Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Debauched leadership and its consequences.

This from the Remnant:

Though Robert Grosseteste is not a canonized saint, he remains nevertheless another one of those “men for all seasons” whose saintly example is well worth familiarizing ourselves with during this terrible time of crisis in the Church. Robert resisted the pope in his day; in fact, he resisted him to his face, and yet by all accounts was a holy and saintly bishop. His case is yet another example from history of two important realities of which we Roman Catholics must remain ever aware: 1) that popes can and do abuse their office, give scandal and become guilty of evil acts that confuse the faithful and 2) that Catholics of sound mind and adequate formation are called to resist the unjust commands of such popes…that, indeed, they are required to disobey him if ordered by him to do that which is contrary to faith and holiness. It is, perhaps, no coincidence that interest in this heroic 12th century English bishop is once again on the rise. 

...that, indeed, they are required to disobey him if ordered by him to do that which is contrary to faith and holiness.

Let that sink in...

To all new-order Catholics, and those non-Catholics who seem to think that the pope is some type of god, and that whatever he says, writes or directs the faithful to do, is to be obeyed, have no idea of the true tenets of the Catholic faith.

As St. Peter was resisted to the face by St. Paul, so must we resist the pope -- or anyone in authority, for that matter, whether clergy or civil -- who contradicts the Faith, or the Natural Law.

The faith comes first, not a false obedience.  Such a false obedience is not a virtue, but a sin against the Faith, and, can very well be a sin against charity.

Yes, we Catholics are witnessing a crisis in the Church perhaps more widespread, more contagious, more gangrenous than the Arian heresy of the 4th Century.

As a consequence of such leadership, we find the continuing outflow of Catholics from the Church, in some instances, to other "religions".  Not to mention a mentality that we must go along to get along and tame (or outright deny?) the dogma of the Faith: that outside the Catholic Church there is neither holiness, remission of sin, nor salvation for any human creature.  Let that one sink in!

Who has ever -- ever -- heard that preached from the pulpit?

In addition, the disaster of Catholic women (with the consent of their husbands?) polluting their precious bodies with the chemicals of the "pill," is one of the main reasons why so many parishes have shut and locked their doors for lack of people to fill the pews.

Living the Faith these days can be downright dangerous, with bishops making the lives of faithful Catholics miserable simply for adhering to the Deposit of Faith: Sacred Scripture and (sacred) Tradition.  This, when it should be just the opposite!

Truly, these are the times that try men's souls.

Where have I heard that before?

We Catholics have to pray for direction and perseverance.  And non-Catholics too.  Why?  Because, whether those non-Catholics believe it or not, they must come into the one ark of salvation so we can share true fellowship in the heavenly beatitude, forever.

Frank Peters, Esq.

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