Sunday, July 8, 2018


The hard left's tactic is really getting old and tired, isn't it?   Accusing those "conservative" Republicans -- and anyone else, for that matter, that believes a pre-born baby girl has a right to breath air.

(In a bit, I'll explain why I put the word conservative in quotation marks.)

But, as I have said many times before, the radical left are those nasty folks that wage a constant, consistent, and deadly war on women (and men).  Again, the tactic is to accuse the right of doing exactly what they, themselves do.  Amazing!  The problem is, is that far too many brainwashed, mind-numbed robots consider the "6 o'clock news" as gospel.  Of course that includes such rags as the Washington Post, the New York Times and other bird-cage-liner tabloids.

Now, it is becoming apparent that the Democratic party is really the enemy of the people, especially the pre-born.  There is no doubt about it.  But there is more; they have become the political arm of the anarchists and the globalists, encouraging violence and harassment of innocent folks that simply support a validly elected, sitting president of the United States.

One of the things I learned while training as an Air Force policeman, is that any violent force must be met with greater force to overcome it, and, if necessary, deadly force.  And that force just may become the norm, after witnessing the despicable display of violence that occurred in Portland, Oregon, as well as other locations recently.  As I reported in a previous post, the police stood down, most likely at the order of their civilian overlords (the mayor, perhaps?).

Their tactic backfired.  The good guys knocked the hell out of the anarchists.  And make no mistake, they are anarchists; communists, supported by those with plenty of money, attempting to topple our president and our way of life.


To impose their version of Shangri-La; a socialist utopia, where the few elitists dominate and control the rest of us.  That is their goal, plain and simple.

Here is the reason, by the way, why I put the word conservative in quotation marks: those who call themselves conservatives, are nothing of the sort. When I listen to their spiel, I try to figure out just what they are conserving.  As it turns out -- as in the French Revolution -- some of the "conservatives" of that revolution eventually went to the guillotine themselves.  Why was that?  Because they weren't radical enough to suite the rampaging lunatics that took over the "cause" of toppling the legitimate reign of the King. And by the way, the legend that Marie Antoinette said: let them eat cake, is absolute nonsense.  A myth concocted by the rabidly anti-Catholics who murdered so many priests, bishops and religious, not to mention lay faithful, that the streets ran red with the blood of the martyrs.

Today's "conservative" believes that all have equal rights under "settled law," including the abomination of the sodomites, the "transgenders" (there is no such thing!).  Libertarian conservatives  believe in the live-and-let-live philosophy.  As in the French Revolution just mentioned, the idea of the freedom to do what one wants to do without restrictions, so long as it doesn't interfere with the rights of others to do what they want to do without restrictions, is an absolute recipe for disaster, a mentality of the jungle; a manner of living without God; without the Commandments; without love.

The true conservative, on the other hand, is attempting to preserve the rightful traditions of a God-fearing society, virtue, the natural law, love of neighbor, and the hate of evil, sin and despair.

Far too many of our Republican politicians are of the former ilk.  Maybe they can't figure it out that's what makes them weak, and compromisers, even when it comes to life issues.  But maybe that what it means to be a politician?

Pray for our country; pray for the weakened hierarchy of the Church, pray for yourself and your family; never give up!

Gene DeLalla

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