Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Traitors, Patriots, and the Deep State...

The date: July 4, 2018, the nations birthday...

But will this date be one of celebrations, hot dogs, beer and fireworks, heat and humidity -- the "normal" things that one expects on "The Fourth," or will it be a day to remember, or, should I say, a nightmare to remember?

Time will certainly tell, and we won't have to wait very long; a mere 24 hours.

What we do know is that there are traitors to our country, patriots as well, and the ever-present "deep state."

First, let's reverse the order, and look at the deep state, as it is now known...

Who and what are they?

In my opinion, "they" are the hold-overs from previous administrations; some from long ago, yet they seem to stick like super-glue to the offices they hold, and the power and influence they wield, not only over their subordinates, but also over the monies and policies implemented by whatever new administration that comes to power.

Make no mistake, the power of the deep state is enormous and vast in scope!

They can make or break any new president.

I'm not kidding.

How?  In a nutshell, by stifling his (or future her) implementation of policy or appointments to fill the many vacancies that a president requires for any measure of success.

As we can now see what is happening to President Trump and his allies, the deep state cronies are fighting him tooth and nail on almost every front.

They are traitors to our country.

Strong language, I know, but true nonetheless, because they are not looking out for their country, but for their own anti-American agenda.

One good thing is that they are almost universally exposed.  We now know, for the most part, who our enemies are.

Next, the patriots...

Who are they, and what can they do to overcome the deep state traitors?

You and I are the patriots.  We can fight back through civic action; being good citizens; protecting and defending our families, and the sacred traditions of our faith, as well as those right traditions of our country, and adhere to and defend the Natural Law.

If necessary, fight for our rights that are guaranteed -- not by government -- but by God.

And pray for our country, that, as a nation, we turn back to Him that created us in His image and likeness...

Gene DeLalla


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