Saturday, July 28, 2018

Ben Franklin was right: if you give up freedom for security, you deserve neither.

Let me ask you all a question: since "9/11," how many professional baseball games, football games, basketball games, hockey games, soccer games, not to mention college baseball games, basketball games, football games, soccer games have been played all across the country?

Go, on, take a guess...

I'll take a guess: 50,000?  100,000?   200,000?

And I haven't even included any high school games of various sorts.

Actually, your guess is as good as mine.

Next question: how many "9/11's" have there been since September, 11, 2001?

Okay, here's the answer: there haven't been any other "9/11's".

Why is that?

Do you even have an answer?

I'll give you my answer: there haven't been any other "9/11's" because "9/11" was planned from the beginning and carried out, not by a bunch a Arab loonies, but by the traitors within our own governmental structure.

There has been much written about this momentous event, but I'll just skim the surface here...

Realize, that anyone who dares to question the official government investigative report, or offers another explanation, they, or we, or I, are quickly labeled quacks, or conspiracy nuts.

The question begs: where is the real conspiracy?

A little background is in order here; first, I was in two branches of the military, the first, as an Air Force Security Policeman, originally stationed at a Strategic Air Command base, then a year in Vietnam.  The second, I was a Coast Guard search and rescue radioman (communications specialist).

While in SAC (the acronym for Strategic Air Command), NORAD (North American Air Defense Command -- jointly operated by American and Canadian personnel) was SAC's "eyes" and "ears."

Every missile or plane or satellite that was ever launched, was immediately tracked by NORAD; if a threat was determined to be real, then that entity notified SAC.  This is important because the commercial jet airliners -- if that's what they were -- that went off course and headed into the Twin Towers, was seen by, and reported up the chain of command by NORAD.

Fighter jets then were supposed to be scrambled to intercept the errant jets and take them down.  That was not done.  It is a fact, that some were directed out to sea -- because of some supposed military exercise -- while others were commanded to "stand down."  Translation: the civilian authorities ordered the military not to intercept the rogue jet airliners.

But it's not only New York that was targeted, the Pentagon was also targeted.  Keep in mind that the air space over New York, and especially that over or near the Pentagon and D.C., is highly restricted; nothing would be allowed to get that close to the iconic building housing the heart and soul of the American Defense Department.

But no fighter jets were dispatched to take out the plane (or missile?) that hit the Pentagon.  None.

I could go on and on here, but suffice to say that if the Towers were not evidence enough of planned demolition, then I bring your attention to Building 7; a 47-story-skyscraper that fell into it's own footprint -- at free-fall speed,

A perfectly planned demolition!  Perfect!

Also, take a look at a much less known or discussed Building 6, and try to figure out what happened to that structure!

The points being made here, is that just before "9//11," and just after, federal legislation was enacted to severely restrict or contract our freedoms all in the name of security, with fear of other "attacks" being the main weapon that the out of control oligarchy, concerned not with our safety or those precious freedoms, but the monies and power that is always behind such disastrous exploits.

So let me repeat: of all those sporting games that I mentioned at the beginning of my article, notice that not one "terror" attack was carried out on all those vulnerable fans, soaking up the sun and beer.

Not one...

Have we been lied to?

Ben Franklin was correct: if you give up freedom for security, you deserve neither.

Gene DeLalla

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