Tuesday, July 3, 2018

The attack on children is an attack on society..

The attack on children is taking many forms.  The most obvious, is abortion: the killing of the pre-born.  And without life, there can be no liberty or the pursuit of happiness.

But there are other ways that children are being attacked -- and used! -- to promote a specific, anti-life agenda.

What else can, or is being used in this attack?

First, the undermining of the authority of parents, mostly implemented at the school-age level, secretly keeping essential, and private information from the parents.  Quoting the right to "privacy" for their charges.  This can take several forms, but namely, with the so-called sex-education programs now being almost universally adopted not only in the public school system, but also in so-called "Catholic" or private schools as well.

As it turns out, this "sex-education" is nothing more than an indoctrination of "alternative lifestyles" that steals the innocence of teens and even pre-teens.  So, by the time they graduate, these poor kids are so confused and full of doubt, and even malice toward the traditional norms of society, they are easy prey for the un-natural elements that seem to be thriving in our country and around the world these days.

Second, the hard left is using the present influx of illegal aliens at the border, citing the separation of children from their parents, continually lying about the president's immigration polices.  In fact, President Trump's policies are nothing but the enforcement of the laws on the books. These laws have been adhered to by former presidents Obama and Clinton.  But the mainstream media completely ignores the treatment of those aliens long before Trump became president.

So now, the left uses these kids for their own despicable purposes, and exposes their hypocrisy and false concern, and false compassion.

I have to admit, these tactics have been quite successful.

Witness the daily demonstrations, covered in depth, by the more than willing lackey media, spewing hate and malice toward our president and his family.

These attacks on the children -- and the traditions of society in general, are some of the elements of the coming battle that may further tear apart our homeland, our fatherland.    


Gene DeLalla

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