Tuesday, July 10, 2018

What happens when a baby is killed in an abortion?

Hundreds of years ago, the ancient Aztecs were quite proficient in offering human sacrifice to their "gods."  The preferred way the human was killed was by the priest cutting open the abdomen, then reaching up through the stomach, grabbing the still-beating heart, then ripping out the heart (of the person who was still alive!).  Of course, the poor sacrificial lamb then died -- mercifully.

Some estimates are that some 20,000 human sacrifices occurred each year, but that might be a very low figure.

"Planned Parenthood" on the other hand, is responsible for nearly 300,000 such deaths each year!  All with "donations" of taxpayer monies.

When those "evil" Spanish arrived in the Americas, and found these murderous Aztecs committing their abominable human sacrifices, those murders were immediately put to and end, and the bad guys taken out (that means killed in battle).

Fast forward to the United States of America; twentieth century, where, it seems, a court known as the Supreme Court somehow decided that we -- Americans -- could duplicate the human sacrifice of the Aztecs, and declare it to be legal -- but not moral, right?  After all, if anyone could say that killing of the pre-born is a moral act, they must be insane.  Let us refer back to those nasty, murderous Aztecs, and I dare anyone to tell me that what they did was moral.

But what happens to a baby when she/he is killed during the heinous procedure known as abortion?  In what ways is that little baby killed?

Some may not want to realize, see or hear the procedures that are utilized when the poor kid is murdered.  And I admit, to read or hear about such things are quite unpleasant.  And I admit, that we, as a people, do not want to be reminded of what the baby undergoes as the "doctor" takes out the baby, but this time, not in a battle, but as another form of human sacrifice.

Suffice to say, that the baby is dismembered or chemically dissolved.

There is insufferable pain.

There is movement from the baby as the instinct to survive kicks in.

As the "doctor" continues his retched procedures, there is blood, lots of blood.

Amazingly, some of these babies survive the "procedures," only to be left to die a cold, lonely death.  Some are discarded in a trash can or flushed down the toilet.  True.

What we do is much worse than anything the Nazis did regarding human experiments during World War II.

The question begs: how can modern, civilized men and women continue the human sacrifice of the Aztecs and still sleep at night?

The only answer can be that those who perform the abortions have cold, dead hearts; a dead conscience; the inability to discern right from wrong.  These people have no belief in God, or the denial of a Supreme Being who will hold us accountable for our actions when we go to judgment.  

Pray for an end to this form of human sacrifice; pray for our country that this scourge ends, and ends soon...

Gene DeLalla 

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