Friday, July 6, 2018

What the weakness in the Catholic Church has wrought.

I could write a book...

But I don't have to write a book, just look around and see what is happening in society, not only here in the U.S. of A., but also in the world in general.

There are those that say the rules and teachings that must be followed if one is to be a Catholic are cumbersome, enslaving, restricts our freedom to do what we want, when we want.  And if that were really true, then who would want to be a Catholic?  It would make no sense.

On the other hand, what if those rules and teachings actually makes one free?   Remember the old adage: the truth will set you free?  It does.  And that does make sense.

So, when people say I can't do this, or I can't do that (those Catholic rules, you know!), what do they really mean?

It sounds as though those folks want no restrictions on their words or actions.

In years past, the Church had been looked upon as a moral beacon, even to non-Catholics.  But no more.  The evolution, or, should I say, revolution in the Church by those occupying the hierarchy, have caused so much confusion and, might I say, despair, that many have left the Church, while others, converts, by the grace of God, are able to dig through the veneer and still see and find the truth.

We have it on good Authority that the gates of hell will not prevail against it (the Church).  

I have Protestant friends that I love.  But I cannot force them to become Catholics, on the other hand, I can pray -- and I do -- that they will come into the Church.  I hope that my caring will eventually allow me to guide them to the safe inner harbor, away from the storm-tossed sea of error and confusion.  

Unfortunately, one of the terrible consequences of the weakness in the Church, is the loss of the sanctity of life.

Women, the life-bearers, the bedrock and heart of the family, and of society, have been taken down from the pedestal, and reduced to just another element of the secularists in the battle for "equality".

As for men, be masculine!  Be chivalrous to the fair sex; protect and defend their honor!

Pray too, for the return of orthodoxy and tradition to the clergy and laity of the Catholic Church.
Gene DeLalla

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