Thursday, July 5, 2018

A nation of laws?

Have you ever heard of the phrase, settled law?

That seems to be the mantra of those folks who want to keep the "sacred" right of females to be able to legally destroy (kill) their developing child in their womb.

The "settle law" they refer to is that diabolical Supreme Court decision: Roe v Wade, back in 1973.

That horrible "settled law" has allowed the deaths of over 60 million pre-born American citizens, and a death too gruesome to describe here.  Suffice to say, it is done by dismemberment or by chemicals that literally dissolve the poor kid, subjecting her to unspeakable pain and suffering as they die.

Yes, believe it or not, that is "settled law".

But what the liberals and others seem to forget or ignore, is that "settled law" is only valid and licit if it harmonizes with the Natural Law.

Any manmade law or court decision that violates the Natural Law, is automatically null and void.  That is not my opinion, but the teaching of the Catholic Church, and God-given common sense, which seems to be lacking these days.

It's like the saying: if it ain't in the Bible, then it's okay.  Or show me where in the Bible it says...

Again, God, the author of life -- of us -- allows us to use or free will to reject Him, and, in so doing, reject our common sense, among other things.

When Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. was behind bars in the Birmingham jail, he wrote letters to his followers, and to the American people in general, espousing what constitutes a just law.  He quoted St. Thomas Aquinas and St. Augustine in their definition of just laws.

Keep in mind, that King was a Protestant, yet he still used his common sense and gave credit to two Catholic saints in putting together his thesis.

So, we are told that we are a nation of laws, and without the enforcement of those laws, we would be no better than wild animals in the jungle, ruled by the survival of the fittest.

As has been pointed out, not all laws are just, and therefore, are not to be obeyed, or followed.

I realize that this can mean great hardship to those faithful to God and country.  Notice I said to country, not to government.  There is a titanic difference here.  I love my country, not my government.  Not a government that passes unjust laws; laws that say the killing of the pre-born is "legal" and a "right".

I pray that some day soon, we could say that we are a nation of just laws.

And, yes, pray!

Gene DeLalla

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