Friday, July 20, 2018

The absolute stupidy of the NATO "alliance".

NATO: the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

That's what the acronym NATO stands for.

It was formed about 70 years ago to confront and defend against any aggression of the Soviet Union, which, by the way, no longer exists, toward the "free" countries opposed to Communist domination.

The "Cold War" also, no longer exists.

Recently, President Trump called out the NATO member countries for not paying their fair share of the monies required to defend and support the forces deemed necessary to repel any Russian attack.

He was summarily condemned for daring to expose that inequality and demanding increased spending from our "allies."  Our massive payments from the U.S. Treasury continue to this day to bolster the NATO nations.

Keep in mind the NATO charter specifically states that an attack on any -- any -- member is an attack on all of NATO!

That includes the tiny country of Montenegro, one of the newest members of NATO.  It is about the size of Connecticut, with a population of Washington, D.C.!

Should we send our troops to fight and die over some perceived threat to Montenegro?

What possible American interests can there be in a piece of land that the average "Joe" couldn't even find on a map?

Our membership in NATO is pure lunacy, and a waste of our taxpayer dollars.

Let's get out of that obsolete, unnecessary, money draining scam.  

And while we're at it, let's also get out of Afghanistan and Iraq; it's about time!

Gene DeLalla

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