Friday, July 13, 2018

Fear and intimidation: the new norm.

The land of the free and the home of the brave (The U.S. of A.)

"Live Free or Die."  (Motto of the State of New Hampshire.)

"Give me liberty, or give me death!"  Patrick Henry.

"I have not yet begun to fight!"  John Paul Jones, father of the American Navy.

"Victory or death!"  Col. Travis (at the Alamo).

If any of these maxims sound familiar, they should.

Yet, other than those who have their respective heads buried in the sand, it is quite apparent that freedom of speech is far from free of fear and intimidation in the United States of America.

So, even though the Constitution guarantees our right to free speech (and the right to exercise and practice our religion), just take a look at the stories that daily pepper the "6 o'clock news," or your favorite left-wing newspaper story, and see for yourself how those rights are under constant attack by the radical socialists and anarchists (is there really any difference between the two?).

As a veteran of not one, but two branches of the military, and a Vietnam veteran, it pains me to see what has been happening over the last couple of decades, especially during the Clinton, Bush and Obama administrations regarding our basic rights.

This abominable period of our history started way before "9/11," but that disastrous, false-flag event became the catalyst for the elitists to curtail, sometimes in the most subtle of ways, through legislation, our freedoms and liberties, under the guise of "security".   It was Ben Franklin who said that those who trade their freedoms for security, deserve neither.

Just try going out on the corner to preach God, or, support for President Trump, and see what happens to you.  I would say that you will be faced with some type of threat of violence or intimidation, or, have epithets hurled at you by leftists lunatics denouncing "hate" speech.  Whatever that  means.

Remember, I have said many times, that the hard-left, anti-American liberals, always accuse us of what they, themselves do.  Amazing!

And it's not just fanatical screaming and yelling, but the real threat of physical violence from those that can't stand someone, anyone, disagreeing with their leftist ideology; their hate for traditions of society, or the basic right to life of the pre-born.

Isn't that at the heart of the attacks; hatred for the most defenseless of our race?  Kill the pre-born, destroy the family unit, equals less freedom and more chaos, far more than the societal collapse depicted in Mad Max.

There may come a time, in the not-too-distant future, when we will have to step up to the plate and physically defend ourselves, our families, and our way of life.  If we don't, who will?

Pray for our country.

Gene DeLalla  

1 comment:

  1. Right on for today; sadly. But, with God there is HOPE.


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