Monday, July 2, 2018

Another reason for rebellion?

Who's going to fight for the pre-born?

Will Trump's next Supreme Court nominee be willing to smack down the liberals on the Senate Judiciary committee when he/she goes before them?

Personally, I want to hear someone who is willing to put these anti-life punks in their place, and lecture them on the right to life under the Natural Law.  Let all the world hear how hostile and full of malice these animals are toward the most defenseless of the human race, all for the sake of offering live babies on the altar of "choice."

Yes, "choice," but only choice for the mother, not for the poor baby that she wants to destroy.

But there is little chance of us hearing such frank, and common sense responses when the predicted questions come to the forefront during their respective hearings.

Make no mistake, this is a legitimate reason to cast off the present regime's deep-state operatives hell-bent on keeping Roe v Wade "settled law," and guaranteeing a woman's "right to privacy," so she can legally kill the tiny baby girl developing in her womb -- supposedly the safest place on earth for new life, but not anymore!

Just think, if the average Joe was charged and convicted with cruelty to animals, he would be jailed and fined, but for the killing of a pre-born baby?   Not a thing to worry about -- at least not in this life...

It could very well be that the next "1776" is just around the corner.

Will there be real fireworks this Fourth of July, or just the usual cherry bombs, hot dogs and beer?

Gene DeLalla

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