Monday, July 9, 2018

Murder, Inc., AKA: "Planned Parenthood."

The merchants of death continue their unrelenting, pedal-to-the-medal, slaughter of the pre-born.

But first, a little history...

Similar to the mob "contract company," Murder, Inc., coming into existence back in the 1930s, its purpose was to hire "hit" men to take out their rivals with gruesome results.  

Similarly, this "non-profit" diabolical creation of the eugenic lunatic, Margaret Sanger, "Planned Parenthood," is still given nearly $500 million of our tax-payer monies every single year, year after year.  And the results are just as gruesome, with "doctors" destroying tiny babies in the most heinous of ways, in some cases, selling the body parts of these poor kids.

President Trump, I believe, is trying to defund this killer organization, but is facing a tidal wave of resistance on many levels, and some of that resistance is emanating from within his own party, you know, the Republicrats.

Shortly, the president will be announcing his new pick to fill the coming vacancy on the Supreme Court.  Already, the hard-core leftists are in full attack mode regardless of who is nominated, "conservative" or not.  But this is to be expected; nothing new here.

It should be pointed out, that Sanger was quite serious about eradicating the black race from the U.S.  In fact, that's why the majority of the abortion mills are strategically located in urban areas, mostly in "minority" neighborhoods.   Racism, bigotry, you know, all the epithets that the liberals hurl at us true conservatives, accurately describes what they are.  Remember, they accuse us of what they do!

One more thing... It is bewildering that the so-called black "leaders," such as "Rev." Jesse Jackson, and that lunatic fool, "Rev." Sharpton, are ardent pro-abortion, in other words, they see no problem in selling out their own race, just so long as they can maintain their power, position and influence among those same blacks whose heads are on the chopping block.  These co-conspirators have lost all sense of the Natural Law, hence, they can no longer decipher what is right or wrong, or don't care.

Pray for these lost souls; pray for an end to abortion; pray for our country; pray for our president, and pray for your families.

Gene DeLalla



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