Monday, July 30, 2018

Continuing massive sexual abuse scandal in the "Catholic" church.

Almost on a daily basis, there are more and more stories of priests, bishops and cardinals, along with some heads of religious orders or "charitable" organizations of various sorts, taking advantage of, or outright using the vulnerable to their fulfill their own weird and bizarre sexual fantasies.

Let me be clear, there are many wolves in sheep's clothing currently stalking the halls of the innocent searching for new victims.  These demonic pimps are finally being vetted and exposed (absolutely no pun intended here, as this is a terrible attack on the youth of the Church by these phony skunks wearing the Roman collar).

Keep in mind, that some years ago, there were Communists that recruited "men" to enter the Catholic seminaries to become priests.  Most of these "men" were (or still are?) in the priesthood, or, they might have moved up the ranks, so to speak, and are now bishops or cardinals (or popes, over the years?).  It is thought that many of these "men" were, or still are homosexuals, not "frustrated" celibates going about the important business of the salvation of souls -- the first and foremost mission of the Church.

One of the prime recruiters (there were at least several) was a woman named Bella Dodd.  She was a Communist, and, in fact, testified before Congress on the mandate given her by the then Soviet Union.  Before she died, she reconciled to the Church, thank God!

But the damage was done, and continues to this day with many seminaries turning away real, decent men because they would not bend to the homosexual culture running rampant throughout the world.

I would like to mention something that few ever hear from the mainstream media these days, and that is the FACT that the sexual abuse scandal, as bad as it is in the Catholic Church, is worse, much worse among the public school teachers, administrators and coaches.  You read that right.  Much worse in the public school system across this country.  Do the research and see for yourself.  In addition, it is quite prevalent among Protestant pastors and ministers, as well as Rabbis, again, do the research.

This does not excuse the corrupt, satanic goings on among the human element in the Catholic Church.

Every single one of these monsters must face some type of justice, Catholic or not, if not in this world, then absolutely in the next.  My advice to these creatures: make amends before you breath your last...

Please pray for the victims of these scallywags, and continue to pray for our country.

Gene DeLalla 


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