Monday, July 16, 2018

The reason for the season -- All Season!

The reason for the season.

No, it's not Christmas, not yet, but this little saying leads me to explain -- though I shouldn't have to -- what, or, Who, the reason is -- All Season Long!

In other words, if we don't recognize the Reason for the Season, each and every day of our lives, then we get the hint why the world is in such dire condition.  And that includes the Catholic Church.

The Church, composed of sinful men and women, have gone astray, and in doing so, have instigated what seems to be a war of attrition, at least, and, at worst, an outright attack on what is left of those faithful priests, bishops, cardinals and lay folk.

That has caused a serious weakness and confusion among, not only Catholics, but also those outside the Church that, in years past, have looked upon the Church as a form of moral certitude, a beacon, if you will, guiding the ship of state to the safety of the inner harbor, and out of danger from the nihilistic, storm-tossed sea.

But some point to the very same weak and corrupt human element of the Church, and equate that with the Church itself.  This is erroneous.

Can anyone, including non-Catholics, seriously think that Christ -- the Head -- could possibly be connected to a corrupt, rotting Body (the Church)?

I think not.

His Church is perfect, as Christ is perfect.

Pray for the discernment to understand this fact.

Gene DeLalla

1 comment:

  1. You're so right and to the point. The point being that Christ should be with us and in us in all our thinking ALL YEAR ROUND; every moment of our days. This is the same as the Christmas season. Should we just be extra nice at the Christmas season and then go back to another less caring attitude the rest of the year; No, of course not.


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