Wednesday, July 11, 2018

The double standards of the main-stream media.

Not a single day goes by without smearing President Trump in some way, shape, or form.  This campaign of the hard left uses children -- that's right, children -- as their pawns in the chess game of political debauchery.

Witness the non-stop coverage of the supposed separating children from their parents at our southern border, as well as the "in-humane" living conditions these kids are supposedly enduring as they await their fate.

First, let's put some things in perspective.. When someone enters the country illegally, they are felons.  Their children are then taken away from their parents or legal guardian, and placed in protective custody.  The same happens when a U.S. citizen commits a felony.

This is standard operating procedure. It has nothing to do with the current, or previous presidents.

Our borders are a jigsaw puzzle of inefficient fences, barbed wire, barricades, or nothing at all for that matter, allowing uncountable illegal aliens to enter almost at will along our 1,000 mile-plus border that stretches from California to Texas.

We don't even know who these aliens are; those legitimately seeking refuge from their corrupt countries, or gang members, or, perhaps, terrorists from nations that want to do us great harm to our citizens and our way of life?

Second, when the media shows us pictures of crying children without their parents, or what looks like kids in cages, be assured that many of those photos are from years of the Obama or Bush administrations.  Last time I checked, Trump wasn't president in 2014 or 2015, yet the malice and hate directed at President Trump is, for all practical purposes, unprecedented, and I've been around since President Truman.

(For those not familiar with President Truman, he assumed the office when President Roosevelt died  just before the end of World War II (1945), and he remained in office until Eisenhower defeated him in the election of 1952.)

The false compassion and concern of the left over separating these children; their care and housing rings hollow.

Why do I say that?

The answer is that every day in this country, nearly 3,000 pre-born babies are destroyed in the womb, all sacrificed on the altar of abortion, the "god" of the left; the religion is "choice," but the children they sacrifice have no choice, no say whether they live or die.



Gene DeLalla



1 comment:

  1. All points very well made. How can anyone see otherwise.


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