Monday, July 2, 2018

What does the hard left really believe -- or not believe?

Does the hard left really believe that it is wrong to separate children from their parents?

Answer: No.  Because they separate children from their parents on a daily basis through abortion.  And we all know what abortion is: the destruction of the little baby developing in her mother's womb.
If only they would care just as much for the American parents that lost their children to car crashes; cars driven by drunk, illegal aliens.

Does the hard left have true compassion for children in general?

Answer: No.  Because if they did, they would also care about those pre-born babies I just mentioned.  If only they would care just as much for the American parents that lost their children -- and sometimes their husbands/wives -- to car crashes; cars driven by drunk, illegal aliens.

Does the hard left believe that we are a sovereign nation, entitled to secure borders?

Answer: No.  Because they can't think straight, they want open borders to strengthen their own political base, regardless of the expense and hardship imposed on their own citizens.

Does the hard left believe that the MS-13 gang of animals believe in the right to life in these Untied States?

Answer: It doesn't matter, since they -- the hard left -- are lawless themselves.

Does the hard left believe in the Natural Law?

Answer: No.  Because on a daily basis, nearly 3,000 pre-born babies are slaughtered in the  US of A through abortion.  And because they are adamantly pro-sodomite.

Does the hard left know the history of their own political icon and hero, former President Obama?

Answer: Yes, but choose to ignore his corruption and malice directed to the most vulnerable of our race: pre-born babies.

Does the hard left know the history of their original political icon and hero, former President Clinton?

Answer: Yes, but choose to ignore his corruption and malice directed to the most vulnerable of our race: pre-born babies.

Does the hard left believe in equal justice?

Answer: Of course not.

Does the hard left believe in freedom of speech for all?

Answer: Of course they do, but only if it agrees with their ideology.

Does the hard left believe that you and I have the right to worship God, free from discrimination and harassment?

Answer: Yes.  But only if you are NOT a Christian.

Does the hard left think that we -- "deplorables" and "irredeemables" -- are stupid?

Answer: Of course.

Does the hard left think they will win any new, civil war?

Answer: Of course, but they're wrong, very wrong.

Does the hard left believe that animals have more rights than the preborn?

Answer: Of course.

Gene DeLalla

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