Friday, July 27, 2018

Can't trust the lying media.

The title of my short article is an understatement.

Just imagine if former president Obama had lies told about him on a daily basis, not one lie, but many lies -- day in, and day out.  Do you think that folks hearing those lies will, eventually, begin to believe those lies?  Such tactics have been used since the Fall (that's the fall from the Garden)!

But keep in mind that if Obama was lied about, whoever, or whatever entity was telling those lies, would be called a racist, or a bigot.

Racist; bigot -- two words that have been used and abused to describe President Trump ever since he took office back in January, of 2017.

It seems the lies that have been floating around regarding President Trump, are plastered all over the "6 o'clock news," as well as the various rags that pass for newspapers and magazines these days. (I would be insulting my pet bird if I used those publications to line his cage to absorb his droppings!)

But why are the media attacking our president -- and he is our president!  Remember, he destroyed his opponent in an electoral landslide!  And the Hillary lovers just can't take it.  That is why their hate and malice continues, and will continue, so long as President Trump stays the course.  

He is an "outsider," and that is like pouring salt on the wound!

I love it!

He also acknowledges God Almighty, another reason the hard-left, liberals hate his guts.  Most are atheists anyway, and that includes such miscreants as self-described "devout Catholic" Nancy Pelosi; Biden, Kerry, the list of apostate "Catholics" is almost endless.  Most are for the killing of the pre-born, deceived by the demon, that it is a woman's "right," found somewhere in the Constitution.

Well, here is some real, big news: God will not be mocked.  He will have His Justice!  And if anyone thinks that God's mercy is endless, boundless, never-ending, regardless of the grievous and grave sins of mankind, you are dead wrong.

I suggest we all pray for our country, and frequently at that.

Gene DeLalla

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