Thursday, July 26, 2018

Is the United States a Christian nation?

Though I love my country, my fatherland, I have to say that the United States is not a Christian nation.

There was a time, however, that it was becoming a CATHOLIC territory long before it became an un-Christian nation.

Those brave missionaries, both Spanish and French, evangelized many of the native tribes long before the Protestants undid much of the work of converting those savages to the Catholic faith.

There was a miraculous exception BEFORE the Catholic missionaries reached certain native tribes of New Spain.  This miraculous exception was due to a woman, a saintly Catholic woman, Blessed Mary of Agreda, who, believe it or not, actually BI-LOCATED to what was to become, geographically, the southwestern part of the U.S.

By the way, bi-location means that someone was in two places at once.  Mary of Agreda remained in her convent, at Agreda, Spain, when, at the same time, this "Lady in Blue" catechized and baptized the Jumanos ("Indians") of the future New Mexico and Texas.

I am digressing here, so let me return to the original thesis of this short article...

First, the "We the people" beginning of the bedrock founding document of the United States of America, the Constitution, though noble to be sure, lacks the acknowledgment that it is God Almighty that grants the power and rights to His people, not the people granting themselves power and rights over those under their jurisdiction.

The Declaration of Independence, on the other hand, does acknowledge "...the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God..." and: "...that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights..."

Unfortunately, the system that the Constitution has institutionalized is basically majority rule; mob rule, to be blunt.

So, does that mean that if a majority decides that the killing of the pre-born is "okay," then that is the law of the land (settled law)?  As we have seen, the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled just that way, so in the interim, since 1973, 60-plus million pre-born babies have been slaughtered under the guise of a woman's "right to chose."  

A Christian nation?  God bless America?

How and why could He bless America?

This is why we cannot, as a people, put our trust or hope in any one individual or political party so long as those representatives act as though their power comes from the people, and not from God Almighty.  Remember, Christ told Pilate that he would have no power over Him if that power did not come from ABOVE (meaning from His Father!).

A true Christian nation would not live by majority rule, but JUST and moral governance over its people, under Natural and Divine Law.

Pope Leo XIII complimented America because here, Catholics could worship freely, but at the same time he condemned what is called "Americanism."  Simply stated, Americanism refers to the weakening of the doctrines and dogmas of our holy Faith in order to get along with our non-Catholic brethren.  The problem with such a scenario, is that many of the hard truths of the Faith are watered down or outright hidden from those that are in need of evangelization and conversion.

I'm afraid that these days instead of being Catholic Americans, we have become American Catholics. There is a wide chasm between the two meanings, one that sacrifices truth for "peace".

Our job as faithful Catholics is to make waves, to convert those outside the Church.  This can be done within our own, individual talents or ministries as St. Paul indicates.  We at least have to try, doing anything less, and we fail to live up to the command to preach and baptize all nations...

Pray for our country.

Gene DeLalla  

1 comment:

  1. Excellent; explained so clear and plain. May we move forward and not backward to bring this nation to God Almighty.


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