.

In case anyone is wondering, this short post is a follow-up to my "Domestic enemies beware," and is intended to draw a line in the sand, so to speak, when it comes to just how much you and I will endure before we have a little target practice, and sharpen our self-defense skills.

Let's not kid ourselves, there is a real movement in our country to take down a sitting president, and I might add, us!  You know, pro-life, pro-family, pro-2nd amendment, veterans, church-going, God-fearing Americans; we're all in their cross-hairs; we are their targets.  But I say, we have the means to protect and defend ourselves, a lot more than "they" think.    

The gutless media and their minions, are taking far too much for granted when it comes to what those punks think we'll swallow.

Has anyone seen the movie: Tora, Tora, Tora?  It was produced around 1970, and was a compilation of events that lead up to the attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941.

After the initial successful raid at Pearl, Admiral Yamamoto was in council with his officers on the battleship.  There was a lot of self-congratulating going on, until the admiral (who, by the way, was a Catholic) made a very somber and sobering statement.  He said that he had great fear that all the attack on Pearl Harbor did was to awaken a sleeping giant, and fill him with a terrible resolve.

You see, he lived and was educated in the US back in the 1930s, so he knew when an American is pushed into a corner, they would strike back, and strike back very hard, until the enemy is destroyed.

He was right.  I apply that same warning to those who think we -- the "silent majority" -- are a sleeping giant.  That would be a very big mistake!

If anyone doesn't like this post, too bad.

Man-up; woman-up.

Gene DeLalla

Saturday, June 23, 2018

Despicable hate and malice directed at the president and his cabinet...

I have been around since President Truman; now that's a lot of years!

But I have never, ever seen anything like the hate, malice, and lies that is directed each day at President Trump and his cabinet, not to mention his family, including his young son.

The leftist, radical, anti-American media and their lackeys, are themselves beyond despicable.  Lets face it, they want nothing but upheaval and anarchy.  But I would caution these merchants of hate, that, as in the French Revolution, the instigators of same, eventually went to the guillotine themselves, as a rabid dog turns on its master.

I must warn those that attempt to destroy our country, that I, for one, will fight to the end, and I'm not just talking about peacefully either.

So beware: this is one veteran that will act, and act hard with everything at my disposal to preserve and protect my country and my family from all enemies, both foreign and domestic.

Gene DeLalla 

Sentimentalism: good or bad?

Being sentimental is good.


Because it is built into us as humans; it is part of what we are; it is part of our DNA, if you will.

Webster's describes sentiment as: an idea, opinion, or attitude based more on feeling than on reason.  A susceptibility to emotion.

Its brother, sentimental, is marked, swayed, or affected by sentiment... nostalgic or romantic feelings.

Nothing wrong or detrimental about that, right?

I'm sentimental (shock!).

Take, for instance, our dog, Dolce... We lost her about three years ago, right around Christmas time.  She was a great Lab/Retriever mix; warm and friendly; she loved us, and we loved her!

When she passed, we were saddened, and we still miss her to this day.  When I think of her now, I am being sentimental, very much so.  Again, nothing wrong with that.

But when it comes to judgment, can being sentimental steer us in the wrong direction, causing us to cast reason aside in favor of sentimentalism, sister to sentiment?

On a more serious subject, say religion or faith (here I'm talking about the Catholic faith, but this applies to anyone that believes that there is a Heaven and hell and judgment after we die) for instance, how can or does sentimentalism figure in?

Can it sway our judgment when someone we love; a family member, a close friend, a neighbor, a former military brother, etc., passes away, and we immediately place him or her "in a better place"?

How many times have we heard that?  I've lost count...

Sure, I know it's not my job -- or your job -- to say where that soul ended up, but to presume that we know he or she is "in a better place," is a grave error; it is a sin against the virtue of hope.

On the other side of the coin, is despair, a grave error; also a sin against hope.

Don't we also hear that God would never condemn anyone to hell?  I agree, He wouldn't; we condemn ourselves (rejecting God's grace) by how we live our lives.  Or, we save ourselves (with God's grace) by how we live our lives; it works either way; we have the free will to choose.

Always pray for the ability to discern fact from fiction, and leave the subjective judging to God Almighty.

Gene DeLalla

Friday, June 22, 2018

Render (give) to Caesar...

Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's...

What is meant by this, and how do we reconcile the evil things that "Caesar" does with the money and goods we render (or, should I say, are confiscated from us to give) to "him"?

We, as a people, must be governed, that is, we must be controlled to a certain extent, lest we revert to the jungle mentality, where anything goes; where anarchy runs rampant.

We live in a society, and because we do, we obey most laws, such as motor vehicle requirements, pay income taxes (completely unjust!), etc.  Some of those very taxes are used for purposes that violate our personal beliefs; our faith; the natural law, yet short of the anarchy I just mentioned, we can fight back, if not in the physical sense, then, by means of how we live our lives, raise our families, and live by the Commandments, essentially, how we treat our neighbor.

This is a tough position to be in.  But our good example speaks a thousand words to those around us.

Of course there are other alternatives; teaching, writing, evangelizing, general conversations not only with extended family members, but also with strangers, that is, if they are open to such.  Each one of us has different talents, ministries, if you will, God-given abilities that we can use and share.

In other words, we have to be social; interact with others.  As the saying goes: no man is an island.

As was promised to us, He will not leave us orphans; He is with us all days, even to the consummation of the world.  Now if that doesn't give us hope, nothing will!

Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's.

Gene DeLalla

Thursday, June 21, 2018

"We the people..."

"We the people..."  Taken from the Constitution of the United States; a document that I quote often along with the Declaration of Independence, but I think there must be some clarification regarding that iconic phrase.

These two fundamental documents are the cornerstones of our nation from its nascent formation to the present day.  However, my patriotism must yield to my Catholic faith, and not the other way around.

What do I mean?

As stated in the Declaration of Independence: ...Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed...

In reality, "their just powers" are not derived from the consent of the governed, but from above, from God.

Remember, when Christ stood before Pilate, He stated that he (Pilate) would have no power over Him if it were not given to him from above (from His Father in Heaven).

To their credit, the founding fathers refer to "the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God" concerning our unalienable rights (granted by the Creator); those of Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

But keep in mind, the French Revolution also received its powers from the "consent of the governed," in that case, a horde of anarchists, determined to trash the Natural Law and religion in favor of a do- whatever-I-want attitude so long as those "rights" don't violate the "rights" of others.

The majority rules ethos (democracy), can lead to another French Revolution mentality right here in our beloved country.  It's called mob rule.  As an example, even if a man-made bill becomes law, must it be obeyed no matter how unjust it is to basic rights, such as the right to life?

The answer is no.

Any man-made law or court decision that violates the Natural Law is automatically null and void.  That is not my opinion, but the constant teaching of tradition (and the Church!).

I admit that good and decent people have gone to jail, and will go to jail over this fundamental truth.

The "mob" in the case of the "right" to terminate a pregnancy, came to us from a supreme court ruling that directly violated the Natural Law and the Fifth Commandment: thou shalt not kill (murder).

We have no one to blame but ourselves; we are not perfect, but must hope and pray to become so, or else nothing will change.

Gene DeLalla 

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Vietnam Veteran finds his brother's gravestone in Arlington National Cemetery..

From my book: Mutiny! The Battle of Dong Ha..

[Randy] … parked his car.  Entering upon the pedestrian walk-way, he gazed upon the expansive display of white crosses and headstones...

As he checked for names and locations to make the job of finding his brother easier, he could see that fateful day at Dong Ha as if it were yesterday.  He felt again the savagery of war with death all around him.  How could he ever put those thoughts to rest?  With his faith weakening, Randy became more superstitious, imagining the ghosts of those who died in past battles.  He could almost feel their presence.

After a while, he proceeded down the section of the renowned cemetery to search for, and locate Biffi.  It took nearly half an hour to finally come to the appropriate area of recent graves.  Some of those graves were filled with the veterans of the Dong Ha battle.  Some names he recognized from C Flight and his Bravo Flight.

Suddenly, his feet couldn't move.  He started to shake as if a fever or a deep chill had penetrated his very being.  But the day was sunny and mild.  He quickly thought about those lousy malaria pills that he was supposed to take for six weeks after his return from Vietnam, but threw in the garbage the day after he arrived home.

His eyes became fixed on the gravestone right in front of him.  He had found his brother, Lewis Biffi.  For nearly two years, he hadn't had the ability to cry.  There were no more tears left, so he thought.  But now, they flowed freely.

What could he say to his friend and brother that would make any sense, any difference?  It was too late for such things.  Or was it?

He had to clear his eyes in order to read the simple etching in the stone:

Air Force Staff Sergeant of Security Police Lewis Biffi; Born July 11, 1947; Died November 29, 1968 at the Battle of Dong Ha, Vietnam.

After a couple of minutes, he was able to compose himself.  In a half-broken, softly spoken voice, he said, "You made Staff, Biff."

Randy stepped back a couple of feet, came to attention and hand-saluted his brother for nearly a full minute.  Still, he could not reconcile the cold fact that his friend was now reduced to a number on a gravestone, and another name added to the Wall...

Gene DeLalla

America the intolerable?

If our country is so racist, so intolerable, so everything that is negative, why do hundreds of thousands, and, in fact, millions of illegal aliens risk their very lives to cross our porous borders searching for a better life?

The liberals conveniently overlook this obvious fact; it just doesn't fit their narrative, their malice, their hate for our country.

Their aim, I'm convinced, is to bring down our way of life in order to establish their new-world socialist, utopian order.

I would warn these elites that, just as in the French Revolution, some of the instigators of that revolution, themselves went to the guillotine, as a rabid dog turns on its master, so too will some of these progressives meet such an end.  

And one more thing, we, who love our country will not go down without a fight.  With God's help, we will prevail...

Gene DeLalla

Abortion: where is the father in all of this??

(I'm speaking to a woman considering an abortion: that is, erasing the life developing within her.)

"It's my right!"

It's your right to take the life of your baby?

"I have a right; the supreme court said so a long time ago."

But what about your baby's right to Life?

"My baby's right to life?  Who are you to judge me?  I have a right..."

But what about your baby's rights?

You do believe that the child inside you is a child, right?

"Keep your 'religion' out of my body!"

Who's talking about religion?   I'm talking about your baby's right to breath air, that's all.

It's simply the Natural Law that tells me -- and you -- that your child has a right to life.

And, can I ask, where is the father of your baby?   Doesn't he have any say in this?

Have you discussed your decision with the father?

"We had an affair; this baby is a mistake.  I don't love the father."

I would sure like to talk with the father; can you contact him so I can have a conversation regarding...

"Mind your freaking business!  Stay the hell out of my life!"

I'm not trying to interfere in your life, I'm just trying to give you some time to think about keeping your baby alive...

"I have a right... I can't have a baby at this time; it'll screw up my entire life!  I don't love the father!"

But have you ever thought about adoption?   There are plenty of married couples out there that can't have children that would love to adopt a newborn...

"What?  Adoption?  You want me to give my baby away to some strangers after carrying her in my body for nine months?   Mind your freaking business!"

You just said: "You want me to give my baby away...after carrying her..."  Your baby is a girl?

"I'm getting tired of you bugging me... I said, it's a girl.  Now leave me the hell alone!"

Please, give your baby a chance at life.  That's all I'm asking; please.  Please, just talk with the father one more time before you make the final decision...

I will pray that you do the right thing...

Gene DeLalla

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

The hypocrisy of the media; the mouthpiece of the left...

Brainwashing; what is it, and how it affects what people think and do.

First, here is the dictionary definition of brainwashing: to indoctrinate so as to replace a person's convictions with an opposing set of beliefs.

The problem is with this part of the definition: "so as to replace a person's convictions..."

What convictions?  Does the average "Joe" have convictions?  A set of beliefs that can fend off the attempt to brainwash in the first place?

How many folk, for instance, watch the 6'oclock "news," then immediately have it implanted in their psyche that what they just heard and watched, is now "gospel."  Do they even have the slightest inclination to question what they just heard?   To find out if the news is truthful, or real, or, perhaps, just made up?

Look at the current tidal wave of lies regarding our president; the ongoing investigations into "collusion" with Russia to influence the 2016 presidential election.  But completely ignoring the obvious felonies committed by the radical left, especially those of the Clinton and Obama regimes.

There are so many felonies it would take a book to list all the corruption and rotten deals made behind closed doors, but also those consummated in the open.

The arrogance of it all!

Let me pick just one example...

The handling, or, should I say, the mishandling of classified information.

For many years, I worked with sensitive, highly classified information, while an employee for the US Navy, and later, for a major defense contractor.  

If I had mishandled, or misplaced just one Top Secret message or document, or transmitted it in the "clear" (unencrypted) and it fell into unauthorized hands (mostly through electronic eavesdropping), I could have been convicted and sentenced to a lengthy term in Leavenworth federal prison.  

Hillary Clinton used computers, and other devices, to store and transmit classified information "in the clear."  That means, it could very easily have been -- and probably was --intercepted and used against the US or our allies, to the detriment of the security of our nation, and our agents in the field.

So, the question begs: why hasn't this witch been prosecuted?   What spell does she have over the media and those responsible for enforcing the laws of our country?   Threats?   Fear of retribution?  "Suicide"?  Is the media that powerful?  Complicit?

I ask this question rhetorically, because, I feel, all are true, and more.

That is one of the reasons that I always point out, that we, as a people, cannot and should not, put our trust, hopes and dreams in any one man or woman politician, or political party, no matter how "conservative" he or she may be.

Gene DeLalla

Monday, June 18, 2018

The proper use of our sexuality...

As I wrote in a previous post, true masculinity compliments true femininity.  Our very bodies compliment each other; they complete each other, and make the two, one.

This should sound familiar for anyone that has done even a cursory reading of the Bible: (paraphrasing) the man will leave his mother and father, and cleave to his wife; the two become one flesh.

But is the Bible really necessary to point out these data?

Don't get me wrong, it is a good thing to read the Bible, but God-given common sense dictates that we recognize the Natural Law in all of this.  Problems begin when that very same natural law is cast aside in favor of our pride.  Unfortunately, many of us use our free will to do what we want, when we want, instead of living according to the moral traditions past down to us through the generations.

But I digress...

So, what is the proper use and role of our sexuality, and when should that expression of our sexuality legitimately be used?

The answer is "simple," but instead has become quite complicated with all the superfluous  circumstances in the form of "ifs," "ands," or "buts," that society has injected into that simplicity.

So, here is that SIMPLE answer: our sexuality should only be used within the state of matrimony, as husband and wife.

See, it's that simple!

Within marriage, the true expression of the sexuality between husband and wife serves two major purposes as created by the Author of life: the multiplication of humankind, along with the remedy for concupiscence (this is intended to support and reinforce fidelity and commitment between spouses).

I welcome any comments regarding this post.

I fully expect that some might hurl various epithets for stating this truth, but that's okay, I can take it...

Gene DeLalla

The monsters of Murder, Inc. (AKA: "planned" "parenthood")

So, you think that the ancient Incas or Aztecs were barbarians regularly sacrificing live humans to their "gods"?   Well, they had nothing on the monsters who tear apart pre-born babies and sell their parts to other demons for filthy lucre.

What strikes me as almost baffling, is the coldness of heart when I hear those "doctors" (remember the Hippocratic oath?  Do no harm!) discuss what they do if they have a "problem" if the poor, tiny girl or boy doesn't "cooperate" and, perhaps, fights for his or her life while still in their mother's womb -- the greatest of all instincts, to preserve one's life.

What is also striking, are some of the recent rulings by various liberal judges who attempt to sensor, and even stop, the undercover videos exposing these heinous "procedures" employed at Murder, Inc.  (By the way, there really was a Murder, Inc.  A mob organization formed back in the 1930s for the purpose of putting "contracts" out -- a hit -- on their enemies.)

Remember, it was our so-called supreme court that, back in 1973, using phony info from brainwashed females, concluded that somewhere in the Constitution, was a "right to privacy" so the mother -- and I use that term very lightly -- could terminate her pregnancy (kill her baby, legally, with no consequences).

Funny thing, those judges, in their ruling, failed to mention the Declaration of Independence -- not to mention the Natural Law -- expounding our right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.

You can't have liberty or the pursuit of happiness, without LIFE.

So, here we are 60 + million pre-born murders later, with little change in sight.

Sure, Pres. Trump would like nothing better to defund that hellish "non-profit" organization, but the resistance from the Demonrats -- and even from too many Republicrats -- is astounding, and, yes, diabolical, and outright frightening to any decent soul.

Another aspect of those who support Murder, Inc., is the fact that so many bought and sold politicians are "Catholic," or claim to be same.

Right, and if you believe that, I have this bridge for sale...

One more thing: this ongoing disaster continues to have so much momentum because of contraception.

Those who claim to be "pro-life" (and there are some true pro-lifers out there) might also be using contraception.  So what if the contraception fails?

See the dilemma, and the possible next course of action?   After all, if "I" have that "problem," there is always the alternative, right?  And no one has to know about it; this is called self-deception.

Either one is pro-life -- and that includes NOT using contraception -- or stop using the term pro-life to describe yourself or your organization...

But always pray to end abortion, contraception, homosexuality and euthanasia, and for the stability of marriage in this country and around the world.

Gene DeLalla

Sunday, June 17, 2018

The moral virtue of fortitude; what it is and how it helps us...

Fortitude: One of the four cardinal virtues.

Simply stated, it is strength of mind allowing a person to withstand pain and adversity courageously.

Here is an example... A fireman runs into a burning house to rescue a child or adult, and takes him out of harms way, to safety.

In another example, a soldier runs out onto the battle field to pull his wounded brother from certain death, to get him medical aid.

In my own experience, when I was on the perimeter in Vietnam, and things started to get a little "dicey," come hell or high water, I had to stay at my post, and face whatever danger was approaching the wire.  Or, when my brothers and I were out in the boondocks, and a report came over the radio that a large contingent of enemy troops were heading in our direction, we had to stay put, hunker down, and prepare for the worst.

In any one of these examples, did anyone involved have to think about the virtue of fortitude?


If they, or I, were interviewed after the fact, and were asked the question: did you have to think about what the consequences might be by running into that burning house?   Or saving a wounded brother from enemy fire?

Again, the short answer would be no.  We just went ahead and did what had to be done.  I guess you could say that fortitude was built into  us.  It helped us to overcome the fear of what we had to deal with.

But no one has to have the experience of running into a burning building, or saving a wounded soldier on the battlefield, just getting through the day sometimes can require great fortitude.

Always pray for that very important cardinal (moral) virtue of fortitude, and, if you have it, thank God for it.  If you don't have it, pray FOR it...

Gene DeLalla


A Father's Day wish for all those Dads out there in the hinterlands..

If there ever was a time and need for strong fathers, this is the time!

Men, by nature, have to be masculine -- not just "male", but masculine! -- to compliment the femininity of women.

The husband compliments his wife in many ways, not just in the physical sense, but also in the roles that each plays in bringing life into the world and raising and nurturing their offspring.

A strong father is necessary to guide his family toward the final end of the Beatific Vision; the mother is the heart of the primary building block of society.  As the old song says: you can't have one without the other!

I hope that this day will be a happy one for all fathers.

God bless!

Gene DeLalla

What is the primary cause of the tidal wave of evil in the world?

Evil, it seems, is having its way with the world with little to impede its progress.

How can this be?

I contend that there is a main reason for this phenomenon; the obvious cannot be denied.

I will tell you all that it is the weakness in the Catholic Church.

The patience of the Founder of the church, I feel, must be close to the end.  And yet, He told us that the gates of hell will not prevail against her!  So what does this mean in "numbers" of the remnant that will be left?  It could be small, very small, but what matters is that there will be an element of the faithful left to fulfill the command to spread the Word and baptize all nations.

It is said that it will be the laity, and not the hierarchy that will save and serve His church.  I believe this to be true.

The church, at one time, was seen as a moral and spiritual beacon in a world gone mad, even by non-Catholics; a lighthouse, if you will, in the fog of heresy and the storm of revolution, but no more.

I admit that it would be easy, very easy to despair, but remember the promise.  He does not renege; the Word is concrete; it will last until the end of time...

Keep that promise in mind; never give up the fight for what is right and just!  Be charitable toward your family and your neighbor, and, above all, have faith!

Gene DeLalla  

Saturday, June 16, 2018

Evolution and atheism.

The unproven "theories" of evolution as presented by Charles Darwin have swept the world.

As a natural consequence of this disaster, the rise of secular humanism has also swept the world.

Many have come to believe that because of the "reality" of evolution, the idea or need for a Creator being has been negated.  This, of course, plays right into the hands those who believe that mankind evolved from some lower form of life, e.g., an ameba that crawled out of the pond full of scum, and eventually started to "think."   (I have shortened the timespan here by about a couple of hundred million years, of course.  No need to continue to believe in the Biblical story of creation...)  

How did all that happen?  Easy: natural selection.  Right?

Now, some would criticize me for bringing in religion regarding a comment about evolution, but bear with me and I'll show you the connection, or, should I say, the disconnect between communistic atheism and God.

In the early- to mid-twentieth century, there was a Catholic bishop by the name of O'Gara who was assigned to care for, and evangelize the needy in China.  As World War II got under way, the Japanese, initially successful in their rampage through many provinces, arrested and imprisoned the good bishop O'Gara in 1941, and sentenced him to death.

The sentence was never carried out, so he, and others survived only to be re-arrested by the Communists (under Mao) in 1949, and again, imprisoned.

I will now let Bishop O'Gara tell in his own words what he and others were "taught" in the re-education camps:

“Now what, I ask,” wrote the bishop, “was the first lesson given to the indoctrinees? One might have supposed that this would have been some pearl of wisdom let drop by Marx, Lenin, or Stalin.  Such however was not the case. The very first, the fundamental,  lesson given was man’s descent from the ape – Darwinism!  . . . Darwinism negates God, the human soul, the after-life. Into this vacuum Communism enters as the be-all and the end-all of the intellectual slavery it has created. In the Red prison in which I was held, the slogan, ‘Bring your mind over to us and all your troubles will end,’ was hammered into the minds of the prisoners with brutal and numbing monotony.  Nothing but a groveling holocaust of the human person can satiate the lust for dominance of Peking’s Red regime.”

Darwinism; evolution; the state; the negation of God; the result: slavery, not freedom...

Are all atheists Communists?  Certainly not, but those who choose not to believe in God (He gave us free will to do just that!) will "believe" in anything except God. 

Gene DeLalla

Friday, June 15, 2018

Man-up! Woman-up!

Look, it's tough out there, but that doesn't mean men can't be men, and women can't be women.

These days, it's easy to become "soft" because of all the political correctness, and the threat to be labeled a hater.

So what?

Men, do what you have to do to exert your proper role in society, whether in the single or married state.  Be masculine, and all the good that entails; if married, then be a leader of the household; discipline your children with proper charity, but do discipline!  Love your wife, as St. Paul admonishes husbands to do.  This is only natural.

Women, exert your true femininity, if single, give a good example to your "sisters."  Don't go along to get along and sacrifice your moral standing, perhaps, because as a single, you may, from time to time, feel lonely.

Again, so what?

Seek direction; let providence be your guide; pray.

If married, be the heart of your home; the bulwark against all the evil that might attempt to infiltrate your home and influence your children.

The roles of real men and real women is complimentary -- and necessary!

Have righteous anger against that which is evil; admonish those who do evil, in some way, shape, or form, especially those in the family unit, but again, with charity.

Never give an inch; never compromise moral absolutes; never give up!

Man-up!  Woman-up!

Thursday, June 14, 2018

What some Vietnam Vets went through when they came home.

From my book: Mutiny, the Battle of Dong Ha.  The scene: Randy Mires has just returned from Vietnam and meets his parents at the airport...

"Randy!"  His mom calls out.

As they embrace, there are more tears on the part of his parents, but Randy is all cried out.  The small family would stay overnight in one of DC's local hotels before starting the long drive back to their home near Wheeling, WV.

They dined at a mid-priced restaurant.  During the meal there was little conversation between son, father and mother.  The food was good, but Randy didn't seem to enjoy his dinner.  He stared at his food more than ate it; his mind was elsewhere.... They knew that there was now a different son sitting before them, not the son they knew just one short year ago.  This was the start of the change.  They would have to get used to it; there was no turning back the clock.

The night air was chilly, but not so cold as to keep Randy from stepping out on the balcony off his room.  He stared at the waxing moon, about a third full now.  What was he thinking about?  Was he thinking about the friends he would see back home, and how he would put on a façade of happiness to please his folks?  Maybe he was thinking of his former girlfriend that he broke up with shortly before he went to Vietnam?  Whatever became of her?  Who was she with now?  All he knew was that she wasn't there to greet him on his return from Nam.  This hurt him more than anything...

The long night was unsettling for Randy.  The sight of Biffi taking the hit, and Billingsly's distorted  death mask flashing through his mind, punctuated his attempt at sleep.  He tossed and turned.  He prayed.  He tried to cry.

The day began to break.  The sun's rays penetrated the thin curtains blocking the window of his room from any passing, prying eyes.  Waking to the alarm set for 6:00 am, he was not refreshed.  Pulling himself out of his bed, he forced himself over to the bathroom and threw cold water in his face.  "I deserve that!" he thought to himself.  He wiped his face with the towel, but did not replace the towel in the circular holder.  He pressed his powerful hands against the temples of his head, increasing the pressure almost to the point of creating excruciating pain.  He struggled for breath, and at the same time, tried like hell to cry, but couldn't.  He looked up and stared in the mirror for almost thirty seconds.  He asked himself: "What am I doing here in this hotel?  Where's my 16? [M-16 rifle]  Where's Biff?"  He thought he heard a voice: "Hey, Randy, are you starting to lose it?"  He shook his head indicating, "No!  I don't know."  Who was he responding to?  Was he beginning to lose it?

[That morning at breakfast...]

He stabbed at the eggs and toast, barely eating any of the not-so-tasty food.  At the end of breakfast, most of the food still lay on his plate...

[On the drive back to their home...]

She [Randy's mom..] told Randy about a couple of sweet, young things of twenty-one or so, friends of friends that she thought he might like to meet in the near future.

So now it starts.  Good-willed for sure, but not now!  Too damn soon!  This can't be real!  Leave me the hell alone!  I shouldn't even be here!  Randy did not dare to express this out loud, but he screamed these thoughts in his mind.

...He was different.  His sense of humor was gone.  His faith was nearly shattered.  He had a new and darker outlook on life, one that was quickly becoming apparent to his folks.  His friends thought that this would pass, but it would not, not for Randy...

E. DeLalla

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Does killing a cat carry more legal consequences than killing a pre-born baby?

Sometime back, there was a letter written to the local newspaper here in southwest New Hampshire decrying animal cruelty and the lack of serious sentencing for the perpetrators.

I agree that animal cruelty should be taken seriously and punished accordingly.  No question about it.

Some lunatic apparently killed two cats. 

The letter writer reports the idot was charged with two Class B felonies, reduced to two Class A misdemeanors.  He was subsequently sentenced to two one-year terms in the Cheshire County jail, all but 180 days of that sentence were suspended.

I have a question: when a little baby girl or boy – developing in their mother’s womb – is killed by some heinous procedure during the course of an abortion, what should the penalty be? 

A Class B felony?  A Class A misdemeanor?  With all but 180 days suspended?   

Should killing a cat carry more weight and punishment than killing that little baby girl or boy in their mother’s womb? 

Just curious.

And by the way, isn’t that the real “war on women”?

E. DeLalla

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Is peace breaking out?

Is it possible that peace is beginning to break out in at least one corner of the world -- the Korean peninsula?

Perhaps, but unless and until we, as a country, disengage from the numerous "little" wars that we have, for many years now, been embroiled in, and pull our troops out of sovereign nations-states, I'm afraid not much will change in the overall scheme of things.

One obvious place to start would be South Korea, where we have nearly 30,000 troops that have been used as a buffer against any perceived North Korean invasion of the prosperous South.  If that were to happen, I know a good place to re-deploy those forces: the southern border of our own country to help stem the tsunami of illegal aliens onto our sovereign soil.

After a successful de-nuclearization of North Korea -- if that actually happens -- a list of the beleaguered countries that we have invaded and occupied for over a decade should be put on the table; withdraw our troops, and leave the destiny of those peoples to their own devices.  Iraq and Afghanistan come to mind, but that list will be a long one, including the African continent.

Let's face the undeniable fact, that, unfortunately, our military actions across the world has left a trail of death, mayhem and despair.  And for what?  Regime change; to spread our form of "democracy"?

Or, can it be that the wars and rumors of wars have all been part of the agenda of the military industrial complex (as President Eisenhower warned us about) that would provide a steady diet of opportunities for the arms and munitions manufactures to enjoy almost endless profits amounting to trillions of dollars over the years, not to mention the almost inconceivable human misery perpetrated, mostly, on the innocent.

Will President Trump be able to buck the establishment war mongers and fulfill his promise to pull our troops out of, at least, Iraq and Afghanistan?  

Bottom line: we cannot put all our expectations and hopes in one man or one political party to counter the culture of death (and that includes the killing of the pre-born!).

You know as well as I, that our hopes and dreams for a lasting peace can only be put on the shoulders of Christ and His most Blessed Mother (listen to Her message at Fatima!).  All other efforts will be futile...

E. DeLalla

Monday, June 11, 2018

Inalienable rights...

Inalienable rights...

We hear this term used, but what are inalienable rights?

Here is the dictionary definition: Not capable of being given up or transferred.

In a previous post, I wrote that our inalienable rights are NOT given to us by government, but are given to us by God, and that it is the duty, the job, of government to guarantee those rights.

But let us look at that dictionary definition once again: Not capable of being given up or transferred.

This simple definition is just that, simple, but complex in its meaning, as only human beings have inalienable rights that cannot be given up -- or taken away! -- nor can they be transferred (as the globalists would like to see AI robots have those very same human rights).

The idea of robots having human rights, of course, is pure nonsense.  But what is not nonsense, is that the elite -- and, yes, there is an elite that would very much like to take our inalienable rights away -- want non-humans, including some species of animals, to have human rights also.

So what does all this lead to?

I contend that it leads to the loss of sanctity and value of human life, especially the pre-born, the most vulnerable of all humans.

Taking this terrible trend further, we can easily see that if the life of a pre-born baby girl developing in her mother's womb is considered to be just a blob of cells, why should anyone care about protecting the "fetus" (the unborn young of a mammal -- according to the dictionary) from destruction?

Sadly, in our own country, and many nations as well, the taking of the life of the pre-born is "legal," and used as a form of birth control, and declared to be a "right" of a woman to end her pregnancy.

We destroy the most defenseless of our own in the most heinous ways, without fear of man's law, but most importantly, without fear of God's judgment; His justice.

And that is the key: lack of fear of the Lord.  Without this fear, we do what we want, when we want, without fearing the ultimate price that will someday be paid.

God will not be mocked.

E. DeLalla

Sunday, June 10, 2018

All have sinned. Really?

St. Paul tells us that all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.

If St. Paul's words are inspired, and they are, then his statement must mean that our Lord and His most Blessed Mother are sinners just as we are, right?

And if St. Paul is wrong, then the Scripture is contradictory or wrong.

But there are no contradictions, and the Scripture is not wrong.

First, St. Paul was well educated, a Roman citizen, and, most importantly, a persecutor of the nascent Christians,  In fact, he was present at the stoning of St. Stephen, the protomartyr.  But after his miraculous and stunning conversion on the road to Damascus, became Christ's messenger, His ambassador to the Gentiles. 

There is no doubt that even the new Paul was a sinner -- as we all are.

On a human level, does anyone really think that the new St. Paul would have considered his Savior a sinner?   Or that His Mother was not immaculately conceived, also a sinner -- the woman that was to bring the Redeemer into the world?

I think not.

In his humility, St. Paul is referring to our human natures, not the human/Divine nature of our Lord, or His Blessed Mother (Hail, full of grace!  As the angel announced.).

As the cousin of Mary, Elizabeth, proclaimed: what is this that the Mother of my Lord should come to me!?

The Mother of our Lord!  The Mother of the Son of God!

No, she was not just a "vessel" to be used by God to bring His Son into the world, then discarded, if you will, to hold no special place in salvation history.

The most perfect of all God's creations!  The Mother of us all!

The "all have sinned" verse is another misinterpreted, and misunderstood verse that the unlearned quote to their own destruction (St. Peter).

E. DeLalla


Saturday, June 9, 2018

Battle scene from my book: Mutiny! The Battle of Dong Ha

Chapter Nineteen: Time to Grieve?

…"Biffi; now Billingsly.  Why?"  He didn't vocalize this question to anyone standing nearby or working to recover the body of his friend, but asked this in the silence of his  heart.

Mires, standing near the collapsed bunker, limply holding the carry-handle of his M-16, turned around to make a quick survey and assessment of the damage done to the air field...

...The small MASH unit was rendered almost useless with the sandbagged roof having collapsed on the beds and stretchers...

...The north perimeter was almost non-existent, the west perimeter faired little better with entire sections of concertina wire blown away...

...The still, warm, humid air was filled with lingering smoke from the fires, gunpowder from spent shells and cartridges, making it difficult to get a breath of fresh air.  The battle was won, but the stench of death lingered...

...Just then, a slight breeze picked up and started to push some of the choking smells away from the compound.  A light misty rain began to fall, not the heavy and unpredictable monsoons so common at this time of year...

...As Mires continued his survey of the battle scene, his peripheral vision noticed something moving just up and over his right shoulder.  He slowly turned his head and, coming into his field of view now, he looked up at the movement that caught his attention.  It was the bullet-riddled, tattered American Flag dangling atop the shot-up flagpole.  It began to flap gently in the light breeze, catching the attention of several more cops and support personnel.  Almost as if an order was given, heads began to turn and stare at the symbol of their country.  No one uttered a word.  But the sight began to overwhelm those seeing Old Glory still flying over the nearly destroyed air field compound.  The tears that Mires shed earlier began anew... He thought to himself: "We are here for them, not for us." 

E. DeLalla

Friday, June 8, 2018

Judging others.

The Bible tells us not to judge others, that is, if we don't want to be judged!   Makes sense to me.  But the Scripture verse that is often quoted, mainly by those who misunderstand or misinterpret that verse, say that we cannot, under any circumstances, judge anyone for any reason.

This is false.

So, what is meant by that verse?  

First, it should be mentioned that there are four types of judgments: Divine judgment; General judgment; Last judgment, and the Particular judgment.

I'm not going to write a book here, and it could very easily fill a book to discuss these four types of judgments.  Instead, I just want to concentrate on what it means to "judge" someone, and to show that it does not mean that we shouldn't judge anyone at all, at any time.

In fact, just the opposite is true.  And I can prove it using reason and God-given common sense.

For instance, admonishing the sinner (a spiritual work of mercy), by its very nature, means that we have "judged" someone that has done or said something that is wrong or evil.  And this is where common sense comes in.

As an example, if you or I were walking down Main Street, USA, and as we approach a bank, out comes this guy holding a bag of money, with a smoking 45 pistol in his hand.  Common sense tells us (or should tell us!) that this guy is a bad dude; a bank robber, and potential killer.  Would you or I walk up to this guy, and with a big smile on our faces, say: "have a nice day, brother."

I don't think so.

But why not?  

Because we have JUDGED him to be an outlaw, a gangster, a felon, and a threat to life and limb; maybe our life and limb!

We take cover and hope that he doesn't see us and take a shot at us.

When he is caught, he is tried, and if found guilty, is sentenced to prison or death.

A judge and jury found him so, and passed sentence.  They JUDGED him.

In fact, we make many hundreds of little, and sometimes momentous, judgments every single day.  We have to, in order to function in society.

Some of these judgments can be very simple, and easily accomplished.  Others, can literally mean the difference between life and death, as in the bank robber example.

The thing to keep in mind here, is that we make righteous judgments of others.  And with true humility, we can, indeed, make those necessary judgments righteous.

One last thing; only God can judge the interior, the heart of a person, we, on the other hand, can only make objective judgments of others, as we cannot know the interior or heart of a person...

E. DeLalla


Thursday, June 7, 2018

Real American Heroes...

Patrick Henry: Give me liberty, or give me death!

John Paul Jones, father of the American Navy: I have not yet begun to fight!

Col. Travis, of the Alamo: Victory or death!

What did all these nascent Americans have in common?

The will to fight for what was right; freedom from a foreign tyranny; for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness (enshrined in the Declaration of Independence).

On June 6, 1944, began the allied invasion of Europe, and the beginning of the end of the Nazi scourge under the murderous lunatic, Hitler.

How many Americans walking down Main Street, USA, remember, that yesterday, June 6, was the 74th anniversary of D-Day?

With the current sad state of American history being taught in the school systems today, I would think that the average "Joe" doesn't know, or, even worse, doesn't care about a titanic event that is seventy-four years old.

But, to the families of those soldiers who died in that horrendous assault on the beaches of Normandy, I'm sure that they still remember or at least have grandchildren that were taught what their grandads did, not only for their own country, but also for the enslaved peoples of Europe.

And with all the deficiencies of our American system of "democracy," it is important to remember those aspects of our heritage, especially those of freeing others unable to free, or defend themselves.

I love my country, not necessarily my government.

Do you love your country?

E. DeLalla


The lack of moral absolutes and its disastrous results.

The culture of death is "alive" and well here in our beloved country, as well as in many -- far too many -- Western nations.  I contend that the lack of moral absolutes are the main cause, and that stems from the misuse of our free will.

The results are disastrous.

This can be seen in the snuffing out of life of the pre-born, euthanasia, homosexuality, promiscuity, contraception, pornography, the invasion of illegal immigrants, and numerous other facets that seem to be accepted because it is "legal" -- or wanted -- in many states and nations.

There are exceptions to this plague, such as Poland, and a few other sovereign countries, some in Africa, fighting for their very existence in the face of the onslaught of money and influence, mostly from outside sources attempting to smash the resistance of a God-fearing people.

The recent debacle in Ireland is a prime example.

But that debacle was not a flash-in-the-pan; something new or foreign.  The repeal of their Eight Amendment (protecting the life of the mother AND her preborn) was the result of decades of weakness of the Catholic Church and her willingness to accept the "spirit of the age."

Even non-Catholics, at one time, looked to the Church in Ireland and elsewhere, as a moral beacon in a world gone mad, but apparently that is no longer the case.  Not only is this a sad turn of events, it is a disaster of an unimaginable magnitude.

It seems that the demon is winning the battle for individual souls and nations as well.

What chance do we have to counter this abomination?  Is despair the only answer?  

I say, no!  

Remember, charity begins at home.  Strengthen your families; pray; instill love of God; discipline your charges; abide by the Natural Law; practice your Catholic faith; if not Catholic, come into the Church; find, and talk to a traditional Catholic priest.  If your children are not already baptized, get them to the baptismal font, quickly!

Never give up the fight!  

E. DeLalla


Devastating Implications Of Heretical "Cardinals" Voting In The Next Conclave! (The Sedevacantists Will Have A Field Day, Proving They Are "Right"!)

 Think about the horrific implications of heretics voting for the next pope! What are some of those implications? How about the fact that a ...