Sunday, July 22, 2018

Life is so tenuous; fragile...

Life, is, indeed, so tenuous, so fragile.

This past week, there was a terrible, horrendous tragedy that struck tourists enjoying a boat ride in one of southwest Missouri's well-known amusement parks.

It seems that a "duck boat" with 29 passengers and crew got caught in a squall-line of thunderstorms that turned a tranquil lake into a raging, storm-tossed sea, causing the tiny boat to be swamped with  whitecap-waves.

Right before the eyes of those taking videos of the event, the SOBs (souls on-board -- as we used to refer to those on board a ship or boat when I was in the Coast Guard back in the mid- to late-70's) had their lives snuffed out within a very short minute or two.

Gone, were fifteen tourists and crew.  Sadly, included in this disaster were nine members of one family!

Let that sink in: nine members of one family, ranging in age from 76- to a 1-year-old!

When a soldier succumbs to an enemy's bullet, it is almost expected; the loss is "tolerated" as a consequence of the battle.  But to see such an unnecessary loss of life of innocent (non-combatants) is heartrending beyond comprehension.

As we have recently seen, when such unexplainable, incomprehensible events occur, there are candle-light vigils; memorial services and prayer gatherings held for the deceased, and rightly so.

However, I cannot recall to mind or hear of any candle-light vigils; memorial services or prayer gatherings held for the nearly 3,000 pre-born babies killed in this country every single day by Murder, Inc. (aka: "planned parenthood").

Please pray for those who died, as well as for their families.

And pray for an end to the tragedy of abortion...

Gene DeLalla


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