Tuesday, July 17, 2018

LIes, lies, and more lies...

President Trump meets with Putin.

President Trump is now declared a traitor to his country.

President Trump is now a "Russian agent."

Now we have final proof and evidence that President Trump's campaign colluded with Russia.

President Trump is disgusting; despicable; disgraceful, etc., etc., etc...

That is, of course, if one takes the "6 o'clock news" as gospel, or reads any one of the numerous rags that pass for "newspapers" these days.

So, let's see… FDR met with "Uncle Joe."

Just who is "Uncle Joe"?

The Communist, Russian, murderous dictator of the Soviet Union.

But Roosevelt not only met with him during World War II, but heaped tons of praise upon the killer of millions of his own countrymen (and women, and children).  The rest of his "enemies" were sent to the gulag, many, never to be seen or heard of again.

Nixon met with the Chinese Communists, and opened the door to massive trade with another murderous dictator, and granting China "most favored nation" status.

I can give many other examples, in fact, I'll give one more..

"War hero" Sen. John McCain...

What did this neo-con war monger do?  He met with the Syrian "freedom fighters," read: disguised ISIS killers, under the pretense of changing the regime of Assad, and destabilizing another sovereign country in the East.

But when President Trump meets with the only other nation with MAD capabilities, he is labeled one epithet after another by the unhinged media, as well as some deeply entrenched "Republicans."

I would strongly suggest to any patriots reading this post, practice, practice and practice some more; sight in those scopes, and stock up...

Frank Peters.    

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