Monday, July 23, 2018

Is stare decisis "infallible"?

Is stare decisis infallible?

Of course not.

But if you look at the arguments against the possibility of overturning Roe v Wade, you would think that stare decisis is infallible, as far as precedents go.

The absolute hysteria over that same possibility is nothing short of deranged.

The question begs: why?

The answer is almost too simple: man has become his own god, and the true God that designed and made us, has been almost universally rejected as well as kicked out of the public sphere.

When that happens, evil quickly fills the void created by the absence of good.

In addition, Roe v Wade directly contradicts the Natural Law, therefore, stare decisis has no bearing, no authority, on that wicked, anti-life decision; it is not "settled law."

But in the secular-humanist world, any violation of stare decisis is a "sacrilege," not to be  tolerated, or even discussed in open forum.

This is the current world that we live in.

I always say, however, there is hope!   For if we don't have hope, the only alternative is despair, and that is not an option.

Pray for our country.  And, yes, pray for an overturning of Roe v Wade, keeping in mind that no court decision -- even if unanimous -- will end the scourge of abortion, only a true change of heart.

Again, pray...

Gene DeLalla

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