Tuesday, July 24, 2018

A "personal relationship" with Christ...

Does anyone have Protestant friends?

I do.

When in conversation with your dear, non-Catholic friends, how many times have you heard them say they have a "personal relationship" with Christ?

I have, many times.

Pardon my ignorance, but I'm a little unsure where they get that from, or what that means.

I don't think it's in the Bible, so where do they get that notion from?

Is it made up?  Who knows?

It's a little like claiming to be a Christian; seems like that august handle is applied to an awful lot of folk these days.  Another topic of discussion, I'm sure, but maybe at a later date...

What I do know, is that our "separated brethren," who claim to read and know the Bible, it seems to me, have been very selective in what they read and understand.

Don't get me wrong, anyone who is "biblical" by nature is heading in the right direction, but he or she just hasn't reached their final destination, meaning the fullness of the truth of revealed religion (Scripture and Tradition -- that's tradition with a capital "T").

They seem to be trying to navigate those insidious roadblocks, or wrong turns on the narrow, dimly lit highway that leads to the heavenly Beatitude.

I, for one, don't want to see my Protestant friends -- those that I love -- miss that important turn that will get them back on the right road.

One aspect of that "right road," is the real personal relationship that, dare I say, only we Catholics have.

If that shocks any non-Catholic, it should.

But it is easy to understand, that is, if one is, in fact, open to the truth and willing to accept that truth.

What kind of "personal relationship" with Christ am I talking about?

The most intimate of all: the Holy Eucharist.

When we (Catholics) receive Holy Communion, we are receiving the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ!

Yes, a miracle!  It happens at every Catholic Mass!  I see "It" with my own eyes; I receive "It" on my tongue and into my body!  But only if I'm worthy to do so!

Is there factual information in the Bible to back up this incredible miracle that I just described?

Of course there is, otherwise I wouldn't have dared to mention such a momentous, earth-shattering event.

Before I provide such information, let us contemplate just what is happening here: the Creator of the universe, comes to us, and in us, so we can eventually reach Him, and be with Him forever.

Can our limited mental capacities really comprehend this?  Personally, it is difficult for me to understand, but it's true nonetheless!  

And now the proof: this is the "hard" part for those who may fight this revelation, but if one is sincere, then he or she will be open for, and, I hope, accept these facts.

I point to St. John, Chapter 6 -- all of it.  And, no, the eating of the flesh and drinking of the blood, is not a metaphor.  See what happens when the disciples "walked no more" ("because this saying is hard").

Then, we must also consider the great Apostle to the Gentiles, St. Paul, once a persecutor of the early Christians, who, himself partook of the Eucharist!  Read 1 Corinthians, Chapter 10; 16-17; 1 Corinthians, Chapter 11, 23-27.  Again, if the Eucharist is a metaphor, then what St. Paul says would make absolutely no sense at all.

I ask those non-Catholics to honestly dwell and reflect on this critical, soul-saving information.

No, I'm not attempting to say "see, I told you so," or win a debate, I just want to bring the relevant facts of an astounding miracle that every Catholic priest confects at every Mass.  Come and see for yourselves...

May God bless all of good will...

Gene DeLalla 

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